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In this chapter, the researcher presents the result of studies that are related

to the purposes of the study which answer the problems that have been stated.

They are what are the moral values reflected by Sosaku Kobayashi as a

Headmaster found in Totto-chan Little Girl at The Window novel and what the

impact of moral values reflected by Sosaku Kobayashi as a Headmaster.

4.1 Research Findings

The research finding gives the answer to the statement of the problem stated

in the first chapter. It includes the moral values of Sosaku Kobayashi in Totto-

chan Little girl at the Window novel. Also this part answered the examples of

moral values reflected by Sosaku Kobayashi in Totto-chan Little girl at the

Window novel. Each of them was described in the following section.

4.1.1 Moral Value Reflected by Sosaku Kobayashi as Headmaster

Found in Totto-chan Little Girl at The Window

Moral value with such categories as the positive and negative, the

good and bad as well as the right and wrong. Taking these factors as a

basis, people make their choices regarding their social life and

relationships with others. (Kandri, Jumino Suhadi, M. Manugeren:


Having analyzed this novel, moral values reflected by Sosaku

Kobayashi was to make the school and the students successes. Those

are the ways Sosaku Kobayashi made the school and the student’s

successes explained follows:

1. Bravery

The researcher found the value from the bravery of the character
Sosaku Kobayashi at Totto-chan Little Girl at The Window novel
such as:
The principal makes a nightly curfew in the summer. That event
trains students to dare to things they do not understand. They are
given instructions to follow the path specified. However, they are also
given the freedom to return to school if they are afraid. This is
indicated by:
Bravery Test” student faces a new challenge from the
headmaster. Mr.Sosoku Kobayasi made a night squirrel for the entire
student at school. He does not force the student to finish the stage in
the graveyard. Almost all the student does not finish the stage because
they are too afraid.
The night they set up tents in the Assembly Hall and went
camping, the headmaster announced, "We're going to hold a Bravery
Test one night at Kuhonbutsu Temple. Hands up if you want to be a
- He was wearing a ghost's hood made of newspaper and he was
furious because nobody had come into the graveyard.
"I've been waiting there all this time," he complained,
scratching the mosquito bites on his arms and less.
"A ghost's been bitten by mosquitoes," someone said, and
everyone began laughing again. (P.32)

In this part shown that the student began to laugh and relax
because they are not afraid anymore. They found that ghost’s been
bitten by a mosquito is really weird.
"Well; I'd better go and bring back the rest of the ghosts," said
Mr. Maruyama, the fifth grade home-room teacher, setting off. He
rounded up ghosts he found standing bewildered under street lights,
and ghosts who had been so frightened they had gone home. He
brought them all back to the school.

After that night Tomoe students weren't frightened of ghosts any
more. For, after all, even ghosts themselves get frightened, don't
they? (P.33)
In this part the researcher found that the student that being ghost
also frightened. They brought back to school by Mr. Maruyama. All
of the students were not afraid anymore. They think ghost also get
afraid easily, is useless to get afraid with ghost anymore.
Another occasion such as sports day Mr. Kobayashi also thinks
really hard to make Takahashi become braver. He rearranges some of
the text in sports day to make a student with special need such as
Takahashi and Yasuaki-chan throws away they self-consciousness.
This being proof by two-paragraph such as:
Doubt he was thinking especially of Takahashi-whose dinner
table would be overflowing with First Prizes-and hoping the boy
would remember his pride and happiness at winning those First
Prizes before developing an inferiority complex about his size and the
fact he would never grow. And maybe, who knows, the headmaster
had thought up those singularly Tomoe-type events just so Takahashi
would come first in them. (P.51)

Takahashi had stopped growing, and he knew it. That was why
the headmaster had thought up events for Sports Day in which
Takahashi would do well. He had them swim in the pool without
swimsuits so children like Takahashi would lose their self
consciousness. He did all he could to help children with physical
handicaps, like Takahashi and Yasuaki-chan, lose any complexes they
might have and the feeling they were inferior to other children. It was
beyond the headmaster's comprehension how anyone could be so
thoughtless as to ask Takahashi, just because he looked cute, whether
he had a tail.(P.63)

Those finding the researcher found that how Mr. Kobayashi

teaches the students to be brave it is so effective. It can be shown how
pride, happy and how proud they throw away their self-consciousness
on the corner. The student also being so brave that they do not afraid
of ghosts anymore because the ghost was also afraid by themself.

