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Router/Ethernet Switch
Command Manual (QoS Volume)

Version 4.8.22

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Users may visit ZTE technical support website to inquire related information.

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Revision History

Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason

R1.0 Dec. 28, 2008 First Edition

Serial Number: sjzl20086539

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About This Manual.............................................. i
Command Introduction .....................................1
Manual Use Guide........................................................... 1
Description of Man-Machine Commands ............................. 1
Auxiliary Function ........................................................... 2
Command Mode ............................................................. 3
QoS Configuration(Ethernet Switching
drop-mode tail-drop........................................................ 7
drop-mode wred............................................................. 8
priority.......................................................................... 8
priority-mark ................................................................. 9
qos conform-dscp ..........................................................10
qos conform-local ..........................................................11
qos cos-drop-map .........................................................12
qos cos-local-map .........................................................13
qos tail-drop .................................................................14
qos wred ......................................................................15
queue-mode .................................................................17
redirect ........................................................................18
show qos......................................................................19
show qos conform-dscp ..................................................20
show qos-conform-local..................................................20
show qos cos-drop-map .................................................20
show qos cos-local-map .................................................21
show qos tail-drop .........................................................21
show qos wred ..............................................................22
show traffic-statistics .....................................................22
traffic-limit(Global) ........................................................24
traffic-shape .................................................................27
traffic-statistics .............................................................28
trust-cos ......................................................................29
trust-dscp ....................................................................30

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QoS configuration(Router Series) ................... 33
bandwidth ....................................................................34
bgp-policy ....................................................................35
class ............................................................................36
class ............................................................................36
clear qos bandwith-statistics ...........................................38
clear qos queue-statistics ...............................................39
clear qos statistics .........................................................39
dos-protect port ............................................................41
dos-protect special ........................................................42
fair-queue ....................................................................42
flow-control ..................................................................43
hierarchy-group ............................................................44
match 802.1p ...............................................................45
match access-group.......................................................45
match any ....................................................................46
match class-map ...........................................................46
match destination-address-mac.......................................47
match input-interface.....................................................48
match ip-dscp ...............................................................48
match ip-precedence......................................................49
match mpls-exp ............................................................49
match not ....................................................................50
match mac ...................................................................50
match qos-group ...........................................................51
match vlan-id................................................................51
policy-map ...................................................................53
priority-group ...............................................................54
priority-list 802.1p.........................................................54
priority-list default .........................................................55
priority-list dscp ............................................................56
priority-list interface ......................................................56
priority-list list ..............................................................57
priority-list mac.............................................................57

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priority-list mpls-exp......................................................58
priority-list precedence...................................................58
priority-list qos-group ....................................................59
priority-list queue-limit...................................................60
priority-list vlan-id .........................................................61
priority-queue ...............................................................62
qos ip ..........................................................................62
qos-map ......................................................................62
qos-map enable ............................................................63
queue-list default ..........................................................63
queue-list interface........................................................64
queue-list list ................................................................65
queue-list queue ...........................................................65
random-detect ..............................................................66
random-detect ..............................................................70
random-detect enable ....................................................70
random-detect precedence .............................................71
random-detect weight ....................................................72
rate-limit(interface) .......................................................72
rate-limit(Global Configuration) .......................................75
set dot1p .....................................................................77
set ip-dscp ...................................................................77
set ip-precedence ..........................................................78
set mpls-exp.................................................................78
show class-map ............................................................79
show dos-protect...........................................................79
show flow-contrl............................................................80
show hierarchy-qos........................................................80
show policy-map ...........................................................81
show qos bandwith-statistics...........................................81
show qos class-map.......................................................82
show qos config vrf........................................................83
show qos interface.........................................................83
show qos queue-statistics ...............................................84
show queue statistic ......................................................84
show queueing custom ...................................................85
show queueing fair ........................................................85
show queueing interface.................................................86
show queueing priority ...................................................86

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show queueing random-detect ........................................86
show vpls-car ...............................................................87

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About This Manual

Purpose This manual provides procedures and guidelines that support the
operation of ZXR10 router and Ethernet switch.
Intended This manual is intended for engineers and technicians who perform
Audience operation activities on ZXR10 router and Ethernet switch.
What Is in This This manual contains the following chapters:
Chapter Summary

Chapter 1, Command This chapter describes the use method

Introduction of the command manual, command
description, format convention, auxiliary
function and mode.

Chapter 2, QoS This chapter describes the QoS

Configuration configuration and commands of the
Ethernet switch.

Chapter 3, QoS This chapter describes the configuration

Configuration (Router and view commands of the router QoS.

Related The following documentation is related to this manual:

� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Command
Index Volume)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Ethernet
Switch Volume)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Basic Con-
figuration Volume I)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Basic Con-
figuration Volume II)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Basic Con-
figuration Volume III)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Remote Ac-
cess Volume)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (IPv4 Rout-
ing Volume I)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (IPv4 Rout-
ing Volume II)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (MPLS Vol-
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Security
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Network
Management Volume)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Multicast

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ZXR10 Command Manual (QoS Volume)

� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (IPv6 Vol-

� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Voice and
Video Service Volume)

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Chapter 1

Command Introduction

Table of Contents
Manual Use Guide............................................................... 1
Description of Man-Machine Commands ................................. 1
Auxiliary Function ............................................................... 2
Command Mode ................................................................. 3

Manual Use Guide

The commands in other volumes are classified by functional mod-
ules, and each functional module corresponds to a chapter and
the commands in the chapter are organized in the form of level 2
directory and in the order of a–z.
To search a command, do as follows:
1. Find the desired command by referring to ZXR10 Router/Eth-
ernet Switch Command Manual — Command Index.
2. Find command details by the volume, chapter/section and page
of the obtained command.

Description of Man-Machine
Each MML command is described by the following items:
� Function
It describes the function implemented by this command.
� Command Mode
It describes the mode in which this command can be executed.
� Format
It describes the complete format of this command, including
the no format if possible.
� Parameter Description
It describes parameters in this command in the form and pre-
scribes the range and default value. If different products have

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ZXR10 Command Manual (QoS Volume)

different parameter ranges or default values, an additional

form is used for description.
� Default
The default value is available in the case that this command is
not set. The default parameter value is not described here for
value selection.
Additional description shall be given if different products have
different default values.
� Instructions
First describes the platform version information about this
command. For example, “The platform version X.X.XX or later
supports this command” indicates this command is provided
from the beginning of the platform version X.X.XX. This com-
mand is provided from the platform version 2.6 by default.
Second describes the use method and precautions of this com-
� Example
It describes the use of this command in an example.
� Related Commands
Lists the command(s) related to this command.
� History Command
It describes history version information related to this com-
mand if a command is changed after version upgrade.
Do not describe the history command if this entry does not exist.

Auxiliary Function
The auxiliary function for ZXR10 devices is as follows.
1. In any command mode, enter a question mark (?) after the
DOS prompt of the system, a list of available commands in the
command mode will be displayed. With the context-sensitive
help function, the keywords and parameter lists of any com-
mands can be obtained.
i. In any command mode, enter a question mark "?" after the
DOS prompt of the system, and a list of all commands in
the mode and the brief description of the commands will
be displayed.
ii. Input the question mark behind a character or character
string to view the list of commands or keywords beginning
with this character or character string. Note that there is
no space between the character (string) and the question
iii. Press TAB behind the character string. If the command or
keyword beginning with this character string is unique, it
shall be completed with a space at the end. Note that there
is no space between the character string and the TAB.

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Chapter 1 Command Introduction

iv. Input a question mark after a command, a keyword or a

parameter, the next keyword or parameter to be input will
be listed, and also a brief explanation will be given. Note
that a space must be entered before the question mark.
2. If incorrect command, keyword or parameter is input, the error
isolation is offered with ^ in the user interface after you press
ENTER. The ^ is below the first character of the input incorrect
command, keyword or parameter.
3. ZXR10 router/Ethernet switch allows the command or key-
word to be abbreviated into a character or character string that
uniquely identifies this command or keyword. For example, the
show command can be abbreviated to sh or sho.
4. The user interface supports the function of recording input
commands. A maximum of ten history commands can be
recorded. The function is very useful in re-invocation of a long
or complicated command or ingress.
To re-invoke a command from the record buffer, conduct one
of the following operations, as shown below.

Command Function

Press CTRL-P or the Re-invokes the latest command in the

up arrow key record buffer. Repeat these keys to
invoke old commands forwards.

Press CTRL-N or the Rolls the commands downward. When the

down arrow key last command line is reached, one more
operation will roll the commands from the
begging of the buffer cyclically.

In any mode, execute the show history command to list the

latest commands input in this mode.

Command Mode
The command modes in this manual are shown below.

Mode Prompt Admis- Entry Functions

sion Command

Exec ZXR10> enters directly Views simple

mode after logging information
the system

Privi- ZXR10# Exec enable Configures

leged mode system
mode parameters

Global ZXR10(config)# Privi- configure Configures

config- leged terminal global service
uration mode parameters

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ZXR10 Command Manual (QoS Volume)

Mode Prompt Admis- Entry Functions

sion Command

Inter- ZXR10(config- Global interface Configures

face if)# config- port
config- uration parameters
uration mode and selects
mode a port type
depending on
the keyword

Subin- ZXR10 (config- Global interface Configures

terface subif)# config- subinterface
mode uration parameters
mode of the

VLAN ZXR10(vlan- Privi- vlan datab Creates or

data- db)# leged ase deletes VLANs
base mode in batches

VLAN ZXR10(config- Global vlan Configures

config- vlan)# config- VLAN
uration uration parameters
mode mode

MSTP ZXR10(config- Global spanning-t Configures

config- mstp)# config- ree mst conf MSTP
uration uration iguration parameters
mode mode

Basic ZXR10(config- Global acl basic Defines basic

ACL basic-acl)# config- ACL rule
config- uration
uration mode

Ex- ZXR10(config- Global acl extend Defines

tended ext-acl)# config- extended ACL
ACL uration rule
config- mode

Line ZXR10(config- Global line console Configures

config- line)# config- 0 parameters
uration uration related to
mode mode line <1~64 serial port
>(GAR) and telnet

Layer ZXR10(config- Global acl link Defines layer

2 ACL link-acl)# config- 2 ACL rule
config- uration
uration mode

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Chapter 1 Command Introduction

Mode Prompt Admis- Entry Functions

sion Command

Hybrid ZXR10(config- Global acl hybrid Defines hybrid

ACL hybd-acl)# config- ACL rule
config- uration
uration mode

Router ZXR10 (config- Global ip access-list Defines router

stand- std-nacl)# config- standard ACL
ard ACL uration rule
mode mode

Router ZXR10 (config- Global ip access-list Defines router

ex- ext-nacl)# config- extended ACL
tended uration rule
ACL mode

Route ZXR10(config- Global router rip Configures

config- router)# config- RIP
uration uration parameters
mode mode
router ospf Configures

router isis Configures


router bgp Configures


router Configures
pimsm PIM-SM

ipv6 router Configures

rip RIPng

ipv6 router Configures

ospf OSPFv3

VRF ZXR10(config- Global ip vrf Configures

config- vrf)# config- VRF
uration uration parameters
mode mode

VFI con- ZXR10(config- Global vfi Configures

figu- vfi)# config- VPLS related
ration uration parameters
mode mode

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ZXR10 Command Manual (QoS Volume)

Mode Prompt Admis- Entry Functions

sion Command

IPv4 ad- ZXR10(config- Route address-fam Configures

dress router-af)# config- ily ipv4 vrf RIP VRF
family uration parameters
config- mode
uration (RIP)
Route address-fam Configures
config- ily vpnv4 BGP VPN
uration address-fam and VRF
mode ily ipv4 vrf parameters

IPv6 ZXR10(config- Route address-fam Configures

unicast router-af)# config- ily ipv6 BGP4+
address uration unicast
family mode address family
config- (BGP4+)
mode Route address-fam Configures
config- ily ipv6 IS-ISv6
uration address family

Route ZXR10(config- Global route-map Configures

map route-map)# config- route map
config- uration matching item
uration mode and operation

Channe- ZXR10(config- Global control Configures

lization control)# config- channelization
config- uration for ce1, ce3
uration mode and cpos3

Dial ZXR10(config- Global dial-peer Configures

peer voip100)# config- voice business
config- uration related to
uration mode integrated
mode service

Voice ZXR10(config- Global voice-port Configures

port voice-port)# config- voice service
config- uration
uration mode

IPSec ZXR10(config- Global ipsec Configures

config- ipsec)# config- IPv6 IPSec
uration uration protection
mode mode

Diagno- ZXR10(diag)# Privi- diagnose Tests CPU

sis mode leged and memory
mode usage

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Chapter 2

QoS Configuration(Ether
net Switching System)

Table of Contents
drop-mode tail-drop............................................................ 7
drop-mode wred................................................................. 8
priority.............................................................................. 8
priority-mark ..................................................................... 9
qos conform-dscp ..............................................................10
qos conform-local ..............................................................11
qos cos-drop-map .............................................................12
qos cos-local-map .............................................................13
qos tail-drop .....................................................................14
qos wred ..........................................................................15
queue-mode .....................................................................17
redirect ............................................................................18
show qos..........................................................................19
show qos conform-dscp ......................................................20
show qos-conform-local......................................................20
show qos cos-drop-map .....................................................20
show qos cos-local-map .....................................................21
show qos tail-drop .............................................................21
show qos wred ..................................................................22
show traffic-statistics .........................................................22
traffic-limit(Global) ............................................................24
traffic-shape .....................................................................27
traffic-statistics .................................................................28
trust-cos ..........................................................................29
trust-dscp ........................................................................30

drop-mode tail-drop
Purpose Use this command to configure port drop policy. Delete this con-
figuration with the no command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax drop-mode tail-drop <session-index>
no drop-mode

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<session-index> Tail drop policy table number, range: 0~4

Defaults This command is disabled by default.

Instructions It is applied to ZXR10 T160G and ZXR10 5900.
Example This example describes how to configure tail drop policy table 1.
ZXR10(config)#interface vlan10
ZXR10(config-if)#drop-mode tail-drop 1

Related tail-drop
show qos tail-drop
show running-config interface

drop-mode wred
Purpose Use this command to configure port WRED drop policy. Delete this
configuration with the no command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax drop-mode wred <session-index>
no drop-mode
<session-index> WRED drop policy table number. 0~3. If the
interface is L2 fei interface, the range is 0~1.
If the interface is L2 gei interface, the range
is 2~3.

