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A Research Proposal Presented to the Faculty of Turac National High School

in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Subject

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Cyron B. Masiglat

Research Consultant:
Mr. Isaiah Miguel M. Supnet III

Research Adviser:
Mr. Cristopher R. Pagdanganan


April 2021
Chapter I

In this chapter, the background of the study, conceptual framework, theoretical

framework, statement of the problem, hypotheses, significance of the study, scope and

delimitation and definition of terms are explicitly stated.


Bamboo shoots are considered as one of the useful health foods because of their

rich contents of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fibers, and minerals and very low fat.

Though bamboo shoots provide lots of health benefits, their consumption is confined

mostly to Southeast Asian and East Asian countries. In temperate Asia, bamboo shoots

are always considered as health food especially in the new millennium because of its

high dietary fiber and low fat content.

Bamboo, with its thousand uses, is now becoming more popular in the

Philippines especially for multiple benefits for humans and the environment. Popularly

known before as the “poor man’s timber”, it is now hailed as the ‘climate change grass’

and retaining its famous descriptive line “the tallest grass of life”. Stands of bamboos are

everywhere in the country, the Philippines being endowed with many native (including

endemic) bamboo species that are naturally growing in different habitats. Several

species have also been introduced and are now acclimated or well adapted to local

conditions. However, the natural stands of bamboo have dwindled and so have the

bamboo shoots. With the onslaught of natural and man-made calamities especially soil

erosion and flooding, the acreage of bamboo had significantly decreased in the whole

archipelago in the last centuries. As a consequence, bamboo shoots for food has also

decreased. Recent findings also showed that this underutilized food source is also

unpopular to the new generation of Filipinos, who have been more accustomed to
Western cuisine, often less healthy, fast food style. With this scenario, there is a great

challenge to educate our young people to patronize the use of bamboo shoot as food.

Bamboo shoots from all bamboo species can be used as vegetable shoots. From

the shoots of the giant bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) which can feed the whole of the

barrio folks to the thin shoots of anos (Schizostachyum lima) which is asparagus-like and

can be used as ingredients for any delicacy. Popularly known as “labong” in Southern

Tagalog and the Bicol region, “rabung” in the Ilocandia and northern regions, “dabung” in

Cebu and mostly in the Visayas and Mindanao provinces. or “tambo” in Iloilo and other

regions, and many other names by indigenous people (hubwal, harepeng, uvug, etc.) are

evidence that bamboo shoots are widely used as food for most Filipinos. “Dinengdeng”,

“lumpia”, “paklay”, “ginataan”, “adobo”, “atsara”, “kilawen”, “chopsuey”, and many more

commonly cooked recipes can have bamboo shoots as the main ingredients (Caasi-Lit


The researchers analyzed the data above and came up with the idea of using

bamboo shoot as a raw material in making lumpia that will be use in a small business, in

order to make a product out of it.

Conceptual Framework

In order to understand the study, a paradigm was prepared to show the concepts

of the research. The diagram shows also the variables and the process in conducting

this study.


Preparation and SISIG BAMBOO
Collection of
Bamboo shoot Ingredients (Bambusa

Lumpia Wrapper blumeana) SHOOT

Place the bamboo
shoots in a colander LUMPIA’S LEVEL
Ground meat and wash under the
Condiments tap OF
Add the bamboo ACCEPTABILITY
shoots and cook,
stirring, for about a
Lay a piece of lumpia
wrapper on a plate

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

Theoretical Framework

This consumer satisfaction theory stated that there is no universally accepted

definition of customer satisfaction (McCollough, 2010). One going debate in consumer

satisfaction circles is the extent to which it is a cognitive process or an emotional state.

According to Qualtrics (2019) satisfaction is an overall psychological state that reflects

the evaluation of a relationship between the customer and consumer and a company,

environment, product or service. The expectations and satisfaction of the customer are

beliefs (likelihood or probability) that a product and/or service (containing certain

attributes, features of characteristics) will produce certain outcomes (benefits or values)

given certain anticipated levels of performance based on previous affective, cognitive,

and behavioral experiences.

In this theory, the researchers knew the definition of a customer in terms of the

satisfactory or acceptability. This would be connected in the theory that consumer

satisfactory and acceptability extended in which of their emotional state in product if the

food has benefits and healthy.

