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1. King Solomon of the bible is described as the wisest person that ever lived. In African perception of man
he is best described as a … (a). King (b). Deity (c). Sage (d). Ancestor

2. In African concept of positions when a woman earns money and pays the child’s fees but makes the child
go thank his father for paying his fees, she is … (a). Telling lies (b). Maintaining class (c). Exposing
her husband (d). All of A,B,C.

3. In African interpretation when the palms of a person are itching, he is … (a). Going to travel (b). Going
to receive beating (c). Going to be given some money (d). Dirty

4. The act by man to change accommodation from the open field to the cool of a cave is as a result of … (a).
Instinct (b). Thinking (c). Imitation of other beings (d). Critical thinking

5. The cooking of beans as beans only, not accepting other forms of it as being equivalent to beans by man
is a demonstration of … (a). Development (b). Under development (c). Growth (d). Intellectualism

6. The ability by man to distinguish climatic seasons in a year is as a result of … (a). Observation (b).
Comparison (c). Reasoning (d). A, B, C.

7. Transportation system is made up of … (a). Air (b). Water (c). Land (d). A, B, C.

8. According to the Bible the first human philosopher is … (a). Eve (b). Adam (c). Adam and Eve (d). Not
A, B, C.

9. A person who changes from infancy to grey hair without speech ability or mental activity is an example
of one … in the final analysis. (a). With no development (b). Adequately developed (c).
Appropriately developed (d). Not A, B, C.

10. Which of the following sentence would be true of the definition of Sexuality? (a). Sexuality is a
composite term referring to the totality of being a person. (b). A & D. (c). It is simply or
basically the expression of sexual feelings. (d). It suggests our human characters and not
only our genital acts, and has implications regarding the total meaning of being a

11. Which of the following definition of Sexual Orientation is true? (a). It connotes the cumulative
experience and interaction of erotic fantasy, romantic-emotional feelings, and sexual
behavior directed toward one or both genders. (b). It is the sexual preference or choice that


determines whether one chooses a member of the same or the opposite sex, or both, for
sexual satisfaction. (c). A & B. (d). It is knowing your personal sexual status.

12. One of the following is NOT a type of Sexual Orientation. (a). Homosexual (b). Heterosexual
(c). Bisexual (d). Paraphilia

13. One of the following statement is NOT true (a). Paraphilias include exhibitionism. (b).
Paraphilias include exorcism. (c). Paraphilias include fetishism. (d). Paraphilias include

14. Which of the following causes might lead someone in a paraphiliac direction? (a). An individual
who is dressed in a woman's clothes as a form of parental punishment. (b). Fear of sexual
performance or intimacy. (c). A young boy who is sexually abused (d). All of the above.

15. Group dynamics refer to the influential actions, processes, and changes that take place in
(human) groups. True or False?

16. The following are reasons why people form groups except one. (a). Fame. (b). Power. (c).
Security. (d). Self-Esteem.

17. One of the following statement is NOT a characteristic of human group. (a). Existence of a
common purpose or objective. (b). Existence of psychological needs. (c). Collective
conscience/communality. (d). Presence a semi-permanent or permanent
structure/hierarchy such role definition or an established pattern of interaction.

18. The following are types of informal groups except one. (a). Interest. (b). Purpose. (c).
Friendship. (d). Reference.
19. It has been said that personality is a relatively stable set of characteristics that influences an
individual’s behavior. True or False?
20. Personality is that which permits a prediction of what a person will do in a given situation. This
definition was given by ------------ (a). Walter Mischel, 1950 (b). Raymond B. Cattell, 1999
(c). Walter Mischel, 1999 (d). Raymond B. Cattell, 1950



1= C 2=B 3=C 4=D 5=B 6=D 7=D 8=D 9=A 10=B

11=C 12=D 13=B 14=D 15=Tru 16=A 17=B 18=B 19=True 20=D

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