Defaults This command is disabled by default.

Instructions It is applied to ZXR10 3900/3200.
Example This example describes how to configure port drop policy by using
WRED drop policy table 1.
ZXR10(config)#interface vlan10
ZXR10(config-if)#drop-mode wred 1

Related tail-drop
show qos tail-drop
show running-config interface

Purpose Use this command to configure the port default priority. Restore
the default configuration with the no command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax priority <value>

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Chapter 2 QoS Configuration(Ethernet Switching System)

no priority
<value> The port default priority, range: 0~7, 0 by

Defaults The port priority default value is 0.

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 T160G, ZXR10 5900 and ZXR10
Example This example describes how to set the port default priority as 3.
ZXR10(config)#interface vlan10
ZXR10(config-if)#priority 3

Related show running-config

show running-config interface

Purpose Use this command to configure the traffic priority-mark function.
Delete the configuration with the no command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax The command format on ZXR10 T160G and ZXR10 5900:
priority-mark {<acl-no>|<acl-name>} rule-id <rule-no
>{[dscp <dscp-value>][drop-precedence <drop-preceden
ce>][{precedence <precedence-value>| local-precedence
The command format on ZXR10 3900/3200:
priority-mark {<acl-no>|<acl-name>} rule-id <rule-no>{tru
st-dscp | dscp <dscp-value>| untrusted dscp <dscp-value>
cos <cos-value> local-precedence <local-value> drop-prece
dence <drop-value>}
no priority-mark {<acl-no>|<acl-name>} rule-id <rule-no>
<acl-no>|<acl-na ACL number | ACL name

rule-id <rule-no> ACL rule number, range: 1~100

dscp <dscp-value DSCP value, range: 0~63

precedence Priority level, range: 1~7


local-precedence Local priority, range: 0~7


drop-precedence Drop precedence, it can be low, medium or

<drop-value> high, and it is low by default.

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ZXR10 Command Manual (QoS Volume)

Product Parameter Description

ZXR10 T160G <acl-no> is in the range of 1~349,

1000~3499, <rule-no> is in the range of

ZXR10 5900 <acl-no> is in the range of 1~349,

1000~3499, <rule-no> is in the range of

ZXR10 3900/3200 <acl-no> is in the range of 1~299, <rule-no>

is in the range of 1~100

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 T160G, ZXR10 5900 and ZXR10
3900/3200 only.
Example This example describes how to configure the port priority related
to the first rule of ACL 100.
ZXR10 T160G:
ZXR10(config)# priority-mark in 100 rule-id 1 dscp 1
local-precedence 1 drop-precedence high

ZXR10 3906:
ZXR10(config)#priority-mark in 100 rule-id 1 untrusted dscp 1
cos 1 local-precedence 1 drop-precedence low

Related show qos


qos conform-dscp
Purpose Use this command to set the service parameter mapping based on
the allocated packets with conformance level and DSCP value as
the indexes.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax The command format on ZXR10 T160G and ZXR10 5900:
qos conform-dscp <dscp-list><dscp-value><cos-value><drop
no qos conform-dscp <dscp-list>
The command format on ZXR10 3900/2900:
qos conform-dscp <conform-level><dscp-list><dscp-value><c
no qos conform-dscp <conform-level><dscp-list>
<conform-level> Conform level, in the range of {green, yellow
and red}

<dscp-list> DSCP index number, range: 0~63

<dscp-value> Marked DSCP value, range: 0~63

<cos-value> Marked 802.1P user priority, range: 0~7

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Chapter 2 QoS Configuration(Ethernet Switching System)

<local-value> Marked local priority, range: 0~7

<drop-precedence> Marked drop precedence, range: 0~2

Defaults If this area is configured, it is enabled by default.

Instructions The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions of ZXR10 6900
switch support this command.
RFC defines that the aging time is 24 hours. However, ZXR10 6900
is required to configure this aging time. Considering the actual
requirement we make this modification and this makes the aging
time of nd stale state be configured.
Example This example describes how to configure the aging time is 20
ZXR10(config)#ipv6 nd stale-time 1200

Related show nd6 cache

clear nd cache
nd6 add

qos conform-local
Purpose Use this command to set the mapping table for allocating the
802.1P user priority parameters with conformance level and lo-
cal-precedence as indexes.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax qos conform-local <conform-level><cos0-value><cos1-value
no qos conform-local <conform-level>
<conform-level> Conform level, in the range of {green, yellow
and red}

<cos0-value> 802.1P user priority corresponding to the

local priority 0, range: 0~7

<cos1-value> 802.1P user priority corresponding to the

local priority 1, range: 0~7

<cos2-value> 802.1P user priority corresponding to the

local priority 2, range: 0~7

<cos3-value> 802.1P user priority corresponding to the

local priority 3, range: 0~7

<cos4-value> 802.1P user priority corresponding to the

local priority 4, range: 0~7

<cos5-value> 802.1P user priority corresponding to the

local priority 5, range: 0~7

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<cos6-value> 802.1P user priority corresponding to the

local priority 6, range: 0~7

<cos7-value> 802.1P user priority corresponding to the

local priority 7, range: 0~7

Defaults The default value is 0.

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� It is applied to ZXR10 3900/3200.
� This mapping table is employed when the switch performs re-
mark (traffic-limit) for the packet service parameters:
When the traffic-limit command is used to monitor the data
flow and the conform remark-cos is configured, the switch
will use the relevant mapping table to mark the data flow
802.1P user priority parameter based on the packet local
priority and data flow through the conformance level (green,
yellow or red) determined by three-color mark algorithm.
Example This example describes how to configure conform-local.
ZXR10(config)#qos conform-local green 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Related show running-config

show qos-conform-local

qos cos-drop-map
Purpose Use this command to set the mapping table between the 802.1P
user priority and the switch local drop precedence.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax qos cos-drop-map <cos0-value><cos1-value><cos2-value><c
no qos cos-drop-map
<cos0-value> The corresponding drop precedence when cos
is 0, range: 0~2

<cos1-value> The corresponding drop precedence when cos

is 1, range: 0~2

<cos2-value> The corresponding drop precedence when cos

is 2, range: 0~2

<cos3-value> The corresponding drop precedence when cos

is 3, range: 0~2

<cos4-value> The corresponding drop precedence when cos

is 4, range: 0~2

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Chapter 2 QoS Configuration(Ethernet Switching System)

<cos5-value> The corresponding drop precedence when cos

is 5, range: 0~2

<cos6-value> The corresponding drop precedence when cos

is 6, range: 0~2

<cos7-value> The corresponding drop precedence when cos

is 7, range: 0~2

Defaults The default value is 0.

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� It is applied to ZXR10 3900/3200, ZXR10 T160G and ZXR10
� When a switch receives a packet, it will determine the packet
cos value first (for the TAG packet, the cos value is the 802.1P
user priority in the packet, for non-TAG packet, the switch will
determine the packet local priority based on the local priority of
the receive port and determine the packet cos value based on
the corresponding relationship between the local priority and
the cos). Then, this mapping table determines the packet drop
precedence based on the cos value.
Example This example describes how to configure cos-drop-map.
ZXR10(config)#qos cos-drop-map 0 1 2 2 1 1 2 2

Related show running-config

show qos cos-drop-map

qos cos-local-map
Purpose Use this command to set the mapping table between the 802.1P
user priority and the switch local priority.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax qos cos-local-map <cos0-value><cos1-value><cos2-value><c
no qos cos-local-map
<cos0-value> The corresponding local priority when cos is
0, range: 0~7

<cos1-value> The corresponding local priority when cos is

1, range: 0~7

<cos2-value> The corresponding local priority when cos is

2, range: 0~7

<cos3-value> The corresponding local priority when cos is

3, range: 0~7

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<cos4-value> The corresponding local priority when cos is

4, range: 0~7
<cos5-value> The corresponding local priority when cos is
5, range: 0~7

<cos6-value> The corresponding local priority when cos is

6, range: 0~7

<cos7-value> The corresponding local priority when cos is

7, range: 0~7

Defaults � For ZXR10 T160G and ZXR10 3900/3200:

8 cos values from 0-7 correspond to the following local priority
default values respectively: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
� For ZXR10 5900:
8 cos values from 0-7 correspond to the following local priority
default values respectively: 2, 1, 0, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� It is applied to ZXR10 3900/3200, ZXR10 T160G and ZXR10
� When a switch receives a TAG packet, the packet cos value
is the packet 802.1P user priority and the switch determines
the packet local priority based on the cos value through this
mapping table.
Example This example describes how to configure cos-local-map.
ZXR10(config)#qos cos-local-map 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Related show running-config

show qos-cos-local

qos tail-drop
Purpose Use this command to configure tail drop policy. Restore the default
value with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax qos tail-drop <session-index> queue-id <queue-id><all-thres
no qos tail-drop <session-index> queue-id <queue-id>
<session-index> Tail drop policy table number, range: 0~4

<queue-id> Queue number, range: 0~7

<all-threshold> Drop threshold of all packets, range: 1~256

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Chapter 2 QoS Configuration(Ethernet Switching System)

<yellow-threshold> Drop threshold of yellow packet, range:


<red-threshold> Drop threshold of red packet, range: 1~256

<all-threshold> 128

<yellow-threshold> 128

<red-threshold> 128

Instructions It is applied to ZXR10T160G and ZXR10 5900.

Example This example describes how to configure tail-drop.
ZXR10(config)#qos tail-drop 0 112 112 112

Related Command show qos tail-drop

qos wred
Purpose Use this command to set the switch WRED (random early drop
based on weight) drop algorithm parameter.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax qos wred {fei <wred-index> queueid <queue-id><green-mi
ellow-drop><red-min><red-max><red-drop><weight>| gei
<wred-index> queueid <queue-id><green-min><green-max
no qos wred <wred-index> queueid <queue-id>
<wred-index> WRED algorithm index number. When the fei
parameter is selected, the range will be 0~1;
when the gei parameter is selected, the range
will be 2~3.

queueid Configured queue ID, in the range of 0~7

<green-min> Minimum threshold to drop the green packets.

When the <wred-index> is 0-1, the range will
be 0-32, when the <wred-index> is 2-3, the
range will be 0~112.

<green-max> Maximum threshold to drop the green

packets. When the <wred-index> is 0~1, the
range will be 0~32, when the <wred-index>
is 2~3, the range will be 0~112.

<green-drop> Probability to drop the green packets, in the

range of 0~15

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<yellow-min> Minimum threshold to drop the green packets.

When the <wred-index> is 0~1, the range
will be 0~32, when the <wred-index> is 2~3,
the range will be 0~112.

<yellow-max> Maximum threshold to drop the green

packets. When the <wred-index> is 0~1, the
range will be 0~32, when the <wred-index>
is 2~3, the range will be 0~112.

<yellow-drop> Probability to drop the green packets, in the

range of 0~15

<red-min> Minimum threshold to drop the green packets.

When the <wred-index> is 0~1, the range
will be 0~32, when the <wred-index> is 2~3,
the range will be 0~112.

<red-max> Maximum threshold to drop the green

packets. When the <wred-index> is 0~1, the
range will be 0~32, when the <wred-index>
is 2~3, the range will be 0~112.

<red-drop> Probability to drop the red packets, in the

range of 0~15
<weight> Weight to calculate the average queue length,
in the range of 0~15

Defaults When the wred-index is 0 or 1, the maximum and minimum

thresholds of these three colors are 32, the drop probabilities are
9, and the weights are 9; when the wred-index is 2 or 3, the
maximum and minimum thresholds of these three colors are 112,
the drop probabilities are 9 and the weights are 9.
Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� It is applied to ZXR10 3900/3200.
� The WRED drops the packets based on the Drop-precedence
and the packet with higher drop precedence has a larger prob-
ability than the packet with lower drop precedence. Thus, the
packet with lower drop precedence possesses higher forward-
ing possibility.
� The WRED algorithm needs three parameters for each Drop-
� min-threshold: minimum threshold of the drop packets
(in the unit of packet). When the average queue length
reaches this threshold, the WRED algorithm begins to drop
the packets of this precedence.
� max-threshold: maximum threshold of the drop packets
(in the unit of packet). When the average queue length ex-
ceeds this threshold, the WRED algorithm drops the pack-
ets of this precedence.
� Mark-probability: When the average queue depth is max-
threshold, it will be the denominator of the drop packet

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Chapter 2 QoS Configuration(Ethernet Switching System)

In a switch, the maximum queue lengths of 100M and

1000M ports are different (the maximum queue length of
100M port is 64 and that of 1000M port is 448), so the
switch offers 4 groups of WRED algorithm parameter in-
dexes. Groups 0-1 are used for 100M ports and groups 2-3
are used for 1000M ports.
Each group of WRED algorithm parameters can configure a
group of parameters of 8 queues respectively. Parameters
in each queue include: each drop level (0, 1 and 2) has a
group of min-threshold, min-threshold and Max-probabil-
ity. In addition, the wred- factor is used to calculate the
average queue length, it is 9 by default and it is not sug-
gested to be modified.
Example This example describes how to configure WRED.
ZXR10(config)#qos wred fei 1 queueid 1 10 10 15 10 10 15
10 10 15

Related show running-config

show qos-wred

Purpose Use this command to configure the queue mode. Delete the con-
figuration with the no command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax queue-mode {strict-priority | wrr <queue-no><wrr-queue-w
eight>| dwrr <queue-no><dwrr-queue-weight>}
no queue-mode [<queue-no>]
Syntax ZXR 10 T160G:
strict-priority Strict priority

wrr WRR priority

<queue-no> Queue number, in the range of 0~7

<wrr-queue-weight> Queue weight of WRR mode, 1~15

dwrr DWRR priority level

<schedule-unit> Queue weight of DWRR mode, unit: Kbyte,

range: 1~16000

ZXR 10 5900:

strict-priority Strict priority

wrr WRR priority

<queue-no> Queue number, in the range of 0~7

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<wrr-queue-weight> Queue weight of WRR mode, 0~15

dwrr Not supported

<schedule-unit> Not supported

Defaults The queue mode is strict-priority by default.

