1 3 0 X 2, 2 3 (3 X), 2 X 3, 0, Otherwise

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CLB MT3 2020

Section A [45 marks]

Answer all questions.

1 The masses, x, in milligrams of 24 prawns caught by Jamil are shown below:

33.3 37.4 35.4 37.3 35.7 37.4 34.8 38.3

39.4 36.7 33.9 38.2 34.4 36.5 36.8 35.8
34.5 38.8 35.0 36.3 31.1 36.7 37.4 37.9

(a) Calculate the mean, median and standard deviation of above data. [5]
(b) Hence, calculate the Pearson coefficient of skewness and comment on the shape of the
distribution of the mass of the prawn. [3]

2 Based on a survey, 70% of respondents in a certain area own smartphones. Among those
who own smartphones, 45% of them own tablets. It is also found that 80% of respondents own
smartphones or tablets.
(a) Find the probability that a respondent selected at random owns
(i) a smartphone and a tablet. [2]
(ii) a tablet. [2]
(iii) a smartphone but not a tablet. [2]
(b) State, with a reason, whether the events ‘a respondent owns a smartphone’ and ‘a
respondent owns a tablet’ are independent? [3]

3 A continuous random variable X has a probability density function


x, 0≤x<2 ,
f (x )= 2
(3−x ), 2≤x<3 ,
0, otherwise .
(a) Find
P | X−2|≤
2 . ) [3]
(b) Determine the cumulative distribution function of X. [2]
Hence, find the median of the distribution. [2]

4 The heights of male students of a certain college are normally distributed with a mean of
164.7 cm and a standard deviation of 8.1 cm. A random sample size of 50 male students are
chosen from the college.
(a) Determine the sampling distribution for the mean height of the sample. [3]
(b) Find the probability that the mean height of the sample is more than 166 cm. [3]

5 What is means by critical region in hypothesis testing? [1]

At a certain college, it is estimated less than 30% of the student drive cars to attend class. In a
random sample of 120 college students chosen, x is found to drive cars to attend class. Based
on this sample x, at the 4% significance level, find the critical region when carry out a test on
the null hypothesis p = 0.35 against the alternative hypothesis p < 0.35. [6]
6 The table below shows the hours spent on computer games in a day for a random sample of
120 students of different genders.

Hours spent on computer games in a day

Less than 3 3 to 8 More than 8
Male 37 22 15
Gender Female 20 17 9

Perform a test, at 5% significance level, to determine whether the number of hours spent on
computer games in a day is independent of the gender. [8]

Section B [15 marks]

Answer one question only.

You may answer all the questions but, only the first answer will be marked.

7 It is known that 3% of pressure cooker sold by a company malfunction within one year.
The company offers a warranty period of one year.
(a) Find the probability that, out of 25 pressure cookers, at least three pressure cookers
malfunction within the warranty period. [4]

(b) Determine the least number of pressure cookers, such that the probability that at least
one pressure cooker malfunctions within the warranty period is more than 0.9985. [5]

(c) Using a suitable approximation, find the probability that, out of 500 pressure cookers,
there are between 13 to 20 pressure cookers malfunction within the warranty period. [6]

8 The lengths of the disposable face masks produced by a factory have a normal distribution
with mean μ and standard deviation 0.5 cm. A random sample of 200 disposable face masks
has mean length of 17.5 cm.

(a) What is the unbiased estimates of the mean μ ? [1]

(b) Perform a test, at the 5% significance level, to determine whether the mean lengths of
all disposable face masks are 17.4 cm. [6]

(c) It is discovered that 12 of these disposable face masks are defective.

(i) Construct a 90% confidence interval for the proportion of all disposable face masks
which are defective.

