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Welcome my precious friends and family, this is Anrita Melchizedek, and I would like to
welcome you to the Initiations of the Rose telewebinar.

In this beautiful transmission of Light, we journey into Mother Mary's Temple of the
Immaculate Heart and deepen our journey along the Path of the Rose, the Path of Divine
Love, through the Divine Feminine. As we activate the Grail Codes of the Sacred Rose of
Christ Consciousness, we merge with the goddess archetypes through the Overlighting of
the Sisterhood of the Rose. Mother Mary steps forward with the archetypal energy of the
Mother Queen/Father King archetype, activating the Red Rose of Love and Beauty and
Passion within our Christed Hearts. Lady Isis steps forward with the archetypal energy of
the High Priestess and Priest activating the Pink Rose of Appreciation and Gratitude. Mary
Magdalene steps forward with the archetypal energy of the Wise Woman/Sage activating
the White Rose of Purity and Innocence. Lady Venus steps forward with the archetypal
energy of the Lover activating the Orange Rose of Desire and Enthusiasm. Lady Hathor steps
forward with the archetypal energy of the Magical Muse activating the Yellow Rose of
Delight and Joy and New Beginnings. Lady Portia steps forward with the archetypal energy
of the Warrioress/Warrior activating the Pink-Coral Rose of Peace. And lastly, Lady Kwan Yin
steps forward with the archetypal energy of the Natural Healer activating the Lavender
Rose of the Healing Energies of Creation.

As we purify our lower mind and lower bodies as these open hearts and sacred transfiguring
Flames of Divine Love, we release the vestiges of any perceived levels of separation or
blame, unforgiveness or judgment within our hearts embracing the Pathway of Divine Love,
the Path of the Rose. Through a series of Light transmissions, invocations, and affirmations
we experience a renewed balance between our Divine Masculine and Feminine spirits
embracing and integrating all aspects of ourselves within our Christed Hearts, within the
Sacred Rose of Christ Consciousness. And so it is.

Let us now set up our sacred space as we moved deeper into these beautiful energies of
Light, deep into the Love within our hearts, deeper into the Love of all creation as we come
together as One Unified Field of Divine Love. Start simply by connecting through the Unity
Grid of Divine Love and the Diamond Light Codes of Creation to soul and star family and
friends of the Light, linking into all those at a higher light level listening to this beautiful
transmission with you, receiving these energies of Divine Love. And as this Unified Field of
Divine Love through the group I AM Avatar Consciousness further activates, know that this
transmission of Light through yourselves as physical vessels of Light amplifies so that all life
on this sacred Earth may receive these divine frequencies of Love and the energy of the
Sisterhood of the Rose should they so desire.

And as you feel this sense of merging and connecting with soul and star family and friends
of the Light and any of the Illumined Beings of Light from On High you personally
acknowledge, and that are connecting with you for this beautiful transmission of Light, you
have a sense of grounding now into the crystal heart of Mother Earth, breathing deeply into
the body, expanding the lower abdomen as you breath in, contracting the lower abdomen
as you breath out. And as you draw upon the Diamond Light Codes through Mother Earth's
Lightbody, connecting into the codes of your Beloved I AM Presence and the Cosmic Heart of
Mother/Father God as this spirals forth through all dimensions of Light and activates
through Mother Earth's Lightbody you draw this energy up through your body, through the
Inner Earth Sun, the Golden Sun within your heart, the Sun, the Central Sun, and now the
Great Central Sun, connecting into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, in Cosmic
Conscious Awareness and Alignment of the Diamond Light Codes.


As you center yourselves now in perfect alignment to the Divine, to the Cosmic Heart of
God, and into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, you have a sense of your own energy fields
expanding in this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love activated by the Sisterhood of the
Rose as you now call in all the beautiful beings that are working with you and working with
all of us along the Pathway of Divine Love. Bringing a focus once more to this beautiful Pink
Flame of Divine Love around the body and energy field, you invoke the Sisterhood of the
Rose, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Lady Isis, Lady Venus, Lady Hathor, Lady Kwan Yin,
Lady Pallas Athena, Lady Portia, White Buffalo Woman, and all the other feminine deities
you personally acknowledge, having a sense of how your own heart is opening deep into the
Christ Heart, in particular, it is the Petal of Trust that activates through the Christed Heart,
coming deeper into trusting and surrendering to the Divine, deeper into the renewed
balance of your Divine Feminine and Masculine Spirits, allowing the Divine Feminine to lead
you along the Pathway of the Rose.

