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100 Year Shmita Cycle Articles:

100 Year Shmita Cycle
God's calendar (opposite) intersects with two of our
Gregorian years. It is wise for us to attune our hearts Blood Moons/Black Suns
with the times and feast dates that have been set down CERN
by God. In this way we gain understanding about
End Times
current and future events.
Left Behind?
God commands rest on the seventh day - Sabbath. This
rest also applies to the cycles of weeks and years...the Midnight
cycle of seven weeks (7x7) points to the 50th day - Pre Tribulation Rapture
Pentecost. The cycle of seven sets of seven years (7x7
Shmita years) points to the 50th year - Jubilee. The Rapture
year of Jubilee is based on letting the land rest every Tribulation
7th year, known as the Shmita year. During this year
2520 Past - Future
God commands rest for both the farmer and the
land..."But the seventh year thou shall let it rest and Good Friday is a Myth
lie still." Exodus 23:11. Israel has two calendars;
religious and civil. The Shmita is based on the civil
calendar which always begins on the Feast of Trumpets Pope Francis
(September/October). The Shmita is like a two edged
sword. To the nation that upholds the ways of God it comes as a blessing. To the nation that turns its back on God
the Shmita comes in the sign of judgment. The impact of the Shmita is the wiping away of that which has been
built up. A Shmita reminds a nation that it's blessings and power come only from God - without them they must
eventually fall.

Towers symbolize a nation's power and pride...this connection can be seen from the very first tower; "Come, let
us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves..." Genesis
11:4. The prideful building of the Tower of Babel brought judgment. America is the most powerful nation in the
history of the world. On April 30, 1789 George Washington prophetically declared that should America turn away
from God, His blessings will be removed. The Shmita (judgment) and America converged on September 11, 2001
when the towers fell. The World Trade Centre was conceived in the Shmita of 1945, begun in the Shmita of 1966,
was dedicated in the Shmita of 1973 and destroyed in the Shmita of 2001. This was a warning from God to come
back to Him but the leaders of America quoted Isaiah 9:10 in defiance. "...Who say in pride and arrogance of
heart: The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with hewn stones." When ancient Israel uttered these
prideful words God brought judgment upon the land and that which was built up was wiped away. The new tower
raised up from Ground Zero has a 40,000 pound "hewn" foundation stone. So, at the climax of the 2001 Shmita
came two falls; a colossal collapse in Wall Street and the most physical collapse in American history as the two
towers came crashing down to earth. Shmita years are behind the rise and fall of America. If the rise of a tower
foreshadowed the rise of America, what does the fall of a tower foreshadow?

Let's take a look at the incredibly accurate timing of the Shmita Year as it impacts modern history in the realm of
finances, economies and empires:
1901-1902 Shmita Year - 46% U.S. Stock market value wiped out.
1916-1917 Shmita Year - 40% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian and
Ottoman Empires collapsed. Britain, the world's greatest empire was almost bankrupt. The beginning of American PDF (807 KB) - 15 Pages
to rise to world power. All during this one Shmita year.
1930-1931 Shmita Year - 86% U.S stock market value wiped out in the worst financial crisis in modern history.
1937-1938 Shmita Year - 50% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. Global recession.
1944-1945 Shmita Year - End of German Reich and Britain's hold on territories. Establishment of America as the
world's super power.
1965-1966 Shmita Year - 23% stock market value wiped out.
1972-1973 Shmita Year - 48% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. Global recession. U.S. Voted to kill its unborn
children (Abortion legalized). U.S. lost its first war - Vietnam...
1979-1980 Shmita Year - U.S. and global recession.
1986-1987 Shmita Year - 33% U.S. Stock market value wiped out.
1993-1994 Shmita Year - Bond market crash.
2000-2001 Shmita Year - 37% U.S. stock market value wiped out. 9/11 and Global recession.
2007-2008 Shmita Year - 50% U.S. Stock market value wiped out. Global recession.

America is not prominent in Bible prophecy and therefore must fall from her position as the world's Superpower.
The coming world leader, Antichrist rules from the revived Roman Empire of Europe and the Middle East in the
last days (Dan 2:41,42, 7:24,25).

Today's world is very Bible prophecy unfold before our very eyes!

Are YOU rapture ready?

See Rapture

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