Challenges Faced by Selected Licensed Engineers in The New Normal in San Pedro Apartado Alcala

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Presented to the Faculty of the Senior High School Department

San Pedro Apartado National High School
Alcala, Pangasinan
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for Practical Research 1


Danzil Jr.,Conrado C.

Soberano, Christian Angelo Y.

Pino, Christian Dave D.

Acosta, Kim Joshua L.

Berceles, Daniel John D.

Olarte, John Rolan N.

Perez, Erica A.

JULY 2021


This research entitled “Challenges Faced by Selected Licensed Engineers

in the New Normal in San Pedro Apartado Alcala, Pangasinan: A Case Study”.

Prepared and submitted by Conrado C. Danzil Jr., Christian Angelo Y. Soberano,

Christian Dave D. Pino, Kim Joshua A. Lapitan, Daniel John D. Berceles, John

Rolan N. Olarte, and Erica A. Perez, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Practical Research 1 of San Pedro Apartado National High School, has been

examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval.

Research Adviser
Date Signed:



Panel Evaluator Panel Evaluator
Date Signed: Date Signed:

Panel Evaluator
Date Signed:

Requirements for the Practical Research 1.


OIC, SHS Assistant Principal II Principal IV


The researchers thank their contributors who have given special dimensions to

their research. They also want to express their heartfelt gratitude for the help and

encouragement of the following significant people who contributed so much for this


To Mr. Dhangil T. Suratos, our research adviser who helped and guided us

throughout our research, who give his full support in our group to finish our paper.

To Mr. Rodrigo T. Domingo, Mrs. Sara Jean Z. Madriaga, Mr. Heriel Jhon

S. Bravo, the panels who thoroughly went over the entire manuscript of the

questionnaire, who guided them in the completion of this research and who gave

credible effort in checking errors.

To their beloved parents for their undying love and support to be able to finish

the study for giving enough necessities moral, spiritual and pursue and financial support

that would help strengthen and pursue to finish the study.

They would also like to thank their respondents for answering their survey

questionnaire and giving the data needed for the completion of their research.

And above all, the Lord God Mighty for all the blessings and guidance all the

time, for giving the researchers the highest form of knowledge and patients in creating

this research.


We dedicate this research study, titled "Challenges Faced by Selected Licensed

Engineers in the New Normal in San Pedro Apartado Alcala, Pangasinan: A Case Study"

to our Almighty God, who provided us with the strength, guidance, and knowledge that

we used to successfully complete this research with great pride and honor, and second,

to the Principal and Faculty of San Pedro Apartado National High School, who shared

IDR, to our parents who provided financial and moral support for us to be motivated

and successfully defend this study with resounding joy in our hearts, and finally, to

those involved in conducting this study who unselfishly contributed their knowledge,

time, and effort in order for us to make our research a successful and genuine one; and

finally, to those involved in conducting this study who unselfishly contributed their

knowledge in relation to our project's research Thank you, and we dedicate this to

everyone who believes in our ability.

The Researchers


This study intended to know the Challenges Faced by Selected License Engineers in

New Normal.

The reseacher identified the respondents' profile based on their gender, age,

monthly income, civil status, and field of specialization. The other is the Financial,

Emotional, and Workplace Challenges Faced by Licensed Engineers. Finally, how the

selected Licensed Engineers Overcome the New Normal Challenges. In order to

determine the impacts, the researchers employed survey methodologies as instruments.

The likert scale research design was used for this investigation. The data was treated

with frequency counts and percentages.

The finding of the study were interpreted through the given category with the

corresponding numerical value including: Strongly Disagree- 1-1.79, Disagree-1.80-

2.59, Neither Agree or Disagree-2.60-3.39, Agree-3.40-4.19, Strongly Agree- 4.20-5

According to the demographic profile of the Selected Licensed Engineers in San

Pedro Apartado, Alcala Pangasinan who participated in this study, 5 of the respondents

are men. There is a total of 100 percent in terms of frequency. In terms of age, the

majority of responses are between the ages of 21 and 30, with three of them

accounting for 60% of the total. There are only two responses that are 51 or older. 40

percent in total. Overall, the results showed that the majority of the respondents are

adults. With the family's income, they all have a wage of at least $21,000. In terms of

civil status, two of the respondents are single, accounting for 40% of the total. In

addition, two respondents are married, which accounts for 40% of the total, and just

one is widowed, which accounts for 20% of the total. According to the findings, the

majority of the respondents are both married and single. Finally, 3 of the respondents

choose Civil Engineering as their field of specialization, which is chosen 60 percent of

the time. Only one respondent works in the field of electrical engineering, and another

works in the field of agricultural engineering, both of which have a 20% frequency. The

majority of the respondents work in the field of civil engineering, according to the data.

The obstacles experienced by selected licensed engineers in San Pedro Apartado,

Alcala Pangasinan reveal there Emotional farther the greatest weighted mean of 3.32,

with the descriptive equivalent of Neither Agree nor Disagree. The indicators with the

lowest weighted mean are Financial and Workplace, both of which have a descriptive

equivalent of Agree and have a weighted mean of 3.08.

Their ways to overcome the challenges are: having their own service, keeping

themselves with the negativity, motivations like family, friends, and their passion for

their career. Moreover, maintaining kinship, healthy communication and having enough

rest. Also, a healthy mind and body and lastly, they made ahead of plan.

Table of Contents


Title Page ……………………………………………………………………. i

Approval Sheet ……………………………………………………………. ii

Acknowledgement ……………………………………………………….. iii

Dedication ………………………………………………………………….. iv

Abstract ……………………………………………………………………… v

Abstract ……………………………………………………………………… vi

Table of contents ……………………………………………………….. vii

Table of contents ……………………………………………………….. viii


Background of the Study …………………………………… 9

Statement of the Problem …………………………………. 11

Significance of the Study ………………………………….. 12

Scope and Delimitation …………………………………….. 13

Definition of Terms ………………………………………….. 13


Related Literature ……………………………………………. 14

Related Studies ……………………………………………….. 16

Conceptual Framework ……………………………………. 20


Research Design ………………………………………………………. 23

Population and Sampling ………………………………… 24

Data Gathering Instrument …………………………….. 24

Data Gathering Procedure ………………………………. 25

Treatment of Data …………………………………………. 25



Summary ……………………………………………………………….. 46

Conclusions …………………………………………………. 49

Recommendations ………………………………………… 50

References ………………………………………………………….…. 51

Appendices …………………………………………………………….. 54

A. Letter to Evaluator ……………………………………. 54

B. Evaluation Sheet ……………………………….……… 55

C. Letter to the Respondents …………………………. 56

D. Questionnaire ……………………………………….…. 57

Curriculum Vitae …………………………………………………….. 60




Engineers are those person who trained and skilled in the design,

construction, and use of engines or machines, or in any various branches

of engineering.

