DR Norman Walker's Juices

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Dr Norman Walker’s juices

Nutritional information

DR Norman Walter wrote “the human body is inextricably dependent

on the quality of food that it intakes”. Our bodies rely on nutrients
that come from the fibres of fresh fruits and vegetables that help us
when we encounter ailments and illness.
There is no more powerful medicine than the properties which come
from freshly squeezed fruits and vegetables. Dr Norman Walker spent
years researching the benefits of cold press juicing and concluded
that juicing was the most efficient and natural way to cure ailments
because it was the only method which separated minerals and water
in fresh produce from the fibres, and was digested into the
bloodstream in a matter of minutes.
When you juice you cleanse your colon, digestive system, blood,
urinary system and saturate your tissues with nutritional value to aid
in general nourishment. Juicing everyday can help prevent diseases
and help the body to heal. Try a recipe from our medicinal juice recipe
collection below when you are feeling unwell, tired or stressed as
they will help you to fight of any winter ailments you might be

Juice for Infection
An infection is your body’s way of saying it has been overloaded with
waste matter and toxins and is a warning for you to take better care
for yourself. Drinking juice and fasting for a day or two can do
wonders to the recovery of your body’s organs and will help in the
prevention of accumulated waste and toxins inside the body. The
following juice recipe is a great antibiotic juice for all types of


 1 inch long piece of fresh Aloe Vera

 1 Apple
 2 Carrots
 A handful of alfalfa leaves
 1 clove of fresh garlic
 (makes 1 glass and should be drunk three times daily)


 1. Cut carrots, apple and Aloe Vera into small pieces.

 2. Peel garlic and remove 1 clove
 3. Rinse Alfalfa leaves
 4. Place all ingredients through your cold press juicer,
alternating between ingredients to ensure a consistent flavour.

Nutritional Information

Aloe Vera is a natural healer and is an adaptogen which means it can
boost the body’s ability to resist illness. It is rich in polysaccharides
which help stimulate white blood cells (the illness warriors) in your
body. Alfalfa leaves can help to guard against a wide range of
diseases. Its roots grow deep into the earth (30 to 100 feet) which
guarantees trace minerals are

Juice for Digestion

Whether its bloating or bowel issues, an estimated nine million of us
have problems with our digestive system and simply don’t do
anything about the issues. The discomfort that comes with digestive
disorders can be so painful, but by drinking juice you can help reduce
and prevent further digestive irritations or ailments. The following
recipe is a great way to strengthen your digestive system over time.


 2 Carrots
 ½ a wedge of cabbage
 ½ Apple
 (Makes 1 glass)


 1. Wash all ingredients and cut into chunks small enough for the
chute of your cold press juicer.
 2. Place through your juicer alternating produce for blended
 3. Enjoy!

Nutritional Information

Cabbage contains an amino acid called glutamine and encourages the

regeneration of cells that line the digestive tract. Raw carrot juice is
the richest source of Vitamin A which can be quickly assimilated to
the necessary parts of your body. Carrots aid digestion and are an
essential ingredient in digestive juices.

Juice for Colon Cleansing

Caring for your colon is often overlooked by most people but it is one
of the leading causes for illnesses like the common cold. When waste
matter and toxins build up in the body and are not eliminated through
the colon our bodies will suffer from ailments. Juicing specific fruits
and vegetables that promote the elimination of waste in your colon is
a great way to prevent future illnesses.


 2 Carrots
 2 Celery stalks
 1 Apple
 2 Spinach leaves
 (makes 1 glass)


 1. Wash all ingredients and cut the carrots and apple into small
 2. Feed the produce through the chute of your cold press juicer
 3. Enjoy!

Aloe Vera Juice


 1 inch long piece of fresh aloe vera

 1 cup cucumber
 herbs

 1. Take a piece of aloe vera from your garden, cut a small chunk
off preferably from the middle part and wash thoroughly
 2. Cut the cucumber into long slices
 3. Take a small bunch of herbs you would like to juice, for
example, parsley
 4. Turn the notch on the Juicing Nozzle onto 1, and push the
herbs and the aloe vera into the guide first, then the cucumber

Preparation hints

Aloe vera grows in great abundance in warmer countries and is easy

to find. You can keep a leaf in the fridge for over a week and slice off a
piece every day. The fresh juice is thick in consistency and some
people don’t get used to it. Looked at it as a vitamin pill like wheat
grass that you drink quickly. Nevertheless a two-week beauty fast
with aloe vera juice in the morning as an additional step, gives your
skin great nourishment. Cucumber is also a skin cleanser. Leave the
skin on to get the maximum nutrients that cucumber has to offer.