Calling in now the Pleiadians, and the Sirians, the Andromedans, and Arcturians, all of the
Light, and all other Star Council members you personally acknowledge. The Archangels and
their Divine Feminine counterparts, the Ascended Masters, the Ray Masters, and all the
beautiful Beings through all dimensions of Light from the kingdom of God that are assisting
in this ascension process. As you now bring a focus back to your heart chakras, having a
sense now of activating the Twelve Petals of your Christed Heart, your Peaceful Heart, your
Healing Heart, your Loving Heart, your Joyful and Happy Heart, your Innocent and Open
Heart, your Powerful Heart, your Knowing Heart, your Passionate Heart, your Overflowing
and Prosperous Heart, your Heart of Integrity and Truth, your Intimate Heart. And now
experiencing the deepest level of amplification through your trusting heart, taking this leap
of faith into your heart's dreaming and your heart's joy led by your Divine Feminine Spirit.


As you now visualize this beautiful diamond octahedron activating within the heart chakra,
spinning now in a clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on what is needed at this time.
This diamond octahedron with eight faces of equilateral triangles, forming two four- sided
pyramids. The Diamond Light Codes of Creation activate through the eighteenth ray of
Melchizedek Consciousness and were first anchored onto the sacred Earth through the first
Harmonic Convergence in August of 1987. The full anchoring of this beautiful Diamond Ray
through the Overlighting of the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis occurred in 1994
through a cosmic alignment of Light between Sirius A and Sirius B that allowed the energy
of the Light rays of creation, the cosmic Light rays, to activate once more on this sacred
Earth. However, it has only been from 2013 in the New Golden Age, sweet ones that these
Diamond Light Codes have activated upon and within this sacred Earth and the Lightbody of
Mother Earth through the crystalline consciousness grid, the Unity Grid of Divine Love.

The Diamond Light Codes assist you in activating the multi-dimensional realities of all
golden ages as well as your multi-dimensional selves on all dimensions of Light, sweet ones.
They activate the dormant DNA to the greatest level of knowing of self-mastery and
additionally connect you to the multidimensional aspects of your soul clusters that are
already experiencing self-mastery, whether these are your Pleiadian, or Sirian, or
Andromedan or Arcturian multi-dimensional selves; whether these are the lifetimes in
which you experienced self-mastery as the high priestess or high priest; or the lifetimes of
working with Spirit in your own magnificent way as healers and way showers, or as teachers
leading the way in the Golden Ages of Light, you are imbued once more with the ability to
deepen your magnificent ESP gifts into the greatest level of merging with your Beloved I AM
Presence and soul aspects in this Now, sweet ones. And as you draw deeper into the Unity
Grid of Divine Love and into your Christed Hearts, you have a sense of how you are ready to
truly walk this Path of Love, this pathway of Divine Love, the Path of the Rose, being the
first to surrender in any situation of perceived conflict, being the first to choose to release
any perceived conflict in surrender, in Love, in appreciation, in gratitude, in loving
kindness. And it is the Sisterhood of the Rose that amplifies these qualities for each one of
you, sweet ones, as you enter into Mother Mary's Temple of the Immaculate Heart within
the New Earth Templates of Light. And celebrating a deeper level of your magnificence and
Light as these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love, you have a sense now of how as
these physical vessels of Light you are affecting and creating change on this sacred Earth
simply by your Beingness and within the Unity Grid of Divine Love, as you now visualize this
beautiful Rose Grid activating upon the Diamond Light Grid and Unity Grid connecting every
man, woman and child through the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light into the Feminine
aspects of creation and the Overlighting of Mother Mary and the Sisterhood of the Rose.


We move into this sacred state of Beingness, of Divine Love in a series of invocations and
affirmations as you get yourselves comfortably relaxed, sweet ones, whether this is lying
down or sitting up, just know that you are indeed walking this Pathway of Divine Love
greatly celebrated, appreciated, supported, and deeply Loved as you balance the polarity
into the knowing that all is Love, all is Love. Placing your hands energetically or physically
upon your heart as you say to yourselves: “I Love you, I Love you, I Love you (giving your
full names now)”.


