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J a CATALOG and MANUAL (i OY NSIA AVENUE CHICAGO ILLINOIS TAYLOR TUBES ARE SOLD THROUGH DISTRIBUTORS There are TAYLOR TUBE Distributors in every logical with full consideration of their ability to serve and their distribution point throughout the U. S. and many foreign reputation for fair dealing. We are extremely proud of countries. We have attempted to see thet all amateur the fact that Distributors not only sell TAYLOR TUBES ‘and Broadcast Engineers could easily obtain TAYLOR —they RECOMMEND THEM above all others. We feel ‘TUBES when desired; and at the same time, tried to Radio Amateurs generally should recognize that the limit the distribution so that each Distributor would have Radio Parts Distributors are their Best Friends—anxious 12 market large enough to afford carrying the complete at all times to extend the greatest possible cooperation line of TAYLOR TUBES. ‘on every transaction. All TAYLOR TUBE Distributors have been selected ‘THERE IS A TAYLOR TUBE DISTRIBUTOR NEAR YOU. TAYLOR TUBE RATINGS HAVE F.C.C. APPROVAL INDEX Page Page General Information ......... 20... 1 866 Characteristics... “ 21 Characteristics. . 2 e66IR “ 40 " 3 Ce ee 15,16 Ta 7 2 Calculating Bias ..... 7 ‘120 . . 4 General Tube Information. 7 17220 “ 4 Crystal Osc. Circuit. 18,19 TSS, " 5 Circuit Information ... seve 18,19, 20 m5 0" 6 ‘Transmitter Considerations . --18, 19, 20 ‘7200 . 7 Buffers and Doublers... 19 3% . Ant. Coupling. .. as) 7 1/C Ratio Data... ba Tube Installation Hints. . an 275 DeLuxe Dual Unit Rig. 1 a od Quick Band Change Rig... 90, 31,92 845 . pea . TaylorNational 400 watt Rig 38, 34, 95 eo . A Complete Taylor Tube Xmit. .96, 37, 98, 39, pe 7200 Amplifior .......... 40 HDA” Grid Modulation... 758 a Neutralizing Circuit .... easw Power Supply Circuits... BT = 3) Modulation .. 43 oaks 13 Tube Comparison Chart... 44 WARREN G. TAYLOR FRANK J, HAIEK—WSECA President G L Sec. 6 Trees 1939 MANUAL AND CATALOG New Transmitters and Circuits. New Technical Information. New Tubes. During 1998 Taylor Tubes maintained its leadership in the sales of Trans- mitting Tubes to Amateurs and added more luster to the brilliance of its famous slogan, "More Watts per Dollar”, by the announcement and sales of thousands of T-40's and TZ-40's. These two types set a standard of value in the Transmitting Tube field and portend future announcements of new Taylor Types during 1999, that will advance further Taylor Tubes dominant sales and engineering leadership. Among commercial engineers and amateurs, the word is “Watch Taylor Tubes in 1939", Taylor Tubes thanks its many friends In the commercial as well as amateur ranks for their strong support, With the introduction of this 1939 manual and catalog we again dedicate ourselves to your service. If you find the data herein of value we will feel that our efforts have beon rewarded. (CHARLES KIDNER Eaginser (WM. T, BISHOP TR. REX 1, MUNGER—WoLIP ‘waut le Man Engineer Sales Manager A TAYLOR BEAM AMPLIFIER TUBE 6 PRONG ISOLANTITE BASE ‘The T-21 is Taylor Tubes’ answer to the demand by hundreds of Taylor Boosters for a Low Power Beam tube. As indicated by the characteristics, the T21 is extremely easy to drive and many circuits for its opera- lion are shown in the Taylor rigs described in this Man- ual. The plate dissipation rating of the T-21 is 21 watts and no color will show on the plate when operated at and within this rating. Plate dissipation in excess of this rated value should be avoided. TYPE T21 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Heater Vollago—Voti 63 Hoatsr Current—Ampe . as Plato Resistance Obs, 72,500 Mutual Conductance-—ubthos 6000) Amp. Factor 138 Max. Pato Distpaton Watt. a Max, Sareea Dissipation Wai 35 PHYSICAL CHARACTERS Mox. Lang, Seches.. 