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Instructor: Dr.

George Kfouri
MUBS - Spears

Spring 2018 – 2019

Organizational behavior
problems at Ogero Telecom

Presented By:
Toufic Habli
Jean Kabbani
Bahaa Alaeddine
Sara Al Souri
Yousef Sbeity
Spring 2018 – 2019

Organizational behavior problems at Ogero Telecom

By endorsing our signatures, we herein acknowledge and

confirm that each of the following group members equally
participated in preparing and completing the assigned course
project and its presentation. We also hereby certify that the
outcome of this report is purely and entirely our own work.

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Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary………………………………...…………………………………3
II. Introduction ...…………………………………………………………………………3
III. Overview of the organization …………………………………………………………3
IV. Literature review………………………….…….………….….………………………4
V. Barriers that prevented Ogero from achieving their objective ………………………..8
VI. Diagnosis of the problems …………………………………………...………………..8
VII. Step made to overcome these problems …………………………….………………...9
VIII. Conclusion and Recommendations ………………………………………...…………9
IX. References …………………………………………………………………………...12

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I. Executive Summary

The main objective of this research is to accomplish a review about the employee’s
performance and their behavior, bringing together material from different literatures, articles,
theories and finally a real example from Ogero.

II. Introduction

Ogero Telecom emerged between both modernization and innovation to improve its
employees’ performance.
To cover this research from all its sides, this study will focus on three main parts.
First, define the organizational behavior.
Second, How the HR and the direct managers cooperate and communicate and how that will
leave impact on the employees and the performance of the organization in total.
Third, mention the company’s modifications to overcome these problems.
Finally, we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages on how the company manages the
organizational behavior problems.
To discuss and get a conclusion from the above, the study will follow a specific structure in
the research which is the below:
• Who is Ogero?
• How we will collect our data from the company?
• What is the main issue?
• How this study will analyze the situation?
• What is the result?
• What are the recommendations?

III. Overview of the organization

Ogero, engine of MoT, constitutes the backbone infrastructure for all telecom networks
including Mobile Operators, Data Service Providers (DSPs), Internet Service Providers
(ISPs) and others.
Ogero continues to improve and expand its portfolio of services including Voice and Data
services mainly based on Fiber (FTTx).
In the near future, Ogero, will move from connectivity offers to converged packages (Voice,
Internet, TV Programs, Info, Movies...). End users will have the ability to set their own
packages and can use a variety of devices from any fixed or mobile access.

Ogero’s mission, is to design, implement and maintain the state of the art, reliable, secure and
adaptable telecommunication and information technology infrastructure and solutions for the
welfare of our society, that enable digital transformation in every home and every business in
the country.

Ogero's vision, is to digitize everyday life for Lebanon by continuously redefining the
innovation boundaries and enabling inclusive sustainable growth while being the leader in
shaping the digital future for Lebanon.

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Organizational Culture, Culture has been defined in many ways and by many different
theorists. For instance, according to Geert et al (2010) “it is the collective programming of
the mind that distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from others”.
Kotter and Heskett (1992) noted that culture is “a set of beliefs, values and behaviors
commonly held by a society, being derived from social anthropology as a framework for
understanding ‘primitive’ societies”. Finally, Deal and Kennedy (1982) defined culture in
short as “the way we do things around here”. (Innovation, drive, compassion, integrity and
growth), We will discuss the artifacts and norms, but focus much more on values, which is
the deepest level of Ogero’s organizational culture.

Organizational Structure, to get all the detailed information about the structure in Ogero, this
study arranged a structured interview with Mr. Mazen Mnajed - Head of Personnel Sector.
This research collected a general idea about the company, the organization structure,
employee’s numbers and levels and all needed information.

Ogero is one of the biggest companies in Lebanon and it has branches all over Lebanon.
More than 3000 employee work in that company to form a coherent structure working on
varies tasks and missions. More than 12 directorates, lots of departments and lots of sections
work daily to serve the Lebanese community in the communication field. One of the
important sections in this company is the training center. They provide courses of all kinds
for both of technical and administrative employees locally, and others might be at private
institutes to cover all needed courses at all levels.

IV. Literature review

Organizational behavior (often abbreviated OB), is a field of study that investigates the
impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations, for
applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness.

OB is the study of what people do in an organization and how their behavior affects the
organization’s performance.
OB includes the core topics of motivation, leader behavior and power, interpersonal
communication, group structure and processes, learning, attitude development and
perception, change processes, conflict, work design, and work stress.

Why study OB? Today’s challenges bring opportunities for managers to use OB concepts. In
this section, we review some of the most critical issues confronting managers for which OB
offers solutions—or at least meaningful insights toward solutions.

Attitudes: Evaluative statements or judgments concerning objects, people, or events.