2. Kind-hearted

For example only with a child named Takahashi. Takahashi is a

student whose body cannot grow. The headmaster designed the school
sports week to make Takahashi win every race. He wants to build
confidence in himself that he will not be inferior to other normal
children. This is proven by quotes like the following:
No doubt he was thinking especially of Takahashi-whose dinner
table would be overflowing with First Prizes-and hoping the boy
would remember his pride and happiness at winning those First Prizes
before developing an inferiority complex about his size and the fact he
would never grow. And maybe, who knows, the headmaster had
thought up those singularly Tomoe-type events just so Takahashi
would come first in them (P.51)

Of course, she had nothing wrong with her, so she wouldn't have
minded such a question. But Takahashi had stopped growing, and he
knew it. That was why the headmaster had thought up events for
Sports Day in which Takahashi would do well. He had them swim in
the pool without swimsuits so children like Takahashi would lose their
self-consciousness. He did all he could to help children with physical
handicaps, like Takahashi and Yasuaki-chan, lose any complexes they
might have and the feeling they were inferior to other children (P.63).

Mr. Kobayashi as approved principals did not bully each other

for women. When one of the friends Totto-chan pulled his hair and
said harshly to Toto-chan. He told this child that it was an
inappropriate action, also helping him say-chan by saying his hair was
very beautiful. This is proven by:
"I'm sorry I pulled them," he said in a loud, flat voice. "I've been
scolded by the headmaster. He said you've got to be nice to girls. He
said to be gentle with girls and look after them.
Totto-chan was somewhat amazed. She had never heard anyone
before say you had to be nice to girls. Boys were always the important
ones. In the families she knew where there were lots of children,-it
was always the boys who were served first at meals and at snack time,
and when girls spoke, their mothers would say, "Little girls should be
seen and not heard."…
-As for Oe, it was a shock. Fancy being told to be gentle and
nice to girls! Moreover, it was the first and last time at Tomoe that he

was ever scolded by the headmaster, and he never forgot that day.
Kind-heard that showed by Mr. Kobayashi also takes a great rule

to the student. He showed his kind-heard by giving a good example to

be a great person. He thought a lot about his special needs student.

Not only that, he teaches the student how to treat a girl to the best

part. How to be gentle and nice to the girl. His pure heard teaches the

student to be a great person in the future.

3. Love and Affection

Mr. Kobayashi gives affection to his student, he never interrupted

what his students said. He always listens to their stories from
beginning to end. With that, he appreciated the students' creative
thoughts and ideas. Proven by the following quote:
The headmaster drew over a chair and put it facing Totto-chan,
and when they were both sitting down close together, he said, "Now
then, tell me all about yourself. Tell me anything at all you want to
talk about."…
- She went on and on. The headmaster would laugh, nod, and
say, "And then?" And Totto-chan was so happy she kept right on
talking. But finally she ran out of things to say. She sat with her
mouth closed trying hard to think of something. (P.07)

Mr. Kobayashi showed how he loves his daughter so much. He

looks around the city to look after the ribbon that she wants but he can
not found it. So he asks Totto-chan to do not bring that ribbon to
school so Miyo-chan can not be sad.
"So that's it," he said. "Yesterday Miyo-chan said she wanted a
ribbon just like yours, so I went to all the ribbon shops in Jiyugaoka,
but they didn't have anything like it.
So that's it. It's imported, is it?"
His face was more like that of a troubled father importuned by
his daughter than of a headmaster.
"Totto-chan, I'd be truly grateful if you'd stop wearing that
ribbon to school. You see, Miyo-chan keeps pestering me about it.
Would you mind very much?"

Totto-chan thought it over, her arms folded. Then she answered
quickly, “All right. I won't wear it here any more."
"Thank you," said the headmaster.(P.74-75)

Kobayashi loves his students so much. He becomes really sad

and feeling lost when Yasuaki-chan passes away. His eyes welled
with tears and his face bright rad when holding his feeling.

It was the first morning of school after the spring vacation. Mr.
Kobayashi stood in front of the children assembled on the school
grounds, his hands in his pockets as usual. But he didn't say anything
for some time. Then he took his hands out of his pockets and looked at
the children. He looked as if he had been crying.
"Yasuaki-chan's dead," he said slowly. "We're all going to his
funeral today." Then he went on, "You all liked Yasuaki-chan, I know.
It's a great shame. I feel terribly sad." He only got that far when his
face became bright red and tears welled up in his eyes. The children
were stunned and nobody said a word. They were all thinking about
Yasuaki-chan. Never had such a sad quietness passed over the
grounds of Tomoe before.(P.85)

Mr. Kobayashi also teaches love not only between humans but
also between animals and humans. The animal would trust you if you
trust them back
"Never tease animals," Mr. Kobayashi always told the children
at Tomoe. "it's cruel to betray animals when they trust you. Don't
make a dog beg and then not give it anything. The dog won't trust you
anymore and might develop a bad nature." (P.92).