258 Mar. Diameter, inches : 2 INTERELECTRODE CAPACITIES Gud to Plat, a 1 Input ma. ns Ovipot mm cs CLASS ¢ AMPLIFIER ‘Max. Operating Plao—vols. e 400 Max, DC Plato Current—Telagraph 95 MA. Max. DC Piato Curent Telephone 6s MA Maz. DC, Grid Corent 3 MA. D.G. Geid—rolte nee 1s Max. Delving Powarwetle..s...scossts 4 Max. Sereea Current 16 MA. Mar. Seroon Volage...--- 300 #1 ls recommended that plate vollage be reduced to 900 volte at frequencies above 30 MC. Bottom View T-21 21 WATTS PLATE DISSIPATION BEAM TUBE $1.95 ‘The T-21 is a heater cathode type Beam Power Am- plifier Tube especially efficient as an oscillator, ampll- fier or frequency multiplier and desirable for mobile and portable radio transmitters; The electrical charac- teristics are similar to those of the 6L6G. | (era [ew a4 seat] rs 40 WATTS PLATE DISSIPATION The Wonder Tubes Jn tees then one year over 1,000 TD's and 7240's were put nto eperaton in Araalour Tanamiters throut the word. Tho 740, hag wide Tange of sees on all fequencies up to 62 MCr and the od perforne most eficonlly bot in AF. and Case B Auslo Grout Ollering up 10.175 watts of Audio Output. the T240s fot a now slandard of value in thi field,” Bolt types wil be found to be easy to dive, GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 140 man Filament Voltage, volis....-e++-++ 18 73 Bllament Current, amps 28 Plate Resstoneo, obma.. 0. 17500 Mutual Conductance, shiioe ‘5600 ‘Ampliicatan Factor (a Mer Leng, inches. 2 Max, Diameter, inch 8 ‘Thodated Tungsten Fsment Plato 10 Grid, mimfeeceessseeeenee 4s CLASS “C" AMPLIFIER 140 m0 Maz. Operating Pato Vol Unmedulated DG, vols, +1000 1000 Modulated DC, volts. 1009) 1000 Max, DC Plate Curent, i 113 ns Geld Volts noe eeneeecnssne S30 0 Max, De. Grid Garren, ila 2 3 Driving. Povwer-—iate 0 10 Max. RF Gad Ourrent, anipe.. ss es 3 CLASS B AUDIO OPERATION—TZ-40 Valuos for 2 Tubes DC Plie Voltage... o Bae eons eee ea Desk AF Gia ic Gad Vatiager 220 Zoro Signal DO Plate Curvent, Wi. 0000000077 u Mae, Signal Plato Current, MA... 280, Plato to Fate Load, ohms... Bens 16900 ‘Average Driving Power, Wai 3 Powor Output, watt Seeeeereeererrer 17) CLASS B AUDIO ‘Tho chart at sight gives propor Class 8 ‘Audio operating condions lor various output atdiferont plate volages. Tho most inperant Walue ie tho reflocted load impedance wich + {2 given for tho onze primary or rats to Plate Tho coment valua ie. the maximum. averege Supply Valage ‘alte an would be ladlested on the lato cu. 1250 Tent otor wilh sino wave input. For the same oak outa wih voice input the maximum 00 | Ten00 Storage plats curont will bo. spproxiataly re | aa SO Yo G09 of te value. Tho comer ioe 18 {or the 49 wil limi tho soetanal ise oar tent 10 22 MK pot tbe. The 1240 is'a Zero 750 | 6000 Biss Tubo but a 1250 volta, 44 voll of Blas 22MA mould be seed. 20 OPERATING DATA—T-40—TZ-40 ‘The 140 and TZAO are easy to delve tubes. Thoy thrive on a rminimuss amount of oxctaton and thelr ratings are extremely conservative, While the rated plote dletipation ls 40 wats no olor shows cn fhe plies unt the dissipation amounts to lapproninatoly 60 welts end it fakes about €0 watts to eauso a red spot in the conler of the plots. Any coler whatever showing on tho plate eseans thatthe rated plate dissipation is being exosedee. 1 the input fe not 20 great that such dissipation may be expected {tis 0 defini indication that tho cizcult gloss olitont than it should be. To obfain bos olficoncy witha minimum of harmonics, ‘we recommend that cerain valusa of expaciios bo used in the plate tank and, of course, the tank coils should bo proportioned fecordingly to hit resonance «t the operating froquoncios with that mount of tunkng capacty aorosr the circull. These capacitios should be the actu amount of tak condenser in tho circuit across the entire plato tank. A higher valuo of C will result in lower task impedance and lower offitency. Lower values of C will Tenult In slightly higher elficiency, but thie will bo offset by Increased harmonic content as well ag poor linesrity tf the stage fg modulated for phone, ‘Those values will held for both single fended ond push pull amie, 17s