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 T160G and ZXR10 5900.
Example This example describes how to set the strict-priority as the queue
ZXR10(config)#interface vlan10
ZXR10(config-if)#queue-mode strict-priority

Related show running-config

show running-config interface

Purpose Use this command to configure the redirection. Delete the config-
uration with the no from of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax redirect {<acl-no>|<acl-name>} rule-id <rule-no>{cpu| inte
rface <port-name>| next-hop <ip-address>}
no redirect {<acl-no>|<acl-name>} rule-id <rule-no>
<acl-no>|<acl-na ACL number/ACL name

rule-id <rule-no> ACL rule number, in the range of 1~100

cpu Be redirected to the CPU.

interface <port-na Be redirected to the specified port.


next-hop <ip-addre Specifies the next-hop IP address (for policy

ss> routing).

Product Parameter Description

ZXR10 T160G <acl-number> is in the range of 1-349,

1000~3499, rule-id is in the range of 1~1000

ZXR10 3900/3200 <acl-number> is in the range of 1-299,

rule-id is in the range of 1~100

ZXR10 5900 <acl-number> is in the range of 1-349,

1000~3499, rule-id is in the range of 1~100

Instructions � Both the ACL number and rule id can be used only after being

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Chapter 2 QoS Configuration(Ethernet Switching System)

� This command is applied to ZXR10 T160G, ZXR10 5900 and

ZXR10 3900/3200 only.
Example This example describes how to configure the redirection related to
the first rule of ACL 100.
ZXR10(config)#redirect in 100 rule-id 1 next-hop

Related show qos


show qos
Purpose Use this command to show the QoS configuration information.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show qos [{number <acl-number>| name <acl-name>}[rule
-id <rule-no>]]
<acl-number> ACL number

rule-id <rule-no> ACL rule number, in the range of 1~100

<acl-name> ACL name

Product Description

ZXR10 T160G <acl-number> is in the range of 1~349,

1000~3499. <rule-no> is in the range of

ZXR10 5900 <acl-number> is in the range of 1~349,

1000~3499. <rule-no> is in the range of

ZXR10 3900/3200 <acl-number> is in the range of 1~299.

<rule-no> is in the range of 1~100.

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 T160G, ZXR10 5900 and ZXR10
3900/3200 only.
Example This example describes how to show the ACL 100-related QoS con-
ZXR10(config)#show qos number 100

Related priority-mark

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show qos conform-dscp

Purpose Use this command to show the service parameter mapping table
based on the allocated packets with conformance level and DSCP
value as the indexes.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show qos-conform-dscp
Instructions � It is applied to ZXR10 3900/3200, ZXR10 T160G and ZXR10
� The default mapping table configuration is not displayed.
Example This example describes how to display conform-dscp configuration
ZXR10 T160G:
ZXR10#show qos conform-dscp qos conform-dscp 63 20 3 high

Related qos conform-dscp


show qos-conform-local
Purpose Use this command to show the mapping table configuration in-
formation for allocating the 802.1P user priority parameters with
conformance level and local-precedence as indexes.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show qos-conform-local
Instructions � It is applied to ZXR10 3900/3200.
� The default mapping table configuration is not displayed.
Example This example describes how to display conform-local configuration.
ZXR10#show qos-conform-local
qos conform-local green 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Related qos conform-local


show qos cos-drop-map

Purpose Use this command to set the mapping table between the 802.1P
user priority and the switch local drop precedence.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show qos cos-drop-map
Instructions � It is applied to ZXR10 3900/3200, ZXR10 5900 and ZXR10
� The default mapping table configuration is not displayed.

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Chapter 2 QoS Configuration(Ethernet Switching System)

Example This example describes how to display the information of cos-drop-

map configuration.
ZXR10#show qos-cos-drop qos cos-drop-map 0 1 2 2 1 1 2 2

Related qos cos-drop-map


show qos cos-local-map

Purpose Use this command to set the mapping table between the 802.1P
user priority and the switch local priority.
Command Modes All Modes
Syntax show qos cos-local-map
Instructions � It is applied to ZXR10 3900/3200, ZXR10 T160G and ZXR10
� Default mapping table configuration is not displayed.
Example This example describes how to display the configuration of cos-
ZXR10#show qos-cos-local qos cos-local-map 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Related qos cos-local-map


show qos tail-drop

Purpose Use this command to display information about the tail drop policy
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show qos tail-drop [<session-index>[queue-id <queue-id>]]
<session-index> Tail drop policy table number, which is
optional, range: 0~4

<queue-id> Queue number, which is optional, range: 0~7

Instructions � It is applied to ZXR10 T160G.

� Default mapping table configuration is not displayed.
Example � This example describes how to show No.1 drop policy table
ZXR10#show qos tail-drop 1

� This example describes how to show the information of queue

7 in No.4 drop policy table.
ZXR10#show qos tail-drop 4 queue-id 7

� This example describes how to Show the information of all drop

policy tables.

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ZXR10 Command Manual (QoS Volume)

ZXR10#show qos tail-drop

Related qos tail-drop


show qos wred

Purpose Use this command to show the switch WRED (random early drop
based on weight) drop algorithm parameter configuration.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show qos-wred
Instructions � It is applied to ZXR10 3900/3200.
� The default drop algorithm parameter configuration is not dis-
Example This example describes how to display the configuration content
of WRED policy.
ZXR10(config)#show qos-wred
qos wred fei 1 queueid 1 10 10 15 10 10 15 10 10 15

Related qos wred


show traffic-statistics
Purpose Use this command to show the traffic statistics configuration and
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show traffic-statistics {<acl-no>|<acl-name>}[rule-id <rule-
<acl-no>|<acl-na ACL number /ACL name

rule-id <rule-no> ACL rule number

Product Description

ZXR10 T160G <acl-no> is in the range of 1~349,

1000~3499. <rule-no> is in the range of

ZXR10 5900 <acl-no> is in the range of 1~349,

1000~3499. <rule-no> is in the range of

ZXR10 3900/3200 <acl-no> is in the range of 1~299. <rule-no>

is in the range of 1~100

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Chapter 2 QoS Configuration(Ethernet Switching System)

Instructions � This command is applied to ZXR10 T160G, ZXR10 5900 and

ZXR10 3900/3200.
� rule-id <rule-no> is optional. If it is specified, the config-
uration and statistics information of this <acl-number> and
<acl-no> will be displayed only; otherwise, the rule configura-
tion and statistics information of all traffic statistics functions
of this <acl-number> will be displayed.
� If <acl-no> is specified, the specified <acl-number> and <acl
-no> must be configured with the traffic statistics function
through the traffic-statistics command; otherwise, there
will be no display. If <acl-no> is not specified, at least one
rule in the specified <acl-number> must be configured with
the traffic statistics function; otherwise, there will be no dis-
� The specified <acl-number> must be applied on a port through
the ip access-group command; otherwise, there will be no
Example � This example describes how to show the configuration content
of WRED policy on ZXR10 T160G and ZXR10 5900.
ZXR10(config)#show traffic-statistics 100 rule-id 1
acl-num/acl-name rule-id pkt-type stat-type stat-value
100 1 yellow packet 6550

� This example describes how to show the configuration content

of WRED policy on ZXR10 3900/3200.
ZXR10(config)#show traffic-statistics 100 rule-id 1
acl-num rule-id packet-sum byte-sum(byte)
100 1 220 6550

Related traffic-statistics
ip access-group
show qos

Purpose Use this command to configure a traffic policing policy for the in-
terface. Delete the configuration with the no command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax traffic-limit rate-limit <rate-limit> bucket-size <bucket-size
>{in | out}
no traffic-limit {in | out}
rate-limit<rate-limit> Limited rate, unit: kbps, range: 1~10000000

bucket-size Burst size, unit: kbits, range: 1~4096


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in Applies traffic policing in the incoming

direction of the interface.

out Applies traffic policing in the outgoing

direction of the interface.

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 T160G only.

Example This example describes how to configure the limit rate as 1024 and
the burst size as 2048 on the ingress direction of an interface.
ZXR10(config)#interface vlan10
ZXR10(config-if)#traffic-limit rate-limit 1024 bucket-size 2048 in

Related show running-config


Purpose Use this command to configure traffic policing. Delete the config-
uration with the no command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax The command format on ZXR10 T160G and ZXR10 5900:
traffic-limit {<acl-no>|<acl-name>} rule-id <rule-no> cir
<cir-value> cbs <cbs-value>{pir <pir-value> pbs <pbs-value>|
ebs <ebs-value>} mode blind | aware [{[remark-red-dp
<drop-precedence>][remark-red-dscp <dscp-value>][rem
ark-yellow-dp <drop-precedence>]][remark-yellow-dscp
The command format on ZXR10 3900/3200:
traffic-limit {<acl-no>|<acl-name>} rule-id <rule-no> cir
<cir-value> cbs <cbs-value>{pir <pir-value> pbs <pbs-value>|
ebs <ebs-value>}[mode blind | aware ][conform {remark-p
oliced-serviced |{[remark-cos][remark-drop-priority]}}][e
xceed {forward | drop}]
no traffic-limit {<acl-no>|<acl-name>} rule-id <rule-no>
Syntax For ZXR10 T160G and ZXR10 5900:
<acl-no>|<acl-na ACL number / ACL name

rule-id <rule-no> Rule number in the ACL

cir <cir-value> Speed limitation, range: 1~32000000

cbs <cbs-value> Burst size, range: 1~160006

ebs <ebs-value> Optional, the keyword of the action which is

executed after exceeding the flow limitation,
range: 4~16000

pir <pir-value> Configure the action as “forward” after

exceeding the flow limitation, range:

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Chapter 2 QoS Configuration(Ethernet Switching System)

pbs <pbs-value> Configure the action as “drop”after exceeding

the flow limitation, range: 4~16000

mode blind | aware Modify DSCP value, range: 0~63

remark-red-dp Sets the priority level of dropping red packet,

<drop-precedence> and the range is {low | medium | high}.

remark-red-dscp Sets the DSCP priority level of red packet,

<dscp-value> and the range is 0~63.

remark-yellow-dp Set the priority level of dropping yellow

<drop-precedence> packet, and the range is {low | medium |

remark-yellow-dscp Sets the DSCP priority level of yellow packet,

<dscp-value> and the range is 0~63.

forward-red Forwards the red packet

drop-yellow Drops the yellow packet

For ZXR10 3900/3200:

<acl-no>|<acl-na ACL number/ACL name, range: 1~299


rule-id <rule-no> Rule number in the ACL, range: 1~100

cir <cir-value> Limited rate, range: 30~1000000

cbs <cbs-value> Burst size, range: 2000~500000

ebs <ebs-value> Excessive burst size, range: 2000~500000

pir <pir-value> Peak limited rate, range: 30~1000000

pbs <pbs-value> Excessive peak size, range: 2000~500000

mode blind | aware Color sensitive mode, blind indicates

insensitive to color and aware indicates
sensitive to color. It is blind by default.

remark-policed-ser Rewrites all service parameters (cos/local-

viced precedence/drop-precedence/dscp) of the
packet configured by the qos confirm-dscp
command based on the color result
(confirm-level: green, yellow, red) and the
DSCP value

remark-cos Rewrites the cos value of the packet

configured by the qos confirm-local command
based on the color result (confirm-level:
green, yellow, red) and the local-precedence
of the packet.

remark-drop-prior Rewrites drop-precedence of the packet,

ity green: drop-precedence 0; yellow:
drop-precedence 1; red: drop-precedence 2.

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forward Forwarding upon excessive traffic

drop Dropping upon excessive traffic, the default


ZXR10 T160G <acl-number> is in the range of 1~349,

1000~3499. <rule-no> is in the range of

ZXR10 5900 <acl-number> is in the range of 1~349,

1000~3499. <rule-no> is in the range of

ZXR10 3900/3200 <acl-number> is in the range of 1~299.

<rule-no> is in the range of 1~100.

Instructions � <acl-no>, <acl-number> and <rule-no> must be defined be-

fore they are used.
� This command is applied to ZXR10 T160G, ZXR10 5900 and
ZXR10 3900/3200.
Example � This example describes how to configure traffic policing based
on Rule 1 in ACL 100 on ZXR10 T160G and ZXR10 5900.
ZXR10(config)#traffic-limit 100 rule-id 1 cir 100 cbs 2000
ebs 500000 mode blind

� This example describes how to configure traffic policing based

on Rule 1 in ACL 100 on ZXR10 3906.
ZXR10(config)#traffic-limit 100 rule-id 1 cir 100 cbs 2000
ebs 500000

Related show qos


Purpose Use this command to configure traffic mirroring. Delete the con-
figuration with the no command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax traffic-mirror {<acl-no>|<acl-name>} rule-id <rule-no>{cpu
| interface}
no traffic-mirror {<acl-no>|<acl-name>} rule-id <rule-no>
<acl-no>|<acl-na ACL number/ACL name

rule-id <rule-no> Rule number in the ACL

cpu Flows mirror to the CPU.

interface Flows mirror to the interface.

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Chapter 2 QoS Configuration(Ethernet Switching System)

Product Description

ZXR10 T160G <acl-number> is in the range of 1~349,

1000~3499. <rule-nor> is in the range of

ZXR10 5900 <acl-number> is in the range of 1~349,

1000~3499. <rule-nor> is in the range of

ZXR10 3900/3200 <acl-number> is in the range of 1~299.

<rule-nor> is in the range of 1~100.

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 T160G, ZXR10 5900 and ZXR10
Example This example describes how to configure traffic mirroring based on
Rule 1 in ACL 100.
ZXR10(config)#traffic-mirror in 100 rule-id 1 cpu

Related monitor session

show qos

Purpose Use this command to configure traffic shaping. Delete the config-
uration with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax The command format on ZXR10 5900:
traffic-shape <rate-limit> bucket-size <bucket-size> out
no traffic-shape out
The command format on ZXR10 3900/3200:
traffic-shape [queue <queue-number>]<rate><size>
no traffic-shape [queue <queue-number>]
Syntax For ZXR10 5900:
<rate-limit> Limitation speed, unit: kbps, range:

bucket-size Burst size, unit: kbits, range: 1~4096


out Applies traffic supervision on the outgoing

interface direction

For ZXR10 3900/3200:

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queue <queue-numb Number of the queue, range: 0~7


<rate> Limited rate, range: 650~100000 (100M

port) or 650~1000000 (1000M port)

<size> Burst size, range: 4~4095

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 3900/3200 and ZXR10 5900.

