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Alvina Habib Khan*
Imaad Nizami**

*Student, IV Sem, M. Arch, Recreation Architecture, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
**Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Ekistics, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi

Abstract – No-one really knows what the future holds, we can only image what our
future would look like. Our vision could be of a Utopian, sustainable, green, technology
driven or Dystopian, with people forced to live in airtight sealed pods because war or
some other disaster has rendered whole swathes of the city unliveable.
One thing we can predict is that spaces will change due to various factors be it climate
change, depletion of resources, war scenarios, etc. Every scenario/situation will need a
different approach and solutions.
This paper will explore the possibilities of different Utopian cities by formulating
alternative scenarios that could take place in the next 100 years forcing the mankind to
rely on renewable resources and nature to survive.

Keywords – Utopia, cities, recreational spaces, ecotopia, climate change, depletion of

resources, nuclear wars

1. INTRODUCTION The word utopia has become adopted in the

English language to mean a place where
The term Utopia was first was first used as
everything is ideal or perfect. Ecotopia
the name of an imaginary island, governed
means any ecologically ideal place or
on a perfect political and social system, in
situation. Ecotopia aims to harness More's
the book Utopia (1516) by Sir Thomas
spirit to predict the future of the world -- if
More.1 “Utopia” comes from Greek: οὐ
they somehow managed to become super
(“not”) and τόπος (“place”) which
translates as “no-place” and literally means
any non-existent society, when ‘described
in considerable detail’.2

1 3
The British Library Board n.d. Marshall, Alan. 2017. Utopian cities of the
Wikipedia. 2021. Utopia. future re-imagine life on Earth

2. RESEARCH QUESTIONS somehow managed to become super eco-
friendly. 3
What are the possible scenarios that could
take place 100 years from now, affecting 5. SCENARIOS
the way we live?
Further discussed are different scenarios
How will cities and spaces function in which involves a review of both global and
response to these scenarios? local environmental challenges. This allows
for a diversity of future scenarios rather
Will sustainability be a right approach
than one common vision of the "future
towards the future cities?
5.1. SCENARIO 1-
Explore the different possibilities of future FOSSIL FUEL
utopian cities through the lens of
Crude oil is the lifeblood of modern
economies and nations, but what would
4. LITERATURE REVIEW happen if this vital fuel source were to ever
be exhausted?
The term Utopia was first was first used as
the name of an imaginary island, governed First, there’s transportation. With the
on a perfect political and social system, in overwhelming majority of the oil, we
the book Utopia (1516) by Sir Thomas produce, and import devoted to powering
More.4 (The British Library Board n.d.) our cars, motorcycles, trucks, trains and
“Utopia” comes from Greek: οὐ (“not”) and planes, the impact on getting around would
τόπος (“place”) which translates as “no- be most dramatic. Price-gouging would
place” and literally means any non-existent begin right away, and long lines would
society, when ‘described in considerable form at gas stations. The lines wouldn’t last,
detail’.2 though, because the gasoline would soon be
gone. A strategic reserve of finished
The word utopia has become adopted in the petroleum products — gasoline, diesel and
English language to mean a place where aviation fuel — has often been suggested
everything is ideal or perfect. but never created. Within a month, every
Ecological utopia – fuel tank would be dry, all our gauge
needles would point to “E,” and the roads,
Ecotopia term was Ecotopia means any first rails and skies would be virtually empty.5
used in a utopian novel “Ecotopia: The
Notebooks and Reports of William Needless to say, it would be a pretty serious
Weston” by Ernest Callenbach, published event. The loss of these resources would
in 1975. 3 have a profound, and shattering effect on
human civilization.
An ecologically ideal place or situation.
Ecotopia aims to harness More's spirit to But is it a realistic scenario for the future?
predict the future of the world -- if they

The British Library Board. n.d. Thomas More's

According to British Petroleum's Statistical establish delivery infrastructure and switch
Review of World Energy, we should have over our cars.7
enough to last until about 2070.5
Thus, transformation of cities and their
network takes place. Instead of being paths
for cars and trucks, roads and highways are
converted to vegetated greenways for
pedestrians and cyclists. The highways
would also act as a network of ecological
corridors; connecting populations of wild
plants and animals that would otherwise be