According to Career Explorer, Engineers tend to be predominately

investigate people. The field of engineering, without exception, relies

heavily on the investigate skills of its practitioners. Whether they are

designing aircraft, researching solutions to environmental problems,

developing robotics systems, or analyzing the security of computer

networks, engineers are consistently called upon to examine and

investigate issues and ultimately find solutions.

Engineers spend a lot of time coming up with new ways to fix issues

and tackle obstacles. Engineers use science and mathematics to solve

problems ranging from electricity generation to the safe construction of

the world's tallest skyscraper. Engineering is the creative application of

science, mathematical methods, and empirical evidence to the innovation,

design, construction, and maintenance of structures, machines, materials,

devices, systems, processes, and organizations. The discipline of

engineering encompasses a broad range of more specialized fields of

engineering, each with a more specific emphasis on particular areas of

applied mathematics, applied science, and types of application. (Kirkey,


In view of Nukulchai 2020, the corona virus started as a health

pandemic, but the massive outbreak will create long lasting changes that

will alter the way we live and work. Like other industries, engineering and

construction sector has also been seriously impacted, and engineers keep

wondering how this pandemic will change the way they work in the


The Covid-19 pandemic has lead to a complete change in most

people’s day to day routine, and a change in the skills required of civil

engineers. Many young engineers are digital natives, a value that could be

capitalized on by the industry. This has allowed many to reevaluate their

lives and really focus on those areas that they want to develop or have

been neglecting. Through this shared experience of a pandemic, we can

become more connected and united together, encouraging collaboration

and improving our working relationships. (Hou, 2020)

This study aims to determine the challenges faced by Engineers in the

new normal. The researchers wanted to know the challenges of engineers

nowadays and how it is being addressed in this time of pandemic.

Furthermore, the researchers wanted to pursue this study since the

researchers are dreaming to become engineers in the future.


This study aims to determine the Challenges faced by Engineers in

New Normal.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions;

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of;

a. Age;

b. Sex;

c. Monthly Income;

d. Civil Status; and

e. Field of Specialization?

2. What are the challenges faced by the Engineers in the new normal in

terms of;

a. Financial;

b. Workplace; and

c. Emotional?

3. What are the suggested measures to overcome the challenges faced by

the engineers in new normal?


The purpose of this study is to determine the challenges of the

Engineers in the New Normal. This research may help people to know the

struggles of being an Engineer in this kind of situation. Also, this study

provides knowledge about what engineers can do in the New Normal. This

may also help to determine the difference of being an Engineer before the

pandemic and today's generation.

To the Researchers, this study will help to know what are the

struggles of the Engineers, what are their solutions when it comes to this

kind of situation. This study will help to have a better understanding about

the set-up of being an engineer in New Normal.

To the Engineers, this study will help to determine the possible

problem that Engineers may encounter in the middle of a pandemic and

the solutions that it may help to solve it. Also, it will help you to have a

better understanding and more knowledge for the future purposes. Lastly,

this research may contain knowledge about how engineers used to be in

this kind of situation.

To the STEM Students, this will help them a lot in the challenges

that they may face in the field and how they will overcome challenges.

To the Future Researchers, this may serve as a guide in giving

additional information who will conduct similar study.


The study is focused and limited only to the selected Engineers who are

working in the field either local or abroad. The Researchers chose Five (5)

engineers in San Pedro Apartado Alcala, Pangasinan as the participants of the


The researchers conducted this study during the Second Semester

of the School Year 2020-2021.


 ENGINEER this are the licensed professionals who designs, builds, or

maintains engines, machines, or public works.

 CHALLENGES this are the obstacle faced by the licensed engineer in

their profession.

 NEW NORMAL is a state to which an economy, society, etc. settles

following a crisis, when this differs from the situation that prevailed prior

to the start of the crisis. This are the current situation faced by licensed

engineer in the economy.

 PANDEMIC is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread

across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide,

affecting a substantial number of people. This is an infection disease that

has spread across the country which cause license engineer hinder their




This chapter presents the local and foreign literature and studies

that are relevant to the study. It also contains a synthesis of the reviewed

literature and studies, as well as a theoretical or conceptual framework.

Additional information related to the study can be found in the literature

and studies.

Related Literatures


Brain and body are unmistakably associated. Consider what occurs

on the off chance that you, the busy engineer, get severely discouraged

or simply put, depressed? This is an intense mental health issue, and

there is an uneasiness, for the most part, if we are “out cold,” for a few
days if not a week. We are tired to the point that we can scarcely move or

think, and yet we have to rest for a considerable length of time even if

there are deadlines to meet. Since we don’t live in a vacuum, we will

encounter a few stressors and some physical issues especially as

engineers – it is a “regular” thing in our profession. (Aesysn, 2019)


Amid stay-at-home orders across the country, office workers have

ditched their daily commutes to work from dining room tables, couches

and beds in their own homes. Many may find themselves in this situation

for the long haul, as businesses struggle to find a path forward while

restrictions slowly lift. (Liu, 2020)

"A variety of important internal and external issues related to social

issues and sustainability have emerged. Health, safety, and security of
workers are examples of social issues. Evolving competitive and socio-
economic forces including social media, crowd sourcing, the internet of
things and big data have caused emergent sustainability and social issues
for engineering managers." (IEEE TEMS, 2020)

Related Studies


Based on the study of Persun(2020), Most engineers report using

their familiar design tools. The highest percentage of engineers, 38

percent, are using modeling software, while another 26 percent are using

simulation software, and 27 percent are using drafting software. Data

management tools are also in operation widely, as would be expected.

For communications, engineers are using everything from standard

email and Microsoft Office products to Microsoft Teams, Zoom,

GoToMeetings, and Skype online conferencing. Again, communications are

taking place on everything, from laptops to desktop computers, tablets,

and smartphones. Some engineers reported that their jobs were already

relatively isolated, but that they are facing new challenges working from

home. Distractions are the greatest challenges for at-home workers in

general, and for engineers who have to maintain focus on their work,

distractions can cause even more difficulty. The work-home balance can

be a significant complication if there isn’t a separate home workspace.

Engineers without a bedroom or den converted into an office have been

forced to work from the kitchen or living room, both of which are very

high-traffic areas where other things are going on: kids watching

television, cooking, cleaning, and so on.

On the other hand, based on the Career wise, they cause anxiety

and stress. And they often target those they see as a threat. Don't let

them isolate you or make you feel bad about yourself. Stand up for

yourself. Never sink to their level. Discuss the problem with a mentor to

find the best way to handle them. If they are threatening you, report it to

your supervisor.

According to Lockheed Martin, Transition means having to adapt to

new people, learning new skills and possibly a change in work location.