Example This example describes how to configure traffic shaping for the
incoming interface.
ZXR10 3900/3200:
ZXR10(config-if)#traffic-shape queue 7 1000 2000

Related show running-config

show running-config interface

Purpose Use this command to configure traffic statistics. Delete the con-
figuration with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax The command format on ZXR10 T160G and ZXR10 5900:
traffic-statistics {<acl-no>|<acl-name>} rule-id <rule-no>
pkt-type all | green | yellow | red statistics-type {byte |
no traffic-statistics {<acl-no>|<acl-name>} rule-id <rule-no>
The command format on ZXR10 3900/3200:
traffic-statistics {<acl-no>|<acl-name>}rule-id <rule-no>
no traffic-statistics {<acl-no>|<acl-name>} rule-id <rule-no>
<acl-no>|<acl-na Number of the ACL

rule-id <rule-no> Rule number in the ACL

ZXR10 5900 <acl-numer> is in the range of 1-349,

1000~3499. <rule-no> is in the range of

ZXR10 T160G <acl-numer> is in the range of 1-349,

1000~3499. <rule-no> is in the range of

ZXR10 3900/3200 <acl-numer> is in the range of 1-299.

<rule-no> is in the range of 1~100.

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Chapter 2 QoS Configuration(Ethernet Switching System)

Instructions � <acl-numer> and <rule-no>must be defined before this com-

mand is executed.
� This command applies to ZXR10 T160G, ZXR10 5900 and
ZXR10 3900/3200.
Example This example describes how to configure traffic statistics based on
Rule 1 in ACL 100.
ZXR10 T160G、ZXR10 5900
ZXR10(config)#traffic-statistics 100 rule-id 1 pkt-type all
statistics-type packet
ZXR10 3906
ZXR10(config)#traffic-statistics 100 rule-id 1

Related show qos


Purpose Use this command to configure whether to apply COS mapping or
not. Delete the configuration with the no command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax trust-cos {enable | disable}
no trust-cos
enable | disable Applies COS mapping |Disables COS mapping

Defaults COS mapping is not applied by default.

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 5900.
Example This example describes how to configure the port to apply COS
ZXR10(config)#interface vlan10
ZXR10(config-if)#trust-cos enable

Related qos cos-drop-map


Purpose Use this command to configure whether to apply COS to drop pri-
ority mapping.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax trust-cos-drop {enable | disable}
enable | disable Applies COS to drop priority
mapping | Disables COS to drop
priority mapping.

Defaults COS is not applied for dropping priority mapping by default.

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ZXR10 Command Manual (QoS Volume)

Instructions It is applied to ZXR10 T160G.

Example This example describes how to apply COS to drop priority mapping.
ZXR10(config)#interface vlan10
ZXR10(config-if)#trust-cos-drop enable

Related qos cos-drop-map

show running-config interface

Purpose Use this command to configure whether to apply COS to local pri-
ority mapping.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax trust-cos-local {enable | disable}
enable | disable Applies COS to local priority mapping |
Disables COS to local priority mapping.

Defaults COS is not applied to local priority mapping by default.

Instructions It is applied to ZXR10 T160G.
Example This example describes how to apply COS to local priority mapping.
ZXR10(config)#interface vlan10
ZXR10(config-if)#trust-cos-local enable

Related qos cos-local-map

show running-config interface

Purpose Use this command to configure whether to use DSCP mapping or
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax trust-dscp {enable | disable}
no trust-dscp
enable | disable Applies DSCP mapping | Disables DSCP

Defaults DSCP mapping is not applied by default.

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 5900 and ZXR10 T160G.
Example This example describes how to configure port apply DSCP map-
ZXR10(config)#interface vlan10

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Chapter 2 QoS Configuration(Ethernet Switching System)

ZXR10(config-if)#trust-dscp enable

Related qos conform-dscp


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Chapter 3

QoS configuration(Rou
ter Series)

Table of Contents
bandwidth ........................................................................34
bgp-policy ........................................................................35
class ................................................................................36
class ................................................................................36
clear qos bandwith-statistics ...............................................38
clear qos queue-statistics ...................................................39
clear qos statistics .............................................................39
custom-queue-list .............................................................40
dos-protect port ................................................................41
dos-protect special ............................................................42
fair-queue ........................................................................42
flow-control ......................................................................43
hierarchy-group ................................................................44
match 802.1p ...................................................................45
match access-group...........................................................45
match any ........................................................................46
match class-map ...............................................................46
match destination-address-mac...........................................47
match input-interface.........................................................48
match ip-dscp ...................................................................48
match ip-precedence .........................................................49
match mpls-exp ................................................................49
match not ........................................................................50
match mac .......................................................................50
match qos-group ...............................................................51
match vlan-id ...................................................................51
policy-map .......................................................................53
priority-group ...................................................................54
priority-list 802.1p.............................................................54
priority-list default .............................................................55
priority-list dscp ................................................................56
priority-list interface ..........................................................56
priority-list list ..................................................................57
priority-list mac.................................................................57
priority-list mpls-exp..........................................................58
priority-list precedence.......................................................58
priority-list qos-group ........................................................59
priority-list queue-limit.......................................................60

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ZXR10 Command Manual (QoS Volume)

priority-list vlan-id .............................................................61

priority-queue ...................................................................62
qos ip ..............................................................................62
qos-map ..........................................................................62
qos-map enable ................................................................63
queue-list default ..............................................................63
queue-list interface............................................................64
queue-list list ....................................................................65
queue-list queue ...............................................................65
random-detect ..................................................................66
random-detect ..................................................................70
random-detect enable ........................................................70
random-detect precedence .................................................71
random-detect weight ........................................................72
rate-limit(interface) ...........................................................72
rate-limit(Global Configuration) ...........................................75
set dot1p .........................................................................77
set ip-dscp .......................................................................77
set ip-precedence ..............................................................78
set mpls-exp.....................................................................78
show class-map ................................................................79
show dos-protect...............................................................79
show flow-contrl................................................................80
show hierarchy-qos............................................................80
show policy-map ...............................................................81
show qos bandwith-statistics...............................................81
show qos class-map...........................................................82
show qos config vrf............................................................83
show qos interface.............................................................83
show qos queue-statistics ...................................................84
show queue statistic ..........................................................84
show queueing custom .......................................................85
show queueing fair ............................................................85
show queueing interface.....................................................86
show queueing priority .......................................................86
show queueing random-detect ............................................86
show vpls-car ...................................................................87

Purpose Use this command to configure the minimum bandwidth of policy.
Cancel the settings with the no command.
Command Modes Policy configuration
Syntax bandwidth {<bandwidth>| percent <percentage>}
no bandwidth <class-map-name>

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

<bandwidth> Minimum bandwidth, unit: Kbps, range:

percent Uses the percentage to configure the

minimum bandwidth.

<percentage> Specifies the percentage of the minimum

bandwidth. The range is : 1~100.

Instructions � Use the same unit on one policy map when using the bandwi
dth command. When the command is used with the parameter
<percentage> , the sum of all percentage policy is not more
than 100.
� The parameter <bandwidth> is not in the command format for
ZXR10 T64E/128.
� This command applies to ZXR10 T64E/128 and ZXR10 GER.
Example This example describes how to configure the minimum bandwidth
of class_1 policy on policy mapping policy_1 as 10%.
ZXR10(config)#policy-map policy_1
ZXR10(config-pmap)#class class_1
ZXR10(config-pmap-c)#bandwidth percent 10

Related policy-map
show policy-map

Purpose Use this command to determine to use the source or destination
address to obtain the Qos attribute set by route-map in Qppb fuc-
tion. In the subsequent procedure, implement the corresponding
QoS guarantee through the already set QoS attribute.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax bgp-policy {source | destination}{precedence | qos-group}
Description source Obtains the corresponding route QoS attribute
by searching the routing table with the source

destination Obtains the corresponding route QoS attribute

by searching the routing table with the
destination address.

precedence Obtains the qos precedence value after

searching the route.

qos-group Obtains the qos group value after searching

the route.

Instructions ZXR10 T64/T128 routers support this command.

This command is combined used with other commands.

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The route-map sets QoS attribute. This command does not check
whether configuring the corresponding route-map already. Only
one bgp-policy command can be set on the interface using cov-
ering mode for the multiple configuration.
Example This example describes how to configure the aging time to 20
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#bgp-policy destination precedence

Related route-map

Purpose Use this command to set policy class on policy mapping. Cancel
the settings with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Policy mapping configuration
Syntax class <class-map-name>
no class <class-map-name>
<class-map-name> Class mapping name

Instructions � Policy mapping includes default policy class, default policy class
named as class_default. The default policy class can not be
deleted with the no class command. If policy mapping is
deleted, all policies include the default policy mapping will be
deleted at the same time.
� The class mapping that the parameter <class-map-name>
specifies has to be a created one.
� This command applies to ZXR10 T64E/T128 and ZXR10 GER.
Example This example describes how to set policy name class_1 in policy
map policy_1 and enter policy configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#policy-map policy_1
ZXR10(config-pmap)#class class_1

Related policy-map
show policy-map

Purpose Use this command to create the hierarchy policies of H-QoS, and
enter into the next layer of H-QoS configuration mode. Delete the
configuration with the no form of this command.
Command Modes H-QoS hierarchy policies configuration
Syntax class <class-map-name><bps><burst-normal><burst-max>
conform-action <action> exceed-action <action>

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

no class <class-map-name><bps><burst-normal><burst-m
ax> conform-action <action> exceed-action <action>
<class-map-name> Class mapping name

<bps> Average rate, unit: Kbits/s, range:


<burst-normal> Normal burst, in bytes, range:


<burst-max> Maximum bust, in bytes, range:


conform-action Drop: discard the packet

<action> transmit: send the packet
set-dscp-transmit: configure DSCP value
(0~63), and send the packet.
set-prec-transmit: configure IP priority value
(0~7) and send the packet.

exceed-action Drop: discard the packet

<action> transmit: send the packet
set-dscp-transmit: configure DSCP value
(0~63), and send the packet.
set-prec-transmit: configure IP priority value
(0~7) and send the packet.

Instructions � If the current class-map is used by H-QoS, then this class-map

can not be deleted.
� This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128 and ZXR10
Example This example describes how to create the H-QoS mapping named
hqos_1, and configure the first layer policy.
ZXR10(config)#hierarchy-qos hqos_1
ZXR10(config-hqos-level1)#class c1 8000 20000 20000 conform-action
transmit exceed-action drop

Related show hierarchy-qos


Purpose Use this command to create class map and enter into class map
configuration mode. Delete the settings with the no command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax class-map <class-map-name>
no class-map <class-map-name>

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<class-map-name> Mapping name

Defaults Define the flow which satisfies all matching classes belong to this
Instructions � System set a default class mapping named as class_default,
the default class mapping can not match the rule or delete.
The match mode of class mapping is defined as match_any
(match any rule, that is, match this class map), it can not be
� If class map is deleted, all matching rules of the other related
class mapping and the policy classes will be deleted at the same
� This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128 and ZXR10 GER.
Example This example describes how to set class_1 map and enter mapping
configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#class-map class_1

Related show class-map


clear qos bandwith-statistics

Purpose Use this command to clear the statistics information of bandwidth
policy on an interface. The bandwidth policy includes CAR and
Command Modes Privileged configuration
Syntax clear qos bandwidth-statistics [<interface-name>]
<interface-name> (Optional) Name of the interface to clear.
If this command is with this parameter
<interface-name>, it will be applied to
clear the specified interface; if not with
<interface-name>, it will be applied to clear
all the interfaces.

Instructions � This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128 and ZXR10

� The platform version 4.8.21 and the upgrade version support
this command.
Example � This example describes how to clear the statistics information
of bandwidth policy on interface fei_4/1.
ZXR10#clear qos bandwidth-statistics fei_4/1

� This example describes how to clear the statistics information

of bandwidth policy on all interfaces.
ZXR10#clear qos bandwidth-statistics

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

clear qos queue-statistics

Purpose Use this command to clear the statistics information of queue pol-
icy on an interface. The bandwidth policy includes PQ, WRED and
Command Modes Privileged configuration
Syntax clear qos queue-statistics [<interface-name>]
<interface-name> (Optional) Name of the interface to clear.
If this command is with this parameter
<interface-name>, it will be applied to
clear the specified interface; if not with
<interface-name>, it will be applied to clear
all the interfaces.

Instructions � This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128 and ZXR10

� The platform version 4.8.21 and the upgrade version support
this command.
Example � This example describes how to clear the statistics information
of queue policy on interface fei_4/1.
ZXR10#clear qos queue-statistics fei_4/1

� This example describes how to clear the statistics information

of queue policy on all interfaces.
ZXR10#clear qos queue-statistics

clear qos statistics

Purpose Use this command to clear the QoS statistic count on the specified
Command Modes Privileged configuration
Syntax clear qos statistics <interface-name>
<interface-name> Name of the specified interface

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GAR, ZXR10 ZSR and ZXR10
Example This example describes how to clear the QoS statistic count on
interface fei_4/1.
ZXR10# clear qos queue-statistics fei_4/1

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Purpose Use this command to apply a customized list to an interface, which
classifies traffic based on the congestion management rule defined
in the customized list and puts the packet matching a rule into the
corresponding queue. If the packet does not match any rule, it is
put into the default queue. Cancel the settings with the no form
of this command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax custom-queue-list <list-number>
no custom-queue-list
<list-number> Number of the customized list, range: 1~16

Instructions � An interface can use one customized list only.

� The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� This command is applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR only.
Example This example describes how to apply the customized list 1 to the
interface fei_4/1.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_4/1
ZXR10(config-if)#custom-queue-list 1

Related show queueing custom


Purpose Use this command to set enable or disable DOS protection func-
tion. Cancel the settings with the no command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax dos-protect {enable | disable}
enable| disable Enables dos-protect|Disables dos-protect.

Defaults This function is disabled by default.