I call upon the Overlighting of Mother Father God and all the Illumined Beings of Light from
On High that I personally acknowledge as I now merge with my Beloved I AM Presence, the
highest Light that I AM within the Cosmic Heart of God. Through the Overlighting of the
Sisterhood of the Rose I am wrapped in this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love as I anchor
these sacred flames of Divine Love through my heart chakra and within every sub-atomic
particle of my Beingness and now, within and through the heart chakras of every man,
woman, and child on this sacred Earth. As I bring a focus to my Christed Heart now, I
experience this beautiful golden star tetrahedron activate, further experiencing a sense of
the star tetrahedrons that activate for all the awakened Lightworkers on this sacred earth,
signifying not only the knowing of ourselves in self-mastery as Initiates of Light to the Order
of Melchizedek, but experiencing the group merkaba activation of Mother Earth. And
amplified now through the energy of the Sisterhood of the Rose, I see Mother Earth’s
Lightbody activate, as I bring a focus to my crown chakra and the Fibonacci ratios eight to
five, eleven times God speed to infinity, the sacred Christ Consciousness number of this
sacred Earth. I bring a focus now to a fourth dimensional portal of Light 0.02 feet above the
crown chakra into the realms of Solar Christ Consciousness, and as I experience these Solar
Christ Consciousness frequencies activate in crystalline consciousness through the
subatomic particles of my body, I now say the next series of Fibonacci ratios to activate to
this frequency of Solar Christ Consciousness ~ thirteen to eight, twenty-two times God
speed to infinity. And now I bring a focus to a portal of Light 0.6 feet above the crown
chakra, taking me deep into the New Earth templates of Light, into the sacred geometries,
numerologies, fractal geometries, and key codes connecting me into the New Earth
templates and the Patterns of Perfection, as I now say, the Fibonacci sequences related to
the fifth dimensional frequencies of Light, of twenty one to thirteen, thirty-three times
God's speed to infinity, affirming now: “I activate my Light body merkaba field to the fifth
dimensional blueprints of Light ~ activate, activate, activate”.
And now as I experience my personal merkaba activate, with this I see the numerous
Lightbody activations of all the planetary Lightworkers as we form the group merkaba field
of Light through the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light, and into this beautiful energy of
Divine Love and Unity Consciousness we now activate the Lightbody field of Mother Earth.
Mother Earth now vibrates to the highest level of Schumann resonance available, to the
highest level of Divine Love that is possible as the Unity Grid, sacred sites, vortices and rose
ley line grids now experience this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love, through the
Overlighting of Mother Mary and Sisterhood of the Rose.


In my activated Light body merkaba field I now find myself traveling with soul and star
family and all awakened souls into Mother Mary's Temple of the Immaculate Heart within
the New Earth templates of Light. And as I enter the Temple of Divine Love, I start to feel
the deepest level of self-love through my open heart that I have yet to experience in the
Golden Age of Light. I see around me now the Divine Feminine deities of creation as they
take me into this beautiful central octahedronal shape temple of Divine Love. Within this
Temple is this magnificent Pink Flame of Divine Love and as I enter into this Temple and
into this Pink Flame of Divine Love, I release, recalibrate, realign, and experience the
Divinity that I AM in my magnificence and Light, in my innocence and purity, amplified a
thousand-fold a thousand time, every good deed that I have ever done upon this sacred
Earth in this lifetime and every other. For I am ready now to move completely onto the
Pathway of Divine Love, the Path of the Rose, no longer needing to experience the third
dimensional realities of conflict or blame or unforgiveness, or resentment within my reality,
knowing that what others reflect are simply where they are in their level of cosmic
conscious awareness, and I am coming deeper and deeper into the Love within my heart,
aligning through all dimensions of Light as a member of the Sisterhood of the Rose, choosing
to activate this Flame of Divine Love on this sacred Earth for all life.

Mother Mary now steps forward activating this beautiful Red Rose of Love and Beauty and
Passion within my Christed Heart. Mother Mary, Ma Rei, illuminates me in the Light of God
into the energy of the Love that I have within myself, into the level of simply releasing
judgment as I walk this Pathway of Divine Love, passionately and lovingly, coming deeper
into my heart's dreaming and into my heart's joy and into the deepest level of self-love that
I am able to experience at this time. As I find myself now merging with the Mother/Queen
or Father/King archetype, the energy of the Mother/Queen or Father/King archetype is one
in which I am able to look through my Master Eyes at all of life around me, in which I have
dominionship of my kingdoms and my creations lovingly extending my energy through my
home, through my neighborhood, through my country as a portal of Divine Love. I know that
I have experienced many challenges and Initiations of Light to reach this sacred Now
moment, but I am ready through my trusting heart to simply Love and release and let go of
all aspects of myself that have simply forgotten they are Love, letting them find their way
home in Love, into my sacred heart, my kingdom of Love.

In this safe and sacred space, I now experience activation of my kundalini and tantric
channels, I see the primary kundalini tantric channels activate now starting from the base
chakra, through the sacral and solar plexus into the heart, into the thymus and throat
chakra, into the third eye and crown chakra, lovingly letting go of any level of lack of self-
love, without judgment. I choose to Love and honor and appreciate and celebrate the full
range of my emotions. When the negative ego aspects come up, I embrace them within my
Love giving them a voice and every time there is something that I have done that takes me
into feeling unloved or unappreciated, I hold the focus of my loving heart and this beautiful
Red Rose within my Christed heart of Love and Beauty and Passion, as I let myself know:

“It is alright, all is well, there is no need to judge, there is no need to blame. I know that
you are doing the best that you can in any given moment and in this I trust, as I trust and
surrender to the Divine. And I am ready to deepen my service work. I am ready to
experience myself fully as Love, and so I say to the Universe bring it on, whatever the
situation is that I may experience any level or perceived discomfort as I bring my focus to
my Christed Heart and this beautiful Red Rose of Light. I send this Love from my heart to
others, and I know that they experience it energetically and however they respond is
where they are, it is not a reflection of where I am or what my issues are. I am no longer
experiencing the karmic timelines. I am no longer experiencing the reflection of others, I
am seated and rooted in Divine Love as this beautiful open heart paving the way for others
as I walk the Path of the Rose”.