Adjusting can be a challenge, but it gives the engineer a chance to learn

about an area they might never have known about and to develop new


Based on the study conducted by Leevers (2020), one of the major

problem of engineering may Encountered in this Pandemic is not having

enough workplace of the Engineers. Because of that, they might decrease

the number of Engineers that are working. He says 'Ensuring that we have

enough people with the right skills and experience is about bringing a

greater number and greater diversity of young people into engineering'. In

addition, we also need to upskill and reskill the current workforce for the

current and future workplace - this includes digital skills and the ability to

think and work across traditional disciplinary boundaries.


According to the studies of Fernandez and Miñano (2015), the

ethical and social issues involved in engineering projects are now included

in engineering degree programs across many universities. In the present

globalized world, the impact of the engineering profession is growing in

importance and society is becoming more aware of engineers' role. Both

engineering professionals and institutions should assume the responsibility

that their expertise affords them and that the impacts of their actions

reflect their responsibilities.

In view of Clements (2019), an overwhelming percentage of the

world’s population is displaced, living in conflict zones, or constantly
fleeing from danger. This is as a result of political conflicts and wars as
well as natural disasters, droughts and famines.

According to Kuchan (2014), not being selected for a job or having

my ideas turned down — while continuing to put my best foot forward.

Based on the study conducted by Cramer (2014), being the only

female in a group of men is a challenge, but it’s important to realize that

people who don’t respect you because you are a female are the exception

and not the rule.

According to the study of Gregory Christophe (2020), One of the

ways to overcome the challenges in a middle of pandemic to the Engineer

is being enable remote working when possible "HR and IT organizations

should prepare for large-scale remote collaboration with liquid

architecture, virtual workplace and digital applications." he added. Also,

based on him another ways to overcome the challenges is secure workers

on construction sites. "Construction companies must implement measures

to minimize the spread of COVID-19, whilst ensuring previous health and

safety measures continue to be followed."

Engineering and construction companies need to find innovative ways of

absorbing these impacts. The path forward is to understand the impact of the

COVID-19 crisis on each project, review and adjust project planning, predict

slippages in costs and time, and communicate (and negotiate) new milestones

with all stakeholders." she added Also, based on her another ways to overcome

the challenges is Reinvent new business models. "Engineering and construction

companies need to reinvent themselves, shifting from a race to the bottom to a

focus on the value created.


The researchers conceptualized the challenges faced by license

engineers in the new normal are dependent on certain demographic of the


This study considered the selected profile variables of the respondents as

the independent variables which include the possible ways in overcoming the

challenges faced by the licensed engineers in the new normal.

Not getting chosen for a job or having my ideas rejected - despite

continuing to put my best foot forward, according to Kuchan (2014)'s


According to a study conducted by Leevers (2020), one of the key

engineering problems that may be encountered in this Pandemic is a lack

of engineering workspace.Based on the study conducted by Cramer

(2014), being the only female in a group of men is a challenge.

"Not getting selected for a job or having my ideas turned down -

yet continuing to put my best foot forward," according to Kuchan (2014),

based on the studies that the researchers compiled. According to him, one

of the obstacles that engineers face is getting denied for a job that he

really wants. Especially now that there is a pandemic, they will reduce the

number of people employed because it is necessary. "One of the biggest

challenges of Engineering that may be encountered in this Pandemic,"

according to Leever (2020), "is not having enough Engineers' workplace."

He believes that having a work-at-home environment is ineffective since

engineers need to be hands-on with their work. They need to verify their

project on a regular basis, and the epidemic is having a significant

influence on them because they are unable to communicate with one

another to discuss their project. "Being the sole female in a gathering of

men is a difficulty," writes Cramer (2014). According to her, the majority

of engineers are men, thus being a woman in this field is difficult. You

must communicate with guys, but "it is crucial to know that those who do

not respect you because you are a girl are the exception, not the rule,"

she says. Distractions are the largest obstacle for at-home workers in

general, according to Persun (2020), and for engineers who must retain

concentrate on their task, distractions can be even more challenging. If

you don't have a separate home workplace, balancing work and home can

be difficult. Engineers who do not have a bedroom or den turned into an

office are compelled to work from the kitchen or living room, which are

both high-traffic areas with other activities such as children watching

television, cooking, and cleaning. Working at home, he claims, is difficult

due of distractions such as noises and other things.

Paradigm of the Study

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

What is the demographic What are the challenges faced by

profile of the respondents licensed engineers in the new
in terms of: normal in terms of:

A. Age A. Financial;

B. Sex B. Workplace; and

C. Monthly Income C. Emotional?

D. Civil Status;
What are the possible ways in
E. Field of
overcoming the challenges faced by
licensed the engineers in new

Figure 1: Paradigm showing the relationship between the Independent Variables and Dependent Variables



Research Methodology is the specific procedures or techniques

used to identify, select, process, and analyze information about a topic. In

a research paper, the methodology section allows the reader to critically

evaluate a study's overall validity and reliability.


This study used a quantitative and qualitative method of research

to assess the demographic profile such as sex, age, monthly income and

civil status. The challenges faced by the Licensed Engineers in terms of

emotional, social and workplace that affects their work in New Normal.

Descriptive research is a purposive process of data gathering,

analyzing, classifying and tabulating data about prevailing conditions,

practices, beliefs, processes, trends, and cause-effect relationships and

then adequate and accurate interpretation about such data with or

without aid of statistical treatment. Also, the researchers used a Case

Study of qualitative research. It is a method used to narrow down a very

broad field of research into one easily researchable topic. It will not

answer a question completely, it will give some indications and allow

further elaboration and hypothesis creation on a subject. One advantage

of case study is its capacity to deal with a lot of factors to determine the

unique characteristics of the entity as defined by (Meng, 2012)


The respondents of this study are limited only to the Licensed

Engineers of San Pedro Apartado, Alcala, Pangasinan. This research

design helped to know what are the challenges encountered by the

Engineers in the new normal. The total number of respondents are Five

(5) Licensed Engineers. Purposive sampling was used which identify the

characteristic of the population and the objective of the study.


The researchers used the survey questionnaire for gathering the

data needed in determining the status of Licensed Engineers of San Pedro

Apartado, Alcala, Pangasinan in the new normal.

The questionnaire consists of three parts, part one consists of the

respondents demographic profile or personal information such as age,

sex, monthly income, and civil status. Part two aims to gather the

challenges of the engineers in terms of social, emotional and workplace.

Part three are the ways of the Engineers to overcome the challenges in

New Normal.


The researchers made a consent letter to the respondents if they

are willing to answer the survey questions. The researchers gave enough

time to gather information from the Licensed Engineers in San Pedro

Apartado, Alcala, Pangasinan. There is a sudden pandemic so that the

researchers are not allowed to go outside to ask the respondents and to

gather information personally. In this sense, the researchers gathered

information virtually through contacting them online. The platforms that

researchers used are google documents.