Figure i transportation vehicles stacked on over the


Source -

This will lead us to entirely depend on solar,
wind, hydrogen, natural gas as energies of
the future.
The loss of oil will make us question the
shortest of distance.
Following World War II, one machine ruled
city planning and our way of life: the
automobile. Cities were designed and built
around roadways and the interstate system
would change the way we drove our cars
near and far. 6
How far is it to the nearest grocery store? Figure ii Car-free city.
How long does it take to walk — or bike, or
skate — to work? Finally confronting our Source- James McKay

dependence on motor vehicles, we’d reach The big cities will get a huge makeover,
for whatever solutions we could find. Soon, with dozens more suburban train stations
we’d all be looking for an electric car or and extensive electrified mass transit
converting our vehicles to run on natural networks comprising trolley buses and
gas. But we’d be waiting for some time to trams that will be connected to surrounding
secure adequate natural gas supplies, small towns.

5 7
McFadden, Christopher. 2019. What Would Steve Hallett, John Wright. 2011. Imagining a
Happen If the World Ran Out of Crude Oil? world without oil.
Szymkowski, Sean. 2019. Totally car-free
neighbourhood planned in Arizona.

turned into sports pitches for football,
cricket, rugby, cycling.8

Figure iii Transformation of streets

Source -
Figure iv Roadways replaced by greens
Free electric shared taxis are introduced for
people with mobility issues and shared Source-
electric minibuses for long distances or he-car-free-cities-of-the-future/
rural connections.
Neighbourhoods look and feel completely
different. Some roads remain, reclassified NUCLEAR WAR/ MELTDOWN
as service roads for buses, trams, or for A nuclear holocaust, nuclear apocalypse or
electric vehicles for trade or health workers. atomic holocaust is a theoretical scenario
But all other roads are now neighbourhood where the mass detonation of nuclear
mobility routes. Two lanes have been weapons causes globally widespread
reduced to one, creating active travel destruction and radioactive fallout. Such a
corridors for walking and cycling. scenario envisages large parts of the Earth
In the space freed up, life and activity becoming uninhabitable due to nuclear
flourishes. Independent traders, community warfare, potentially causing the collapse of
businesses, green spaces, pocket parks, civilization and, in the worst case, the
micro gardening, allotments, and extinction of humanity. 9
playgrounds have appeared like Besides the immediate destruction of cities
mushrooms. The noise of traffic has been by nuclear blasts, the potential aftermath of
replaced by the constant hubbub of a nuclear war could involve firestorms, a
laughing, playing, and chatting. Nature and nuclear winter, widespread radiation
wildlife have found ways back in through sickness from fallout, and/or the temporary
biodiversity corridors.8 (if not permanent) loss of much modern
In the city centre, multi-storey car parks technology due to electromagnetic pulses. 9
have been turned into bike racing tracks and
rooftop gardens. Along all dual
carriageways, surplus lanes have been

Chatterton, Paul. 2019. Extinction Rebellion’s 9
Wikipedia. n.d. Nuclear holocaust.
car-free streets showcase the possibility of a
beautiful, safe and green future.

Figure v Nuclear Explosion Figure vi Sign warns of the insidious danger still present
in Chernobyl
Source - Source -
pg 3200/public/140326-long-shadow-chernobyl-ludwig-
Considering the events of the past –
CHERNOBYL DISASTER – accident at Another example is the Fukushima nuclear
the Chernobyl nuclear power station in the meltdowns in Japan during 2011 resulted in
Soviet Union in 1986, the worst disaster in the abandonment of a host of small cities on
nuclear power generation. More than 30 the nation’s Pacific seaboard.10 The event
years on, scientists estimate the zone was primarily caused by the 2011 Tōhoku
around the former plant will not be earthquake and tsunami. It was the most
habitable for up to 20,000 years. severe nuclear accident since the Chernobyl
(BLAKEMORE 2019) disaster in 1986.11

According to the International Atomic Situation 1- An all-out nuclear war between