As I call upon my Beloved I AM Presence to activate the purest vibration of this Divine Love
into my heart and through each one of my chakras I experience a sense of this Flame of
Rose Red Light moving through each one of my chakras amplifying now through the
kundalini and now tantric channels as they activate from the feet chakra at my legs to the
G-spot or the base of the penis and up the front of the body out to the nipples. I am coming
deeper too into the understanding of the Love, of how it is simply the ability to flow and
Love, to be kind and compassionate and generous to others. And all these many gifts I have
given to others are now amplified and reflected back to me now once more, a thousand-
fold a thousand times. As I accept the Love of my Soul and Beloved I AM Presence I now take
this beautiful Red Rose and activate it through the hearts of every man, woman, and child
on this sacred Earth.


I ask all the energies of Divine Love through Mother Mary and the sacred Red Rose to
activate at the deepest level of my Beingness through my body, through my heart, through
my lower bodies, through my mental body, through my emotional body, through my physical
etheric body, through my chakras and through all the dimensions of Light that I travel,
taking me deeper into the beauty and Love and passion of my heart. I ask that I am forever
bathed in the Love of Creation. I ask that I exist always as a sacred transfiguring flame of
Divine Love. I ask that I emanate the Love of my Beingness onto this sacred Earth and
within the heart of my soul and star family and friends, and all those around me from this
moment forth knowing I AM Love, I AM Love, I AM Love.


As I bring a focus now to my sacred heart, I promise to recognize my Beloved I AM Presence

always as my guiding Light to God and to constantly hold the Flame of Divine Love within
my heart, within every reality I may experience, no matter the situation, no matter the
circumstance. I allow myself to embrace and Love and accept and appreciate every
experience that I am having for I AM Love, I AM Love, I AM Love.


I ask to move into the complete surrender of the Will of God. I ask that I may remove the
Veils of Illusion stepping deeper into the Path of the Rose and that I may always remember
who I AM, a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love, a Master Being of Light and a sacred
Keeper of the Roses of the Sisterhood of the Rose. And so it is.


And now it is Lady Isis who steps forward holding the archetypal energy of the High
Priestess and Priest, activating now the Pink Rose of Appreciation and Gratitude within my
heart, and now through each one of my chakras. Lady Isis holds the energy of the power of
the Divine Feminine, of the ability to truly find a greater level of appreciation and
gratitude in every circumstance and situation. And as I now merge with the High Priestess
or Priest energy, I experience the golden timelines of my highest potential and the
timelines of self-mastery. And it is now into the Left Eye of Horus that I travel, into the
temples of Divine Love, the twelve temples of Divine Love along the River Nile in the
timeline of Ancient Egypt. As I complete my Initiation of perceived challenges to know
myself as Love, I know that many of these challenges have been re-experienced in each
lifetime; I know that pre-birth agreements I made to experience the karmic dance of the
victim and persecutor consciousness in every lifetime that I have needed to know myself as
Love have been played out, amplified and magnetized a thousand-fold, so that I may
remember that the hidden aspects of myself are truly Love, so I may remember that I am
indeed the High Priestess or High Priest to the Order of Melchizedek. And as I call upon Lady
Isis as the Moon Goddess, I ask her to bring in her energies to restore, replenish and
rejuvenate the energy aspects or soul aspects of my consciousness that are tired, that have
experienced disillusionment, or perceived separation; that are not sure that they can rise
above the challenges that are presented to know within the deepest levels of my Beingness
that each challenge is an Initiation of Light and I need simply to appreciate it and
experience the gratitude in each and every reflection as I come deeper into Love.

I now experience the Right Eye of Horus, the temple teachings of Light, of hieroglyphics,
sacred geometries, immortal key codes and the key codes of rejuvenation and regeneration
amplify through my body as this beautiful Pink Rose activates through each one of my
chakras. And as I am surrounded in this Pink Rose of Divine Love, Lady Isis further brings in
her beautiful Silver Gold Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Light.