Main Components of Attitudes

• Cognitive component: The opinion or belief segment of an attitude.
• Effective component: The emotional or feeling segment of an attitude.
• Behavioral component: An intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or

Does Behavior Always Follow from Attitudes? Cognitive dissonance: Any incompatibility
between two or more attitudes or between behavior and attitudes.

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Moderating variables: The most powerful moderators of the attitude’s relationship are the
importance of the attitude, its correspondence to behavior, its accessibility, the presence of
social pressures, and whether a person has direct experience with the attitude.

Major Job Attitudes

• Job satisfaction: A positive feeling about one’s job resulting from an evaluation of its
• Job involvement: The degree to which a person identifies with a job, actively participates in
it, and considers performance important to self-worth.
• Psychological empowerment: Employees’ belief in the degree to which they affect their
work environment, their competence, the meaningfulness of their job, and their perceived
autonomy in their work.
• Organizational commitment: The degree to which an employee identifies with a particular
organization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in the organization.
• Perceived organizational support (POS): The degree to which employees believe an
organization values their contribution and cares about their wellbeing.
• Employee engagement: An individual’s involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm
for the work they do.

Motivation, Nature and importance of Motivation: We define motivation as the processes

that account for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining
a goal.
Importance of Motivation To increase work efficiency to combine ability with willingness to
reduce the rate of labor turnover to develop the leadership quality

How do emotions and moods influence behavior in organizations?

Emotions and mood can affect temperament, personality, disposition, and motivation. They
can affect a person's physical well-being, judgement, and perception. Emotions and mood can
cloud judgment and reduce rationality in decision-making.
Emotions are short-lived feelings that come from a known cause, while moods are feelings
that are longer lasting than emotions and have no clear starting point of formation. Emotions
can range from happy, ecstatic, sad and prideful, while moods are either positive or negative.

Emotions in the Workplace, emotions and mood can affect temperament, personality,
disposition, and motivation. They can affect a person's physical well-being, judgement, and
perception. Emotions play a critical role in how individuals behave and react to external
stimuli; they are often internalized enough for people to fail to notice when they are at work.
Emotions and mood can cloud judgment and reduce rationality in decision-making.

Moods, all moods can affect judgment, perception, and physical and emotional well-being.
Long-term exposure to negative moods or stressful environments can lead to illnesses such as
heart disease, diabetes, and ulcers. The decision-making effects of any kind of bad mood can
hinder a person's job performance and lead to poor decisions that affect the company. In
contrast, a positive mood can enhance creativity and problem solving. However, positive
moods can also create false optimism and negatively influence decision making.

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Emotions, emotions are reciprocal with mood, temperament, personality,
disposition, and motivation. Emotions can be influenced by hormones and
neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine can affect a
person's energy level and mood, while serotonin can affect critical-thinking
skills. As emotion is largely a chemical balance (or imbalance) in the
mind, emotions can quickly cloud judgment and complicate social
interactions without the individual being consciously aware that it is
happening. The implication for behavior is important for both managers
and subordinates to understand. Workers must try to identify objectively
when an emotional predisposition is influencing their behavior and
judgement and ensure that the repercussions of the emotion are either
positive or neutralized. Positive emotions can be a great thing, producing
extroversion, energy and job satisfaction. However, both positive and
negative emotions can distort the validity of a decision. Being
overconfident, for example, can be just as dangerous as being under-

Organizational Implications, by encouraging positive employee

management relationships and employee dynamics, an organization may
be able to balance a person's mood and emotions. Improving the level of
job satisfaction for employees is another way that a company can influence
an employee's mood. If a person is satisfied at work, that condition may
reduce levels of stress and help influence motivation and disposition. Job
satisfaction can affect a person's mood and emotional state. Providing
organizational benefits, such as a company gym, meditation classes, or
company retreats, can likewise influence a person's emotions. An active
lifestyle has been shown to produce an increased level of dopamine, which
can enhance energy and mood.

Managers are tasked not only with monitoring and controlling their own moods and
emotions, but also with recognizing emotional issues in their subordinates. Managers should
strive to balance the emotions of their subordinates, ensuring nothing negatively affects their
mental well-being. This can be a difficult role for management, as many people display their
emotions in different ways (and most tend to hide them, particularly at work). Managers must
be both perceptive and strategic in ensuring a mental balance at work.

Emotional intelligence represents an ability to perceive, control and evaluate one's emotions
and to use emotions to enhance thought. Emotional Intelligence is an increasingly relevant to
organizational effectiveness and developing employees. It is expected that the modern leader
coordinates and facilitates the work of his subordinates by creating and maintaining a
constructive and supportive atmosphere for his fellow employee. The best way to hold on to
the employees is to incorporate emotional intelligence to personal and organizational
management philosophy. Emotional Intelligence is fundamental to our life experience and
can influence how successful we are in our relationships and career.