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GER.
Example This example describes how to enable DOS protection function.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_4/1
ZXR10(config-if)#dos-protect enable

Related dos-protect port

dos-protect special

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

dos-protect port
Purpose Use this command to set the interface DOS protection function.
Cancel the settings with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax dos-protect port {any |<interface-name>}{all | icmp | acce
ss-group {<acl-no>|<acl-name>}| precedence <precedence-
value>| vlan-id <vlan-id-value>}<rate-limit> conform-action
<action> exceed-action <action>
no dos-protect port {any |<interface-name>}{all | icmp
| access-group {<acl-no>|<acl-name>}| precedence
<precedence-value>| vlan-id <vlan-id-value>}
any |<interface-na All interface | The specified interface

icmp All packets

all ICMP packet

access-group {<acl- Matching ACL number | ACL name, ACL

no>|<acl-name>} number 1~199

precedence Matching IP priority packet, parameter

<precedence-value> range0~7

vlan-id <vlan-id-val Matching VLAN ID, range: 0~4094


<rate-limit> average rate, unit: number of packets/second,

range: 0~10000

conform-action Action for the packet matching the designated

<action> rate:
drop: discard data packet
continue: evaluate next rate-limit command
transmit: send data packet

exceed-action Action for the packet exceeding the

<action> designated rate:
drop: discard data packet
continue: evaluate next rate-limit command
transmit: send data packet

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GER.

Example This example describes how to set all interface ICMP packet DOS
protection function.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#dos-protect port any icmp 100 conform-action
drop exceed-action drop

Related dos-protect
dos-protect special

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dos-protect special
Purpose This example describes how to set the special DOS protection func-
tion. Cancel the settings with the no command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax dos-protect special {ipv6 | icmp | no-mac | dst-mac-broa
dcast | dst-mac-multicast}<rate-limit> conform-action <act
ion> exceed-action <action>
no dos-protect special {ipv6 | icmp | no-mac | dst-mac-bro
adcast | dst-mac-multicast}
ipv6 IPv6 data packet

no-mac No MAC address data packet

icmp ICMP packet

dst-mac-broadcast MAC address broadcast packet

dst-mac-multicast MAC address multicast packet

<rate-limit> The average speed. The range is 0~10000,

unit: packet/s

conform-action Action for the packet matching the designated

<action> rate:
drop: discard data packet
transmit: send data packet

exceed-action Action for the packet exceeding the

<action> designated rate:
drop: discard data packet
transmit: send data packet

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GER.

Example This example describes how to set DOS protection function of MAC
address broadcast packet on all interfaces.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#dos-protect special dst-mac-broadcast 100
conform-action drop exceed-action drop

Related dos-protect
dos-protect port

Purpose Use this command to apply the Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ) to an
interface, or set the maximal number of messages and the number
of dynamic queues for each queue. Cancel the settings with the
no form of this command.

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

Command Modes Interface configuration

Syntax fair-queue [<congestive-discard-threshold>[<queue-number
no fair-queue
<congestive-discard-t Maximal number of messages permitted by
hreshold> each queue, range: 1~128, 64 by default.
The subsequent messages will be discarded
when the threshold is reached.

<queue-number> Number of dynamic queues, range: 16~64,

32 by default

Defaults In the case that the WFQ is applied to the interface but the maximal
number of messages and the number of dynamic queues are not
specified, the default values are used.
Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� This command is applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR only.
Example � This example describes how to apply the WFQ to the inter-
face fei_4/1, and set the maximal number of messages of each
queue to 96 and the number of dynamic queues to the default
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_4/1
ZXR10(config-if)#fair-queue 96

� This example describes how to apply the WFQ to the inter-

face fei_4/1, and set the maximal number of messages of each
queue to 96 and the number of dynamic queues to 64.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_4/1
ZXR10(config-if)#fair-queue 96 64

Related show queueing fair


Purpose This example describes how to configure internal message flow
control. Cancel the setting with the no command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax flow-control {cpu-rate board <board-no> normal-queue
{high | medium | low}| priority-rule board <board-no>
ip-address <ip-addr> protocol {{tcp | udp}|<protocol-no>}}
no flow-control {cpu-rate board <board-no>| priority-rule
board <board-no> ip-address <ip-addr> protocol {{tcp |
board <board-no> Board number, range: 1~16

high | medium | low CPU rate level

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ZXR10 Command Manual (QoS Volume)

ip-address IP address

tcp | udp Protocol name

<protocol-no> Protocol name

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128.

Example This example describes how to configure number 8 cpu rate as
middle level board.
ZXR10(config)#flow-control cpu-rate board 8 normal-queue medium

Related show flow-control


Purpose Use this command to apply H-QoS mapping on the interface.
Delete this configuration with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax hierarchy-group {input | output}<hierarchy-qos-name>
no hierarchy-group {input | output}
input | output Ingress direction | Egress direction

<hierarchy-qos-na H-QOS mapping name


Instructions � When H-QoS is applied on interface, H-QoS mapping name

should be specified, and the H-QoS mapping should be created.
It is not required to input H-QoS mapping name when deleting.
� ZXR10 T64E/T128 and ZXR10 T600/T1200 support this com-
Example This example describes how to create H-QoS mapping named
hqos_1, and enter H-QoS mapping configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_4/1
ZXR10(config-if)#hierarchy-group input hqos_1

Related hierarchy-qos
show running-config

Purpose Use this command to create H-QoS mapping and enter into the
first layer configuration mode. Disable H-QoS mapping with the
no command.

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

Command Modes Global configuration

Syntax hierarchy-qos <hierarchy-qos-name>
no hierarchy-qos <hierarchy-qos-name>
<hierarchy-name> HQoS mapping name

Instructions � When this interface has been applied with H-QoS mapping, this
H-QoS mapping is not permitted to delete.
� ZXR10 T64E/T128 and ZXR10 T600/T1200 supports this com-
Example This example describes how to create H-QoS mapping named as
hqos_1, and enter into H-QoS mapping configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#hierarchy-qos hqos_1

Related show hierarchy-qos


match 802.1p
Purpose Use this command to create the matching item and specify the
matching rule as matching the data flow of 802.1p. Delete the
setting with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Class mapping configuration
Syntax match 802.1p < value>
no match 802.1p < value>
802.1p< value> 802.1p value, in the range of 0~7

Instructions T64/T128 routers support this command.

Example This example describes how to create the matching item and spec-
ify the matching rule as matching the 802.1p data flow of value 5
in class-map class_1.
ZXR10(config)#class-map class_1
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match qos-group 5

Related class-map
show class-map

match access-group
Purpose Use this command to create match access group, and define the
matching rule is to match the specified (Ipv4) ACL number data
flow. Cancel the settings with the no command.

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ZXR10 Command Manual (QoS Volume)

Command Modes Class mapping configuration

Syntax match access-group {<acl-no>|<acl-name>}
no match access-group {<access-no>|<access-name>}
{<acl-no>|<acl-nam (IPv4)ACL number and name ACL

Instructions The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions of ZXR10 6900
switch support this command.
Example In map class_1, set matching access-group and designate a
matching rule. The matching rule: to match the data flow defined
by (IPv4) ACL 10 .
ZXR10(config)#class-map class_1
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match access-group 10

Related class-map
show class-map

match any
Purpose Use this command to create match access group and define the
matching rule to match all data flows. Delete the configuration
with the no command.
Command Modes Class mapping configuration
Syntax match any
no match any
Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128 and ZXR10 GER.
Example This example describes how to set match in map class_1 and de-
fine match rule to match all data flow.
ZXR10(config)#class-map class_1
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match any

Related class-map
show class-map

match class-map
Purpose Use this command to set match access group and define the
matching rule is to match the specified class map data flow.
Delete the match with the no command.
Command Modes Class mapping configuration
Syntax match class-map <class-map-name>
no match class-map <class-map-name>

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

<class-map-name> Class mapping name

Instructions � The parameter <class-map-name> defines the map must be

set already.
� This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128.
Example In map class_1, set match access-group and match rule to match
class_2 data flow.
ZXR10(config)#class-map class_1
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match class-map class_2

Related class-map
show class-map

match destination-address-
Purpose Use this command to set match access group and define the
matching rule to match the destination address MAC address data
flow. Delete the match access group with the no command.
Command Modes Class mapping configuration
Syntax match destination-address-mac <destination-address-mac-ad
no match destination-address-mac <destination-address-mac
<destination-address- Destination MAC address

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GER.

Example In map class_1, set match access-group and define the match-
ing rule to match the data flow for destination MAC address
1111.2222.3333 .
ZXR10(config)#class-map class_1
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match destination-address-mac 1111.2222.3333

Related class-map
show class-map

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match input-interface
Purpose Use this command to set match access group and define the
matching rule to match the data flow from the specified input
interface. Delete the match with the no command.
Command Modes Class mapping configuration
Syntax match input-interface <input-interface-name>
no match input-interface <input-interface-name>
<input-interface-na Input interface name

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GER.

Example In map class_1, set match access-group and define match rule to
match the data flow from interface fei_1/1.
ZXR10(config)#class-map class_1
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match input-interface fei_1/1

Related class-map
show class-map

match ip-dscp
Purpose Use this command to create match access group, and define the
matching rule to match the specified (IPv4) DSCP data flow. Delete
the match with the no command.
Command Modes Class mapping configuration
Syntax match ip-dscp <ip-dscp-value>
no match ip-dscp <ip-dscp-value>
<ip-dscp-value> DSCP value, range: 0~63

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GER.

Example In map class_1, set match access-group and define match rule to
match DSCP 10 data flow.
ZXR10(config)#class-map class_1
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match ip-dscp 10

Related class-map
show class-map

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

match ip-precedence
Purpose Use this command to set match access group and define match
rule to match the specified (IPv4) IP priority data flow. Delete the
match access group with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Class mapping configuration
Syntax match ip-precedence <ip-precedence-value>
no match ip-precedence <ip-precedence-value>
<ip-precedence-val IP precedence value, range: 0~7

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GER and ZXR10 T64E/T128.

Example In map class_1, set match access group and define matching rule
to match precedence value 7 data flow.
ZXR10(config)#class-map class_1
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match ip-precedence 7

Related class-map
show class-map

match mpls-exp
Purpose Use this command to set match access group and define the
matching rule to match the specified MPLS-EXP field value data
flow. Delete the match access group with the no form of this
Command Modes Class mapping configuration
Syntax match mpls-exp <mpls-exp-value>
no match mpls-exp <mpls-exp-value>
<mpls-exp-value> MPLS-EXP value, range: 0~7

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128 and ZXR10 GER.

Example In map class_1, set match access-group and define matching rule
to match MPLS-EXP value 7 data flow.
ZXR10(config)#class-map class_1
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match ip-precedence 7

Related class-map
show class-map

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ZXR10 Command Manual (QoS Volume)

match not
Purpose Use this command to set match access group and define the
matching rule: not matching the specified data flow. Delete the
match with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Class mapping configuration
Syntax match not <match-criteria>
no match not <match-criteria>
match-criteria Some matching rule

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GER.

Example � This example shows that map class_1 set match access group
and define the matching rule: not matching the data flow from
destination MAC address 1111.2222.3333 .
ZXR10(config)#class-map class_1
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match not destination-address-mac 1111.2222.3333

� This example shows that map class_1 set match access group
and define matching rule: not matching any data flow.
ZXR10(config)#class-map class_1
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match not any

� This example shows that map class_1 set match access and
define matching rule: not matching DSCP 7 data flow.
ZXR10(config)#class-map class_1
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match not dscp 7

match mac
Purpose Use this command to create the matching item and specify the
matching rule as matching the data flow of 802.1p. Delete the
setting with the no command.
Command Modes Class mapping configuration
Syntax match 802.1p < value>
no match 802.1p < value>
802.1p< value> 802.1p value, in the range of 0~7

Instructions T64/T128 routers support this command.

Example This example describes how to create the matching item and spec-
ify the matching rule as matching the 802.1p data flow of value 5
in class-map class_1.
ZXR10(config)#class-map class_1
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match qos-group 5

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

Related class-map
show class-map

match qos-group
Purpose Use this command to create the matching item and specify the
matching rule as matching the data flow of 802.1p. Delete the
setting with the no command.
Command Modes Class mapping configuration
Syntax match 802.1p < value>
no match 802.1p < value>
802.1p< value> 802.1p value, in the range of 0~7

Instructions T64/T128 routers support this command.

Example This example describes how to create the matching item and spec-
ify the matching rule as matching the 802.1p data flow of value 5
in class-map class_1.
ZXR10(config)#class-map class_1
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match qos-group 5

Related class-map
show class-map

match vlan-id
Purpose Use this command to create the matching item and specify the
matching rule as matching the data flow of the designated vlan-id.
Delete the setting with the no command.
Command Modes Class mapping configuration
Syntax match vlan-id <vlan-id>
no match vlan-id <vlan-id>
vlan-id<vlan-id> VLAN ID, in the range of 1~4094

Instructions T64/T128 routers support this command.

Example This example describes how to create the matching item and spec-
ify the matching rule as matching the data flow of vlan-id 10 in
class-map class_1.
ZXR10(config)#class-map class_1
ZXR10(config-cmap)#match vlan-id 10

Related class-map
show class-map

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Purpose Use this command to configure flow police. Delete the match with
the no form of this command.
Command Modes Policy class configuration
Syntax police <bps><burst-normal><burst-max> conform-action
<action> exceed-action <action>
no police
<bps> Average rate, unit: Kbits/s, range:

<burst-normal> Normal burst, in bytes, range:


<burst-max> Maximum burst, in bytes, range:

conform-action Actions for the packet matching the
<action> designated rate:
dropdiscard data packet
transmitsend data packet
set-dscp-transmitset DSCP value (0~63) and
send data packet
set-prec-transmit-set IP priority value (0~7)
and send data packet

exceed-action Actions for the packet exceeding the

<action> designated rate:
drop discard data packet
transmit send data packet
set-dscp-transmitset DSCP value(0~63) and
send data packet
set-prec-transmit set IP precedence
value(0~7) and send data packet

Instructions � If users use this command in the same class policy for many
times, the last configuration will cover the earlier configura-
� This command is applied to ZXR10 GER and ZXR10 T64E/T128.
Example This example describes how to configure flow inspection for the
class named class_1 in policy map policy_1. Set the data aver-
age rate as 8kbit/s, normal burst as 20000, maximum burst as
200000. Send packet matching the designated rate. Set DSCP
value as 10 for the packet exceeding the designated rate.
ZXR10(config)#policy-map policy_1
ZXR10(config-pmap)#class class_1
ZXR10(config-pmap-c)#police 8 20000 200000 conform-action
transmit exceed-action set-dscp-transmit 10

Related policy-map
show policy-map

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

Purpose Use this command to set policy map and enter policy map con-
figuration mode. Delete the policy map with the no form of this
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax policy-map <policy-map-name>
no policy-map <policy-map-name>
<policy-map-name> Defines policy mapping name

Instructions � The policy mapping which has already applied on the interface
must not be deleted.
� When the policy mapping is deleted, all policies will be deleted
at the same time.
� This command is applied to ZXR10 GER and ZXR 10
Example This example describes how to set a policy mapping named pol-
icy_1 and enter policy mapping configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#policy-map policy_1

Related service-policy
show policy-map

Purpose Use this command to configure the port default priority. Restore
the default configuration with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Policy class configuration
Syntax priority <bandwidth><burst>
no priority
<bandwidth> Maximum bandwidth, unit: kbps, range:

<burst> Burst size, in bits, range: 256~16000000

Instructions � This command can not be used at policy configuration mode

with the bandwidth command.
� Default policy can not use this command.
� This command is applied to ZXR10 GER.
Example This example describes how to set precedence for class_1 policy
class of policy_1, set maximal bandwidth as 128kbps and burst
size as 200000 bit.