I recognize and honor the strength I have and hold, and how I am stronger than I think, and
no matter what is happening to me, I am moving deeper into the next level of my soul's
forward evolution, into a deeper level of my blossoming, magnificence and Light. And I
know that protected by Lady Isis and the Sisterhood of the Rose, every frequency or feeling
that needs to be brought into resonance of the Beingness of who I am as Love amplifies
now as I embrace and Love every sub-personality aspect of myself that needs my Love ~
embracing my broken heart through the perceived challenges or Initiations of Light,
embracing my pain, embracing my sadness, embracing my addictions, giving them a voice,
simply loving who I am, knowing that I have already achieved self-mastery. And as the
recalibration now takes place between the left and right hemispheres of my brain, between
the pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus and thalamus glands, I start to see this new dance
between my Divine Masculine and Feminine spirits. I start to see how they are moving into a
deeper reunion of hearts, my Beloveds, how I am experiencing now the knowing of myself
as the High Priestess or Priest within Mother Mary's Temple of the Immaculate Heart and
within this beautiful Silver Gold Pink and Purple Healing Flame of Light, and now this Pink
Flame of Divine Love.


Mary Magdalene now steps forward with the archetypal energy of the Wise Woman/Sage
activating now the White Rose of Purity and Innocence within my Christed Heart and now
through each one of my chakras. Wrapped in this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love, I
merge with the Wise Woman or Sage archetype. I recognize the wisdom that I have and
hold. I let go of the aspects of my consciousness that are touched by the lesser-than and
better-than consciousness or the victim or persecutor consciousness comparing myself to
others or the aspects of myself that consider themselves a fraud, for this is a common false
belief that has been experienced by many Lightworkers through the increased sensitivities
on the sacred Earth and the increase of the empathetic nature, in particular, there is a
sense of not being good enough. And I release this along with any issues of being unwanted,
unappreciated, or unheard or unseen, or the aspects of the lower self that do not feel they
have the knowing. I amplify into the Light of Creation in this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine
Love the blissful Divine creative energy of the wisdom and knowing, illumination and
enlightenment that I have and hold within my heart, deepening into the purity and
innocence of myself, as the innocent magical child.


As I anchor the unlimited expansive possibilities and wisdom of my Beloved I AM Presence

through my heart chakra and through every subatomic particle of my body, I step deeper
into the knowing through the original divine eight-cell blueprint of my sacred purpose upon
this earth, to live in abundance, to live in peace, to live in happiness and joy, and I allow
myself to experience all these expansive qualities, through the energy that Mary Magdalene
brings to me now knowing that I am indeed a child of the Sun, a child of the Christed Light,
that burns brightly in the Flame of the Sisterhood of the Rose at this time, deeper into the
Love of all creation, as I take this beautiful White Rose of Purity and Innocence and
activate it now through the hearts and souls of every awakened man, woman and child on
this earth, and all those choosing to move into the glorious Golden Age of Light, choosing
the upward spiral of their Soul's Forward Evolution.


As I allow myself to be filled with the vibrant Light of Divine Love, the energetic patterns
that make me feel unloved, unappreciated or unseen, amplify into the Christed Light of
Creation and into this beautiful Flame of the Sisterhood of the Rose, and I take on a greater
level of the mantle of leadership with my beautiful gifts as I see now along the Path of the
Rose, the soul and star family that I am traveling with, connecting into the purity and
innocence of my soul group and through the Magical Innocent Child and Wise Woman/Sage
archetypes, finding a greater level of joy within my heart, knowing that I AM Love, I AM
Love, I AM Love.

Mary Magdalene now dissolves all the misaligned energies within my body and energy field
into the highest Light Stream of the Consciousness of Creation that can be experienced at
this time. As I nurture and Love myself, I experience the re-integration of my selves into
the resonance of the innocence and purity that I Am.


Lady Venus now steps forward, with the archetypal energy of the Lover, activating this
beautiful Orange Rose of Desire and Enthusiasm. Lady Venus amplifies this archetypal
energy of the Lover as I find myself now experiencing this beautiful Orange Rose of Desire
and Enthusiasm anchor and active within my heart chakra, and now through each one of my
chakras, I come into a greater level of desire and enthusiasm as well as supporting my
physical and energy bodies in the Light of God.