Over the last decade emotional intelligence (EI) has drawn significant interest. In 1985
Wayne Payne coined the term 'emotional intelligence'. Emotionally intelligent employees

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typically performed better which implies that lack of Emotional intelligence in employees
could negatively affect performance and their relationships at workplace.

EI plays a key role in the organizational development. As business becomes more complex
with globalization, new generations, and the accelerating pace of innovation, the value of
"Emotionally intelligent leaders" is gaining ground. Daniel Goleman wrote on Emotional
Intelligence "Emotions guide everything we do." Indeed, emotional intelligence is regarded
as a far stronger predictor of success in work and life - than traditional measures of
intelligence, with 90% of leadership success being attributed to a high EQ.

Emotional Intelligence influences the organizational effectiveness depending on the

following factors: teamwork employee commitment, morale and health, innovation,
productivity, efficiency, sales, revenues, quality of service and customer loyalty.

Raising EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient) improves ability to cope with pressure, build
trust, negotiate, influence without authority, navigate workplace politics, take smart risks,
avoid reckless ones, and handle life's myriad of curve balls with resilience.

Employees follow and support leaders who are approachable and relatable, those who will
roll up their sleeves and fight the battles with them. The modern workplace is characterized
by open communication, teamwork, and a mutual respect among employees and their
supervisors. Possessing emotional intelligence allows managers to better understand and
motivate people they supervise.

Managers can use these strategies for emotional intelligence quotient by providing emotional
intelligence education which includes EQ assessment, training, coaching and developmental
programs, periodical meeting incidental learning etc.

V. Barriers that prevented Ogero from achieving their objective

- Different cultures, since Ogero has branches all over Lebanon that led to have
employees from different communities and cultures to form its workforce.
- Difference in education levels, lots of employees have degrees of domains that is
different from what is required.
- Evaluation process depends on the quantity of coexistence between the employees
and their managers.
- Irrelevant job, employees are assigned to do tasks different of what they do.
- Effective employees didn’t have a chance, that led to job dissatisfaction.
- Demotivation, no allowances, no incentives, no encouragement.
- Too much paper work, the process has a complicated workflow and might consume
lots of time to be done.

VI. Problems at Ogero:

■ External
– Political employment
■ Internal
– Lack of a performance management system.

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– Lack of a management information system.

The management tried to overcome these problems by launching a campaign under the title
of renovation. They adopted innovation and modernization in their plans. New objectives,
goals and targets were set.
But although that looks encouraging, the variety in cultures and educational levels between
employees created lots of challenges and sometimes barriers that prevented change.
The reason to change resistance was lack of communication between departments, misleading
information, new employees with no experience, and fear of change, employees had been
working for years and they are all used to these procedures. New system means new
procedures, lots of trainings and lots of mistakes.

Lot of active employees turned to be passive, mistakes got accumulated, unachieved targets
all of that led to failure.

VII. Diagnosis of the problems

This study qualitatively collected the needed data for the HR process and it is process as the
Starting by describing how the structure of organization is done, employees are divided into
levels; every employee has a specific level based on his years of experience, his position, his
duties and responsibilities. Then performance appraisal takes place and according to its result,
each employee will a rate to be calculated to form his grade for his bonus at the end of the

To go specifically into the process, the managerial positions have 4 evaluations per year, and
they get rewarded depending on that every three months, since they handle more
responsibilities, while all other employees are subjected to an appraisal process that is divided
into four quarters. Each employee is subjected to an evaluation on four steps and at the end of
the year he gets rewarded depending on his grades.

The performance appraisal process is usually done by the CEO, direct manager of the
employee and the HR manager, and the report they have is based on several factors such as:

1. Attendance, absentees, working overtime, and basically this factor is done by HR

since the company have an intranet system that evaluate what time the employees are
attending the office and how many unplanned absences are made.
2. The employee will be evaluated, on the quality of work submitted, for example, a
program developer is working on a project, he is responsible for the quality of work
submitted for the customer, so his main goal is the customer satisfaction.
3. Every employee in Ogero, must be updated to new technologies and use it while
working on projects. Certifications and skills development will be evaluated.
4. In addition, the employee is required to give an exact estimation for every project
delivery, and he should follow it, since it is sent to the customer, and to have the customer
satisfaction, the project delivery should be accurate.
And finally, employee evaluation will record his/ her attitude toward the direct manager,
colleagues, and team work. Employee’s motivation and practices to success in his/ her
specific goal are evaluated too.