Ko—160 MaarD 3800 KO— a0 MED 7000 KO— 40 MMED 1Mo00 Ko—20 MED 29000 KO—10 MMED 9000 KO~ § MMED Under theve conditions with an inpat of 1000 vells 11S MA por tubo the slicieacy should be approximately 75% and the Supt 86 walls per tube. Referring to the THO—for one tube the recommended grid bies rosltor would be 3500 chms. Hal that ‘le or 1750 chm would be cerect for two tubes, parallel of ‘uth pull. 1f the TZA0 fo usod ar on RF sinter, the formation fon the T40 will apply excopt that lose bias fe required. For one "TAD, the bias resister should be 1S00 ohms, Half hat valuo, oF 70 cht, in cotrect for two tubes parallel or Push Pull. Tho 7240 fe a more oflcient doubler than the TAD and Is recommended for thie purpose. Ae a doubler, tho bios resisor should be 10,000, lime of higher, Eicient doubler operation requires lage amounts of grid deve. For CW or buller aporatin, for eltor type of tube, {he DC grid current should be 15 MA or more ond lor phone ‘operation 22 MA ot mote por tube. Undor no conditions ehould the DG geid current per tube excond the mar. rated value of 40 IMA. Expressed in terms of povter approximately § wats af dive fare required lor CW or buller operation, or 75 watts for phone operation, This, of course, moans thal the tube may be deven 10 full output diccly from the crystal oscillator stage. The tubs have several advantages over others in thelr sto class, The into. lctroda capactce are lower making posible salislacory opera: tion on foquencies as high as 60 M. C. ringing the plate load out of the top af the bulb greatly reduoss the possibilty of voltage break-down DATA - - - TZ-40 - - - T-40 wo | is | iso | 17s | 225 [Audio Wats Output T4900 | 10,000 |=Pite wo Pinte Load 200MA | 272MA "Max Av. tp 25. | a0- [-Wate Drive 12000, |, 9000 | 6900 | Plate Fale oad weoaa | 224ma | 280MA [oa Av. Ip 20 | 25. | 30. [-WateDive Phe 9 Fate Load “Mon Av. Wat Dive | TZ-20 ZERO BIAS TRIODE, $2.25 20 WATTS PLATE DISSIPATION Two tides offering outstanding value to Amateurs, The 1:20 fs recommended as an extomcly fine ampli tubs on all fe ‘quencies up to 6OMC. Tho 1220 te daslgned for zero bie class B studio cperaton and for elicen! equency multslying petlormance, GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS rea Plament Voltage, yell 75 lament Cureot, amp Ls Hlate Resistance, chins 25,300 Max. Operating Plate Valte Unmeduleted DC, volt. Pereontage of Bilancy. T220_CLASS “3B” AF, MODULATOR DATA VALUES FOR TWO TURES DC Pla Vattage, soos 800 00 Bias ree faa ° Peak’ AF Glia io Gnd Waliage. 2. laeav. sav Zero Signal DG Plato Current... 40 MA MA ‘Max. stnal Plate Cutrentor. 0002180 MA, Mao Ma Plate fo Plate Lotd..cenesssc0..:-120000HMS S000! ‘Average Drlving Power, Cie wans” le watts Power cutout zi 70 WATTS & WATTS CLASS B AUDIO DATA ‘Tho chat aright gives proper Class B Audio operating candiions for various outputs at iforent plate voltages. The most important ‘elue isthe reflected load impedance which is ‘lvon for the entire primary or plat to plas, ‘The curent value is the maximum aversge ‘value as would bo indiatsd en the plate coe ‘ent motor with sine wave input. For the aame peak output with voize input the maximum ‘average plate current will be approximately 50% to 60% of thie value, The corsact bias 88 volta will Umit the 1.20 no-ignal plate current to between 10 and 1S MA per tube ‘The TZ20 requires no bias voiage. OPERATING DATA—T-20—1Z-20 1120's and 7220's roqure a minimam amount of excitation and thotr ratings are conservative, While the rated plato dissipation fe 20 watts, no color shows on the plato ntl tho diaspation amosnts to approximately 92 wate and if takar about 45 watts to cause 2 Sherry fed spot inthe canter of tho plate. To obiain bal eficlency ‘sith & minimum of harmonics, we recommend tat certain values St copactios be usod in the plats tank and the lank colle should be proportioned to hit resonance atthe operating leeaoncie, with that amount of tuning capacity acts the eeu. Those