Data were gathered, collected, classified and tallied, and analyzed

appropriate statistical treatment that served as the basis for the

interpretation of the result. Frequency counts and percentage was used in

determining the status and challenges of Licensed Engineers in the new

normal. To determine the average responses the researcher used likert

scale this is a type of psychometric response scale in which responders

specify their level of agreement to a statement typically in five points: (1)

Strongly disagree; (2) Disagree; (3) Neither agree nor disagree; (4)

Agree; (5) Strongly agree.

Numerical Value Transmuted Rating Descripted Equivalent

5 4.20-5 Strong Agree

4 3.40-4.19 Agree
3 2.60-3.39 Neither Agree or Disagree
2 1.80-2.59 Disagree
1 1-1.79 Strongly Disagree

Chapter 4

Findings and Discussion

This chapter elaborates the results of the including an analysis and

interpretation of the data gathered. The presentation follows the sequence of the

specific problems identified in Chapter 1.

Table 1. Frequency and Distribution of the Profile of the Respondents



MALE 5 100%
21-30 3 60%
31-40 0 0%
41-50 0 0%
51 and above 2 40%
C. Monthly Family Income
10,000 below 0 0%
11,000-15,000 0 0%
16,000-20,000 0 0%
21,000 and above 5 100%
D. Civil Status
Single 2 40%
Married 2 40%
Widowed 1 20%
Separated 0 0%
Annulled 0 0%

E. Field of Specialization
Civil Engineering 3 60%
Mechanical Engineering 0 0%
Electrical Engineering 1 20%
Computer Engineering 0 0%
Chemical Engineering 0 0%
Agricultural Engineering 1 20%

Profile of the Respondents

Table 1 shows the frequency of distribution of the profile of the

respondents in terms of sex, age, monthly family income, civil status and field of


Sex- As you can see in the table above, the 5 respondents are males. In

frequency, there is 100% in total. The data revealed that the respondents

that researchers chose were all male.

Age- Based on the table above, most of the respondents are 21-30 years old

having 3 which is 60% in frequency. In contrast, there are 2 respondents

that are 51 and above. In total, 40%. All in all, the data revealed that most

of the respondents are adults.

Monthly Family Income- The table shows that 5 of the respondents are

having 21,000 and above monthly income. In total of 100% in frequency.

The data revealed that all of the respondents have a high salary even

though there is pandemic.

Civil Status- It can be gleaned in the table, 2 of the respondents are single

which is 40% in frequency. Also, 2 respondents are married which is 40%

in frequency and only 1 is widowed which is 20% in frequency. The data

revealed that most of the respondents are both single and married.

Field of Specialization- Indicated in the table that 3 of the respondents are

choosing the Field of Civil Engineering which is 60% in frequency. Only 1

respondent is in the field of Electrical Engineering also with the Agricultural

Engineering which is both 20% in frequency. In total, 100%. The data

revealed that most of the respondents are in the field of civil engineering.

Table 2.1 Status of Selected Engineers in San Pedro Apartado, Alcala,

Pangasinan in terms of Financial

1. I can save more money than 3. Neither Agree or
before because of the sudden 20 Disagree
2. There are no changes in my 3. Neither Agree or
salary. 20 Disagree
3. My salary is not enough to 3. Neither Agree or
provide my needs. 00

4. I had a hard time budgeting my 3. Neither Agree or

monthly salary. 00 Disagree
5. I'm financially stable. 3. Neither Agree or
00 Disagree
Overall Average Weighted 3. Neither Agree or
Mean 08 Disagree
Legend: AWM *Average Weighted Mean, DE* Descriptive Equivalent, Strongly Disagree- 1-1.79,
Disagree-1.80-2.59, Neither Agree or Disagree-2.60-3.39, Agree-3.40-4.19, Strongly Agree- 4.20-5

The highest weighted mean of 3.2 refers to "save more money"

and "no changes in salary". This means that in terms of their finances

there are no changes in their salary and they can save more money in this

pandemic than before. The lowest weighted mean of 3 refers to "salary is

not enough to provide needs' ', "hard time budgeting the monthly salary"

and lastly, "financially stable". This means that they have enough money

to provide their needs. They don't have problems with their salaries but

the stability of their finances is not as good as before. Overall, the

weighted mean obtained by the selected Licensed Engineers in SPA in the

new normal was 3.8 equivalent to Agree.

According to the Best Money Moves (2020), "Financial impact of

COVID-19 on employees. Financial stress is high and employees are

worried about healthcare costs, everyday expenses and how the pandemic

will impact their retirement."

This implies that most of the respondents are financially stable.

Based on their answers, they don't have too much problems on their

money but some of them had a problem with budgeting their salaries.

Table 2.2 Status of Selected Engineers in San Pedro Apartado,
Alcala, Pangasinan in terms of Emotional

1. I'm glad because its less stressful when 3.60 Agree
you work at home.
2. I rarely communicate with other 3.20 Neither Agree or
people. Disagree
3. I'm having a hard time dealing with my 2.20 Disagree
stuff mentally.
4. I feel sad and unmotivated because of the3.00 Disagree
sudden changes.
5. I'm mentally stable. 4. Strongly Agree
Overall Average Weighted Mean 3. Neither Agree or
3 Disagree
Legend: AWM *Average Weighted Mean, DE* Descriptive Equivalent, Strongly Disagree- 1-1.79,

Disagree-1.80-2.59, Neither Agree or Disagree-2.60-3.39, Agree-3.40-4.19, Strongly Agree- 4.20-5


The highest weighted mean of 4.6 refers to "mentally stable". The

second highest weighted mean refers to "less stressful when you work at

home". The third highest weighted mean refers to "rarely communicate

with other people." The fourth highest weighted mean refers to

"unmotivated because of the sudden changes." It means that they don't

have too many problems mentally and emotionally but they rarely

communicate with other people so that they feel unmotivated at work.

They don't have interactions with their co engineers. And the lowest

weighted mean refers to "having a hard time dealing with my stuff

mentally". It means that they don't have any hardships mentally and

emotionally because they didn't think about their problems because too

much stress was not good for their health. They have their own ways to

overcome their stress. Overall, the weighted mean obtained by the

selected Licensed Engineers of SPA in the New Normal was 3.32

equivalent to Neither Agree or Disagree.

As the coronavirus pandemic rapidly sweeps across the world, it is

inducing a considerable degree of fear, worry and concern in the

population at large and among certain groups in particular, such as older

adults, care providers and people with underlying health conditions also

the people that are working like engineers, teachers, front liners etc. As

we’ve explored in previous blogs, the coronavirus pandemic has had a

profound effect on people’s mental health and runs the risk of increasing

the instances of workplace burnout during COVID-19. According to a

survey conducted in mid-June by the Mental Health Foundation, one in

five adults still feel hopeless as the coronavirus lockdown restrictions are

relaxed and lifted. There is some evidence that things are improving

though. Levels of anxiety and worry about the pandemic have fallen from

62% at the beginning of lockdown to 49% more recently. The Guardian

put together a visual guide of charts using survey results that illustrated

five areas of mental strain faced by people across the UK. This included

statistics from surveys conducted by mental health charities, which found

that 59% of people reported their mental health had worsened during

lockdown. (Grieb, 2020)

This implies that most of the respondents are mentally stable but

some of them they didn't get used to the new normal so that they need to

adjust mentally.

