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1. A: used before countable or singular nouns referring to people or

things that have not already been mentioned
2. Acids: a chemical, usually a liquid that contains hydrogen and has
a ph of less than seven. The hydrogen can be replaced by a metal
to form a salt. Acids usually have a bitter sharp taste and can
often burn holes in or damage things they touch.
3. Advantage: a thing that helps you to be better or more successful
than other people
4. Alkaline: having the nature of an alkali
5. Also: in addition; too
6. Although: used for introducing a statement that makes the main
statement in a sentence seem surprising
7. Amount: (used especially with uncountable nouns) a quantity of
8. And: When and is used in common phrases connecting two things
or people that are closely linked, the determiner is not usually
repeated before the second
9. Arteries: any of the tubes that carry blood from the heart to other
parts of the body
10. Below: at or to a lower level, position or place
11. Birth: the time when a baby is born; the process of being born
12. Body: the whole physical structure of a human or an animal
13. Breath: the air that you take into your lungs and send out again
14. But: used to introduce a word or phrase that contrasts with what
was said before
15. Caecum: a small bag that is part of the intestine, between the
small and the large intestine
16. Can: used to say that it is possible for somebody/something to do
something, or for something to happen
17. Careful: giving attention or thought to what you are doing so that
you avoid hurting yourself, damaging something or doing
something wrong
18. Changed: very different from what they were before
19. Chemical: produced by or using processes that involve changes to
atoms or molecules
20. Compound: a thing consisting of two or more separate things
combined together
21. Could: used to ask if you can do something
22. Crowded: having a lot of people or too many people
23. Diagnosis: the act of discovering or identifying the exact cause of
an illness or a problem
24. Digestive: connected with the digestion of food; helping the
process of digestion
25. Dissolved: to mix with a liquid and become part of it
26. Dry out: to become or to allow something to become dry, often in
a way that is not wanted
27. Due: caused by somebody/something; because of
28. Ending: the act of finishing something; the last part of something
29. Enzyme: a substance that is produced by all living things and that
helps a chemical change happen or happen more quickly, without
being changed itself
30. Evidence: the facts, signs or objects that make you believe that
something is true
31. Examine: to consider or study an idea, a subject, etc. Very
32. Fat: having too much flesh on it and weighing too much
33. Feet: the lowest part of the leg, below the ankle, on which a
person or an animal stands
34. Finger: one of the four long thin parts that stick out from the hand
35. Formation: a thing that has been formed, especially in a particular
place or in a particular way
36. Get back: to obtain something again after having lost it
37. Glucose: a simple type of sugar that is an important energy source
in living things and that is a part of many carbohydrates
38. Grow up: to develop into an adult
39. Headache: a continuous pain in the head
40. Hemoglobin: a red substance in the blood that carries oxygen and
contains iron
41. Hold: to keep somebody/something in a particular position
42. Inadequate: not enough; not good enough
43. Inflorescence: Set of flowers that are born grouped from the same
44. Infrared: having or using electromagnetic waves that are longer
than those of red light in the spectrum, and that cannot be seen
45. Inmunity: In medicine, it is the way the immune system protects
the body against diseases caused by infections
46. Intestine: a long tube in the body between the stomach and the
anus. Food passes from the stomach to the small intestine and
from there to the large intestine.
47. Look up: Do whatever it takes to find or find a person or thing.
48. Mix: if two or more substances or things mix or you mix them, they
combine, usually in a way that means they cannot easily be
49. Much: used with uncountable nouns, especially in negative
sentences to mean ‘a large amount of something’, or after ‘how’ to
ask about the amount of something.
50. Normally: in the usual or ordinary way
51. Nurse: a person whose job is to take care of sick or injured
people, usually in a hospital
52. Oxygen: a chemical element. Oxygen is a gas that is present in air
and water and is necessary for people, animals and plants to
live.Extra Examples
53. Patient: a person who is receiving medical treatment, especially in
a hospital
54. Perhaps: used when you want to make a statement or opinion
less definite
55. Pill: a small flat round piece of medicine that you swallow whole,
without biting it
56. Poisonous: producing a poison that can cause death or illness if
the animal or insect bites you
57. Process: a series of things that are done in order to achieve a
particular result
58. Produce: to make things to be sold, especially in large quantities
59. Proper: that you consider to be real and of a good enough
60. Rate: a measurement of the number of times something happens
or something does something during a particular period
61. Reacting: to change or behave in a particular way as a result of or
in response to something
62. Resort: the act of using something, especially something bad or
unpleasant, because nothing else is possible
63. Restless: unable to stay still or be happy where you are, because
you are bored or need a change
64. Rice: short, narrow white or brown grain grown on wet land in hot
countries as food; the plant that produces this grain
65. Secretion: the process by which liquid substances are produced
by parts of the body or plants
66. Simpler: basic or plain without anything extra or unnecessary
67. Skill: the ability to do something well
68. Small: not large in size, number, degree, amount, etc.
69. Smell: to have a particular smell
70. Solution: a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult
71. Source: a person, book or document that provides information,
especially for study, a piece of written work or news
72. Sphincter: a ring of muscle that surrounds an opening in the body
and can become tight to close it
73. Suffered: to be badly affected by a disease, pain, sad feelings, a
lack of something, etc.
74. Sugar: a sweet substance, often in the form of white or brown
crystals, made from the juices of various plants, used in cooking
or to make tea, coffee, etc. Sweeter
75. System: a group of things, pieces of equipment, etc. That are
connected or work together
76. The: used to refer to somebody/something that has already been
mentioned or is easily understood
77. Therefore: used to introduce the logical result of something that
has just been mentioned
78. Thermometer: an instrument used for measuring the temperature
of the air, a person’s body, etc.
79. Three: number
80. Time: what is measured in minutes, hours, days, etc.
81. Together: so that two or more things touch or are joined to or
combined with each other
82. Trauma: an unpleasant experience that makes you feel upset
and/or anxious
83. Treatment: something that is done to cure an illness or injury, or to
make somebody look and feel good
84. Tumor: a mass of cells growing in or on a part of the body where
they should not, usually causing medical problems
85. Turn off: to stop the flow of electricity, gas, water, etc. By moving a
switch, button, etc.
86. Twice: two times; on two occasions
87. Ulcer: a painful area on the outside of the body or on the surface
of an organ inside the body that may bleed or produce a
poisonous substance
88. Uniflow: Involving flow in one direction (used especially with
reference to the flow of steam or gases through the cylinder in a
steam or internal combustion engine)
89. Unless: used to give the only situation in which something will not
happen or be true
90. Urine: the waste liquid that collects in the bladder and that you
pass from your body
91. Vaccine: a substance that is put into the blood and that protects
the body from a disease
92. Vary: to be different from each other in size, shape, etc.
93. Veins: any of the tubes that carry blood from all parts of the body
towards the heart
94. Ventricle: either of the two lower spaces in the heart that pump
blood to the lungs or around the body
95. Vertebrae: any of the small bones that are connected together to
form the backbone
96. Virus: a living thing, too small to be seen without a microscope,
that causes disease in people, animals and plants
97. Was: used when you are naming people or things, describing
them or giving more information about them
98. When: used after an expression of time to mean ‘at which’ or ‘on
99. Within: before a particular period of time has passed; during a
particular period of time
100. Young: having lived or existed for only a short time; not fully


