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Black holes

Explanation of black holes

As a simple way to define a black khole, it is any astronomical body whose escape velocity exceed
the speed of light, due to it’s huge gravitational force, which comes from it’s great density. The first
definition of a black hole was sujested by John Michell and Pierre-Simon in the Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society (1784), as they say that it could exist a body where the density
was high enough to attract any light it could posibly emmit. At that time, they weren’t refering to
what we know today as a black hole, but, indirectly, they gave rise to the idea of it.

As time passed, the speculations of such astronomical body dissapeared when the wave theory of
light was developed, thinking no calculation on gravitation could cause any modification on the
propagation of light ; nevertheless, the possibility of this black gigants to exist ressurrected the
momment the General Relativity had taken place, a theory in which light is submited to gravity.
Taking into consideration the theories of relativity, the black holes were defined as the region of
space-time in which the gravitational potential exceeds the square of the speed of light.

With the theories of relativity on board, we can understand the

macroscopic universe as the fabric of space-time, stablishing a
connection between space and time, and the light as a particle and
a wave that has a non-variable velocity that can’t be
overwhelmed. Therefore, any existing body will keep moving
forward in time no matter what, and can’t go faster than the speed
of light; this is graphically represented as a light cone. In picture
1, a ray of light is emmited at a given point of space , assuming
c=1 , the light moves 1 unit of time per 1 unit of space,
making diagonal lines with the space-time graphic, taking all
possible directions where this ray of light can go, we can observe
at picture 2, that an inverted cone appears above the hypersurface
of the present time, and another one underneath it. The space
inside the cones are all the possible paths a particle will go or had
been, being the future possibilities the upward cone, the
past ones the downward cone and the point where both
converge, the present. As the particle can’t go faster
than the speed of light, it’s possible ways to move
through space-time are limited by the interior of the
cones, working in the frame of advancing forward in
time as progressing up in the cone, and moving through
the space as going right or left. Furthermore, the
General Relativity explains how we understand gravity
as a curvature of the space-time produced by a body
with mass, hence with density, modifying the directions
of the light cone, altering the time and the space,
dilating or contracting it depending on the observer and
the specific curvature, which is directly proportional to
the density of the astronomical body or bodies that
produced it.

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