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ZXR10(config)#policy-map policy_1
ZXR10(config-pmap)#class class_1
ZXR10(config-pmap-c)#priority 128 200000

Related policy-map
show policy-map

Purpose Use this command to apply a priority list to an interface. This
interface classifies traffic based on the congestion management
rule which is defined in the priority list. If the packet matches a
rule, the packet enters the corresponding queue. If the packet
does not match any rule, it enters the default queue. Cancel the
settings with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax priority-group <list-number>
no priority-group
<list-number> Number of the priority list, range: 1~16

Instructions � An interface uses only one priority list.

� This command is applied to ZXR10 GAR, ZXR10 GER and ZXR10
T64E/T128 and ZXR10 ZSR.
Example This example describes how to apply the priority list 1 to the in-
terface fei_4/1.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_4/1
ZXR10(config-if)#priority-group 1

Related show queuing priority

show queuing interface

priority-list 802.1p
Purpose Use this command to assign a priority queue to the packet with
the designated 802.1p value in the priority-list. Delete the setting
with the no command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax priority-list <list-number> 802.1p <802.1p value>{high |
medium | normal | low}
no priority-list <list-number> 802.1p <802.1p value>

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

list-number Priority list number, in the range of 1~16

802.1p <802.1p Specifies the 802.1p priority value, in the

value> range of 0~7

high | medium | Priority queue.

normal | low

Instructions ZXR10 T64/T128 routers support this command.

Example This example describes how to assign a low priority queue to the
packet with 802.1p value of 3 in the priority-list 1.
ZXR10(config)#priority-list 1 802.1p 3 low

Related priority-group

priority-list default
Purpose Use this command to specify a priority queue for the packet that
does not match any rules in the priority list. Restore default with
the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax priority-list <list-number> default {high | medium | normal
| low}
no priority-list <list-number> default
<list-number> Number of the priority list, range: 1~16

high | medium | Priority queue


Defaults Specify a queue with normal priority for the packet that does not
match any rules in the priority list if this command is not config-
Instructions For the same <list-number> , the command will specify a new
default queue in the next time.
This command is applied to ZXR10 GAR, ZXR10 GER, ZXR10
T64E/T128 and ZXR10 ZSR.
Example This example describes how to specify a queue with low priority
for the packet that does not match any rules in the priority list 1.
ZXR10(config)#priority-list 1 default low

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Related priority-group

priority-list dscp
Purpose Use this command to specify a priority queue for the packet with
the designated DSCP value in the priority list. Cancel the settings
with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax priority-list <list-number> dscp <dscp-value>{high | medium
| normal | low}
no priority-list <list-number> dscp <dscp-value>
<list-number> Number of the priority list, range: 1~16

dscp <dscp-value> Designated DSCP value, range: 0~63

high | medium | Priority queue

normal | low

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GAR, ZXR10 GER, ZXR10

T64E/T128 and ZXR10 ZSR.
Example This example describes how to specify a queue with low priority
for the packet with the DSCP value 10 in priority-list 1.
ZXR10(config)#priority-list 1 dscp 10 low

Related priority-group

priority-list interface
Purpose Use this command to specify a priority queue for the packet enter-
ing the designated interface in the priority list. Cancel the settings
with the no command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax priority-list <list-number> interface <interface-name>{high |
medium | normal | low}
no priority-list <list-number> interface <interface-name>
<list-number> Number of the priority list, range: 1~16

interface <interface- Name of the designated incoming interface


high | medium | Priority queue

normal | low

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GAR, ZXR10 GER and ZXR10
Example This example describes how to specify a queue with low priority
for the packet entering the interface fei_4/1 in priority-list 1.
ZXR10(config)#priority-list 1 interface fei_4/1 low

Related priority-group

priority-list list
Purpose Use this command to specify a priority queue for the packet with
the designated ACL number in the priority list. Cancel the settings
with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax priority-list <list-number> list {<acl-no>|<acl-name>}{high |
medium | normal | low}
no priority-list <list-number> list <access-list-number>
<list-number> Number of the priority list, range: 1~16

list {<acl-no>|<acl-n Number of the ACL or name of the ACL


high | medium | Priority queue

normal | low

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GAR, ZXR10 GER, ZXR10

T64E/T128 and ZXR10 ZSR.
Example This example describes how to specify a queue with low priority
for the packet with ACL number 10 in priority-list 1.
ZXR10(config)#priority-list 1 list 10 low

Related priority-group

priority-list mac
Purpose Use this command to assign a priority queue to the packet with
the designated MAC address in the priority-list. Delete the setting
with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax priority-list <list-number> mac <mac-address>{high |
medium | normal | low}
no priority-list <list-number> mac < mac-address >

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list-number Priority list number, in the range of 1~16

mac <mac-address> MAC address

high | medium | Priority queue

normal | low

Instructions ZXR10 T64/T128 routers support this command.

Example This example describes how to assign a high priority queue to the
packet with MAC address of 1111.2222.3333 in the priority-list 1.
ZXR10(config)#priority-list 1 mac 1111.2222.3333 high

Related priority-group

priority-list mpls-exp
Purpose Use this command to specify a priority queue for the packet with
the designated MPLS-EXP value in the priority list. Cancel the set-
tings with the no command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax priority-list <list-number> mpls-exp <mpls-exp-value>{high |
medium | normal | low}
no priority-list <list-number> mpls-exp <mpls-exp-value>
<list-number> Number of the priority list, range: 1~16

mpls-exp <mpls-exp Designated MPLS-EXP value, range: 0~7


high | medium | Priority queue

normal | low

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GAR, ZXR10 GER, ZXR10

T64E/T128 and ZXR10 ZSR.
Example This example describes how to specify a queue with low priority
for the packet with the MPLS-EXP value 7 in priority-list 1.
ZXR10(config)#priority-list 1 mpls-exp 7 low

Related priority-group

priority-list precedence
Purpose Use this command to specify a priority queue for the packet with
the designated IP precedence value in the priority list. Cancel the
settings with the no command.

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

Command Modes Global configuration

Syntax priority-list <list-number> precedence <precedence>{high |
medium | normal | low}
no priority-list <list-number> precedence <precedence>
<list-number> Number of the priority list, range: 1~16

precedence Designated IP precedence value, range: 0~7


high | medium | Priority queue

normal | low

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GAR, ZXR10 GER, ZXR10

T64E/T128 and ZXR10 ZSR.
Example This example describes how to specify a queue with low priority
for the packet with the IP precedence value 7 in priority-list 1.
ZXR10(config)#priority-list 1 precedence 7 low

Related priority-group
Historical priority-list <list-number> preference <precedence>{high |
Commands medium | normal | low}
no priority-list <list-number> preference <precedence>

priority-list qos-group
Purpose Use this command to assign a priority queue to the packet with
the designated qos group id in the priority-list. Delete the setting
with the no command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax priority-list <list-number> qos-group < qos-group-id>{high |
medium | normal | low}
no priority-list <list-number> qos-group < qos-group-id>
list-number Priority list number, in the range of 1~16

qos-group < Specifies the qos-group-id value, in the range

qos-group-id> of 1~255.

high | medium | Priority queue

normal | low

Instructions ZXR10 T64/T128 routers support this command.

Example This example describes how to assign a low priority queue to the
packet with qos group id of 40 in the priority-list 1.
ZXR10(config)#priority-list 1 qos-group 40 low

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ZXR10 Command Manual (QoS Volume)

Related priority-group

priority-list queue-limit
Purpose Use this command to set the maximal number of packets in the
queue with different priorities in the priority list. Restore default
with the no command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax priority-list <list-number> queue-limit <high-limit><medium-
no priority-list <list-number> queue-limit
<list-number> Number of the priority list, range: 1~16

<high-limit> Maximal number of packets of a queue with

high priority

<medium-limit> Maximal number of packets of a queue with

medium priority

<normal-limit> Maximal number of packets of a queue with

normal priority

<low-limit> Maximal number of packets of a queue with

low priority

Product Description of <high-limit>

ZXR10 GAR Value range: 0~128, 20 by default

ZXR10 GER Value range: 0~128, 120 by default

ZXR10 ZSR Value range: 0~128, 20 by default

Product Description of <medium-limit>

ZXR10 GAR Value range: 0~128, 40 by default

ZXR10 GER Value range: 0~128, 90 by default

ZXR10 ZSR Value range: 0~128, 40 by default

Product Description of <normal-limit>

ZXR10 GAR Value range: 0~128, 60 by default

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

Product Description of <normal-limit>

ZXR10 GER Value range: 0~128, 60 by default

ZXR10 ZSR Value range: 0~128, 60 by default

Product Description of <low-limit>

ZXR10 GAR Value range: 0~128, 80 by default

ZXR10 GER Value range: 0~128, 30 by default

ZXR10 ZSR Value range: 0~128, 80 by default

Defaults In the case that this command is not executed, the maximal num-
ber of packets in the queue with different priorities in the priority
list is the default value.
Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GAR, ZXR10 GER and ZXR10
Example This example describes how to set the maximal number of packets
in the queue with high/medium/normal/low priority in priority-list
1 to 100/80/60/40 respectively.
ZXR10(config)#priority-list 1 queue-limit 100 80 60 40

Related priority-group

priority-list vlan-id
Purpose Use this command to assign a priority queue to the packet with
the designated vlan id in the priority-list. Delete the setting with
the no command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax priority-list <list-number> vlan-id <vlan-id>{high | medium
| normal | low}
no priority-list <list-number> 802.1p <802.1p value>
list-number Priority list number, in the range of 1~16

vlan-id <vlan-id> VLAN ID, in the range of 1~4094

high | medium | Priority queue

normal | low

Instructions ZXR10 T64/T128 routers support this command.

Example This example describes how to assign a high priority queue to the
packet with vlan-id of 300 in the priority-list 1.
ZXR10(config)#priority-list 1 vlan-id 300 high

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Related priority-group

Purpose Use this command to configure policy priority-queue. Cancel the
settings with the no command.
Command Modes Policy class configuration
Syntax priority-queue {high | medium | normal | low}
no priority-queue
high | medium | Defines priority-queue.
normal | low

Instructions ZXR10 T64E/T128 does not support this command.

Example This example describes how to set high priority queue for class_1
in policy mapping named policy_1.
ZXR10(config)#policy-map policy_1
ZXR10(config-pmap)#class class_1
ZXR10(config-pmap-c)#priority-queue high

Related policy-map
show policy-map

qos ip
Purpose Use this command to enable the QoS function. Disable the function
with the no command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax qos ip
no qos ip
Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GAR, ZXR10 GER, ZXR10
T64E/T128 and ZXR10 ZSR.
Example This example describes how to enable the QoS function.
ZXR10(config)#qos ip

Related qos enable


Purpose Use this command to configure pipe, short-pipe and uniform mode.
Cancel the settings with the no command.

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

Command Modes Interface configuration

Syntax qos-map {inherit exp-ipp | trust {ipp | exp}}
no qos-map {inherit | trust}
inherit exp-ipp MPLS-EXP and IP precedence inherit each

trust {ipp | exp} Uses MPLS-EXP or IP precedence

Instructions � Configure MPLS-EXP and IP precedence to inherit each other

with uniform mode, otherwise with pipe or short pipe mode.
� Configure MPLS-EXP to use pipe mode and configure IP prece-
dence to use short pipe mode.
� ZXR10 T64E/T128 supports this command.
Example This example describes how to set interface as uniform mode.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_4/1
ZXR10(config-if)#qos-map inherit exp-ipp

Related show running config


qos-map enable
Purpose Use this command to enable or disable QoS mapping. Delete this
configuration with the disable command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax qos-map {enable | disable}
Defaults Disable
Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GER.
Example This example describes how to enable QoS mapping on the inter-
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_4/1
ZXR10(config-if)#qos-map enable

Related show running config


queue-list default
Purpose Use this command to specify a user-defined queue for the packet
which does not match any rules in the customized list. Restore
default with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax queue-list <list-number> default <queue-number>
no queue-list <list-number> default

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<list-number> Number of the customized list, range: 1~16

<queue-number> user-defined queue, range: 0~16

Defaults Specify the user—defined queue 1 for the packet that does not
match any rules in the customized list if this command is not con-
Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� This command is applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.
Example This example describes how to specify the customized queue 2 for
the packet that does not match any rules in the customized list 1.
ZXR10(config)#queue-list 1 default 2

Related custom-queue-list

queue-list interface
Purpose Use this command to specify a user-defined queue for the packet
entering the designated interface in the customized list. Cancel
the settings with the no command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax queue-list <list-number> interface <interface-name><queue-
no queue-list <list-number> interface <interface-name>
<list-number> Number of the customized list, range: 1~16

interface <interface- Name of the designated incoming interface


<queue-number> User–defined queue, range: 0~16

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� This command is applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.
Example This example describes how to specify the customized queue 2 for
the packet entering the interface fei_4/1 in the customized list 1.
ZXR10(config)#queue-list 1 interface fei_4/1 2

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

Related custom-queue-list

queue-list list
Purpose Use this command to specify a user-defined queue for the packet
with the designated ACL number in the customized list. Cancel the
settings with the no command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax queue-list <list-number> list {<acl-no>|<acl-name>}<queue-
no queue-list <list-number> list <access-list-number>
<list-number> Number of the customized list, range: 1~16

list <acl-no>|<acl-na Designated ACL number, range: 1~199|ACL

me> name

<queue-number> Customized queue, range: 0~16

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� This command is applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.
Example This example describes how to specify the customized queue 2 for
the packet with ACL number 10 in the customized list 1.
ZXR10(config)#queue-list 1 list 10 2