Table 2.3 Status of Selected Engineers in San Pedro Apartado, Alcala,

Pangasinan in terms of Workplace

1. I feel safe working at home. 4.00 Agree
2. I’m okay work at home because it’s 4.00 Agree
less stressful mostly in transportation

3. I’m not satisfied with my workplace. 2.20 Disagree
4. I’m having trouble connecting to the 2.80 Neither Agree or
Internet Disagree
5. I’m not used to the virtual kind of 2. Disagree
workplace. 4
Overall Average Weighted Mean 3. Neither Agree or
0 Disagree
Legend: AWM *Average Weighted Mean, DE* Descriptive Equivalent, Strongly Disagree- 1-1.79,
Disagree-1.80-2.59, Neither Agree or Disagree-2.60-3.39, Agree-3.40-4.19, Strong Agree- 4.20-5


The highest weighted mean refers to "Feel safe in working at

home" and "It's okay in work at home because it's less stressful mostly in

transportation". The second highest weighted mean refers to "having

trouble connecting to the internet". The third highest weighted mean

refers to "not used to the virtual kind of workplace". It means that they

feel safe working at home and they have their time to bond with their

family to lessen their stress. Also, they don't have problems with the

transportation but sometimes they have trouble connecting with the

Internet because they are in a Provincial Region. And because Engineers

are used to hands on, they are not used to the virtual kind of workplace.

The lowest weighted mean refers to "not satisfied with the workplace". It

means that they are satisfied with their workplace. They are comfortable

working at home. Overall, the weighted mean obtained by the selected

Licensed Engineers of SPA in the New Normal was 3.08 equivalent to

Neither Agree or Disagree.

With so many people working from home, it’s hardly surprising that

recent research by Dale Office Interiors found that nearly three-quarters

of business leaders are now planning to adopt flexible and agile working.

Despite this, face-to-face meetings will still be vital, albeit with social

distancing measures in place. Which is why many organizations are

starting to look at their own return-to-work strategies. When working life

returns to a new kind of normal, more employees are likely to want to

continue working from home. Or at least have the flexibility to choose for

themselves where and how they work. Working Families surveyed over a

thousand working parents and found that more than 9 in 10 wanted their

workplace to retain flexible working post-COVID-19. The CIPD also

published new findings on the impact of COVID-19 on working lives. It

highlighted the importance of recognizing that remote working didn’t

necessarily equal flexibility. In many cases, this was due to caring

responsibilities that had increased since the outbreak. In fact, 30% of the

employees surveyed said their ability to work had been impacted by

changes in caring responsibilities. (Grieb, 2020)

In general, this implies that they don't have any problems with

their workplace and they feel satisfied with it. They are not used to the

virtual kind of workplace but they agreed with it because they are more

comfortable and safe working at home.

Table 2.4 Summary of Selected Engineers in San Pedro Apartado Alcala,
Pangasinan in the New Normal in Terms of Financial, Emotional, and

A. Financial 3.08 Neither Agree or Disagree
B. Emotional 3.32 Neither Agree or Disagree
C. Workplace 3.08 Neither Agree or Disagree
Gran Average 3.16 Neither Agree or Disagree
Legend: AWM *Average Weighted Mean, DE* Descriptive Equivalent, Strongly Disagree- 1-1.79,
Disagree-1.80-2.59, Neither Agree or Disagree-2.60-3.39, Agree-3.40-4.19, Strong Agree- 4.20-5


Based on all of the tables above, the overall weighted mean is 3.16 with

a descriptive equivalent of Neither Agree or Disagree. The indicator that has the

highest weighted mean of 3.32 is Emotional with a descriptive equivalent of

Neither Agree or Disagree. The indicators that have the lowest weighted mean

are Financial and Workplace that are both 3.08 with a descriptive equivalent of


Possible ways in overcoming the challenges

The researchers found out from the respondents that the following are

the possible ways in overcoming the challenges of Licensed Engineers in New

Normal, first is for transportation, it is advisable to have your own service going

to work, it helps the respondent to save time. Another one is keeping himself

away from negatives. Another thing is, their possible ways are, to have their

motivation in their work just like their family, friends and their passion in their

own career. Also, maintaining office kinship, healthy communication, enough rest

and a healthy mind and body, collaboration, coordination in short means of

accessible communication must haves. In addition, they made a look ahead plan

in working. It was their best strategy in the middle of the pandemic.

Based on Sarah Frueh (2020) "Engineers are also working on maintaining

the integrity of the supply chain — getting equipment such as masks to where

they’re needed, and getting the right chemicals together to make vaccines and

therapeutics, and those come from all over the world." In addition, "And

engineering has allowed telework. If this had happened 20 years ago, where

would we be? We would not be communicating with each other like this.

Broadband, wireless communication, 5G, Zoom, and other platforms — all of

these technologies have been elevated by this pandemic." All in all, Science is

not complete without engineers. Without the technology made by the engineers,

maybe people are having a hard time communicating with their work mostly

right now that we are in a New Normal.

Individual Cases

Case no. 1 is a 27 years old (male). He is a college graduate. His course is Civil

Engineering. He's currently widowed.

Financial- with regards to finances, he answered neither agree or disagree

if he can save money right now than before because of the sudden changes. He

answered, strongly agree that there are no changes in his salary. Also, He

answered, Disagree if his salary is not enough to provide for his own needs.

Basically, he can provide. He doesn't have a problem with his financial situation

when it comes to his own needs. Another one, he answered Disagree, if he had a

hard time budgeting his monthly salary. Basically, he can budget his monthly

salary well. Lastly, if he is financially stable, he answered agree. So it means that

he doesn't have any problems with his finances.

Emotional- with regards to Emotional, he answered disagree, if he is glad

because it's less stressful when you work at home. In short, he does not agree

with working at home. Next, he answered Agree, so he agreed that he rarely

communicates with people. Another one is, he answered Either Agree or Neither

Disagree, if he had a hard time dealing with his stuff mentally. Fourth one is, he

also answered Either Agree or Neither Disagree if he felt sad and unmotivated at

the same time because of the sudden changes. Lastly, he answered Agree. So he

agreed that he is mentally stable. He's not totally good but he's doing fine when

it comes to his feelings mentally and emotionally.

Workplace- with regards to Workplace, he answered Either Agree or Neither

Disagree if he felt safe working at home. Next is, he also answered Neither

Agree or Neither Disagree if he's okay with work at home because it's less

stressful when it comes to transportation. Third one is, he answered Disagree.

