Nama: Putri Natasya NPM: 2003100037 Kelas: IAP-A2 Pagi Mata Kuliah: Bahasa Inggris

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Nama : Putri Natasya

Npm : 2003100037

Kelas : IAP-A2 pagi

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Tugas / Latihan
Buatlah satu percakapan mengenai Like and Dislike

The dialogue takes place in a Cinema, at an early afternoon.

Derry : Its 11:45 AM right now, we should take between the 12:00 or 3:00 PM movies.
Putri : Which schedule do you prefer to take?
Derry : I think the second one is better, we should get some food first before get to the movie.
Putri : Okay, then 3:00 PM schedules, then which movies do you prefer to watch?
Derry : I’m not really sure, how about you?
Putri : Let me think about it.
Derry : Let’s choose together then.
Putri : It’s kind of hard to choose a movie.
Derry : Why? There are no movies listed here that you like?
Putri : It’s not that, um as I know Titanic is a romantic movie, right?
Derry : Yes it is.
Putri : I can’t really enjoy romantic genre. The mood won’t be something that I would like.
How about you Derry?
Derry : I also dislike romantic movies. How about action, you enjoy action movies?
Putri : No, I’m not. l can’t stand to watch action movies. I really don’t like something that
shows violence, since action movies does contains many fighting scene I believe.
Derry : Okay then. How about Harry Potter, it’s a fantasy movie. Do you like fantasy genre?
Putri : Of course! I’m crazy about fantasy genre since I was a child. Should we watch Harry
Potter then? You don’t mind it?
Derry : Nope. I also a big fan of fantasy genre. I think I will love Harry Potter.
Putri : That’s better! Let me choose the seat for us.
Derry : Thank you Putri. Choose the best one!
Tugas / Latihan
Buatlah satu percakapan mengenai Invitation and Excuses

The situations take place in a school.

Derry : Hi Putri, how is it going?
Putri : Since we are not in the same class, every time feels so ordinary.
Derry : Haha, it’s okay. You’ll get used to the class and get to know a new friend.
Putri : Nah, it’s boring every time.
Derry : You bored? Let’s play then! Are you free tonight?
Putri : Yes, I am. Why?
Derry : I got tickets for both of us to watch the new horror movies?
Putri : What? That would be fun for sure! At what time?
Derry : At 7.00 PM. Would you want to see the movies with me?
Putri : Of course, I’d love to! But I don’t have anybody to pick me up since I’m going to be at
my aunt house this evening.
Derry : What are you doing in your auntie’s house?
Putri : There would be a little surprise for her child. She want me to celebrate it together. Hey
how about join the celebrations with us?
Derry : What really? Is that okay?
Putri : Yes. You also know Lana’s well right? My cousin. Then you are free to join! You are
not busy or anything, do you?
Derry : No, I’m not. I’ll join the party then.
Putri : Good, after that we can directly go to the cinema and enjoy the movies.
Derry : That would be great! See ya at noon.
Putri : See ya Derry!
Tugas / Latihan
Buatlah satu percakapan mengenai Asking and Giving Direction

1. Direction to a Nearest Mall.

The conversation take place in a Bus Stop, located in the middle of city.
Putri : Good afternoon miss.
Novi : Good afternoon, can I help you?
Putri : Umm. I’m a visitor from the outer-side of city, I planned to buy some new clothes. But I
can’t find any store that sell clothes near here.
Novi : It’s hard to find a clothing store near here though.
Putri : Really? There are none?
Novi : Yes, but you can find many on the mall that located two kilometers from here.
Putri : Mall sounds good, there must be many clothing store inside of it.
Novi : Yes, of course.
Putri : Could you show me the way to the mall?
Novi : You need a taxi to get there. There are taxi’s base about five hundred meters from here.
Putri : Can you show me the way to get there?
Novi : Of course. See this big way in front of us, you need to go straight of this way until you
find the first three junction, and then turn right. Walk about thirty meters then the taxi’s base
would be on your right.
Putri : So, need to follow this way ahead?
Novi : Yes.
Putri : I appreciate it! Thank you so much!
Novi : My pleasure.

2. Direction to a Classroom.
The conversation take place in a hallway of a campus.
Bambang : You seems lost miss, can I help you?
Putri : Oh, yeah. I’m a freshman. I can’t find the way to room 302.
Bambang : Ah, it’s your first time being here?
Putri : Yes. The message I got from the classroom group is that our first gathering
would be in room 302.
Bambang : Should I take you there?
Putri : Oh, I’m sorry I appreciate your helps but I prefer to be alone there. Could you
just show me the way?
Bambang : Sure. Just take a look at the stair in the north. You need to get to the next floor of
the building.
Putri : Ah, I see it’s on the next floor.
Bambang : Yes. After that just go straight, you will find about two hallways on your way.
Just turn right. The room will be on your left. The room would likely the third door you find after
your turning right. The name of the room is right in the upper side of the door.
Putri : I appreciate it so much. Thank you.
Bambang : You’re welcome.

3. Direction to a Nearest Gas Station.

The conversation take place in a corner of a road.
Putri : Sir, excuse me.
Bima : Yeah, miss. Can I help you?
Putri : I never going through this road before. I confused.
Bima : Oh, I’m locals you can ask me if you want.
Putri : Oh sure, I’m looking for the nearest gas station. I’ve looked up from the Google Maps,
but it’s directed me here, which this place are not the gas station.
Bima : Let me check. Oh! The point of the location doesn’t seems accurate.
Putri : Oh no. My car probably needs to be reloaded as soon as possible.
Bima : Don’t worry miss it’s just about a kilo from here. Here look at the map. This road where
we stand is Agung Street Right?
Putri : Yes.
Bima : You just need to go straight, after two road’s intersection you will see this Ranum Adi
Street on your right. Then turn right. The gas station would be on your left.
Putri : Okay. Understood. Thank you so much sir.
Bima : Anytime.

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