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Name: Wengky M.

Grade and Section: 11-HUMSS B

Media and Information Literacy
Direction: Conduct an interview to at least five members of your family. Ask them what they
must prefer to use in looking for information. Encode all the information in a short bond paper
and identify what sources they are using. Make a summary of the survey on the leading resources
in your interview. Your output will be rated based on the rubric.

Interview report
I interviewed five(5) members of my family. I asked them what must they prefer to use in
looking for information. And these are their responses.
Our First interviewee George A. Boborol
this is his answer to the question,
"I usually go to YouTube to search for the latest news, look for some information that is
really important just like news about Covid 19 and News about what is happening in the
west Philippine sea, etc and I always make sure that the video/ channel that I'm watching
is reliable and pure fact, I prefer to use youtube and newspaper in looking for
Our Second interviewee Josie M. Boborol
this is her response,
''I prefer using Facebook in looking for information because I always use Facebook and it
is a fun media''.
Our third interviewee Jeanette M. Boborol
this is her response,
''I prefer using Google in looking for information because I'm extremely comfortable
using Google to find information and honestly I always use Google because their search
engine is reliable and I trust them, also it's easy to use''.
Our fourth interviewee Ramjon M. Boborol
this is his response,
''I prefer using Google because I always use it honestly, in looking for information google
has it and I always use Google in searching for information that actually helps me in my
Our fifth interviewee, Sino L. Monton Jr
this is his response,
''I prefer to get information mainly from the internet and printed materials such as
The media (sources) that were mentioned are YouTube, Newspaper, Google, printed
materials, and Facebook, these media are famous, a lot of people are using this media in
looking for information. Two of our interviewees preferred to use Google in looking for
information. One of our interviewees preferred to use Newspapers and YouTube in
looking for information. One of our interviewees preferred to use Facebook in looking for
information. Only one interviewee preferred to use print media and printed materials in
looking for information.
Only two (2) of my interviewee namely George M. Boborol, and Sino L. Monton Jr, used
Secondary resources or sources in finding information, the rest of my interviewees used
the internet or media in finding information.
My interviewee usually used the internet in looking for information just like everybody
else because the Internet is arguably one of the most successful and useful tools mankind
has ever created. It is, in fact, the largest library ever created, and is growing daily.
Although we need to always be careful of our sources, the Internet is the modern source
of information, delivered in multiple media: the written word, visual graphics and
images, video, and audio have changed the way that we humans look for and find
information. More and more elementary, high school and university curricula require the
use of the Internet for school work.

There are three types of resources or sources of information, namely: primary,

Secondary, and tertiary.
1 Primary Sources – original materials on which other research is based, including
original written works, ex: poems, diaries, court records, interviews, surveys, and original
2 Secondary Sources – those that describe or analyse primary sources, including
reference materials, ex: dictionary, encyclopaedia, textbooks, and articles that interpret.
3 Tertiary Sources – those used to organize and locate secondary and primary sources.
Indexes provide citations that fully identify a work with information such as authors,
titles of book, article, and/or journal, publisher and publication date, volume and issue
number and page numbers.

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