As I find myself merging with the Lover archetype now, it is the Lover of life, it is
enthusiasm and desire for life, and if I choose this at a soul level to include the partnership
of my soulmate/twin flame energy, I experience this dance through the Lover archetype
into the soulmate/twin flame energy, calling in the Beloved. I am ready to experience a
deeper level of the Lover archetype through the Overlighting of Lady Venus, inviting
another into my body, into my heart, into my soul, into my mind. And if I am ready to
deepen my service work through the Flame of the Sisterhood of the Rose in the willingness
of desire and enthusiasm I experience too, the radiance of my physical body as a Lover of
life ~ I choose to nurture myself. I eat the foods that support my body. I find time to
balance my energies energetically through my own routines of meditation, creative
endeavors and loving heart, through the appropriate exercises, walks and radiance of
Beingness that fully supports me on all levels of my Beingness. I further release any old
planetary contracts or pre-birth agreements that I still need to play out with partners, old
karmic mates to know myself as Love. Wrapped in this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love
in this Orange Rose of Desire and Enthusiasm activating through my Christed Heart in each
one of my chakras, I know that I have the power as this unlimited Master Being to
magnetize, to manifest and to co-create in any way that I choose as I walk the Path of the
Rose. I am this abundant manifesting co-creator, and I co-create with the soul and star
family and friends of the Light that are part of the resonance of the Flame of Divine Love
on this sacred Earth in this time as I deepen into my trusting heart and this renewed
balance of my Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits. The last remnants of any misaligned
energies and false beliefs regarding men or women now release through each one of the
chakras or through the subatomic particles of my Beingness. And So It Is, So It Is, So It Is.


I am free now to nurture myself, to deepen the energy of self-love, to fill my mind with the
Light of God as I walk the Path of the Rose as the Lover of Life in desire, enthusiasm,
abundance and expansion of my own energy, magnificence and Light.


I now active this beautiful orange Rose of Desire and Enthusiasm within the hearts of all on
this sacred earth that are choosing the Path of the Rose, within the hearts of every man,
woman and child on this sacred Earth through the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light,
allowing them the potential to know themselves as Love, to experience the desire and
enthusiasm of creation.

Lady Hathor now steps forward with the archetypal energy of the Magical Muse. As she
activates now the Yellow Rose of Delight and Joy and New Beginnings within my Christed
Heart and now through each one of my chakras, I am ready to experience the beautiful gifts
that I have, I am ready to experience the delight of creation. I am ready to bring in new
things, and experience a greater level of joy through my heart's dreaming. And as Goddess
Isis now comes forward, the Goddess of the Sun and Sky, she holds me in her radiant Light,
allowing me to experience a deeper sense of the dance of my heart. As I merge now with
the Magical Muse and embody all the creative forces of creation that amplify my ESP gifts
of telepathy and clairsentience, clairvoyance, clairaudience, empathy, and with this
bringing in everything that I need at this now, as I put it out there, whatever it might be,
any levels of support or greater levels of abundance, a greater sense of the new beginnings
that are coming for me as I trust and surrender to the Divine. And as I align my will with the
Will of God, as I allow the Divine Feminine to guide me, I see my Divine Masculine Spirit to
the right of me and my Divine Feminine Spirit to the left of me, and as I join forces with
these aspects of myself that are experiencing the human miscreations as well as this Flame
of Divine Love, I embrace them within my heart in the new dance of creative energies of
Divine Love, of Joy and Delight.

Goddess Hathor brings with her sonic vibratory frequencies using sound as a form of
communication and as I deepen now into this vibration of sonic resonance, of Divine Love, I
experience this energy of Love activate through joy within my heart.


The dormant DNA activates to the maximum cosmic law can allow as I find myself moving
deeper and deeper into the energy of the Divine Mother as the Magical Muse, bringing into
my heart all that I need into this Now to take myself to the next level of my blossoming and
magnificence and service work as a facilitator, way shower and physical vessel of Light upon
this sacred Earth ~ I am indeed this open heart in this Golden Age of Light creating the
pathways of Divine Light for myself and others. I do so now as the Magical Muse and sacred
transfiguring flame of Divine Love.

As I now take this beautiful Yellow Rose of Delight and Joy and New Beginnings and assist in
activating this within the hearts of every man, woman, and child on this sacred Earth
through the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light. I know that in my daily life I flow with a
greater level of harmony and abundance and trust; I release the stresses. I release the
sense of being unable to support myself on any level energetically. I find the excitement of
the new beginnings putting me in the path of synchronicities, so that these abounding
synchronicities activate and amplify within my heart and within my life as I come deeper
and deeper into the Path of the Rose.

Lady Portia now steps forward with the archetypal energy of the Warrioress/the Warrior
activating the Pink Coral Rose of Peace. Lady Portia as the Divine Feminine counterpart of
St Germaine now amplifies this Violet Flame of Transmutation around my body and within
my heart as she anchors the Pink Coral Rose of Peace within my heart and now through
each of my chakras.