Nutritional information:

Aloe Vera is a natural healer, its use dating back more then 4000
years. Aloe has countless healing and protective powers and
scientific research has shown that it acts as an anti-inflammatory,
analgesic, anti-puritic, moisturizer, regenerator and detoxifier. In 1992,
J.C. Pittman found that Aloe Vera acts as a stimulant on the immune
system. It seems too good to be true but consuming one glass of this
juice daily can help prevent diseases and supports your well being

Fennel Juice

Fennel has an exotic taste and should be used within reason, as its
taste is quite intense. For committed raw food eaters this can come as
a welcome change.


 1 small stalk of fennel

 4 medium carrots
 2 apples
 1 small potato
 (Makes two glasses)


 1. Cut each apple into 6 slices and remove the core

 2. Cut the carrots into long slices and slice the potato
 3. Juice the fruits and vegetables together on notch 2

Preparation hints

Wash the potato before juicing. Leave the skin on for extra nutrients.
Please be aware that fennel has a very strong taste on its own. Start
with little and then add more. You can also make this juice without
fennel for people who don’t enjoy the taste unless it is being used as
a remedy.

Nutritional information:

Fennel assists you as a mild sedative and in falling asleep. Fennel has
been shown to reduce and control inflammation of arthritis. It also
evens mood fluctuation and depressive states. Fennel has the rare
nutrient called manganese, contains zinc and vitamin B complex,
which makes it a very valuable choice for juicing.

Dandelion Juice

Dandelion was used by our forefathers as a salad green and powerful

healing herb. Its use has been re-established once again and
dandelion can now be found for free in parks and meadows or even in
your back garden. The taste of Dandelion is rich and invigorating and
your body will be thankful for this taste experience. Combine it with a
clove of garlic and you’ll definitely be on the right track to boosting
your health.


 8 dandelion leaves, green and the roots

 6 carrots
 ½ stalk celery
 small bunch of pine needles
 ½ clove of garlic (optional)
 (makes two glasses)


 1. Cut the carrots into 4 long slices

 2. Turn the notch on the Juicing Nozzle onto 1
 3. Juice the carrot at the same time as the dandelion by
wrapping it around the slices and juice the celery after the pine

Preparation hints

When you pick your Dandelion be sure to give it a good rinse. The
darker leaves are more bitter than the young ones. Bitterness is a
taste that we can identify with our taste buds. I often experience a
yearning for bitter taste since I started eating and juicing herbs and
find it a highly satisfying taste. Use the youngest pine needles from
the top tips of the little branches.

Nutritional information

Carrots are known to have a lot of anti-oxidant properties and they

assist in breaking down excessive fats. Dandelion strengthens the
immune system, has anti-inflammatory properties and is a good
kidney and liver cleanser.

Grapefruit Juice

When you feel a cold is on the run, quickly grab yourself this juice
twice a day! The best thing is to feed the whole family and friends
with this juice so their immune system gets a little help as well.
Usually when your body needs a particular substance to stay healthy
it will love the taste of the food containing that particular substance.
It’s not uncommon to develop an urge to drink this juice when you
feel a bit run down or stressed.


 2 yellow grapefruits
 slice of ginger
 2-3 green apples
 slice of lemon
 (Makes two glasses)


 1. Cut the apples into 6 pieces and remove the core

 2. Peal the grapefruits and leave the pithy white part on
 3. Juice the fruits with the ginger going in first on notch 2

Preparation hint

If you need to make a large amount of this juice you can juice 1-2
litres at once and keep it in the fridge for at least 24 hours without
losing any of its original flavours. If the screen gets clogged while you
are juicing, stop the machine, remove the strainer, rinse off the screen
and keep on juicing. This hardly ever happens though, and you will
notice it when the amount of juice coming from the juicing Outlet

Nutritional information

Grapefruits improve the permeability and strength of the capillary

walls. It assists with the breakdown of mucus and fever in coughs,
colds, flu and sore throats. Apples help to build resistance to
infections. The pectin they contain absorbs toxins in the gut and
helps with their elimination.


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