Energy Agency (IAEA), it released 400 Russia and the US. Not only would
times more radiation into the atmosphere explosions, fires and radiation exposure kill
than the atomic bomb dropped on millions in targeted cities, but a "nuclear
Hiroshima. More than 116,000 people were winter" lasting from months to years would
evacuated from a 1,622-square mile zone also drastically alter the Earth's climate,
(which is half in Belarus and half in causing freezing summers and worldwide
Ukraine). The town of Pripyat, once home famine.
to over 50,000 people, was abandoned,
along with the surrounding farms and
villages. (Schenkman, After a nuclear
disaster, then what? A surprising look at the
animals of Chernobyl and Fukushima 2020)
What remains of the reactor is now inside a
massive steel containment structure
deployed in late 2016. Containment efforts
and monitoring continue, and clean-up is Figure vii Visualisation of a city after Nuclear war
expected to last until at least 2065.
(BLAKEMORE 2019) content/uploads/2013/09/City_Ruins-1024x610.jpg

10 11
Marshall, Alan. n.d. The Utopia of the Isolated Wikipedia. n.d. Fukushima Daiichi nuclear
Nuclear Family? disaster.

Situation 2- Almost the entire population of The only way residents that manage to
a city has to be evacuated because an survive in this disaster hit places is through
“unpredictable” seismic event hits yet the construction of domestic homes that are
another “perfectly safe” nuclear plant near impervious to the radiation. These may be
the city. temporary emergency shelters, but they will
soon become permanent features --
especially when other disaster hit, like
The researchers found that if the U.S. and repeated waves of toxic air pollution and
Russia were each to launch their entire incessant pandemics that are likely to strike
nuclear arsenals at one another, soot would again and again.
drift high into the atmosphere, blotting out
Within each 'base' home, there are facilities
the sun for months to years. Summers
to produce fresh water, grow adequate food
would become a thing of the past, with
crops, recycle waste, and be generally self-
temperatures throughout much of the
reliant. But to go outside and remain safe
Northern Hemisphere dipping below
and healthy whilst doing so, it’s necessary
freezing year-round. Growing seasons
to wear a protective mask and suit.
would be cut by 90%, and most of the world
would be plagued by famine.12 In effect, each home is like a little spaceship
on the land, and indeed spaceship
Finally, as if the effects on climate weren't
technology is likely to be used in the
enough, soot would poke huge holes in the
engineering and architecture of such
ozone layer, bombarding the surface of
residences. Because the city has been
Earth with ultraviolet radiation.12
greatly depopulated, those who remain can

Figure viii Visualization of Base constructed after the war.

Source- Author (Photo collage and post processing)

Whitcomb, Isobel. 2019. A Nuclear Winter
Could Last Years After an All-Out War Between
Russia and the US.

create a quiet and independent post- As humans continue to degrade and destroy
apocalyptic paradise. our planet’s resources, leading to
predictions of total ecological collapse,
Some “Nuclear Greenies”—James
some now suggest that a human colony
Lovelock, for example—have noted that an
elsewhere may be our species’ best hope for
irradiated landscape may in fact be a source
of ecological recovery and rehabilitation,
since most humans don’t want to live there, Space colonies can supply clean energy
and abandonment of the radiated zone necessary for human survival in the 21st
leaves wilderness alone to flourish (albeit century. In addition, they can provide new
with numerous mutative impacts and cancer homelands and an expanded ecological
outbreaks). 10 niche for our species.15
An example of such is the Chernobyl
“exclusion zone” and Fukushima. Wildlife
ecologist Jim Beasley has gone into the
contaminated zones around Chernobyl and
Fukushima and discovered that populations
of animals have been increasing, despite the
high contamination of these areas. “All the
data that we’ve collected at this point
suggests that these animals in these nuclear
landscapes are, at the population level
anyway, thriving in the absence of
humans”, Beasley says. 13
If such a conservation zone is paradise for Figure ix cover art of human colony on Mars with several
animals and plants, it may also be paradise domes and parks for "Welcome to Mars: Making a Home
for a few intrepid families who enjoy the on the Red Planet" book for kids

environmental challenges, the changed Source -

landscape, the wildlife, and the quiet DtRwJFFj9QI/XPqMv_BsE1I/AAAAAAAADw0/iV-Z-
isolation. g
5.3. SCENARIO- 3 Elon Musk has said that there's a 70 percent
EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL chance that he'll travel on a rocket to Mars
COLONIZATION in his lifetime, and that he's thinking about
eventually moving there to live in a human
Space colonization (also called space outpost on the surface of the red planet.16
settlement or extra-terrestrial colonization)
is the hypothetical permanent habitation While Elon Musk envisions a private-sector
and exploitation of natural resources from Mars colony, NASA has plans to eventually
outside planet Earth. establish a base on Mars as well. The US
Administration currently is focused upon
revisiting the moon by 2024 and building a