Wrapped in the Pink Flame of Divine Love of the Sisterhood of the Rose the Violet Flame of
Transmutation and God's Infinite Perfection, and now experiencing a deeper activation of
these beautiful Roses of Peace, I merge with the Warrioress or Warrior energy. I know when
to step forward in Love and Wisdom and when to step back in Dynamic Right Action,
balancing, strengthening and connecting intuitively into the Divine Masculine and Divine
Feminine spirits. I no longer need to energetically defend or protect myself, for my energy
field amplifies in this Now into the greatest levels of God Consciousness, further activating
now through the Sisterhood of the Rose, and the Three-Fold Flame of Power, Love and
Wisdom within Mother Mary's Immaculate Temple of Love, within this Temple of the
Immaculate Heart. I expand into the Light of Creation, into the highest level of potentiality
that I can experience at this Now moment, bringing with it greater levels of manifestation,
as I ground and anchor the energies through my body and energy field. The radiance of my
own energy simply neutralizes, absorbs, and Loves all that is around it, and through my
Christed Heart I experience the energy of Divine Love as it radiates out from me into the
hearts of all those around me, and the Warrioress stands firm with clear boundaries;
knowing how to communicate and express herself or himself clearly and gently and lovingly.
I am seen and heard and appreciated, as I see and hear and appreciate others.


I now focus upon the reflections of the truth of my Love and my reality, bringing the Pink
Coral Rose of Peace deeper into my heart, so that if there are any levels of perceived
conflict that I may have with anyone around me, I connect with each one of these souls at a
Higher Light level as I let them know “I Love you, and I forgive you as I Love and forgive
myself. I Love you, and I forgive you as I Love and forgive myself.”

I further cancel any old contracts that state; “If it is for my highest good, I will learn my
lessons in pain, in shame, in heartbreak, in anger, for these reflections along the karmic
timeline will take me into the knowing that I AM Love”. As I take this big red rubber stamp
with the word CANCELLED, I stamp these contracts and I now tear up and burn them in this
beautiful Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection knowing I no longer need to experience
the karmic timelines. I draw to myself the nourishment of the Flame of Divine Love through
the Sisterhood of the Rose so that I no longer experience myself being vulnerable or hurt or
unloved or unappreciated. I become less concerned with not only the emotions of those
around me but also, in how they may energetically perceive me. For my energy is clear and
loving, and it is the radiance of this, that allows me to merge into the Warrioress and
Warrior energy. I am safe and energetically protected. Safe to allow my Divine Feminine
Spirit to lead me as I walk the Path of the Rose.


I now take this beautiful Pink Coral Rose of Peace and activate it within the heart of every
man, woman, and child on this sacred Earth through the Group I AM Avatar Consciousness of
Light. As these beautiful rose qualities amplify through the Rose Grids and the Unity Grid of
Divine Love as well as this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love, I know within my heart that
the energy of peace starts with myself and I come into the full magnificence of this
peaceful energy in this Now moment as I hold it within my heart, as I hold it within the soul
matrix through the Warrior/Warrioress energy of Light.


My intuitive gifts are amplifying too in this Now as I awaken to a greater level of my ESP
gifts, as I awaken to the ability to simply slow down and breathe and know that I AM Love. I
receive the energy of this beautiful, peaceful quality to the maximum cosmic law can
allow, knowing that I am supported and loved, protected and greatly appreciated, and that
all is well, all is well. I am able to co-create anything that I need to bring into my reality
every experience that reflects the energy of Love as this infinite, multi-dimensional Christ
Conscious Being of Light.


And now Lady Kwan Yin steps forward with archetypal energy of the Natural Healer
activating the Lavender Rose of the Healing Energies of Creation. She brings with her the
deepest level of compassion that I have yet to experience, embodying the feminine energy
of Lord Buddha. Lady Kwan Yin is further the Chohan, the Guardian of the Eleventh Ray of
Illumined Truth, this beautiful Pink Orange Flame of Light. As I now experience this
Lavender Rose of the Healing Energies of Creation activate within my heart chakra and
within each one of my heart chakras, I am further wrapped in this Pink Orange Flame of
Illumined Truth and Divine Love. I experience these healing energies amplify initially at a
physical level as I merge with the archetype of the Natural Healer and move the energy of
this beautiful Love into each one of my cells. I release any false beliefs and judgments and
mis-qualified energies, limitations, and negative thought patterns, frozen miasms and any
other blockages that I have experienced in this lifetime or timeline, or any other lifetime or
timeline, parallel realities or dimension that is creating any level of blockage in this Now. I
accept that this clearing process that activates for me now will rejuvenate and regenerate
the physical body and lower bodies, so I can experience this beautiful healing energy
through each subatomic particle of my Beingness, knowing I AM Love, I AM Love ~ that I am
a radiant healthy Being of Divine Love and that my physical body is a Temple of Light.
Whatever my intentions are for the physical healing of my body, whether this is about
weight loss, vitality, greater levels of energy, I bring my awareness to each one of my cells,
dissolving misqualified energies to naturally support my physical body as a Temple of Light.
And if I still have any negative thoughts or feelings related to self-image, whether on the
shape or size of my body or of my looks, I now dissolve these old false beliefs and
judgments into this beautiful Pink Orange Flame of Divine Love and Illumined Truth and
into the Lavender Rose Creations.