He disagreed if he was not satisfied with his workplace. Basically, he is satisfied

and feels better at his workplace. Another one, he answered Disagree if he had a

hard time connecting with the Internet. In short, his internet doesn't lose its

connection. Lastly, he answered either agree or neither disagree if he's not used

to the virtual kind of workplace.

In his own personal opinion, on how he will overcome the challenges, he

says that he overcomes the challenges by making a look ahead plan of working.

Also, he used his family, friends, and his passion in his own career as his

motivation to continue his work and to overcome any circumstances that will

come. In addition, he also says that the use of modern technology such as

facebook and other related apps can make their work easier. That's his own

strategy on how he can overcome the challenges.

Case no. 2 is 61 years old (male). He is a college graduate taking up

Agricultural Engineering. He is married and currently he's having a good

relationship with his own family.

Financial- with regard to the financial, he answered agree, if he can save

more money than before because of the sudden changes. It means that he can

save money right now that all people are in the middle of a pandemic. Second,

he also answered agree, if there are no changes in his salary. Basically, his salary

before and right now are the same. Another one, he answered Strongly Agree, if

his salary is not enough to provide his own needs. In short, there is a problem

with his salary, maybe because of the number of the population in his family or

maybe he's not content with it. He also answered, strongly agree, if he had a

hard time budgeting his monthly salary. It means that he does have problems

with his financial situation when it comes to his salary. Lastly, he answered,

Either Agree or Neither Disagree. If he is financially stable.

Emotional- with regard to the emotional, he answered Agree, if he is glad

because it's less stressful when you work at home, if he rarely communicates

with people, if he feels sad and unmotivated at the same time because of the

sudden changes and if he is mentally stable. Also, he answered either agree or

disagree if he had a hard time dealing with his stuff mentally.

Workplace- with regard to the workplace, he answered Strongly Agree, if

he feels safe working at home and if he's okay with work at home because it's

less stressful mostly in transportation. It means that he's okay with the work at

home kind of workplace. Another one he answered agree, if he's not satisfied

with his workplace and if he's having a hard time connecting to the internet.

Basically, he's living in a province so it's valid to have a hard time with his

workplace and with their internet in the new normal. He also answered either

agree or neither disagree, if he's not used to the virtual kind of workplace.

Because he is a senior citizen he's not used to the virtual kind of working

because his course was Agricultural.

In his own opinion, he overcomes the challenges by praying to God to

heal the Land. Also, He continues his work and makes his profession to be his

motivation to continue it.

Case # 3 is 22 years old. He is a college graduate. His course is electrical

engineering. His status is Single.

Financial - He strongly agrees, if he can save more money because of the

sudden changes, if there are no changes in his salary, if his salary is not enough

to provide his needs, if he had a hard time budgeting his own monthly salary and

lastly, he is financially stable. In short, he doesn't have many problems when it

comes to finances.

Emotional- He answered disagree, if he is glad because it's less stressful

when you work at home, if he rarely communicates with people, if he had a hard

time dealing with his stuff mentally. He also answered agree, if he felt sad and

unmotivated because of the sudden changes and he strongly agreed if he is

mentally stable. In short, he does have problems with the new normal in terms

of Emotional but he can also overcome it. It wasn't easy but for him he doesn't

have a choice.

Workplace - He answered either agree or neither disagree when it

comes to, if he felt safe working at home, if he's okay with work at home

because it's less stressful mostly in transportation and if he's having

trouble connecting to the internet. He also answered, disagree if he's not

satisfied with his workplace and if he's not used to the virtual kind of


In his own perspective, his own ways to overcome the challenges is

maintaining office kinship. Communicating with your colleagues and of course

getting enough rest for a healthy mind and body. Also, he gets used to his

hobbies and his lifestyle because for him, you need to be understanding and well

disciplined in everything you do. In short, he already accepted that the things

that he did before won't work anymore on this pandemic.

Case # 4 is 52 years old. He is a college graduate. His course is Civil

Engineering. His status is married.

Financial- he answered agree, when it comes to saving more money than

before because of the sudden changes, if his salary is not enough to provide his

needs, if he's having a hard time budgeting his own monthly salary. Basically,

he's having a hard time with his finances just because of the expenses on his

daily life. He disagreed that there are no changes with his salary. Lastly he

answered, either agree or disagree if he is financially stable.

Emotional- he strongly agrees when it comes to if he's glad because it's

less stressful when you work at home and he also strongly agrees if he's

mentally stable. He also answered, "disagree" if he rarely communicates with

people and if he feels sad and unmotivated because of the sudden changes.

Maybe because he doesn't have a problem with his mental health. He also

answered either agree or neither disagree if he's having a hard time dealing with

his stuff mentally.

Workplace- he agreed that he felt safe working at home and he's okay

with working at home. He disagreed that he's not satisfied with his workplace,

maybe because he's content with it. Also, he disagreed that he's having trouble

connecting with the internet and he's not used to the virtual kind of workplace.

Maybe because he got used to it.

In his own personal reference, his own ways to overcome the challenges

is he worked in his farm for livestock business and now he's back in working

overseas as an engineer.

Case #5 is 27 years old. He is a college graduate. His course is Civil

Engineering. His status is single.

Financial- He agreed that he can save more money than before because

of the sudden changes. He strongly disagrees that his salary is not enough to

provide his needs and he strongly agrees that he's financially stable. There is no

problem with his finances. Also, he answered either agree or neither disagree

that there are no changes in his salary and he disagreed that he had a hard time

budgeting his own monthly salary.

Emotional- he strongly agrees that he's glad because it's less stressful

when you work at home and he's mentally stable. He strongly disagrees that he's

having a hard time dealing with his stuff mentally and if he's feeling sad and

unmotivated because of the sudden changes. He answered either agree or

neither disagree that he rarely communicates with people.

Workplace- he strongly agrees that he feels safe working at home and

he's okay with work at home because it's less stressful mostly in transportation.

Basically, he's okay with the new set up in New Normal. He strongly disagrees

that he's not satisfied with his workplace and he either agrees or neither

disagrees that he's having trouble connecting to the internet and lastly, he

disagrees that he's not used to the virtual kind of workplace. Maybe he got used

to it because he's not that old.

In his own perspective, his own ways to overcome the challenges are, he

keeps himself from negativity. It's a good motivation because if you keep

yourself in a Negative Mindset maybe you will get drained. Also, he added that

"be consistent and always look at the most possible solutions."



This chapter presents the summary of findings of this research, the

conclusions drawn and the recommended forwarded.


In this study, the respondents identified the profile of the

respondents in terms of Sex, Age, Monthly Income, Civil Status and lastly

the Field of Specialization. The other one is, the Challenges Faced by

Licensed Engineers in terms of Financial, Emotional and Workplace. Lastly,

on how the selected Licensed Engineers Overcome the Challenges in New

Normal. In this study, the researchers have 5 respondents that are willing

to answer the survey questionnaire.