1. Abr.: abridge
2. Adj.: adjective
3. Adv.: adverb
4. Anat.: anatomical
5. Arith.: arithmetic
6. Art.: article
7. Astr.: astronomical
8. Astrol.: astrological
9. Bact.: bacterial
10. Bib.: Bible
11. Bibliog.: bibliographer
12. Biochem.
13. Biog.: biographical
14. Biol.: biological
15. Bot.: Board
16. Cap.: capital
17. Chem.: chemical
18. Chron.: Chronicles
19. Conj.: conjugation
20. Dem.: Democrat(ic)
21. Dent.: dental
22. Econ.: economical
23. Educ.: education
24. Elec.: electric
25. Embryol. : Embryology
26. Eng.: English
27. F.: female
28. Fem.: feminine
29. Fr. French
30. Fut.: Future
31. Geog.: geographical
32. Geol.: geology
33. Geom.: geometry
34. Ger.: gerund
35. Gram.: grammar
36. Hist.: history
37. Immun.: immune
38. Imperf. : imperfect
39. Impers.: impersonal
40. Ind.: Independent
41. Inf.: infinitive
42. Ins.: insulated
43. Interj. interjection
44. Inter.: intermediate
45. Lat.: Latin
46. Lit.: literary
47. Log.: logic
48. M.: Mach
49. Mach.: machinery
50. Masc.: masculine
51. Math.: mathematics
52. Mech.: mechanical
53. Med.: medical
54. Meteor.: meteorological
55. Mil.: military
56. Mus.: music
57. Myth.: mythology
58. Neut.: neuter
59. Obstet.: obstetric
60. Pot.: potential
61. Paint.: Paint
62. Pal.: Palestine
63. Part.: Participial
64. Path.: Pathology
65. Pers.: person
66. Pharm.: Pharmaceutical
67. Philol.: philological
68. Philos.: philosopher
69. Phot.: photograph
70. Phys.: physical
71. Physiol.: physiological
72. Pl.: place
73. Pol.: Poland
74. Pp.: past participle
75. Prep.: preposition
76. Pres.: present
77. Pret.: preterit
78. Pron.: pronoun
79. Psychoanal.: psychoanalysis
80. Phychol.: psychological
81. Psychopath.: psychopathic
82. Rad.: radical
83. Reflex.: Reflexive
84. Rel.: relating
85. S.: substantive
86. Sg.: singular
87. Sp.: Spain
88. Super.: superfine
89. Tech.: technical
90. Tell.:
91. Theat.: theater
92. Theol.: theologian
93. Va.: Virginia
94. V aux.: auxiliary verb
95. Vet.: veteran
96. Vn.: Vietnam
97. V reg.: regular verb
98. V irr.: irregular verb
99. Vulg.: Vulgate
100. Zool.: zoological

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