Statement of the Problem

This research study will be conducted to determine SISIG BAMBOO SHOOT


Specifically, the researchers seek to answer the following sub-problems:

1. What is the level of acceptability of sisig bamboo shoot lumpia in terms of:

a. Taste

b. Crispiness

c. Appearance

2. How can sisig bamboo shoot lumpia affects the daily income?

3. What is the marketability potential of sisig bamboo shoot lumpia in Barangay

Balite Sur, San Carlos City, Pangasinan?

Significance of the Study

This study will provide a new discovery of sisig bamboo shoot lumpia as small

business enterprise that will benefit the following:

Student. With this, people will have an idea especially those with small business.

Entrepreneurs. With this, they can adopt the idea and came up with making product of


People. This study will help to know the sisig bamboo shoot lumpia’s level of

acceptability as a small business enterprise.

Future Researchers. This study will possibly be a guide or basis for further studies.
Scope and Delimitation

In this part of the study, the researchers emphasize the scope and delimitations

to set justification of the study in order to provide legal basis on defining its parameters.

This study is only focused on sisig bamboo shoot lumpia’s level of acceptability

as a small business enterprise. The study will be conducted in Barangay Balite Sur, San

Carlos City, Pangasinan in the school year 2020-2021. The researcher will use the

residence of barangay Balite Sur as a respondent that will answer the following

questions given by the researchers. In gathering the data, the researchers will use

checklist, survey and questionnaires as research design.

Definition of Terms

For clarification purposes, the following key terms are hereby defined:

Acceptability - the quality of being satisfactory and able to be agreed to or approved of.

Bamboo shoot – a young shoot of bamboo, eaten as a vegetable.

Enterprise–  is another word for a for-profit business or company, but it is most often

associated with entrepreneurial ventures.

Lumpia – various types of spring roll commonly found in Indonesia and the Philippines.

Sisig– a Filipino dish made from parts of pig head and chicken liver, usually seasoned

with calamansi, onions and chili peppers. It originates from the region of Pampanga in

the island of Luzon.

Small business– are privately owned corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorships

which have fewer employees and/or less annual revenue than a regular-sized business

or corporation.
Chapter II


This chapter presents the review of related literature and various studies

pertaining to the sisig bamboo shoot lumpia level of acceptability as small business

enterprise. As a result of some findings, some related literature and studies which are

relevant to the problem include some materials written and published by authorities as

well as report of some researchers and from the internet.

Related Literature

Bamboos play an important role in daily life of rural people especially tribal in

numerous ways, from house construction, agricultural implements to provide food, fodder

etc. The edible parts of bamboo, i.e. shoot has a high nutritive content. Presence of high

quality vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and minerals in bamboo shoot and their easy

availability to common man may help in solving nutritional deficiency of rural poor

(Tripathi, 1998). All this indicates vast potential of bamboo shoot as food resource. In the

present paper various bamboo shoot processing methods (including traditional) and their

effect on nutritive value of processed shoot, technological systems for removal of toxic

constituent in shoot, have been discussed. Available methods of bamboo shoot drying of

this non-forest produce have been compiled and discussed. Future R&D areas in relation

to above aspects for enhancing quality control have been identified.

Bamboo shoots hold the prospect of value added economic activities at industrial

and society levels through cultivation, processing, packaging, and commercialization.

However, the preparation of various bamboo shoot-based food products is traditional,

local, unorganized and based on the taste of the local people. There is no standardized

process technology for preservation of the raw bamboo shoots into various food items in

an organized manner. This calls for the development of appropriate technologies for
preservation of bamboo shoot in various forms (Debagana, 2011). Present reviews

explore the nutritive values and health benefits of bamboo shoots and the necessity of

proper processing method to generate nontoxic consumable bamboo products

(Nongdam, P., and Tikendra, L., 2014)

There is a great potential for bamboo shoots as an alternative vegetable food

source in the Philippines. When food source is scarce especially during natural

calamities, Filipinos are very resourceful as they can prepare food derived from plant

sources that are not common.

According to the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (2007), the volume of production

for bamboo shoots is averaged at 2,934 Mt over the last five years harvested in 7,722

ha. The largest area of production is in Western Visayas with an average of 2,419 ha

from 2005-2007 followed by Ilocos and Davao regions.

In temperate Asia, bamboo shoots are always considered as health food

especially in the new millennium because of its high dietary fiber and low fat content. It is

generally known in Japan and China that bamboo vegetable shoots are in great demand,

highly priced and one of the best ingredients in many of their dishes especially in making

Lumpia with bamboo shoot component.