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The biggest challenge that the employees faced was that Ogero didn’t implement a
performance management system. So, the whole process depends on the quantity of
coexistence between the employees and their managers. So, lots of employees might be
affected negatively in the performance appraisal because of several reasons.
1. Some employees are assigned to work on a new task that isn’t mentioned in their job
description. In every organization, the employee is assigned to certain tasks based on
his job descriptions and qualifications, in return that employee is expecting from his
company is to respect this since every person has certain ability and qualifications,
and in some cases, the company asks the person to work in another domain, but this
process need to have the employee’s approval in addition to a detailed training before
he is assigned to a critical tasks with a short time estimation, and especially in Ogero,
the employees are assigned to new tasks with a short period of time, which lead to a
negative result, and based on this result, the performance appraisal is affected
2. The absence of a performance management system is preventing the effective
employees from having their chances and the progress is done on the personal level,
employees are distributed depending on their “social support” and tasks are allocated
randomly, no follow up, no feedback and total absence of motivation.
3. Political employment led to have ineffective employees with big political backup that
prevented moving them from critical positions.

VIII. Conclusion and Recommendations

1- The new management had to take bold administrative transfers between employees to
implement new programs and systems. But lots of change resistance are still floating
from nowhere and that is slowing the whole process and effecting the company’s
performance and its productivity.

- It would have been better if the management used tactics for overcoming resistance to
change by:
a- Implementing change fairly
b- Providing education to the new employees.
c- Encouraging the employees to participate in events so they can get to know each
other better.
d- Building support and commitment.
e- Manipulation and cooptation.
f- Selecting people who accept change.

2- The performance appraisal in this company is not practiced in a correct way, and lack
of an effective performance management system.
a- It would have been better if employees go through a fair performance appraisal twice
a year, to keep them motivated all the year.
b- After each performance appraisal a meeting with the manager is required, so that
employees and their manager can have an open space to express their points regarding
the appraisal. As that will be a great step in planning together, the manager and the
employee, the new challenges that employee will go through it to perform better, as

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manager will be able to express the achievements that are expected from the
c- Knowing that the employees of this company are working on project, so they are
offering services that are created by themselves, under the name of the company.

3- The management launched a new contact center that was equipped and designed to
meet the international standards as an employee-oriented workplace. It included a tv,
a gaming zone and a cafeteria. The main target was to improve customer service.

- The management missed the needs to create a customer-responsive culture based on

guidance in which employees are friendly and courteous, accessible, knowledgeable,
prompt in responding to customer needs, and willing to do what’s necessary to please
the customer.

- Improving people skills, you’ll gain insights into specific people skills that you can
use on the job.

4- Stimulating innovation and change, an organization’s employees can be the impetus

for innovation and change, the challenge for managers is to stimulate their employees’
creativity and tolerance for change.

5- Coping with temporariness, today most managers and employees today work in a
climate best characterized as “temporary. permanent employees are replaced with
temporary workers. Managers and employees must learn to cope with temporariness,
flexibility, spontaneity, and unpredictability. The study of OB can help you better
understand a work world of continual change, overcome resistance to change, and
create an organizational culture that thrives on change.

6- Working in networked organizations, networked organizations use e-mail, the

Internet, and video-conferencing allow employees to communicate and work together
even though they are thousands of miles apart. The manager’s job in a networked
organization requires different techniques from those used when workers are
physically present in a single location.

7- Helping employees balance work–life conflicts, employees increasingly recognize

that work infringes on their personal lives, and they’re not happy about it. Recent
studies suggest employees want jobs that give them flexibility in their work
schedules, so they can better manage work–life conflicts. OB offers several
suggestions to guide managers in designing workplaces and jobs that can help
employees deal with work–life conflicts.

8- Creating a positive work environment, organizations are trying to realize a

competitive advantage by fostering a positive work environment which means
practicing engagement, hope, optimism, and resilience in the face of strain.

9- Improving ethical behavior, employees see people all around them engaging in
unethical practices—elected official Employees paid expense accounts or take bribes;
corporate executives inflate profits, so they can cash in lucrative stock options; and
university administrators look the other way when winning coaches encourage

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scholarship athletes to take easy courses. Managers and their organizations are
responding to the problem of unethical behavior in several ways. They’re writing and
distributing codes of ethics to guide employees through ethical dilemmas. They’re
offering seminars, workshops, and other training programs to try to improve ethical
behaviors. They’re providing in-house advisors who can be contacted, in many cases
anonymously, for assistance in dealing with ethical issues, and they’re creating
protection mechanisms for employees who reveal internal unethical practices.


- Dee Hock
“Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress.
Working hard for something we love is called passion.”
- Simon Sinek
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IX. References

bignew/emotional+intelligence+in+organisational+behaviour-newsid-94426043 › Managing Employees › Performance Evaluations

Journal of European Industrial Training [ CITATION Gar \l 1033 ]

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