13 15
(Schenkman, After a nuclear disaster, then what? Maryniak, Gregg. 1992. How Space Colonies
A surprising look at the animals of Chernobyl and Could Benefit Earth.
Fukushima 2020) Mike Allen, Jim VandeHei. 2018. Elon Musk:
Morton, Adam. 2018. Should We Colonize Other There's a 70% chance that I personally go to Mars.

permanent base there that would provide LIFE ON MARS
the opportunity for "developing the
A space colony has three essential
technologies to take American astronauts to
characteristics. First, a colony must have a
Mars and beyond," in the words of Vice
tightly closed-cycle ecological system
President Mike Pence. 17
capable of replenishing the colonists' air,
In anticipation of that day, NASA already is water, and food with only trace elements
testing technologies such as space habitat required from outside the system. Second,
modules — basically, spacefaring mobile it must have enough radiation-shielding so
homes that would provide life support for that indefinite stays are possible. Third, it
humans living on the surface of other must provide sufficient artificial gravity to
worlds. 18 permit the inhabitants to reside on a
permanent basis without bone-calcium loss
Situation – With global climate change
or other harmful effects of prolonged
taking place on Earth including flooding,
exposure to microgravity. 15
frequent wildfires, longer periods of
drought in some regions and an increase in Early habitats would be much smaller, with
the number, duration and intensity of populations of hundreds or thousands. Each
tropical storms. The idea of Colonising on habitat would have provisions for
other planets became a reality in the 22nd agriculture and closed-cycle life support so
Century. This scenario deals with how that once a colony is established, very little
colonisation and homes on mars can look

Figure x Visualisation of a habitat on mars

Source - Author

17 18
Wall, Mike. 2019. US to Return Astronauts to NASA. 2019. NASA Begins Testing Habitation
the Moon by 2024, VP Pence Says. Prototypes.

1 - Air lock 12 - Personal Units
2 - Dining Area 13 - Corridor
3 - Kitchen 14 - Bath area
4 - Gym 15 - WCs & Wash Area
5 - Library 16 - Bedroom
6 - Medical Bay 17 - Cut out
7 - Controlled Plantation Area 18 - Emergency lockdown
8 - Spiral staircase 19 - Suits
9 - Way to Research Lab 20 - Communication Zone
10 - Research Lab 21 - Control Room
11 - Workstation 22 - Storage
Figure xi Plans for a habitation module
Source - Author

outside material would be required to private quarters, amenities zone, lockdown

sustain it. area and controlled plantation zone.
In-situ habitation architecture that behaves The design was specifically created to
not only as a dwelling, but also as a design withstand dust storms and harsh climates
that nestles with Mars’ cold, windy, and that can be found on the red planet.
dusty atmosphere, making the most of its
The use of space resources less than 10
unique qualities.
percent of the cost of launching
Suitable location - Deuteronilus Mensae construction materials from Earth. Self-
(43.9°N 337.4°W) (Rich in buried ice sufficiency of colonies.
These houses will be built with materials
Conditions - 1/3rd earth gravity, Average
that is be imported from Earth. Taking
Temperature: -63° C, Surface pressure 6 to
advantage of robotic autonomy, the plates
14 mbar, 95% CO2, frozen water available,
unfold forming the habitable abode. A
0 to 10 m/s air velocity.
compact and easy solution. (windows) -
The envisioned habitat is divided into major glazing acting as a second protective shield
functional areas: entrance, research areas, for radiations.

Figure xii Isometric of the habitat on mars

Source- Author
Figure xiii Green (Recreational) Zone
Skin is made up of mild steel hollow tubes
Source - Author
enclosed by complex translucent
polyurethane layer of carbon kevlar fabric. A dedicated green zone is created for
recreational activities which houses land for
The external shell - aerodynamic biosphere farming potato, tomato, and spinach.
supporting vegetation, repels radiation,
maintains atmospheric pressure (100 Kilo CONCLUSION
Considering the different scenarios
Floor sealing the ground with channels of discussed and how their outcome could be
plantation using soil of mars mixed with perceived it can be concluded that ecotopia
manure produced. Regolith retaining wall is a result of dystopia.
will be built using 3D printing technology
An oft-repeated criticism against the
that anchors shell.
ecotopia is that it is dystopian and
Luminescent Ribs over the shell for way catastrophist when it comes to its diagnosis,
finding during dust storms. and utopian when it comes to its prognosis.