capaciee Should be the actual amount of tenk condenser in the clrall across the entire plas nk A highor value of C wil resi in lower tank Impedance and lower oficiency. Lower valuoe of C will result (= slighily highor otfcioncy, ut this will bo llsat by increased hharmonic contont aa well az poor linearly if he stage ie modulated for fone. Those valuos will hold for both single ended end posh pall smpiiers 1715 Ko—160 MED 3800 KC— 80 MMFD 28000 KC—10 MED 7000 KC— 40 MED S000 KC— § MMFD Under these conditions with an input of 750, yolte 75 MA per lube the olficency should be approumataly 78% and the output 42 "watts por tubo. For one ‘bo, the fecommendied grid bias fosisor would be 6000 ahi. Hall th! valve of 9000 ohme would Te correct fortwo tubes, parallel or push For CW ot ballot paraton, the DC grid current showld be 12 MA or mote atc lor hone operation should be 17 MA or more per tbe. Under no Gcnditions should the DC grid current per tubo, excoed the rated Valuo of 25 MA. Exprosgod in lea of power epproximetely 23 “walls of drive azo required far CW or bulfer spareion or 5 wats TEr'fono cperaton. ‘This means ‘hat the tubo may be driven to ‘ull ouput drool trom the erytel cacltor stage ‘Tho 7220 ie primarlly doslgned for zo bias Cass B audio oper ation and no bias fo foqulted for such operation at vollogee up 00. fis the ideal Clase B audio tube for oxtputa up to 70 watts and 4/of them push pull parallel wil form a moat economical 140 ‘wall modulator, For pushpall parallel operalon tho reflected load Empedanco will be helf and the output twice that fortwo tubes ‘Tho Class B operating conditions fer the 720 and 1220 oro denies but the T220 avoid the novessly fora source of rid las with good voltage regulation. At 600 valle the nosignal plate current air of T2I0's will be approximately 25 fo GOMA. 1 the 7220 i waod ae an AF amples the {nlrmation on the T20 above will apply except that somewhat lose ion fe necessary” For (ne 7220 the hae reistor ahold ho 4000 chma, Half that value ot Zito ohms would be corec for two tubes Push pall ce pasalll “The TZ20 Is a more elliciant doubler than the T20 and is recom ‘mended for this purpoee, As a doubler the bas rsisor should Ga00 chme or higher, Elfciont doubler eperation require ange Smeuste of ord drive. (CAUTION: Thewe tubes have metal plea and do not have the carton snodo which ig characecetic ef all oer TAYLOR Tranw fmiting Tubes, “This does sot mean that they will bo eny lose fiiciot but if doce mean that they will not stand’ as much shi ave vallage should be radscod allo making adjttenta provent excessive heating, Property, handled, the efllsency of these tutes will bo se areat as though they had carbon anodes sod their if will Be equally ax long. 4000 KC—20 MaKeD +++ TZ-20 --- T-20 4 T-55 55 WATTS PLATE DISSIPATION Carbon Anode ‘The TAYLOR T5 is c tube of medium power capable of efficient power output ct frequencies as high as 120 megacycles yet it operates at reasonable values of plate voltage and plate current. Its medium low inter- electrode capacities and efficient flat form of con- struction result In low losses across the eloments avoiding the necessity for high voltages for good efficiency and reducing the grid drive requirements. ‘The T-55 will give more power output for a given amount of grid drive than any other high frequency tube of the same comparative class. The unique design of this tube permits use of ceramic internal insulators. The misalignment of elements (which so often develop in tubes with solfsupporting elements) Is impossible in the T-55. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Filament Voltage, volts. 75 Filament Current, amps... 30 Plate Resistance, ohms... 90a Mutual Conductance, ufos 2200 Amplification Factor (Mu 20 Thoriaied Tungston Filament —NONEX GLASS (OVERALL DIMENSIONS Maximum Length, inches. 7 Maximum Diameter, inches. 