Based on findings, In terms of Sex. All of the 5 respondents were

all male. The data revealed that all of the respondents that the researcher

chose were all male. In terms of Age, the highest weighted number of

selected Licensed Engineers in SPA was 3 belonging to 21-30 years old

and the lowest was 2 belonging to 51 and above years old. The data

revealed that most of the respondents are 21-30 years old. In terms of

Monthly Income, the data revealed that all of the respondents that the

researcher chose all have 21,000 monthly income. In terms of Civil Status,

2 of them are single and 2 of them are married and only 1 is widowed.

The data revealed that most of the respondents are both single and

married. In the field of specialization, 3 of them are Civil Engineers, only 1

is in the Field of Electrical and Agricultural Engineering. The data revealed

that most of the respondents are in the field of Civil Engineering.

Based on findings, in terms of financial, the highest weighted mean

refers to saving more money and no changes in salary and the lowest

weighted mean refers to "salary is not enough to provide their needs" and

financially stable. Overall, the weighted average obtained was 3.8

equivalent to agree.

Based on the study, According to the Best Money Moves (2020), "Financial

impact of COVID-19 on employees. Financial stress is high and employees are

worried about healthcare costs, everyday expenses and how the pandemic will

impact their retirement.", in terms of Emotional, the highest weighted mean

refers to "mentally stable" and the lowest weighted mean refers to "having a

hard time dealing with my stuff mentally." Overall, the weighted average

obtained was 3.32 equivalent to neither agree or disagree. Based on the study,

according to Abigail Kuchan (2014), one of her challenges of being an Engineer

was learning how to cope with rejection. "not being selected for a job or having

my ideas turned down — while continuing to put my best foot forward.", in

terms of workplace, the highest weighted mean refers to "feel safe in working at

home" and the lowest weighted mean refers to "not satisfied with the

workplace". Overall, the weighted average obtained was 3.08 equivalent to

Neither Agree or Disagree. Based on the study, according to Lockheed Martin,

one of his challenges of being a License Engineer in terms of Work Place is Job

Transitions. "Transition means having to adapt to new people, learning new skills

and possibly a change in work location. Adjusting can be a challenge, but it gives

the engineer a chance to learn about an area they might never have known

about and to develop new mentors."

The overall weighted average obtained in terms of Financial,

Emotional and Workplace was 3.16 equivalent to Neither Agree or


Based on findings, the possible ways to overcome the challenges

are, having their own service, keeping themselves with the negativity,

motivations like family, friends, and their passion for their career. Another

one is, maintaining kinship, healthy communication and having enough

rest. Also, a healthy mind and body and lastly, they made ahead of plan.


Based on the results and findings of the study. The following

summary and conclusions were drawn.

1. Most of the respondents are Male. Most of them are in the age of 21-30 years

old which is adults. Most of them have a salary of 21,000 and above monthly.

Most of them are both single and married. Most of them are in a field of Civil


2. The challenges faced by Selected Licensed Engineers in New Normal in terms

of Financial is equivalent to Neither Agree or Disagree. In terms of Emotional, it's

equivalent also to Neither Agree or Disagree and Lastly, in terms of Workplace

it's equivalent to Neither Agree or Disagree.

3. Overall, the challenges faced by selected licensed Engineers equivalent to

Neither Agree or Disagree.

4. Their ways to overcome the challenges are, having their own service, keeping

themselves with the negativity, motivations like family, friends, and their passion

for their career. Another one is, maintaining kinship, healthy communication and

having enough rest. Also, a healthy mind and body and lastly, they made ahead

of plan.


To the respondents and future researchers:

The researchers recommend to conduct further studies related to this topic.

1. Since its pandemic, learn how to budget your money in terms of your needs.

2. Always prioritize your mental health. It does matter.

3. Having a healthy mind, body and soul is important.

4. Don't stress yourself too much for giving your best in your respective career.

5. To the future researcher, since its pandemic the researchers can't find reliable

information because of the limited actions, so the researchers will recommend

finding more information about this study in a Library, Articles or Websites.



Christophe (2020) Covid 19: Engineering and Construction Response Retrieved

June 01, 2020 from

Meng Y. (2012), Descriptive Research and Case Study retrieved October 31,
2012 from

IEEE TEMS (2020) Social Issues and Sustainability in Engineering Management


Kuchan (2014), 10 Challenges You will Face as an Engineer. Lockheed Martin.


Cramer. A.K (2014) Challenges you will face as an Engineer. Locheed Martin

Nukulchai (2020) How Engineering Can Adapt to the New Normal. Bangkok Post,
OPED section. From

Sarah Frueh (2020) Engineering Response to the Covid 19 Pandemic. The

National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine from

Smith (2021) The biggest challenges facing the engineering sector retrieved
August, 2020 from

Terry Persun, (2020) How Engineers are working through the Corona Virus
Pandemic. ASME Setting Standard, Content. From

Liu (2020) 13 ways the Corona Virus Pandemic could forever change the way we
work retrieved from April 30, 2020 from


Aesysn (2019) Engineers and their mental health issue. Advance Energy System.

Celia Fernandez Allar, R.R (2015) Social and Ethical Issues in Engineering. Case
Studies. From › ...PDF Web results Social and
Ethical Issues in Engineering - UPCommons

Clements (2019), 8 of the Greatest Challenges Facing Engineering. New

Engineer. From

COVID-19: Engineering and Construction Industry Response
Rafael Miñano, C. F. (2015). Ethical, Social and Environmental Issues in ICT
Engineering Degrees. Journal of Technology and Science Education, 203




Alcala, Pangasinan

February 22, 2021

Dear Ma’am/ Sir:

We, the grade 11 students are currently working on our research
entitled “Challenges Faced by Selected Licensed Engineers in the
New Normal in San Pedro Apartado Alcala, Pangasinan”.
In this regard, may we respectfully seek your technical expertise in
the content validation of the questionnaire that was constructed. Please
feel free to correct the items or to make comments and suggestions for
the improvement of the questionnaire.
We deeply appreciate your cooperation and support.
Thank you very much.

Respectfully yours,
Danzil Jr, Conrado Castillo

Soberano, Christian Angelo Yabes
Pino, Christian Dave Datuin
Acosta, Kim Joshua Lapitan
Berceles, Daniel John Diaz
Olarte, John Rolan Narciso
Perez, Erica Ablao
Noted by:
Research Adviser




Alcala, Pangasinan
Direction: Read the direction and items in the questionnaire. Then read each statements
in the evaluation sheet and rate each item using the rating scale below putting a check
(√) mark on the appropriate column of the evaluation
Indicators of Validity Rating
4 3 2 1
1. The direction given are clear in all sections of data gathering
2. Each item is clearly stated.
3. Each item is readable easily.