The column that supports the shell also On the one hand, greens warn of a scary
helps in creating magnetosphere (inserts future of planetary disaster, and on the
magnetic shield on surface to repel solar other, offer a peaceful dreamland where
winds & radiations) on the top and suction people bike to their work- and live-in
induced mechanism which crystallized picturesque houses with well-manicured
water and stores in the bottom. food gardens.
These scenarios are just possible
assumptions based on the research done by
experts in their fields to predict the future of
the earth 50-100 years from now.
Gavin Schmidt, a climate scientist who is
the director of NASA's Goddard Institute of
Space Studies said, “There's no stopping
global warming, Everything that's
happened so far is baked into the system.”19

KRAMER, SARAH. 2016. This Is What Earth
Will Look Like in 100 Years.

Also, the fact cannot be discarded that gle-post/2017/12/05/deep-blutopia-
Climate change, global warming, excessive san-diego-in-2121.
use of fossil fuels etc are all happening in
ICAN. 2017. Hiroshima and Nagasaki
real time and things are bound to deteriorate
bombings. Accessed 05 16, 2021.
if not acted upon now.
Thus, sustainability is the most viable way and_nagasaki_bombings#:~:text=B
to avoid the dreadful scenarios and also to y%20the%20end%20of%201945,E
recover from the same. ach%20person%20had%20a%20na
KRAMER, SARAH. 2016. This Is What
Earth Will Look Like in 100 Years.
08 17. Accessed 05 21, 2021.
BLAKEMORE, ERIN. 2019. The 100-years.
Chernobyl disaster: what
Marshall, Alan. n.d. The Utopia of the
happened, and the long-term
Isolated Nuclear Family? Accessed
impact. 05 20. Accessed 06 01,
05 15, 2021.
term-impact. —. 2017. Utopian cities of the future re-
imagine life on Earth. January 17.
Chatterton, Paul. 2019. Extinction
Accessed 2021.
Rebellion’s car-free streets
showcase the possibility of a
beautiful, safe and green futur. 11
16. Accessed 05 15, 2021. Maryniak, Gregg. 1992. How Space Colonies Could Benefit Earth. 01
ion-rebellions-car-free-streets- 02. Accessed 05 25, 2021.
beautiful-safe-and-green-future- 102/02161.html.
McFadden, Christopher. 2019. What
curator. 2016. Sci-Fi Cities & Mega Cities Would Happen If the World Ran
Of The Future, As Imagined Or Out of Crude Oil? 04 07. Accessed
Not? 05 30. Accessed 05 15, 2021. 06 11, 2021.
cities-mega-cities-of-the-future-as- what-would-happen-if-the-world-
imagined-or-not/. ran-out-of-crude-oil.
Ecotopia 2121. 2020. Deep Blutopia: San Mike Allen, Jim VandeHei. 2018. Elon
Diego in 2121. Accessed 06 01, Musk: There's a 70% chance that I
2021. personally go to Mars. 11 28. Accessed 05 15, 2021.

mars-space-x-14c01761-d045- ws/culdesac-car-free-
4da0-924b-322fb6a109ce.html. neighborhood-arizona-location/.
Morton, Adam. 2018. Should We Colonize The British Library Board. n.d. Thomas
Other Planets? More's Utopia. Accessed 2021.
in/Should+We+Colonize+Other+Pl e/item126618.html.
Wall, Mike. 2019. US to Return
NASA. 2019. NASA Begins Testing Astronauts to the Moon by 2024,
Habitation Prototypes. 03 27. VP Pence Says. 03 26. Accessed 05
Accessed 06 01, 2021. 30, 2021.
begins-testing-habitation- astronauts-moon-return-by-
prototypes/. 2024.html.
Schenkman, Lauren. 2020. After a nuclear Whitcomb, Isobel. 2019. A Nuclear Winter
disaster, then what? A surprising Could Last Years After an All-Out
look at the animals of Chernobyl War Between Russia and the US.
and Fukushima. 02 13. Accessed 07 31. Accessed 05 15, 2021.
05 16, 2021. ar-winter-disaster.html.
Wikipedia. n.d. Fukushima Daiichi
nuclear disaster. Accessed 05 15,
—. 2020. After a nuclear disaster, then
what? A surprising look at the hima_Daiichi_nuclear_disaster.
animals of Chernobyl and
—. n.d. Nuclear holocaust. Accessed 05
Fukushima. 02 13. Accessed 05
15, 2021.
2021, 13.
surprising-look-at-the-animals-of- —. 2021. Utopia. Accessed 2021.
Steve Hallett, John Wright. 2011.
Imagining a world without oil. 04 youmatter. 2020. Climate Change:
21. Accessed 05 22, 2021. Meaning, Definition, Causes, Examples And Consequences.
pinions/imagining-a-world- Accessed 2021.
oil/2011/04/12/AFppFHKE_story.h n/climate-change-meaning-
tml. definition-causes-and-
Szymkowski, Sean. 2019. Totally car-free
neighbourhood planned in Arizona.
11 25. Accessed 06 12, 2021. BLAKEMORE, ERIN. 2019. The
Chernobyl disaster: what