Related Study

Semarang is one of the tourism cities that has historical and cultural values of the

previous heritage. There are various cultural products owned by Semarang city, one of

them is in the field of culinary. The culinary diversity is the result of Semarang societies’

cultural activities that are preserved as a common identity. Over time, the culinary in

Indonesia can blend with various cultures. Apart from the typical taste of food, there are

also meanings and cultural values contained in it (Rochmawati et al, 2013). Food or

culinary is often given a symbolic value in religion and social life. Symbolically, the food

or culinary usually can be seen from the uniqueness in its presentation.

Lumpia is one of the food resulted from the fusion of Chinese and Javanese

cultures. Semarang style Lumpia also has an interesting historical perspective to

describe (Bromokusumu, 2013). Semarang style lumpia is believed derived from a

married couple in Semarang back in the 19th century. It was preceded by the arrival of

Tjoa Thay Yoe, a Chinese ethnic male who came from China to Java Island and then

married to Mbok Warsih, a native Indonesian woman. the peculiarities of Semarang style

lumpia can be seen from their larger size, bamboo shoots, sweet-savory tasting fusion

which shows the acculturation of Chinese-Javanese cultures (Susanti, 2015). Until now,

Semarang style lumpia becomes one of the main tourist destinations during a culinary

tour in Semarang, especially those located in Gang Lombok, Chinatown. This is because

the area was the forerunner to the development of Lumpia in Semarang City. Its larger

size compared to other types of lumpia, has made Semarang style lumpia has its own

distinctive. In addition to the typical size, the lumpia also have a distinctive flavor, since

it’s using bamboo shoots as the filling. Semarang can not only be accultrated by local

people, but also other nations. Acculturation of this culture occured because Semarang

was a port city which had been visited by other nations, one of them was China. Bamboo

shoots are raw materials people often consume in Thailand, Taiwan and China, whether

in the form of dried, canned, stewed, fermented or medicated. Bamboo shoots have a

soft texture, crunchy, distinctive odor, and generally yellow-colored. In addition, bamboo

shoots also contain nutrients, such as vitamins, amino acids, and antioxidants that are

good for health, when processed correctly (Choundhury, Sahu & Sharma, 2011).

Viewed from the nutrient contents of bamboo shoots as the filling of Semarang

Style Lumpia, it has a good advantage when consumed and processed properly.

Therefore, this research will explain the biochemical content and bioactive compounds

on bamboo shoots as the main filling component of Semarang style Lumpia.

Synthesis of the Study

The researchers had come up with an idea that the sisig bamboo shoot lumpia’s

level of acceptability as small business will help the entrepreneurs to gain more profit.

From the given information on the related literature and studies, there is a lot of nutrients

components of bamboo shoot. It also shows that bamboo shoots give an impact on our

economic status. This study could be a fundamental basis, which could be useful for

further experimentation of future researchers and may also benefit people.

Chapter III


This chapter presents the research methodology adopted by the study. It also

includes the research design, the research duration and locale, population and sample,

research instruments, data collection procedures and data analysis.

Research Design

In this study, quantitative and descriptive design were used. The researcher will

gather the data through survey and questionnaires which will be given to the

entrepreneurs of small business enterprise in Balite Sur. The outcomes of the said

survey will serve as the basis in the whole process of the study and will testify if the

study is feasible and reliable in the market.

Research Duration and Locale

This study was conducted in Barangay Balite Sur, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

to determine the sisig bamboo shoot lumpia’s level of acceptability as small business


Population and Sample

The respondents were the entrepreneurs of small business in Barangay Balite

Sur, San Carlos City, Pangasinan. Questionnaire will be distributed to the 15

entrepreneurs of small business in Barangay Balite Sur.

Research Instruments

The researchers used and conducted a survey and questionnaire as a main tool

in collecting data. These two were used to ask the respondents and is designed to

extract specific information.

Data Collection Procedures

I. Creating Approval Sheet

The researcher will make a letter for their teachers and also for other higher official in

high school like the principal to allow us to conduct a research study.

II. Constructing the Questionnaire

The researcher will make a questionnaire that is fit and carefully prepares to answer

the specific problem of the study.

III. Distribution of Questionnaire

The survey starts from handing of the Questionnaire in the respondents which is the

residents of Barangay Balite Sur.

Data Analysis

The following basic statistical treatment will use by the researchers to answer the

specific problems. The researcher will tally the gathered strategically the profile of the

respondents. The data gathered will be collected, tallied and tabulated.

Chapter IV


This chapter presents the data gathered from the questionnaire conducted by the

researchers. The information was presented, analyzed, and interpreted objectively in

consonance with the statement of the problem.