(ii) Determine the sample size needed in order to estimate proportion of the disposable
face masks which are defective to be within 0.05, with 96% confidence. [4]

∑ x=869.0, ∑ 31550 .12 B1
1. (a)
869 .0 (3, 4, 5 s.f.)
=36. 208 A1
Mean = 24
1 1 B1 CAO
( x 12+x 13 )= ( 36 . 5+36 .7 )=36 . 6
Median = 2 2
31550 . 12 869 .0
Standard deviation,

= 1.8828
( ) M1
∑ x∧ ∑ x2
(3, 4, 5 sf)

3 (36. 208−36 .6 ) M1 Using ‘his’

mean (3, 4, 5
(b) Pearson coefficient of skewness = 1 . 8828
A1 sf)
(3, 4, 5 sf)
= – 0.63735 or – 0.62141 or – 0.62460

The distribution of the mass of the prawn is negatively A1

distribution or skewed to the left.

2. (a) (i) P (T|S )=0.45

P ( S∩T )=0 . 45(0 . 7) A1
= 0.315
(ii) P (T )=P( S∪T )+P(S∩T )−P (S )
= 0.8 + 0.315 – 0.7 M1
= 0.415 A1

(iii) P ( S∩T ' )=P( S )−P( S∩T ) M1

= 0.7 – 0.315 A1
= 0.385
P (T |S )=0.45 ∧ P(T )=0.415 M1
(b) M1
∵P ( T|S ) ≠ P(T ) A1
∴ S & T are not independent.

1 3 5
3. (a)
P |X−2|≤
2 ) (
=P ≤X ≤
2 2 )
2 1 2 .5 2
=∫1.5 x dx +∫2 ( 3−x ) dx
3 3
2 2. 5 M1
1 2
[ ] [
= x2 + ( 3 x−x 2 )
6 1 .5 3 2
1 2 1 1 M1
6 3 2 [
= ( 22−1 . 52 ) + 3(2 .5 )− (2 . 5)2 −3(2 )+ (2)2
2 ]
13 A1 Accept 3. 4, 5
= or 0 .54167 sf

F( x)=∫ f ( x )dx
0, x< 0 M1 Two correct.

F( x )=

{ 1 2
x ,

2 x− x 2 −2 ,

1 m 1
F(m )= ⇒ =
0≤x< 2

2≤x <3

All correct.

2 6 2
m=√ 3

4. (a) Let X is the heights of male students of a certain college B1 X & Normal
X ~ N(164.7, 8.12) distribution
8.12 B1 Two parameter
X ~N (
164 .7,
50 ) B1
X ~ N ( 164.7,1.3122 ) seen
50 or
166−164 . 7
(b) P( X>166) =
P Z>
√1 .3122 ) = P ( Z>1.135 )
M1 Standardization

= 1−φ ( 1.135 ) M1
= 1 – 0.8718 A1
= 0.1282
5. Critical region is a set of values of the of the test statistic that B1
leads to be rejected of Ho.
. Ho : p = 0.35
H1 : p < 0.35
Significance level : α=0 . 04
n is large, by Central Limit Theorem,
0.35 (0.65 ) B1
Ps ~ (
N 0.35,
120 ) approximately.
Ps 
−0 . 35
120 M1
‘his’ s &
0. 36( 0. 65 ) standard error.
Test statistic, √
At 4% significance level, reject Ho if Z < – 1.751. B1 – 1.751
−0. 35
120 M1 ‘his’ Z
<−1 .751
0 .36 (0 .65 )

x < 32.85 M1
Since x is an integer, the critical region is x≤32 A1
6. Ho: The number of hours spent on computer games in a day is
independent of the gender. . B1
H1: The number of hours spent on computer games in a day is not
independent of the gender.
2 ( Oij−E ij )
χ =∑
Test statistic : E ij
Hours spent on computer games in a day

Less than 3 3 to 8 More than 8 At least 3 Eij correct

Male 37 22 15
A1 All correct.
74 x 57 74 x39
(120 )
¿ ¿¿¿ (120 )
¿ ¿ ¿¿ (74120x24 ¿) ¿¿¿
¿ ¿ ¿
Female 20 (21.85) 17 (14.95) 9 (9.20)

Test statistic: M1 Correct formula

2 (37−35 . 15 ) ( 22−24 . 05 )2 ( 9−9 .2 )2 and sum using
χ = + +. ..+ ‘his’ Eij
35 .15 24 . 05 9 .2