happened, and the long-term Marshall, Alan. n.d. The Utopia of the
impact. 05 20. Accessed 06 01, Isolated Nuclear Family? Accessed
2021. 05 15, 2021.
uk/environment/2019/05/chernobyl gle-post/2020/04/14/the-utopia-of-
-disaster-what-happened-and-long- the-isolated-nuclear-family.
—. 2017. Utopian cities of the future re-
Chatterton, Paul. 2019. Extinction imagine life on Earth. January 17.
Rebellion’s car-free streets Accessed 2021.
showcase the possibility of a
beautiful, safe and green futur. 11 /utopian-cities/index.html.
16. Accessed 05 15, 2021.
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Colonies Could Benefit Earth. 01
02. Accessed 05 25, 2021.
McFadden, Christopher. 2019. What
curator. 2016. Sci-Fi Cities & Mega Cities
Would Happen If the World Ran
Of The Future, As Imagined Or
Out of Crude Oil? 04 07. Accessed
Not? 05 30. Accessed 05 15, 2021.
06 11, 2021.
Ecotopia 2121. 2020. Deep Blutopia: San
Mike Allen, Jim VandeHei. 2018. Elon
Diego in 2121. Accessed 06 01,
Musk: There's a 70% chance that I
personally go to Mars. 11 28.
Accessed 05 15, 2021.
ICAN. 2017. Hiroshima and Nagasaki 4da0-924b-322fb6a109ce.html.
bombings. Accessed 05 16, 2021.
Morton, Adam. 2018. Should We Colonize
Other Planets?
NASA. 2019. NASA Begins Testing
KRAMER, SARAH. 2016. This Is What
Habitation Prototypes. 03 27.
Earth Will Look Like in 100 Years.
Accessed 06 01, 2021.
08 17. Accessed 05 21, 2021.
Schenkman, Lauren. 2020. After a nuclear
disaster, then what? A surprising

look at the animals of Chernobyl War Between Russia and the US.
and Fukushima. 02 13. Accessed 07 31. Accessed 05 15, 2021.
05 16, 2021. ar-winter-disaster.html.
Wikipedia. n.d. Fukushima Daiichi
nuclear disaster. Accessed 05 15,
—. 2020. After a nuclear disaster, then
what? A surprising look at the hima_Daiichi_nuclear_disaster.
animals of Chernobyl and
—. n.d. Nuclear holocaust. Accessed 05
Fukushima. 02 13. Accessed 05
15, 2021.
2021, 13.
surprising-look-at-the-animals-of- —. 2021. Utopia. Accessed 2021.
Steve Hallett, John Wright. 2011.
Imagining a world without oil. 04 youmatter. 2020. Climate Change:
21. Accessed 05 22, 2021. Meaning, Definition, Causes, Examples And Consequences.
pinions/imagining-a-world- Accessed 2021.
oil/2011/04/12/AFppFHKE_story.h n/climate-change-meaning-
tml. definition-causes-and-
Szymkowski, Sean. 2019. Totally car-free
neighbourhood planned in Arizona.
11 25. Accessed 06 12, 2021.
The British Library Board. n.d. Thomas
More's Utopia. Accessed 2021.
Wall, Mike. 2019. US to Return
Astronauts to the Moon by 2024,
VP Pence Says. 03 26. Accessed 05
30, 2021.
Whitcomb, Isobel. 2019. A Nuclear Winter
Could Last Years After an All-Out


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