Related custom-queue-list

queue-list queue
Purpose Use this command to set the maximal number of packets and bytes
for a user—defined queue in the customized list. Restore default
with the no command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax queue-list <list-number> queue <queue-number>{[limit <lim
it>][byte-count <max-byte-count>]}
no queue-list <list-number> queue <queue-number>{[limit
<limit>][byte-count <max-byte-count>]}
<list-number> Number of the customized list, range: 1~16

queue <queue-numb Customized queue, range: 0~16


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limit <limit> Maximal number of packets in the customized

queue, range: 0~128, 20 by default

byte-count Maximal number of bytes in the customized

<max-byte-count> queue, range: 1~16777215, 1500 by default

Defaults The maximal number of packets and bytes of a customized queue

in the customized list is the default value if this command is not
Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� This command is applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.
Example � This example describes how to set the maximal number of
packets of the user-defined queue 2 to 30 in customized list
1 and set the maximal number of bytes to the default value.
ZXR10(config)#queue-list 1 queue 2 limit 30

� This example describes how to set the maximal number of

packets of the customized queue 2 in the customized list 1
to the default value and set the maximal number of bytes to
ZXR10(config)#queue-list 1 queue 2 byte-count 4000

� This example describes how to set the maximal number of

packets of the user-defined queue 2 in customized list 1 to
30 and set the maximal number of bytes to 4000.
ZXR10(config)#queue-list 1 queue 2 limit 30 byte-count 4000
ZXR10(config)#queue-list 1 queue 2 byte-count 4000 limit 30

� This example describes how to restore the maximal number of

packets and bytes of the customized queue 2 in the customized
list 1.
ZXR10(config)#no queue-list 1 queue 2 limit 30 byte-count 4000
ZXR10(config)#no queue-list 1 queue 2 byte-count 4000 limit 30

Related custom-queue-list

Purpose Use this command to apply the Weighted Random Early Detection
(WRED) to the interface, and set exponent used to calculate the
average queue length as well as limit to packets in different pri-
orities, discard probability and drop table. Cancel the setting or
restore default with the no command.
Command Modes Interface configuration and global configuration
Syntax random-detect {[weight <exponent>][precedence <preced
no random-detect {[weight <exponent>][precedence

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

weight <exponent> Exponent used to calculate the average queue

precedence IP precedence value, range: 0~7


<min-threshold> Minimal threshold of packets. The WRED

will randomly discard the packets with the
designated IP precedence value when the
average queue length reaches the minimal
number of packets

<normal-threshold> Normal threshold of packets

<medium-threshold> Medium threshold of packets

<max-threshold> Maximal threshold of packets. The WRED

will randomly discard the packets with the
designated IP precedence value when the
average queue length exceeds the maximal
number of packets

<drop-table> Designated drop table

<mark-prob-denomin Denominator of discard probability


Product Description of weight <exponent>

ZXR10 GAR Optional

ZXR10 GER Not selectable

ZXR10 ZSR Optional

ZXR10 T64E/T128 Not selectable

Product Description of precedence <precedence

ZXR10 GAR Optional

ZXR10 GER Not selectable

ZXR10 ZSR optional

ZXR10 T64E/T128 Not selectable

Product Description of <exponent>

ZXR10 GAR Value range: 1~16, 3 by default

ZXR10 ZSR Value range: 1 ~16, 3 by default

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Product Description of <exponent>

ZXR10 GER Value range: 1~10, 5 by default

ZXR10 T64E/T128 Value range: 1~32, 9 by default

Product Description of <min-threshold>

ZXR10 GAR Value range: ~128. The default value varies

with the IP precedence value, being 20, 22,
24, 26, 28, 30, 32 and 34 in turn for IP
precedence values from 0 to 7

ZXR10 ZSR Value range: 1~128. the default value varies

with the IP precedence value, being 20, 22,
24, 26, 28, 30, 32 and 34 in turn for IP
precedence values from 0 to 7

ZXR10 GER Value range: 1~112, no default value

ZXR10 T64E/T128 Value range: 1~64, no default value

Product Description of <normal-threshold>

ZXR10 GAR No such a parameter

ZXR10 ZSR No such a parameter

ZXR10 GER Value range: 1 ~ 112, no default value

ZXR10 T64E/T128 No such a parameter

Product Description of <medium-threshold>

ZXR10 GAR No such a parameter

ZXR10 GER Value range: 1~112, no default value

ZXR10 T64E/T128 No such a parameter

ZXR10 ZSR No such a parameter

Product Description of <max-threshold>

ZXR10 GAR Value range: 1~16, 40 by default

ZXR10 ZSR Value range: 1~16, 40 by default

ZXR10 GER Value range: 1~112, no default value

ZXR10 T64E/T128 Value range: 1~64, no default value

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

Product Description of <drop-table>

ZXR10 GAR No such a parameter

ZXR10 ZSR No such a parameter

ZXR10 GER Value range: 1~4, no default value

ZXR10 T64E/T128 No such a parameter

Product Description of <mark-prob-denominat


ZXR10 GAR Value range: 1~65535, 10 by default

ZXR10 ZSR Value range: 1~65535, 10 by default

ZXR10 GER No such a parameter

ZXR10 T64E/T128 Value range: 0~100, 0 by default

Defaults ZXR10 GER and ZXR10 T64E/T128 do not provide this command
and the exponent used to compute the average queue length is
the default value.
Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GAR, ZXR10 GER, ZXR10
T64E/T128 and ZXR10 ZSR.
Example � This example describes how to enable the WRED on the inter-
face fei_4/1 on ZXR10 ZSR and ZXR10 GAR, set the exponent
used to compute the average queue length, minimal/maximal
threshold value of the average queue length of different prior-
ities and discard probability to their default values.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_4/1

� This example describes how to enable the WRED on the inter-

face fei_4/1 onn ZXR10 ZSR and ZXR10 GAR, set the minimal
threshold of packets in the average queue length with priority
value as 2 to 50, maximal threshold of packets to 100, and
discard probability to the default value.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_4/1
ZXR10(config-if)#random-detect precedence 2 50 100

� This example describes how to set the exponent used to com-

pute the average queue length to 4 on the interface fei_4/1 on
ZXR10 T64E/T128 and ZXR10 GER.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_4/1
ZXR10(config-if)#random-detect weight 4

� This example describes how to set the minimal threshold to 20,

normal threshold to 40, medium threshold to 60 and maximal
threshold to 80 of the average queue length with priority value
as 2 on the interface fei_4/1 on ZXR10 T64E/T128, and use
the drop table 1.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_4/1
ZXR10(config-if)#random-detect precedence 2 20 40 60 80 1

� This example describes how to set the minimal threshold to 20,

maximal threshold to 40 and denominator of discard probabil-

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ity to 30 of the average queue length with priority value as 2

on the interface fei_4/1 on ZXR10 T64E/T128.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_4/1
ZXR10(config-if)#random-detect precedence 2 20 40 30

Related For ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR,

show queuing random-detect
For ZXR10 GER,
random-detect enable

Purpose Use this command to apply WRED discard policy on policy class.
Cancel this configuration with the no command.
Command Modes Policy class configuration
Syntax random-detect [prec-based]
no random-detect
prec-based Optional, it is an IP priority value which is
used for calculating packet drop probability.

Instructions � After the users cancel WRED policy, WRED weight and WRED
discard policy will be deleted at the same time.
� The command bandwidth has to be used first.
� This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128.
Example This example describes how to activate WRED discard policy on
policy mapping policy_1 named as class_1.
ZXR10(config)#policy-map policy_1
ZXR10(config-pmap)#class class_1
ZXR10(config-pmap-c)#random-detect prec-based

Related policy-map
show policy-map

random-detect enable
Purpose Use this command to enable the WRED on the interface. Cancel
the settings with the no command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax random-detect enable
no random-detect enable
Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GER and ZXR10

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

Example This example describes how to enable the WERD on the interface.
ZXR10(config)#random-detect enable

Related random-detect

random-detect precedence
Purpose Use this command to configure policy class which is based on each
IP precedence message packet limitation and discard probability.
Cancel the settings with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Policy class configuration
Syntax random-detect precedence <precedence-value><min-thresho
no random-detect precedence <precedence-value>
<precedence-value> IP precedence value, range: 0~7

<min-threshold> The minimum threshold of packet size.

When the average queue length reaches
to the min-threshold, WRED discard all the
packets which have the same priority as the
designated IP priority value. The parameter
is in the range of 1~256.

<max-threshold> Data packet maximal threshold. When

the average queue length reaches to
the max-threshold, WRED discard all the
packets which have the same priority as the
designated IP priority value. The parameter
is in the range of 1~256.

<mark-prob-denomin Denominator of discard probability, range:

ator> 1~100

Instructions � This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128.

� Enable WRED discard policy by using the command random-
detect prec-based first, then use this command.
Example This example describes how to configure policy map policy_1: set
the name to class_1, set the message of IP precedence to 7, set
the minimum threshold to 16, set maximal threshold to 64, set
the discard probability to 20.
ZXR10(config)#policy-map policy_1
ZXR10(config-pmap)#class class_1
ZXR10(config-pmap-c)#random-detect precedence 7 16 64 20

Related policy-map
show policy-map

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random-detect weight
Purpose Use this command to configure the weight denominator in WRED
discard policy class for accounting the average queue length. Re-
store default with the no command.
Command Modes Policy class configuration
Syntax random-detect weight <exponent>
no random-detect weight
<exponent> H-QoS mapping name

Defaults If this command is not configured but WRED discard policy is en-
able by using the command random-detect , then the denomi-
nator for accounting the average queue length is default value.
Instructions � Enable WRED discard policy firstly by using the command rand
om-detect , then use this command.
� This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128.
Example This example describes how to confiure policy map policy_1: set
the name to class_1, set the denominator for accounting average
queue length to 7.
ZXR10(config)#policy-map policy_1
ZXR10(config-pmap)#class class_1
ZXR10(config-pmap-c)#random-detect weight 7

Related policy-map

Purpose Use this command to set an input or output traffic policing policy
on the interface. Cancel the settings with the no command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax cmdname>rate-limit{input | output}{access-group {<acl-
no>|<acl-name>}| localport | dscp <dscp-value>| mpls-exp
<mpls-exp-value>| precedence <precedence-value>| 802.1p
<802.1p-value>| mac <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx>| mac-dst <xxxx.xxxx
conform-action <action> exceed-action <action>
no rate-limit {input | output}{access-group <acl-index>|
localport | dscp <dscp-value>| mpls-exp <mpls-exp-value>|
precedence <precedence-value>| 802.1p <802.1p-value>|
mac <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx>| mac-dst <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx>[<
x.xxxx>]}<bps><burst-normal><burst-max> conform-action
<action> exceed-action <action>

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

input | output Input/Output

access-group Number of the ACL/name of the ACL


localport Local port

dscp <dscp-value> DSCP value, range: 0~63

mpls-exp <mpls-exp MPLS-EXP value, range: 0~7


precedence IP precedence value, range: 0~7


mac <xxxx.xxxx.xx Source MAC address


mac-dst mac-dst Destination MAC address


802.1p <802.1p-val 802.1P value, range: 0~7


<bps> Average rate, unit: bits/second, range:


<burst-normal> Normal burst, in bytes, range:


<burst-max> Maximal burst, in bytes, range:


conform-action Actions for the packet matching the

<action> designated rate:
drop: Discards the packet
continue: Evaluates the next rate-limit
transmit: Sends the packet
set-dscp-continue: Sets a DSCP value (0
~ 63) and evaluates the next rate-limit
set-dscp-transmit: Sets a DSCP value (0 ~
63) and sends the packet
set-prec-continue: Sets an IP precedence
value (0 ~ 7) and evaluates the next rate-limit
set-prec-transmit: Sets an IP precedence
value (0 ~ 7) and sends the packet

exceed-action Actions for the packet exceeding the

<action> designated rate:
drop: Discards the packet
continue: Evaluates the next rate-limit
transmit: Sends the packet

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set-dscp-continue: Sets a DSCP value (0

~ 63) and evaluates the next rate-limit
set-dscp-transmit: Sets a DSCP value (0 ~
63) and sends the packet
set-prec-continue: Sets an IP precedence
value (0 ~ 7) and evaluates the next rate-limit
set-prec-transmit: Sets an IP precedence
value (0 ~ 7) and sends the packet

Product Description of mac-dst <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx


ZXR10 GAR No such a parameter

ZXR10 ZSR No such a parameter

ZXR10 GER Only with the first <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx>, the

parameter specifies the destination address.
The second [<xxxx.xxxx.xxxx>] is optional
and specifies the destination address segment
in conjunction with the first parameter

ZXR10 T64E/T128 No such a parameter

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GAR, ZXR10 GER, ZXR10

T64E/T128 and ZXR10 ZSR.
Example This example describes how to set the rate of traffic with DSCP
value as 0 that comes into the interface fei_4/1 to 8000 bit/s, con-
formant traffic to 20000, and burst traffic to 200000, set to send
the packet matching the designated rate, set the DSCP value of
the packet exceeding the designated rate to 10 and then evaluate
the next rate-limit command.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_4/1
ZXR10(config-if)#rate-limit input dscp 0 8000 20000 200000
conform-action transmit exceed-action set-dscp-continue 10

Related rate-limit {input | output}{access-group <acl-index>|

Commands localport | dscp <dscp-value>| mpls-exp <mpls-exp-value>|
preference <precedence-value>| 802.1p <802.1p-value>|
mac <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx>| mac-dst <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx>[<
x.xxxx>]}<bps><burst-normal><burst-max> conform-action
<action> exceed-action <action>
no rate-limit {input | output}{access-group <acl-index>|
localport | dscp <dscp-value>| mpls-exp <mpls-exp-value>|
preference <precedence-value>| 802.1p <802.1p-value>|
mac <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx>| mac-dst <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx>[<
x.xxxx>]}<bps><burst-normal><burst-max> conform-action
<action> exceed-action <action>

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

Purpose Use this command to configure interface input or output flow in-
spection policy. Cancel the settings with the no form of this com-
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax rate-limit vpls<vpls-name>{input | output {all | single}}{un
icast | broadcast | unknown}<bps><burst-normal><burst-m
ax> conform-action <action> exceed-action <action>
no rate-limit vpls<vpls-name>{input | output {all | single}{u
nicast | broadcast | unknown}
<vpls-name> VPLS name

input |output Input or output

all | single The whole VPLS | each member of VPLS

unicast | broadcast Unicast packet| broadcast packet|unknown

| unknown type

<bps> Average rate, unit: bits/s, range:


<burst-normal> Normal burst, in bytes, range:


<burst-max> Maximal burst, in bytes, range;


conform-action Actions for the packet matching the

<action> designated rate:
drop: Discards the packet
continue: Evaluates the next rate-limit
transmit: Sends the packet
set-dscp-continue: Sets a DSCP value (0
~ 63) and evaluates the next rate-limit
set-dscp-transmit: Sets a DSCP value (0 ~
63) and sends the packet
set-prec-continue: Sets an IP precedence
value (0 ~ 7) and evaluates the next rate-limit
set-prec-transmit: Sets an IP precedence
value (0 ~ 7) and sends the packet

exceed-action Actions for the packet exceeding the

<action> designated rate:
drop: Discards the packet
continue: Evaluates the next rate-limit

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transmit: Sends the packet

set-dscp-continue: Sets a DSCP value (0
~ 63) and evaluates the next rate-limit
set-dscp-transmit: Sets a DSCP value (0 ~
63) and sends the packet
set-prec-continue: Sets an IP precedence
value (0 ~ 7) and evaluates the next rate-limit
set-prec-transmit: Sets an IP precedence
value (0 ~ 7) and sends the packet

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128.

