Education + Training: Emerald Article: Action Learning Comes of Age: Questioning Action Learning

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Education + Training

Emerald Article: Action learning comes of age: questioning action learning

Tom Bourner, Liz Beaty, John Lawson, Suzanne O'Hara

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To cite this document: Tom Bourner, Liz Beaty, John Lawson, Suzanne O'Hara, (1996),"Action learning comes of age: questioning
action learning", Education + Training, Vol. 38 Iss: 8 pp. 32 - 35
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Action learning is a process of reflection and
Action learning comes action, aimed at improving effectiveness of
action where learning is an important out-
of age: questioning come. Its purpose is to learn from experience
action learning in order to act more wisely. It can be used
wherever a group can support the learning of
others in a context where it is possible to learn
from experience.
Tom Bourner The authors of this article are all experi-
Liz Beaty enced participants and set advisers in action
learning. We have come to the conclusion that
John Lawson and now is the time to question where and for
Suzanne O’Hara whom action learning might not work. As
advocates of action learning, we have helped it
to make inroads into higher education along-
side more traditional models of learning. It is
felt that action learning is now robust enough
The authors to take care of itself if we stand back and
Tom Bourner is Principal Lecturer, Centre for Management reflect on our experience to seek the limits of
Development, Liz Beaty is Principal Lecturer, Education the method.
Development Unit, and John Lawson and Suzanne Action learning has reached a maturity
O’Hara are Senior Lecturers all at the University of which allows us to ask the question “what can
Brighton, Brighton, UK. go wrong?” without feeling disloyal to its
principles. We believe that the case for action
Abstract learning has now been established in principle
Questions where and for whom action learning might not and the focus can now be shifted to improving
work and seeks to find the limits of the method. Suggests the practice. By sharing our mistakes as well
that by better understanding the situations in which action as our successes, we can discover where and
learning works least well, its more effective use will be with whom it works best and, in this way, we
more fully understood. can learn to do action learning better. This is
in the spirit of action learning: looking for the
obstacles rather than basking in the successes.

The bad times

We began work for this article by agreeing to
share our worst experiences with action learn-
ing. We all had tales to tell of times when,
either as participant or set adviser, a set did
not work as well as we expected, when indi-
vidual participants had not seemed to gain
from the experience and when we felt failures
as set participants or as set advisers. Here are
some examples:

The in-house set

This set was formed from those in the most
junior management positions within the same
organization. Most were new to management.
Originally they had asked for workshops on
specific themes including (didactic) instruc-
tion on how to manage. They were persuaded
that an action learning programme would
better meet their needs. Some brought with
Education + Training
Volume 38 · Number 8 · 1996 · pp. 32–35 them a competitiveness with the other
© MCB University Press · ISSN 0040-0912 members of the set, summed up in a
subsequent revelation by one person that her started well and the group seemed to enjoy
main reason for joining the set was to find out working together. However, disagreement
what the others were doing to ensure that they soon emerged regarding the project’s
did not get ahead of her. There was a high progress, apportioning blame became a recur-
level of defensiveness such that the set mem- ring theme and absenteeism became more
bers filled their time in the set with mono- common. Eventually, acrimony and mistrust
logues that allowed no opportunity for the
grew and the group became increasingly
other members to ask questions.
divided. Tripartite telephone conversations
assisted that process. None of that was
The uncommitted set
The ground rules of this set stated that each brought to the set meetings and, eventually,
member agreed to perform achievable tasks the project foundered.
by the next set meeting to progress their
project completion. This worked very well for ‘…A test of the integrity of a theory or an
many months. However, over time it was approach is the extent to which it is
noticeable that certain members were not
prepared to apply to itself the
completing the tasks that they had set them-
methods that it advocates. To what
selves. At one meeting only one set member
extent are those within the action
had completed any of the actions to which
they had committed. That set member felt learning fold willing to test and then
demoralized by this experience. The erstwhile refine their practice of action
successful framework was collapsing and he learning? To what extent are we
felt angry at the other set members and willing to apply the critical
unwilling to maintain his own contribution to questioning approach of action
the set. At the following meetings, lack of learning to action learning itself?…’
completion of agreed actions showed that
commitment was clearly waning. At the same
time, attendance was also falling off. The set These were isolated incidents among very
never again provided the level of support and many positive and powerful experiences of
motivation that it had in its early days. action learning and our commitment to it
remains firm. Nevertheless, as proponents of
The set adviser’s set
action learning, we wanted to see if combin-
During the first set meeting the set adviser
ing and discussing our experience of where
told the set of her troubles, including thoughts
action learning had been least successful for
of suicide. The set’s supportive comments
us, we could find patterns of success or failure
were used by the set adviser to develop a
“lonely and unloved” theme. The set mem- that would enable us to learn from our experi-
bers eventually became frustrated and ence. If we could find out where and when it
attempts to turn the focus on to more perti- has not worked then it would help us to find
nent issues were resisted by the set adviser. where it works best and use it more effectively.
This led to a questioning of her role as set In discussing the origins of action learning,
adviser. She was adamant that she too had Reg Revans has spoken of his experience in
needs from the set meeting and had a right to the Rutherford Laboratory at Cambridge
raise these. She did not see herself as confined where Nobel prize-winning scientists came
to providing a servicing role to the other together to learn from discussing their failures
members. This issue absorbed nearly all of the and their problems rather than their success-
time of the set meeting. Set members felt
es. A test of the integrity of a theory or an
angry that the set adviser had used her posi-
approach is the extent to which it is prepared
tion to divert the work along her own agenda,
to apply to itself the methods that it advocates.
imposed on the other set members.
To what extent are those within the action
The group project set learning fold willing to test and then refine
This set had worked well together for a year. their practice of action learning? To what
The second year of its life, however, was extent are we willing to apply the critical
marked by a shift from individual projects to questioning approach of action learning to
an attempt to work on a group project. This action learning itself?
Action learning: who, what, where and learning is the best way of learning everything,
when? then why are you reading this article? Why
read the words of Reg Revans? Books and
There was a time when “confirming cases” of
journal articles are a physical embodiment of
the application of action learning were sought.
programmed learning. Is the issue that you
In the early days of action learning that was an
hope to address by reading this article a
appropriate thing to do. Confirming cases
were not difficult to find. They provided puzzle or a problem? Is action learning
ample evidence that action learning can work. important or useful or even relevant to learn-
The question on the agenda now is when and ing to be a good parent? How about learning
where is action learning most applicable? In to play a musical instrument? Learning to use
order to find the domains of applicability of a word processor? Learning to overcome
action learning one needs to look for “discon- aversion to computers? Learning to be a good
firming” cases. One needs to find where and partner? Learning to be a good citizen?
when action learning has worked least well Learning to swim? Learning to manage your
and examine the circumstances. The shift of time better?
focus from “confirming cases” to “discon- One set of questions on the new agenda for
firming cases” is a consequence of the grow- action learning is to identify its domain of
ing maturity of action learning. applicability: when, where and with whom is
it most effective? A second set of questions is
how to “do” action learning better. The
‘…One set of questions on the new
theory of action learning is quite well-
agenda for action learning is to
developed. We now also have a lot of experi-
identify its domain of applicability:
ence (empirical evidence) about what works
when, where and with whom is it most
best and in what circumstances. The spirit of
action learning involves testing out our ideas
in action and then modifying our ideas as a
consequence. Action learning that ossifies
For what kinds of people is it most effective?
into hard and fast principles would be an odd
For what kinds of people is it least effective? If
thing. Action learning that does not reflect on
management development is learning for the
and learn from the experience of its applica-
bosses, how about learning for those who they
tion is a self-contradiction. Do we only reflect
manage? Is it most effective with senior man-
agers? Or is it just as effective with junior on our own experience or can we find ways of
managers? Does it work with those in non- sharing the experience and learning from the
management positions? Is action learning experience of one another? How can we best
most effective with older people or younger share that experience?
people? Is it only for adults? When it has been
used with schoolchildren, how effective has it Looking ahead
been? If we are looking to identify the
domains of applicability, one needs to know There was a time (only a couple of decades
where it has gone wrong at least as much as ago) when action learning was a heresy within
where it has gone right. both management development and educa-
For what kinds of learning is action learn- tional establishments. In this last decade of
ing most and least effective? As so often, Reg the twentieth century, it is riding high.
Revans has led the way: he distinguished According to the AMED report[1], by the
problems from puzzles. Action learning is end of the 1980s Action Learning had
appropriate for the sort of learning associated reached the top ten out of 90 different identi-
with problems and inappropriate for the sort fied methods and approaches to management
of learning associated with puzzles. This is a development. By the early 1990s, Pedler was
helpful start. If, however, we try to move able to write:
action learning from management develop- The six-month management development
programme which has a “start-up module,
ment to a more central position in the field of
monthly learning sets, occasional workshops
human learning, then we are forced to con- and a final workshop” has almost reached the
front areas of learning where the puzzles/ status of a new orthodoxy in some quarters[2,
problems distinction is less useful. If action p. xxi].
In the early years, action learning was resisted It can reasonably be said of action learning
in institutions of further and higher education that it has become part of the mainstream of
and particularly in business schools. Some management development and it has gained
academics took it as an affront to suggest that entry to the educational system, particularly
what people could learn from interrogating at the higher level. We look forward to its
their own experience could be more valuable further growth and its spreading into the more
to them than the wisdom recorded in books general fields of human learning. We also look
and journals. Possibly it was also seen as a forward to the development of action learning
threat by academics who had invested heavily from how it is at the moment to forms that are
in acquiring their knowledge from books and applicable to enabling people to learn from
journals. In recent years, however, action the experience of resolving other human
learning has made significant inroads into problems.
higher education (e.g. within Certificate,
Diploma and Masters courses in management
and also in teacher training). Action learning References
has been seen as a valuable way of implement-
1 Association for Management Education and Develop-
ing ideas of student-centred learning, reflec- ment, Developing the Developers: Improving the
tive practitioners, learning contracts and self- Quality of the Professionals Who Develop People and
managed learning. It has even been used to Organisations, AMED, London, 1991.
support the learning of research degree 2 Pedler, M., Action Learning in Practice, 2nd ed.,
students. Gower, Aldershot, 1991.

Editors note
Readers may be interested to note the existence and activities of the International Foun-
dation for Action Learning.
The Foundation is a registered charity set up to promote action learning. Since 1977
when it was established IFAL has become well-known and respected as a source of infor-
mation and support for those who practise or interested in action learning. IFAL encour-
ages the use of action learning by:
• Information – responding to requests and promoting discussion by phone or letter.
• Library – IFAL has a substantial library of writings about action learning, including
many unpublished papers. Copies of items can usually be purchased for the cost of
copying and distribution.
• Newsletter – a regular newsletter provides the opportunity for members to share
their ideas and experience. It includes book reviews and reports on conferences.
• Meetings/Conferences/Workshops – IFAL arranges a range of forums to discuss
and debate the issues surrounding the practice and application of action learning.
• Networks – through its international membership IFAL constructs a network of
people who can support one another in their diverse experience of action learning.
Further information can be obtained from Pennie Drinkall/Angela Mercer, IFAL
Administrators, Department of Management Learning, Lancaster University, LA1 4YL.


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