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Spreading Pandemic

Anjoy M.

Protect Yourself, Protect Others

Good day everyone, my name is Anjoy Magallanes and today I will be sharing a
speech about protecting ourselves during this pandemic. The COVID-19 has been a part of
our daily lives since March 2020, there have been more then 2 million confirmed cases
coronavirus cases worldwide. Most people who have caught the COVID-19 suffer little
more than mild illness from which they soon recover. But for some, particularly the elderly
and patients with existing health conditions, the consequences can be more severe. As we
all know, COVID-19 can be transmitted by people with the virus coughing or sneezing,
releasing tiny contaminated droplets into the air and these droplets can travel more than a
meter from the infected person, allowing them to settle on any surfaces ready to be
transferred to anyone that touches the surface.

Adopting good hygiene is one of the most effective weapons to slow or prevent the
virus spreading. I have six things you can do to protect yourself and others. First, avoid
touching your eyes, nose and mouth because our hands touch doors handles, keyboards,
taps and numerous other surfaces, so the virus could easily be picked up this way. Rubbing
your eyes or mouth could transfer the virus from your hands into your body. Second, wash
your hands regularly, using plenty of soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub to kill
any virus on your hands. Third, practice respiratory hygiene, if you cough or sneeze you
used tissue and throw it in the trash can afterwards. But if you don’t have tissue, cough into
the crook of your arm instead of using your hand. If possible, avoid coughing or sneezing
near other people. Fourth, maintain social distancing, be aware of people around you and
keep your distance from anyone coughing or sneezing. Stay at least 1 meter away to
prevent inhaling small liquid droplets sprayed by coughs and sneezes. Fifth, if any
symptoms develop, seek medical care early, stay at home if you feel unwell, and if you
develop a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing seek medical attention. And lastly, stay
informed, accurate information about COVID-19 and its spread is essential. But beware,
because there is a lot of information, scaremongering and fake news floating around on
social media that can hamper efforts to contain the virus.

As a good citizen in our country, be a role model. Rest, exercise and eat well. Connect
with family members, explain to them that by protecting their own health, they are also
protecting the health of everyone around them.

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