2% INTERELECTRODE CAPACITIES Plate to Grid, mmf. 375 Grid to Filament, mimi, ae 10) Plate to Filament, mmf. 15 CLASS "C” OSC AND POWER AMP Max. Operating Plate Volts ClassC OSC. ‘Unmodulated DC, volts. 1500 1250 Modulated DC, volts. 1500 1000 Max. DC Plate Current, mils 150125 Max. DC Grid Current,'mils. oa 4 Max. Plate Dissipation, watts Se) 5) Max. RF Grid Current, amps. 5 5 RF Output, watts 0. ~ 16868 Percentage of Eificiency.. 78% 40% NORMAL OPERATION—Class Ep — 1500. Eg —— 200v. Ip — 1S0MA. Ig—=25MA The improved T-55 may be used interchangeably with previous T-55's in all applications. E75 T-55 AMATEUR'S FAVORITE TUBE! ‘OVER 9000 IN USE Improved $ 600 Now the T-$5 hes been furthor im- proved. No basic changes have been made but small improvements have 1e- sulted in superior characteristics, which even more than in the past, will make the T-55 stand head and shoulders above othors in its price range. Throughout the world, many commercial companics, as well es amateurs, acclaim the T-§5 as "the champion” of all transmitting tubes. Tho T-55 is tho fastest solling transmitting tube of reasonable size because it is designed to permit effi- cient operation at the highest frequencies used by Amatours—because the rating of 55 watts plate dissi- pation is consorvative—and because the tube will operate at normal efficiency with a minimum of grid drive. Ils low price, of courso, fulfills the TAYLOR slogan, "More Watts Per Dollar.” While the rated plate dissipation is $5 watts, no color shows until the dissipation amounts to 75 watts. To obtain best efficiency with 2 minimum of harmonic content, we recommend that certain values of capac- ity bo used in the plate tank and the tank coils should bbe proportioned to hit resonance at the operating fre- quency wih the proper amount of capacity in the circuit. These capacities should be the actual amount of tank condenser in the circuit across the entire plate tank. A higher value of C will result in lower tank Impedance and lower efficiency. A lower value of C will rosult in slightly higher efficiency, but this will be oifset by increased harmonic-content as well as poor linearity when the stage is modulated. These values will hold for both plate neutralized single ended and push pull amplifiers operated at the rating of 1500 volts 150 MA per tube, (Single onded 1500 volts 150 MA—push pull 1500 volts 300 MA) 171s KC—160 Mmfd 14000 KC —20 Mmmfd 3500 KC— 80 Mmfd 28000 KC—10 Mmfd 7000 KC— 40 Mmid 56000 KC— 5 Mmfd Under these conditions with an input of 1800 volts 180 MA per tubs, the efficiency should be approxi- mately 75% and the output approximately 170 watts, por tube. For one tube tho recommended grid bias resistor would be 8000 ohms. Half that value or 4000 ohms would be correct for two tubes parallel or push pull. For CW or buffer operation the rectified grid current should be 17 MA or more and for phone operation should be 25 MA or more per tube. Under no conditions should the rectified grid current exceed, the rated value of 40 MA.. Exprossod in terms of power approximately 7.5 watts of drive are required for efficient CW or buifer operation or 18 watts for phone operation. T-125 125 WATTS PLATE DISSIPATION WITH ACCELERATING FINS ‘Tae TIS lg the tube amateurs have demanded to All the aap botwoen the TSS and 1200. I's a manaized tube ft low cost and it features a new TAYLOR invention (Gatent applied fr) making posible high elency at low plate voltages and with low istersloctede capaci. Fated conservatively, one tube will handle 2 full 400 wate Input at the maxim ratings of 2000 vals, 20M. Tue interelectrode capactiee are low, making possible cliciont operation on even the highest amateur frequencies—but tha use of the accelerating fing increases the inherent eflicioncy ofthe tubo, meking I far more elicient than other with comparative fnlerelectede capaciios. ‘Thess fins projecing inward toward th rid and filament ellecively preduce the very desrabio char- Doleratics af higher C tubes without greally Sncreasing the capac: flee, Tous thie tube te truly unique in thal it peatesses the advantages of a low C tube together with the advantages of a higher C tube—without the dladvantages of either. It is truly a remarkable tube and is a revolutionary step forward is tube design (GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Filament Voltage, vole... an 10 Flameat Current, amps as Plate Resltance, ohms, 700 Matual Conductance, ube 4400 Ampllcation Factor (Mu). 