Example This example describes how to configure the broadcast packet of
all the members based on vfi 1: set the <bps> to 8000 bit/s, set
the <burst-normal> to 20000, set the <burst-max>to 200000.
Sends the packet for the designated rate, discards the packet for
the exceed-action .
ZXR10(config)#rate-limit vpls vfi1 input all broadcast
8 20000 200000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop

Purpose Use this command to bind a policy mapping on interface input or
output direction. Cancel the settings with the no command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax service-policy {input | output}<policy-map-name>
no service-policy {input | output}
input Input direction

output Output direction

<policy-map-name> Policy map direction

Instructions � After the users bind a policy mapping in interface input or out-
put direction, the original interface PQ, CAR, WRED configura-
tions and so on will be invalid. If the users cancel interface
binding policy mapping, the original PQ, CAR, WRED configu-
rations can not be restored.
� This command is applied to ZXR10 GER and ZXR10 T64/T128.
� ZXR10 T64E/T128 does not have the parameter output.
Example This example describes how to configure interface fei_1/1 output
direction bound policy map policy_1.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#service-policy output policy_1

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Related policy-map
show running-config

set dot1p
Purpose Use this command to set policy class to use the specified value
that marks packet 802.1p field. Cancel the settings with the no
form of this command.
Command Modes Policy class configuration
Syntax set dot1p <dot1p-value>
no set dot1p
<dot1p-value> 802.1p value, range: 0~7

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GER.

Example This example describes how to configure policy map policy_1 name
class_1 policy class, and use value 7 to mark message 802.1p field.
ZXR10(config)#policy-map policy_1
ZXR10(config-pmap)#class class_1
ZXR10(config-pmap-c)#set dot1p 7

Related policy-map
show policy-map

set ip-dscp
Purpose Use this command to set policy class to use the specified value
that marks packet DSCP segment. Cancel the settings with the
no form of this command.
Command Modes Policy class configuration
Syntax set ip-dscp <ip-dscp-value>
no set ip-dscp
<ip-dscp-value> DSCP value, range: 0~63

Instructions � set ip-dscp and set ip-precedence are conflict.

� This command is applied to ZXR10 GER.
Example This example describes how to configure policy map policy_1 name
class_1 policy class, and use value 7 mark message DSCP field.
ZXR10(config)#policy-map policy_1
ZXR10(config-pmap)#class class_1
ZXR10(config-pmap-c)#set ip-dscp 7

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Related policy-map
show policy-map

set ip-precedence
Purpose Use this command to set policy class to use the specified value
that marks packet IP priority field. Cancel the settings with the no
form of this command.
Command Modes Policy configuration
Syntax set ip-precedence <ip-precedence-value>
no set ip-precedence
<ip-precedence-val IP precedence, range: 0~7

Instructions � set ip-precedence and set ip-dscp is conflict.

� This command is applied to ZXR10 GER.
Example This example describes how to configure policy map policy_1: set
the name to class_1 policy class, and use value 7 to mark message
IP precedence field.
ZXR10(config)#policy-map policy_1
ZXR10(config-pmap)#class class_1
ZXR10(config-pmap-c)#set ip-precedence 7

Related policy-map
show policy-map

set mpls-exp
Purpose Use this command to set policy class use define message MPLS-
EXP field. Cancel the settings with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Policy class configuration
Syntax set mpls-exp <mpls-exp-value>
no set mpls-exp
<mpls-exp-value> MPLS-EXP, range: 0~7

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GER.

Example This example describes how to configure policy map policy_1: set
the name to class_1 policy class, and use value 7 to mark packet
MPLS-EXP field.

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ZXR10(config)#policy-map policy_1
ZXR10(config-pmap)#class class_1
ZXR10(config-pmap-c)#set mpls-exp 7

Related policy-map
show policy-map

show class-map
Purpose Use this command to show all or the specified map and its all
matching rule configuration.
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show class-map [<class-map-name>]
<class-map-name> Class map name

Instructions � When the parameter<class-map-name> is not specified, all

class maps and match rules will be shown.
� When the parameter <class-map-name> is specified, only the
specified class map and its match rule will be shown.
� If the parameter <class-map-name> needs to specify, the
class map has to be a created class map.
� This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128.
Example This example describes how to show name class_1 class map and
all matched configuration.
ZXR10(config)#show class-map class_1

Related class-map
show running-config

show dos-protect
Purpose Use this command to show DOS protection configuration.
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show dos-protect [special | port {any |<interface-name>}]
special Displays all special DOS protection command

port {any Displays all interface or defined interface DOS

|<interface-name>} protection command

Defaults This command is disabled by default.

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 GER.

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Example � This example describes how to show all DOS protection con-
ZXR10(config)#show dos-protect

� This example describes how to show fei_1/2 interface DOS pro-

tection configuration.
ZXR10(config)#show dos-protect port fei_1/2

Related dos-protect
dos-protect port
dos-protect special

show flow-contrl
Purpose Use this command to show internal message flow control config-
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show flow-contrl {cpu-rate | priority-rule}
Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128.
Example This example describes how to show all configurations for CPU rate.
ZXR10(config)#show flow-contrl cpu-rate

Related flow-contrl

show hierarchy-qos
Purpose Use this command to display H-QoS mapping and hierarchy policy.
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show hierarchy-qos [<hierarchy-qos-name>]
<hierarchy-qos-na H-QoS mapping name

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128 and ZXR10

Example This example describes how to display H-QoS mapping named
ZXR10(config)#show hierarchy-qos hqos_1 hierarchy-qos hqos_1
class c1 8000 20000 20000 conform-action transmit
exceed-action drop
class c2 4000 20000 20000 conform-action transmit
exceed-action drop
class c3 2000 20000 20000 conform-action transmit
exceed-action drop

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

Related hierarchy-qos

show policy-map
Purpose Use this command to show all or the specified policy map, and its
all or the specified policy class configurations.
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show policy-map [<policy-map-name>[class <class-map-nam
<policy-map-name> Policy map name

class Displays map name.

<class-map-name> Class map name

Instructions � When the parameter <policy-map-name> is not specified, all

class maps and its policy configurations will be shown.
� When the parameter <policy-map-name> is specified, but c
lass <class-map-name> is not specified, the specified class
map and its all policy configurations will be shown only.
� When the parameter <policy-map-name> is specified, but c
lass <class-map-name> is also specified, the specified class
map and its policy configurations will be shown only.
� This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128 and ZXR10 GER.
Example � This example describes how to show all policy maps and policy
ZXR10(config)#show policy-map

� This example describes how to show policy map policy_1 and

its all policy configurations.
ZXR10(config)#show policy-map policy_1

� This example describes how to show policy map policy_1 and

its policy class_1 configurations.
ZXR10(config)#show policy-map policy_1 class class_1

Related policy-map
show running-config

show qos bandwith-statistics

Purpose Use this command to display the statistics information of band-
width policy on the interface. The bandwidth policy includes
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC

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Syntax show qos bandwidth-statistics [<interface-name>]

<interface-name> (Optional) Specifies an interface to display.
When the command is used without
parameter, the information of all interfaces
will be shown; with parameter, the information
of the specified interface will be shown.

Instructions � The platform version 4.8.21 and the upgrade version support
this command.
� This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128 and ZXR10
Example � This example describes how to show the statistic information
of bandwidth policy on interface fei_4/1.
ZXR10(config)# show qos bandwidth-statistics fei_4/1

� This example describes how to show the statistic information

of bandwidth policy on all interfaces.
ZXR10(config)# show qos bandwidth-statistics

show qos class-map

Purpose Use this command to show the application information of all or the
specified class mapping which is used by policy class.
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show qos class-map used [<class-map-name>]
<class-map-name> (optional) Class mapping name

Instructions � If <class-map-name> is not defined, all application informa-

tion of class mapping is displayed.
� If <class-map-name> is defined, application information of the
specified class mapping is displayed.
� This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128.
Example This example describes how to show class mapping class_1 is ap-
plied by policy mapping.
ZXR10(config)#show qos class-map used class_1

Related class-map

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

show qos config vrf

Purpose Use this command to the configuration information of QoS on L3
VPN interface.
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Syntax show qos config vrf <vrf-name><interface-name>
<vrf-name> VRF name that has been configured

<interface-name> Interface name to be specified

Defaults The QoS configuration information of the interface which belongs

to this VRF is shown.
Instructions � The VRF has to be created before.
� This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128 and ZXR10
Example This example describes how to display the QoS configuration on
interface fei_4/1 which belongs to vrf_1.
ZXR10(config)#show qos config vrf vrf_1 fei_4/1

show qos interface

Purpose Use this command to show all interfaces that apply Qos policy.
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show qos interface [pq [<list-no>]| policy-map [<policy-map
<list-no> (Optional) PQ list number

<policy-map-name> (Optional) Policy mapping name

Instructions � If the users do not specify pq [<list-no>] and policy-map <pol

icy-map-name> , the system shows all interfaces with PQ and
� If the users specify pq but without [<list-no>] , the system
only shows the interfaces which binds with PQ.
� If the users specify pq but without [<list-no>] , the system
only shows the interfaces which binds with the specified list
� If the users specify policy-map but without [<policy-map-nam
e>] , the system only shows the interfaces which binds with

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ZXR10 Command Manual (QoS Volume)

� If the users specify policy-map and [<policy-map-name>] the

system only shows the interfaces which binds with the specified
� This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128.
Example This example describes how to show all bound policy_map inter-
ZXR10(config)#show qos interface policy-map

Related priority-group

show qos queue-statistics

Purpose Use this command to show the statistics information of queuing
policy on the interface. Queue policy includes PQ, WRED and CB-
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show qos queue-statistics [<interface-name>]
<interface-name> (Optional) The interface name needs to
display. When this command is used with the
parameter, the information of the specified
interface is shown; without the parameter,
the information of all the interfaces is shown.

Instructions � The platform versions 4.8.21 and upgrade version support this
� This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128 and ZXR10
Example � This example describes how to display the statistic information
of queue policy on interface fei_4/1.
ZXR10(config)# show qos queue-statistics fei_4/1

� This example describes how to display the statistic information

of queue policy on all interfaces.
ZXR10(config)# show qos queue-statistics

show queue statistic

Purpose Use this command to display the operation state of QoS policy on
the interface.
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show queue statistic [<interface-name>]

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

<interface-name> Specified interface name

Instructions � This command takes effect after the QoS is effective on the
� This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128 and ZXR10
Example This example describes how to display the operation state when
the interface fei_4/1 binds with PQ policy.
ZXR10(config)#show queue statistic fei_4/1

show queueing custom

Purpose Use this command to show the configuration information of all
user-defined lists.
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show queueing custom
Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� This command is only applied to ZXR10 GAR, ZXR10 ZSR.
Example This example describes how to show the configuration information
of all user-defined lists.
ZXR10(config)#show queueing custom

show queueing fair

Purpose Use this command to show the fair queue configuration informa-
tion of all interfaces with fair queue.
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show queueing fair
Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� This command is applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.
Example This example describes how to show the fair queue configuration
information of all interfaces with fair queue.
ZXR10(config)#show queueing fair

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ZXR10 Command Manual (QoS Volume)

show queueing interface

Purpose Use this command to show the congestion management policy in-
formation and statistics on an interface.
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show queueing interface <interface-name>
<interface-name> Specified interface name

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� This command is applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.
Example This example describes how to show the congestion management
policy information and statistics of fei_4/1.
ZXR10(config)#show queueing interface fei_4/1

show queueing priority

Purpose Use this command to show the configuration information of a pri-
ority list.
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show queueing priority [<list-number>]
<list-number> Priority list number, in the range of 1~16

Instructions This command is applied to ZXR10GAR, ZXR10 GER, ZXR10

T64E/T128 and ZXR10 ZSR.
Example � This example describes how to show the configuration infor-
mation of a priority list 16.
ZXR10(config)#show queueing priority 16

� This example describes how to show the configuration infor-

mation of all priority lists.
ZXR10(config)# show queueing priority

show queueing
Purpose Use this command to show the WRED configuration and statistical
information of all WRED-enabled interfaces.
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC

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Chapter 3 QoS configuration(Router Series)

Syntax show queueing random-detect

Instructions � The platform version 4.6.02 and upgrade versions support this
� This command is applied to ZXR10 GAR and ZXR10 ZSR.
Example This example describes how to show the WRED configuration and
statistical information of all WRED-enabled interfaces.
ZXR10(config)#show queuing random-detect

show vpls-car
Purpose Use this command to show all configurations based on VPLS flow
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show vpls-car [<vpls-name>]
<vpls-name> optional VPLS name

Instructions � If the users do not specify [<vpls-name>], the system shows

all VPLS flow limit configuration.
� If the users specify [<vpls-name>], the system only shows the
specified VPLS flow limit configuration.
� This command is applied to ZXR10 T64E/T128.
Example This example describes how to show all VPLS flow limit configura-
ZXR10(config)#show vpls-car

Related rate-limit (global configuration)


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