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First and foremost, we as the members, staff and Kampung Kids program beneficiaries are hoping thal you and your family are keeping safe and well during these uncertain times. In November of 2019, we celebrated Kampung Kids 20th anniversary, which produced an overwhelming response when we announced the celebration to sponsors and volunteers. They were so enthusiasticto participate and the celebration ran well, so please poms accept our sincere thank you for all ete of you who made this event happen. Errore) pomenen rag But sadly, only about 4 months later, we were hit by covid-19 as it spread to Ue cerbNGeey © many countries. In mid-March of 2020, we had a covid-19 lockdown for about three pO months. All the planning that was already setup was suddenly cancelled. Students snk started to have online learning which they had never done before. All of the parents in our area were so stressed as many of them didn't have a cell phone that could use data and at the same time, many people lost their jobs. So, it was and still is very challenging for us to deal with this situation. In response to the directives from Indonesian government, we have suspended most activities held at Kampung Kids such as Playgroup classes, English classes and exercise for the elderly. Fortunately, we can keep the preschool program which are able to runas online leaming. The preschool students share one device for three students and they all split the fee together. We also stil run the program to provide meals for students but we ask them to come in turns and they must wear a face mask. We also were able to purchase basic necessities for the elderly as itis a risk for them to gather in Kampung Kids. So, as mentioned in the title, when we lost an opportunity to do one thing, an opportunity to do something else appeared. We are thankful for this even though we understand that the results will be limited, as is We have also finished our school building in Tanjung Lesung, Banten by May of 2020 and the classrooms have been used by the junior high school students since August of 2020. We have six classrooms so far; the classrooms have been used for Junior High school students in the morning and then elementary school students use those classrooms starting in the early afternoon until about Spm. Please send your Donation Last but not least, we would like to extend our extreme thanks to our wonderful ay ae sponsors and volunteers who have been supporting us to keep our programs Cera VOU yaReMeREE functioning. We have received many emails and WhatsApp messages asking about Soeimieseses our condition, thank you for caring for us. We would like to send our best wishes to you and your family and we are ready for the pandemic to be over with so that we can do our normal activities again. Thank you again. | Julia (Yayasan Kampung Kids) | | Tay te} a G Ambassadors Social Club Scholarship Program When the covid-19 lockdown started in March of 2020, we were worried about our scholarship program as we normally send the proposal to our existing sponsors to extend their sponsorship toward their students. We felt that it was selfish if we asked for their support to keep their students in school for the term beginning in July 2020 through June 2021. We know the pandemic has to affect their job and income but meanwhile we have to help our students to continue their studies. So, we thought about it over and over, - and in the end we chose kind and Students in Jakarta wise words before sending our Proposals to our sponsors. The result was unexpected as most sponsors were delighted to continue their sponsorship to their students and even few sponsors wrote such encourage words to us. It really gave us such happy tears. Few sponsors had to stop their sponsorship because their business was really unstable, even to the point where they had to cut their staff salary. For those people we really wish they will recover and get safe again soon. When a few sponsors could not continue to keep their students in school, then a fewnew sponsors came and offered their help. Finally, all our students are safe and continue their education without any worries about their school fees. Words cannot express our heartfelt thanks for all our sponsors and their generous provision that allows us to keep our students in school! All our students are now back to school but still use online learning. They all are safe and healthy. We also would like to thank one sponsor in particular who had to stop her sponsorship to her student but when her financial condition improved, she emailed us and said, "I am in a much better position and would like to see if | can help again.” Those were really heartfelt words: in only about 4 months she returned to support another student! Julia Cees Maur Turn PRET Cd ee er) ae Wess nS os families by providing for their basic needs during this uncertain time. We recieved one-time goods donations and few of our sponsors also used their DM MCU One See with this special undertaking is really a big help for SN Cue ans ad eA rue es Rea Ons) SunOS Meee eR Uae ae eee Co Re eel RGR aCe ge Come eco RS Peek Omri tigers Riel ny youallin return. Pre School students are having online learning es EDRINGTON Michael Page company chose to participate in Kampung Kids especially with the student scholarship program because in our opinion, children are the greatest resouce forthe future. Itsuils our company vision and mission of "giving back to others”. To accomplish our dream, we held a fund raising event by running a garage sale as well as accepting cash donations from our team Then we could help 46 students (from elementary to high school students) to continue their education, We have been helping through this program for three years now. We hope when they finish their education, they can make their parents being proud, benefiting our country and finally after they succeed in the future, they can help others who are in need. The children are our nation’s future, if we don't help them, who will? Thus we are happy to invite you to join us in this endeavor. Ms. Yasodara Oeyanto Manager Michael Page | first learned of Kampung Kids in 2014 when | was living in Jakarta working as an aupair. | was offered the chance to volunteer with the pre-school classes and immediately fell in love with everything about Kampung Kids. The center provides a beautiful, fun and safe learning environment for so many local children and | was instantly impressed by the ‘community and partnership between families and volunteers. Through my time volunteering | learned that there were many children needing sponsorship to continue their education. The average cost for most of these children to attend school for one year is about 2million IDR, 135 USD, or 185 AUD. Education is so crucial to providing and creating opportunities, | could not think of a better investment. | decided to sponsor a child and with that simple yearly donation he has been able to attend school without burden to his family for the past 5 years. Julia faithfully sends pictures and updates on his performance in school, itis ‘so wonderful to see. This year Julia reached out to ask if | could take on an additional student because many of the children have lost sponsors due to COVID-19 hardships. She sent alist of children needing sponsors with pictures and information on their family situations and I just knew that | needed to help. | am a nurse and am very blessed to be relatively unaffected financially at this time, | was able to sponsor 16 girls for this year. | feel that this is a terribly small sacrifice to make in order to maintain their access to education. My hope is that these families will never have to make the choice tokeep their children from school for financial reasons. If you have the means, please give. It is so simple and Julia makes the entire process so easy and joyful. Receiving her email updates is always a highlight and it is such a blessing to know how well taken care of these children are underherleadership. ‘Mrs. Haley O'NoI’s studonts Mrs. Haley O'Neil Ais: 20. UNG KIDS G9 B 5 § = ONE Championship"

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