Table 1. Frequency of Participation

Responses Frequency Percentage

Yes 15 100%
No 0 0%
TOTAL 15 100%

As indicated in Table 1, 100% of the respondents participated in the research

conducted by the researchers.

Table 2. Level of Acceptability

Table 2.1 Taste

Responses Frequency Percentage

What is the level of
Very Satisfied 13 87%
acceptability of
Satisfied 2 13%
Sisig Bamboo

Shoot Lumpia in Average 0 0%

terms of Taste? Not Satisfied 0 0%

TOTAL 15 100%

As indicated in Table 2.1, the majority of the respondents (87%) answered “Very

Satisfied” while only (13%) of the respondents answered “Satisfied”.

Table 2.2 Crispiness

What is the level of Responses Frequency Percentage

acceptability of Very Satisfied 10 67%

Sisig Bamboo
Satisfied 3 20%
Shoot Lumpia in
Average 2 13%
terms of
Not Satisfied 0 0%
TOTAL 15 100%

As indicated in Table 2.2, the majority of the respondents (67%) answered “Very

Satisfied” while only (20%) of the respondents answered “Satisfied” and (13%) answered


Table 2.3 Appearance

What is the level of Responses Frequency Percentage

acceptability of Very Satisfied 12 80%

Sisig Bamboo Satisfied 2 13%

Shoot Lumpia in
Average 1 7%
terms of
Not Satisfied 0 0%
TOTAL 15 100%

As indicated in Table 2.3, the majority of the respondents (80%) answered “Very

Satisfied” while only (13%) of the respondents answered “Satisfied” and (7%) answered


Table 3. Market Selling

How much do you Respondents Frequency Percentage

sell the offered P10.00 1 7%

product Sisig
P5.00 3 20%
Bamboo Shoot

Lumpia? P3.00 11 73%

TOTAL 15 100%

As indicated in Table 3, (7%) of the respondents prefer to sell the product for

“P10.00”, (20%) of the respondents prefer to sell the product for “P5.00”, and (73%) of

the respondents prefer to sell the product for “P3.00” in the market.

Table 4. Daily Income

Factors the Affect the Daily Income



3 3 3
1 1
Utility Bills Food Expenses Others

Based on the responses in Table 4, 53% indicated that the factors that affect the

Daily Income of the respondents are “Food”, 20% of the respondents are “Utility Bills”,

20% of the respondents are “Expenses” and 7% indicated that “Others”.

Table 5. Marketability Potential

What is the Responses Frequency Percentage

marketability Very High 7 47%
potential of Sisig
High 6 40%
Bamboo Shoot
Neutral 2 13%
Lumpia in Balite

Sur, SCCP Low 0 0%

TOTAL 15 100%

As indicated in Table 5, (47%) of the respondents answered “Very High”, (40%)

of the respondents answered “High”, and (13%) of the respondents answered “Neutral”.

Chapter V


This chapter summarized the findings, presents the conclusion drawn from the

findings and recommendation based on the conclusion.


This research was conducted to determine the level of acceptability of Sisig

Bamboo Lumpia as small business enterprise in Balite Sur, San Carlos City,


The following section provides a summary of the responses given on the

respondents’ questionnaire item.

1. Majority of the respondents answered “Very Satisfied” in the level of

acceptability of Sisig Bamboo Shoot Lumpia in terms of: Taste, Crispiness,

and Appearance.

2. Most of the respondents prefer to sell the product Sisig Bamboo Shoot

Lumpia for only P3.00 with a percentage of (73%), (20%) of the respondents

prefer to sell for P5.00 and (7%) for P10.00. It has a high potential for


3. All of the respondents indicated that the daily income was affected by utility

bills, food, expenses, and others.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn.

1. It was concluded that the respondents are very satisfied in the level of

acceptability of sisig bamboo shoot lumpia in terms of taste, crispiness, and

appearance and make it possible as small business enterprise.

2. The researcher concluded that most of the respondents preferred to sell the

product for only P3.00.

3. The researchers concluded that the most affecting factor in the daily income

is food that has level of eight out of fifteen responses.


In the light of the findings and conclusions drawn from this research, the following


1. It was recommended that future researchers should use more respondents to

improve this research.

2. The respondents aim to work that the future research studies must focus on

these factors.

3. It was recommended that this research can be used by future researchers as

their reference about the Sisig Bamboo Shoot Lumpia’s Level of Acceptability

as Small Business Enterprise.


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