Action that Mr. Kobayashi does to his student shows that

showing love and affection giving a massive impact on them.
Mr. Kobayashi gives Totto-chan affection to let Totto-chan tell
him everything on the first day, she becomes so happy and feels get a
hundred percent attention from him.
Mr. Kobayashi also shows them how to love. First, he shows his

love for his daughter. He going through all the tailor shops in the city

to find the same ribbon that Totto-chan have and found nothing. So to

make her do not feel sad he asks Totto-chan to do not bring that

ribbon again to school. Second, when one of his students, Yassuki-

chan pass away he showed his loss his student so much. The third one

Mr. Kobayashi teaches how to love animals too.

4. Sacrificing for Other

In this part, Totto-chan found that scarfing something that she

likes the most. She found that her beloved headmaster looks after the
same ribbon that she had for his daughter but he cannot found it
everywhere. Mr, Kobayashi asks Totto-chan to do not wear it anymore
at school so his daughter can let it go. Totto-chan listens to him and
put her ribbon on her teddy bear at home.
"So that's it," he said. "Yesterday Miyo-chan said she wanted a
ribbon just like yours, so I went to all the ribbon shops in Jiyugaoka,
but they didn't have anything like it.
So that's it. It's imported, is it?"
His face was more like that of a troubled father importuned by
his daughter than of a headmaster.
"Totto-chan, I'd be truly grateful if you'd stop wearing that
ribbon to school. You see, Miyo-chan keeps pestering me about it.
Would you mind very much?"
Totto-chan thought it over, her arms folded. Then she answered
quickly, “All right. I won't wear it here any more."
"Thank you," said the headmaster.
Totto-chan was rather sorry, but the headmaster was in trouble,
so she had agreed. Another reason was that the thought of a grown-up
man--her beloved headmaster- searching high and low in all the
ribbon shops, made her feel sorry for him. That was the way it was at
Tomoe. Without realizing it, everyone got in the habit of
understanding one another's problems and trying to help, irrespective
of age. It became the natural thing to do (P.74-75)

This section shows that giving sacrifice to others is not that bad.
With Mr. Kobayashi's action, Totto-chan learns if she keeps bringing
that ribbon to school will hurting her friend and her beloved teacher.
So she just left that at home. She learns how to understand one
another’s a problem than trying to help each other also.

5. Self Confidence

Here Mr. Kobayashi gives a small event he made a story section

after lunch. He wants to bust up they are a skill and confidence level.
One day the headmaster said, "I think we all ought to learn how
to speak better. What do you think? After this, while we are eating our
lunch, let's have somebody different each day stand in the middle of
the circle and tell us about something. How about that?
Some children thought they weren't very good at speaking, but it
would be fun to listen to others. Some thought it would be super to tell
people things they knew.
Totto-chan didn't know what she would talk about but was
willing to give it a try. Most of the children were in favor of the idea
so they decided to start the talks the next day.
Japanese children are usually taught at home not to talk at
mealtimes. But as a result of his experience abroad, the headmaster
used to encourage his pupils to take plenty of time over their meals
and enjoy conversation.
Besides that, he thought it was essential for them to learn how to
get up in front of people and express their ideas clearly and freely
without being embarrassed, so he decided it was time to put this
theory into practice. (P.45).

As a headmaster Mr. Kobayashi build a school that out of the

usual standard in japan at that time. He learns from his experience that
what is right to do for children. He has big confidence to build a school
different than the other.
Mr. Kobayashi spent two years in Europe, from 1922 to 1924,
visiting schools and studying eurythmics with Emile Jaques-Dalcroze
in Paris. On his return, he established Seijo Kindergarten with another
man. Mr. Kobayashi used to tell the kindergarten teachers not to try
and fit the children into preconceived molds. "Leave them to nature,"
he would say. "Don't cramp their ambitions. Their dreams are bigger
than yours." There had never been a kindergarten like it in Japan.
In 1930, Mr. Kobayashi set off for Europe for a further year of
study with Dalcroze, traveling around and making observations, and
decided to start his own school on returning to Japan. (P.99)

6. Strong Belief

In this part, Mr. Kobayashi wants to make Totto-chan believe

that she is a good girl. And it is proof by this part:
What the headmaster must have wanted to make Totto-chan
understand was something like this: "Some people may think you're
not a good girl in many respects, but your real character is not bad. It
has a great deal that is good about it, and I am well aware of that."
Alas, it was many, many years before Totto-chan realized what he
really meant. Still, while she may not have grasped his true meaning
at the time, the headmaster certainly instilled, deep in her, a
confidence in herself as “a good girl.” His words echoed in her heart
even when she was engaged in some escapade. And many times she
said to herself, "Good heavens!" as she reflected on something she
had done.
Mr. Kobayashi kept on repeating, the entire time she was at
Tomoe, those important words that probably determined the course of
her whole life:
“Totto-chan, you're really a good girl, you know.” (P.70).

