Agrarian Reform As Part of Social Justice

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Constitution was formed to make social justice, and people most especially the farmers

are dependent on the constitution to protect their rights, and provide justice for them. As
said by Cecilia Munoz Parma, making a social justice is the heart of a constitution.
According to Atty. Christian Monsod in the Practice, the 1987 Constitution is the first
constitution that has several articles, about 18 specifically. For instance, in the
economy, the use of private property is for the common good. Marginalization, or the
social exclusion, is the treatment of a person, group, or concept as insignificant or
peripheral. In the Philippines, people are not marginalized in terms of number however
they are marginalized in terms of income, wealth, and political power. I come to reflect
that inequality is very evident. There are still gaps between people and their status
matters. Equitable division of income and wealth for the common good that defines the
constitution even the provisions of the economy, for example, in the industrialization,
based on the sound of agricultural development and agrarian reform. In this sense, the
poor should be the center of development. Bill of rights, human rights are all geared on
helping the poorest of the country however, that is not how the constitution was re-
implementing but it is in the opposite that led the country to acquire mass poverty. In the
economic sense, it is not possible to have a high sustainable growth unless you deal
with inequality. It makes a good economic sense. And the missing link in the
development paradigm is addressing the inequality. But right now, we are leading to a
wrong direction. There are 6200 farmers petitioned as they did not get the control over
their land, they lost their jobs, they lost their land. The stock distribution program of
Hacienda Luisita was violative of Agrarian Reform since the land should be on the
farmers and the farmers should get the individual title to their property, but it was said
by the Supreme Court, particularly Chief Justice Corona that it was constitutional which
it seems to be very wrong. Therefore, everyone has the right to their property, and it is
inhumane and unconstitutional if we lose control over our property. The constitution
holds our power and the agrarian reform is part of it which makes sense that agrarian
reform is a part of social justice.

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