25 ‘Thora Tungsten Fament ‘OVERALL DIMENSIONS Maximum Length, inches... ei Maximum Diameter, inchos. INTERELECTRODE CAPACITIES Plate 19 Gia, sat a seoeeee 4S CLASS “C* AMPLIFIER Maz. Operating Pate Velie, Unmedulated DC, volte... soseee a0 Modulated DC, volts... so. ‘2000 Maz. DC Plate Curront mila... 200 Max. DC Grd Current, mils °0 Max. RF Grid Current ame. 10 BF Outpot, watts 00 Percentage of Hiliciey 19% NORMAL OPERATION—Ciass © Ep = 20000. Ey = — 200 B= 10 » iy = SOMA [Al the sated plate dissipation of 125 watts the casbon plate shows no color but the fins opersio at a bright orange color. Hf the type ef aperation or inp afe nol such as fo result fn excoeaive Alissipaton, color showing on the plate may be taken ax a defini. Indication that the cicuit i las elliciont than it should be, To T-125 WITH ACCELERATING FINS $13.50 ‘obinin best flcloney wlth @ minimum of hammonic eon tent, we recommend that cerlain valies of capacity be ‘ured in the plate tank and, of course, the tank cae should be propartioned accordinaly to hit resonance at ‘he operating frequency with the proper amount of ‘opacity in the cenit. ‘These capacties ahould be ‘he fectuel amount of tank condanser in the eceult atone the tee plate tank. A higher value of C will rvult in lower tank impedance and slightly lower elietency but the hat ‘manic contnt will also be less and the linearly beter i the stage 1 modulated. A lowor value of C wil recut in alighly betor plato coficioncy but the fundamental output will nt inerosse appreciably. ‘The harmonic content wil be higher and the Lnearty sil be pose 1 the stage is modulated. These value will hold for both pate nowtralized single ended and push-pull amplifiers opersiod the rating of 2000 volts 200MA per tube, ingle ended 2000 velle 2000(4~—push pull 2000 vole 400MA.) For eperaticn a oer valves of volago oF curtet the optimum value will be dillon! but may be calelated easly because it will vary Inverealy ae froqwncy and applied volage and divecly aa the plate current. 1800KC—197 Mimi. 14200KC—16 Mint, S7S0KC— 70 Man 28.S00KC— 9 Mink, 710K 36 Mia S8.000KC— § Mn Under theae conditions with an Saput of 2000 volts 200 MA per tube, the eliciency should be approximately 78% and the output tout $00 watts per hibe. For ane lube the rection grid bios Tesiste would be 4000 ohms. Hell that valu, or 2000 ohne, would be correct for 2 tubee parallel or push pul. Fer CW or butler opera lon, he reeled quid current should be SOMA er more and for plato modulated phone operation should be SOMA of more per tubo Under no conditions should the rectiled grid currant exceod the rafed value of BOMA. Expressed in torms of power approximately 10 watts of ged drivo are necsusary for oliiont CW or butler operation or 20 wats lor phone operaisn. Large outputs may be binned with lester amounts of grid drive but the plat eiiiency may bo expected to be loss wih lear amounis of grid excitation hough the power gain wil inreas Fr some time thors has boon a need fer @hish frequency tube to replace tubes of the 203A type with the abeslute minimam of changes in the trnamiter. The TI2S fila the need in a mos! filocory manner. Because ofthe exclusive TAYLOR Accelerating Fins construction, flciencee on the order f these abiained with O8A's are possible at the seme plate voliages and with the same low grid drive requirerieas, In addlion the plate dissipeiion is Greater than that of an O3A and the plato current rating groalar ‘making it poesble to increase the power at ho same Flate volage fan well aa gaining the advontages of low C tube