4. Each item is attractive to read and good spacing is observed.

5. The data gathering instruments is comprehensive i.e. it covered

all the areas that are important in the study.

6. Each item is focused on a particular thought or idea.

7. The items are objective i.e. the response to be elicited are

neither biased nor reactive.
8. The items are formulated in accordance to the explicit/implicit
objective of the study.

9. The items do not overplant with each other, no duplication of
items is observed

4 3.25-4.00 HIGHLY VALID
3 2.50-3.24 VALID
2 1.75-2.49 FAIRLY VALID
1 1.00-1.74 NOT VALID

Validated by: ________________________



Alcala, Pangasinan
July, 2021
Madam/ Sir:
Warmest greetings from SPANHS!
We, the undersigned students of San Pedro Apartado National High
School are taking up of Accountancy and Business Administration students
conducting a research entitled, “Challenges Faced by Selected
Licensed Engineers in the New Normal in San Pedro Apartado
Alcala, Pangasinan” as part of the requirements in our subject in
Practical Research 1.
In review of this, the foregoing research may we request you to answer
questions honestly by filling up the questionnaire attached. As the information
provided, it will be kept in outmost confidentiality and would be used only for
academic purposes.
Your support and participation in this particular research endeavour is
Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Respectfully yours,
Danzil Jr, Conrado Castillo
Soberano, Christian Angelo Yabes
Pino, Christian Dave Datuin

Acosta, Kim Joshua Lapitan
Berceles, Daniel John Diaz
Olarte, John Rolan Narciso
Perez, Erica Ablao
Noted by:


Direction: Check (✔) and provide the information needed.

Name (optional):________________

I. Demographic Profile of Respondents

AGE: __21-30 B. SEX: __MALE

__31-40 __FEMALE


__51 and above


__21,000 and above





__Mechanical Engineering
__Electrical Engineering
__Chemical Engineering
__Computer Engineering
__Agricultural Engineering

II. Challenges Faced by Licensed Engineers

Direction: Please check (✔) and rate yourself honestly based on what
actually do given statements using the following scales

5-Strong Agree (SA) 4.20-5

4-Agree (A) 3.40-4.19

3-Neither Agree or Disagree (NAD) 2.60-3.39

2-Disagree (D) 1.80-2.59

1-Strongly Disagree (SD) 1-1.79

EMOTIONAL 55 44 33 22 11
(SA) (A) (NAD)
(A) (NAD) (D)
(D) (SD)
1. I can save more money than before because of the
1. I'm glad changes.
sudden because its less stressful when you work at
There are no changes in my Salary.
3. My salary is not enough to provide my needs.
2. I rarely communicate with people
4. I had a hard time budgeting my monthly salary.
having a hard time dealing with my stuff mentally.
4. I feel sad and unmotivated because of the sudden

5. I'm mentally stable.

C.WORKPLACE 5 4 3 2 1
(SA) (A) (NAD) (D) (SD)

1. I feel safe at home

2. I’m okay with work at home because it’s less stressful
mostly in transportation
3. I’m not satisfied with my workplace
4. I’m having trouble connecting to the Internet
5. I’m not used to the virtual kind of workplace

III. Ways to Overcome the Challenges

1. What are your ways to cope up with the challenges in New Normal?

2. How did you get to use in terms on your hobbies, your lifestyle and your daily
life in the middle of the pandemic?

3. As an engineer mostly right now that we are in the middle of a pandemic,

what do you think is the best strategy to make your work easier?

4. How do you overcome the challenges?

5. What is your motivation to continue your work?

Follow up questions

1. Is it easy to cope up with the challenges?

2. Do you think it is effective?

3. Do you find it hard to find solutions to overcome it?

4. Do you feel motivated?


He is Conrado C. Danzil Jr. He lives in San Pedro Apartado, Alcala,

Pangasinan. He was born on January 09, 2004 and his religion is Roman

Catholic. He is a Filipino citizen. His father’s name is Conrado A. Danzil Sr.

and his mother’s name is Evelyn A. Danzil. He graduated his elementary

at Guinawedan Elementary School located at San Pedro Apartado, Alcala,

Pangasinan. He graduated at San Pedro Apartado National High School for

his junior high school and now currently studying at the same school for

his senior high school taking Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics (STEM).

He is Christian Angelo Y. Soberano. He lives in Tomana West,

Rosales, Pangasinan. He was born on August 4, 2004 and his religion is

Independiente. He is a Filipino citizen. His father’s name Crisostomo A.

Soberano and his mother’s name Anabel S. Yabes. He graduated his

elementary at Tomana Elementary School SPED Center located at

Tomana, Rosales, Pangasinan. He graduated at San Pedro Apartado

National High School for his junior high school and now currently studying

at the same school for his senior high school taking Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

He is Christian Dave D. Pino. He lives in San Narciso, San Manuel,

Tarlac. He was born on November 26, 2003 and his religion is Roman

Catholic. He is a Filipino citizen. His father’s name is Dario C. Pino and his

mother’s name is Evangeline D. Pino. He graduated his elementary at San

Narciso Elementary School located at San Narciso, San Manuel, Tarlac. He

graduated at San Pedro Apartado National High School for his junior high

school and now currently studying at the same school for his senior high

school taking Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

He is Kim Joshua L. Acosta. He lives in San Pedro Apartado, Alcala,

Pangasinan. He was born on October 28, 2003 and his religion is Roman

Catholic. He is a Filipino citizen. His father’s name is Virgilio B. Acosta and

his mother’s name is Espie L. Acosta. He graduated his elementary at San

Pedro Apartado Elementary School located at San Pedro Apartado, Alcala,

Pangasinan. He graduated at San Pedro Apartado National High School for

his junior high school and now currently studying at the same school for

his senior high school taking Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics (STEM).

He is Daniel John D. Berceles. He lives in San Pedro Apartado,

Alcala, Pangasinan. He was born on April 19, 2004 and his religion is

Roman Catholic. He is a Filipino citizen. His father’s name is Danny L.

Berceles and his mother’s name is Juanita R. Berceles. He graduated his

elementary at San Pedro Apartado Elementary School located at San

Pedro Apartado, Alcala, Pangasinan. He graduated at San Pedro Apartado

National High School for his junior high school and now currently studying

at the same school for his senior high school taking Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

He is Jhon Rolan N. Olarte. He lives in San Pedro Apartado, Alcala,

Pangasinan. He was born on January 05, 2004 and his religion is Roman

Catholic. He is a Filipino citizen. His father’s name is Ednardo Y. Olarte

and his mother’s name is Mary Ann N. Olarte. He graduated his

elementary at San Pedro Apartado Elementary School located at San

Pedro Apartado, Alcala, Pangasinan. He graduated at San Pedro Apartado

National High School for his junior high school and now currently studying

at the same school for his senior high school taking Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).


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