= 0.71690 A1 3, 4, 5 sf
At the 5% significance level, v = (2 – 1 )(3 – 1 ) = 2
2 2
χ 0. 05 , 2
χ 0. 05 , 2
≥5 . 991 B1
Table : = 5.991, reject Ho if
2 M1 Compare ‘his’
Since χ =0 .7169<5 . 991 , do not reject Ho.
and correct
‘his’ decision
There is insufficient evidence to conclude that the number of A1
hours spent on computer games in a day is not independent of the
gender at the 5% significance level.

OR There is insufficient evidence to reject H o, and conclude that the

number of hours spent on computer games in a day is independent of
the gender at the 5% significance level.
7 (a) Let X is the number of pressure cooker sold by a company
X ~ B(25, 0.03)
P( X≥3)=1−[ P( X =0)+P( X=1)+P( X=2 )] B1
25 M1 n = 25, p = 0.03
=1−∑ 25 C x ( 0. 03 ) x ( 0 . 97 )25−x
x =0 or M1 3 terms of X = 0, 1,
x 25−x 2 seen
= ∑ 25 C x ( 0 . 03 ) ( 0 . 97 )

= 0.037960 A1 3, 4, 5 sf
(b) Y ~ B(n, 0.03)
P(Y ≥1 )>0 .9985 B1 CAO
(Any alphabet)
1−P(Y =0)>0. 9985 M1 Y=0
‘his’ inequality and
P(Y =0)<0. 0015
n 0 n M1 Use binomial
C0 ( 0.03 ) ( 0.97 ) <0 .0015
lg0. 0015 Solve and lead to n
n> M1 and ‘his’ correct
lg0. 97
n>213 .48
The least number of pressure cookers is 214. A1
2 B1 Can be implied
(c) μ=15>5 , σ =14.55
X ~ B(500, 0.03) → X ~ N(15, 14.55) B1 Normal dist.

P(13<X <20 ) → P(13.5< X <19.5 ) M1 Continuity

correction (both)
13 .5-15 19 . 5−15 M1 Standardization

( √ 14 . 55
<Z <
√14 . 55 )
= P ( -0.3932<Z<1.1797 )
= φ ( 0.3932 ) +φ (1.1797 )−1 M1 Calculator or table
= 0.65291+0.88094 – 1 or = 0.6528+0.8810 – 1
= 0.53385 or 0.5338 A1

8. (a) Unbiased estimate of population mean is 17.5 or

μ = 17.5
(b) Ho : μ = 17.4 B1 Both
H1 : μ≠17.4
Significance level : α=0 . 05
0.5 2
X ~
N 17.4 , (
200 ) M1 Exact answer
17 .5−17 . 4
Test statistic, √ 200
= 2.8284 A1 3,4 5 sf
Rejection region:
At 5% significance level, reject Ho if z < 0 – 1.96 or z > 1.96 B1 Seen – 1.96 or 1.96
Since 2.8284 > 1.96, reject Ho. M1
There is sufficient evidence to conclude that the mean
lengths of all disposable face masks are not equal to 17.4 cm at A1
the 5% significance level.

12 B1
=0 .06
(c) (i) Ps = 200
0. 06(0.94 ).
n is large , Ps ~
N 0. 06 ,
200 ) B1 Standard error
The 90% confidence interval for the proportion, M1 (exact)
0.06 (0.94) Confidence error &

( 0.06±1.645×
√ 200 ) ‘his’ std error

= ( 0 .06±0 .027624 )
A1 3,4 5 sf
= ( 0.032376 , 0.087624 )

0.06 (0.94 ) M1 Left hand side with

2. 054
√ n
≤0 .05
2.054 & ‘his’ Ps
¿0 .05

2. 054 2
n≥ ( )
0. 05
( 0. 06 ) ( 0. 94 ) M1 Attempt to solve

n≥95 .18
∴ n = 96 A1 Accept n≥96

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