operation at the highor frequencies, In ordr to replace an O3A type af tube with, the 7125 it will be necessary only to change the grid and plate connections and to renauitalice, I the minimum capacity of the neutralizing condenser is too high plates may be removed. No at. ult or bias changos are nocessary becauso the Ms of tho T128 42 tho samo oe tet of an 3A. 6 ‘The T-200 has often been called “The Ama- teur’s Power House Tube.” At the maximum plate modulated rating a single tube will handle 700 watts of input, 2000 volts at 350 MA. For CW operation the plate voltage may be increased to 2500 volts for an input of 875 watts to a single tube. A pair of these tubes push-pull will loaf along at far below the ratings with | kw input on any frequency from 30 to 1.7MC, This tube in common with all Taylor tubes uses the most efficient flat form of construction and the interelectrode capacities represent the best possible com- ination of interelectrode capacities and other characteristics for best efficiency at moderate plate voltages with minimum grid drive requirements, ‘The interelectrode capacities are low enough for ease of neutralization even at the highest amateur frequen- cies yet aro not so low that the characteristics of the tube are adversely affected. For best efficiency with minimum harmonic con- tent, certain L/C ratios which are a function of the type of operation, frequency, plate voltage and plato current are recommended. These optimum ratios may be found for any amateur band and any reason- able values of input in the L/C ratio charts in both the ARRL and West Coast handbooks. Under proper operating conditions with an input of 2000 volts 350MA the officiency should be ap proximately 75% and the output approximately 525 ‘watts per tube, For one tube the recommended arid bias resistor would be 5000 ohms. Half that value or 2500 ohms would be correct for 2 tubes parallel cor push-pull. For CW or buffer operation the recti- fied grid current should be 35MA or more and for phone operation should be 60MA or more per tube. Under no conditions should the rectified grid current exceed the maximum rated value of 80MA per tube. Expressed in terms of power, approximately 20 Watts of arid drive are required for elficient CW or buffer ‘operation or 35 watts for phone operation. Large out: puts may be obtained with lesser amounts of grid drive but the plate efficiency may be expected to be legs with reduced excitation though the power gain will increase. ‘The 1200 is widely used in Diathermy equipment. ‘This type of service is partciularly hard on Tubes and the general acceptance of the T200 by many leading manufacturers of Diathermy equipment is convincing proof of the 7200's rugged consiruction and conserva tive rating. Do not confuse the T200 with smaller tubes bearing the same type number. Compare the sizo of its Super Carbon Anode with tubes of similar ratings. T-200 200 WATTS PLATE DISSIPATION $21.50 AMATEUR'S POWER HOUSE TUBE SUPER CARBON ANODE LENGTH in. = in, Type 7200 Filament Votisgs oss eeeee 100 ‘lament Current, amps.ccevssss+ soccer as Plate Resistance, ohms. 2 3400 ‘Mutiel Conducta, thos... 4800 Ampliication Fact... é 168 ‘Thorated Tungsten Filament NONEX GLASS OVERALL DIMENSIONS Maximum Length, sachs Maximara Width, Incl id Cap, inches. INTERELECTRODE CAPACITIES Plate to Geld, mnt. Grid to Filament, ml Plate to Filament, mn CLASS “C” OSC. AND POWER AMP. Max. Operating Plate Vols Unmodulated D.C, volt 2500 Modulated, volt ‘2000 Max. DG Plato Curent, mils. é 380 Max, D.C. Ged Current, mils... cee 80 Max. Plate Dissipation. wats Max. RF. Grid Cusront, amps, RF. Output, wats Grid Vaite 00 00 NORMAL OPERATION Ep = 2800 Py = —s00 B= 10 7-200 POPULARITY SOME OF THE REST HAM PHONE STATIONS USE TAYLOR ‘200, WSEDW, WSUAQ, WSKYM, WSVXZ. WSIDO, WAIOE. WEBWH, WOIPS, WSORA. WICEO, WANLP, WECKC, WIEOZ, ‘waDQ, WSPZ, WAUD, WSLIP, WSECA AND MANY OTHERS ARE 400 USERS,

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