Here Mr. Kobayashi implants a form of thought that Totto-chan

is really a good girl. He wants to make her believe that the event thou a
lot of people think she is not. That thought echoing in her heart and
build her belief until she grew older.
4.1.2 The effect of moral value of Sosoku Kobayashi found in Totto-
chan Little Girl at the Window novel.
The effect of moral value inside Totto-chan Little Girl at the
Window novel gives that conduct by Mr. Kobayashi gives a lot of
impact to the Students. The way they remember Mr.Kobayashi trough
they are life and told the story to speak everything.
I went to Hamamatsu to see Takahashi and his wife--a kindly
woman who understands him perfectly and has heard so much about
Tomoe she says it is almost as if she had gone there herself. She
assured me Takahashi has no complexes whatever about his
dwarfism. (P.102)
In here Takahasi’s Wife knows everything that happens inside
Tomoe as she goes there also. It means that Takahasi told her
everything a few times already. He adores his memory inside the

school and of course is includes his memory with Sosaku Kobayashi.
Some of the proof that moral value has impact are:

1. Bravery
This part has shown that how Takahashi build his character to
become brave.
He told me how Mr. Kobayashi had encouraged him to jump
over vaulting-horses higher than he was, always assuring him he
could do it, although he suspects now that Mr. Kobayashi probably
helped him over them--but not until the very last moment, letting him
think he had done it all by himself. Mr. Kobayashi gave him
confidence and enabled him to know the indescribable joy of
successful achievement…
-He still remembers the elation he felt at winning all those
prizes. Bright-eyed and sensible as ever, he reminisced happily about
Tomoe. (P.102)
By absorbing this event inside the novel, the reader can put
Takahasi as an example. Even thou you different from the other does
not make that thing to let you down. Build up the confidence will
make you braver than before.
2. Kind-hearted
This part showed how Mr. Kobayashi has shown how kind-
hearted he is. How he pushes Takahasi to the light and brought him to
a positive attitude in the future.
Whenever he tried to hide in the background, the headmaster
invariably brought him forward so he had to develop a positive
attitude to life willy-nilly (P.102)
By absorbing this condition we learn how kind-hearted can
affect people in the future. By doing something goodwill with a pure
heart can help and change people in the future.
3. Love and Affection
This part Amadera loving animal. She even wants to be a vet
someday in the future. the shape of love that shown here let here to
have a dream to become a vet.
Amadera, who loved animals, wanted to be a vet when he grew
up and have a farm. (P.105)

in here can be shaped to be something that helps other creatures.
Learn to love each other and caring can be guided in real life.
4. Sacrificing for Other
Unfortunately, his father died suddenly, and he had to
drastically alter the course of his life, leaving Nihon University
School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry to take a job at
Keio Hospital. (P.105)
this part the character inside must sacrifice her dream because
her dad die. She sacrifices her dream to put a living. Sometimes we
need to sacrifice something that important to keep move on to see the
5. Self Confidence
In here shown that confidence can a bust to grab success phat
in the future.
Mr. Kobayashi gave him confidence and enabled him to know
the indescribable joy of successful achievement (P.102)
As a reader we can be a success as Takahasi by being
confident. Confidence becomes bust to everything that the reader does
and makes everything easier to do.
6. Strong Belief
Takahasi and Totto-chan belief with what Mr. Kobayashi said
to them. In their life, they have a strong belief in that and become the
power to do everything right to their life.
A good home environment must have contributed, too, to
Takahashi's developing into such a fine person. Nevertheless, there is
no doubt about the fact that Mr. Kobayashi dealt with us all in a very
far-sighted way. Like his constantly saying me, "You're really a good
girl, you know," the encouraging way he kept saying to Takahashi,
"You can do it!" was a decisive factor in shaping his life. (P.102)
The reader we can take something that we believe like them
and take it as a charm, the example I am a good girl, I can do

everything, and nothing can stop me. it would become the power to
do everything right through the reader's life.
On the other side as a reader people can absorb the moral value
of Sosoku Kobayashi found in Totto-chan Little Girl at the Window
novel. By absorbing the experience that happens inside the novel. By
absorbing the moral value such as are bravery, kind-hearted, love, and
affection, strong belief, sacrificing for others, and self-confidence. . Like
how people treat other people, showing love and giving affection, know
how important to give sacrifice in the important occasion, how kind-
hearted can move other people, bereaved in any condition, and last but
not less confident in any situation.
4.2 Discussion

This research concludes that the analysis of moral values of Sosaku

Kobayashi found in Totto-chan Little Girl at the Window novel found six kind of

moral value, those are bravery, kind-hearted, love, and affection, strong belief,

sacrificing for others, and self-confidence. The results also show that those moral

value effected not only the student but also the reader trough they life. Like how

people treat other people, showing love and giving affection, know how important

to give sacrifice in important occasion, how kind hearted can move other people,

bereave in any condition, and last but not less confidence in any situation.


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