I take a moment now to simply observe my body and the healing energy that flows through
my Beingness as it disintegrates, amplifies, activates and loves all that is needed to be
Loved and celebrated and appreciated and harmonized within my Beingness and through my
Divine Masculine and Feminine energies. I know that I am a natural healer and whether I
use this as a gift in the assistance of healing others or simply through my own energy and
radiance of my magnificence and Light, as my energy field touches the hearts of others,
they too will experience spontaneous healings of all misqualified energies, thoughts and
feelings and deepen into knowing themselves as Love. I ask that the radiance and vitality
and strength of the healing energy that I experience in connecting to the wisdom of my
body and Temple of Light now amplifies onto this sacred Earth as I assist in activating this
Lavender Rose and the Healing Energies of Creation within the hearts of all humanity,
within the heart of every man, woman and child on this sacred Earth.


I trust in the healing energy that I have, I trust in my ability to let go of all the old false
beliefs and judgments and misqualified energies, as I harmonize and unify my energies
through the Flame of Divine Love, the Sisterhood of the Rose, and in particular now the
energy and Overlighting of Lady Kwan Yin. I accept myself as this sacred transfiguring flame
of Divine Love as I move deeper into my trusting heart. I take a leap of faith knowing that I
am indeed so greatly Loved and celebrated and appreciated and amplify this energy within
my own Christed Heart. I am this conscious expression of creation in self-mastery and
Divine Love, a magnificent healer, aligned deeply to my own needs and the needs of others,
as I walk the Path of the Rose.

I now have a sense of activating a Pillar of Fire. This beautiful Pillar of Fire amplifies this
Pink Flame of Divine Love from the Heart of Mother/Father God onto this sacred earth and
through Mother's Mary Temple of Immaculate Heart, amplified by the Sisterhood of the
Rose, and from here is experienced at deeper level through the hearts of all life on this
sacred earth. As the Rose Grids amplify through the Unity Grid of Divine Love we come
together as One Unified Cosmic Heart, walking the Path of the Rose. Mother Mary comes
forth now and places upon my head a crown of Light, with the emblem of these seven
beautiful roses that have activated now, and this crown of Light carries too the energy of
the Sisterhood of the Rose and these beautiful Roses of Creation, of the Initiations of the
Rose. When I am ready and in my own time, I can have a sense of simply activating this
Pillar or this Flame of Divine Love called the Fire of Love. And as I draw into my heart the
Pink Flame of Divine Love and into each subatomic particle of my Beingness I will place this
beautiful crown upon my head and ask for the frequencies of the Sisterhood of the Rose
that would serve me best to activate and amplify in this Now as I walk the Path of the
Rose, the Path of Divine Love.

I know that I am indeed stepping into a greater level of my magnificence and blossoming
and Light and this experience for me now is to come deeper into the self-love within my
heart, amplifying once more every good deed, thought and creational energy that I have
given to others through my Christed Heart. Amplifying all these qualities within my own
heart, and embraced within the Flame of Divine Love, I walk this Pathway of Light, knowing
all is well, all is well, all is well.

As I thank all of the Illumined Beings, the Sisterhood of the Rose and Mother Mary, I now
find myself moving back into my sacred space, grounded and centered, firmly in my body. I
create this beautiful Pink Flame of Divine Love within my sacred space amplifying it now
through my neighborhood and through my country as I connect energetically now to the
soul and star family and friends of the Light that will deepen my journey in Divine Love. As I
embrace my trusting heart I know that in each situation I have simply to acknowledge
myself as Love and choose to do the opposite of what others around me are doing in times
of perceived conflict, this is the balancing of polarity. If they are getting loud, I will get
softer, if they are getting angry, I will get more loving. If they are opinionated or
judgmental, I will sit in non-judgment, in harmony and peace. This is part of what I
experience through my Initiations of the Rose, the intuitive ability to know when to step
forward in dynamic right action and when to step back in Love and wisdom. In this
rebalancing of my Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits I no longer need to walk the karmic
timelines. I have completed all these lessons and brought into my heart all the forgotten
aspects and sub-personality aspects of myself that need my Love. And while this journey
may be uncomfortable at times, I am ready to move deeper into my heart's dreaming and
joy and co-create heaven on earth in this sacred journey of the heart as I walk the Path of
the Rose.
In my own time now, I ground once more into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth while
keeping this connection open to all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High as I now
thank now the Sisterhood of the Rose.

Brought to you by The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network

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