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Beaconhouse School System

Cambridge Campus Gulshan

End of Year Examination (EOY)
Class X
Subject EOY Syllabus
Paper 1: (Directed Writing) Letter Writing(Formal/Informal), Report
Writing(General/Newspaper/ Eyewitness) (Creative Writing) Narrative Writing,
English Descriptive Writing Paper 2: Reading For Ideas, Reading For Meaning
1.Topics covered in class IX ( Quadratic equations, Coordinate Geometry, Matrices and
Indices and Standard form).2. Trigonometry 3. Angle properties of Polygons and parallel
lines. 4. Applications of Graphs in real world context. 5. angle properties of circles. 6.
Statistical data handling. 7. Statistical diagrams 8. Symmetry 9. Applications of
Mathematics Mathematics in practical situations.
1. The chemistry and uses of acids, bases and salts
2. Salts: 2.1 Solubility of salts.2.2 Preparation of soluble and insoluble salt 2.3 Qualitative
Analysis (Identification of ions and gases .
3. Amount of substance (Molar calculations)
4. Rate of Chemical reactions
5. Energy from Chemicals
6.Reversible reactions
7. Properties and uses of ammonia ( Haber's Process)
8.Sulfuric acid (Contact Process)
9. 1. Experimental chemistry :1.1 Experimental design 1.2 Methods of purification and
graphs of motion and forces 2 measurement and density
*Section III (Energy, Types, sources and its Transfer)*
9. Transfer of Thermal energy
10. Temperature
11.Thermal Properties of Matter
12.Kinetic Model of Matter.
*Section IV (Waves and Light*
13. General Waves Properties
14. Light
15. Electromagnetic Spectrum
16. Sound
*Section V (Electricity & Magnetis)*
17. Magnetism & Electromagnetism
Physics 18. Static Electricity)
Biology 1. Respiration 2. Excretion 3. Homeostasis 4. Coordination & response
Paper-1: Ch:1 Binary System and Hexadecimal, CH:2 communication and Internet
Technologies, Ch:3 Logic Gates and Logic Circuits, Ch:4 Operating System (4.1,4.2,4.3),
Ch:5 Input and Output Devices, Ch:6 Memory and data storage, Ch:7 High and Low Level
Language, Ch:8 Security and Ethics Paper-2: Pre Released
Ch: 9 Problem Solving and design
Ch:10 Pseudo code and Introduction to IDE
Computer Science Ch:11 Practical Programming Concepts

3 Verification of accounting records 3.2 Correction of errors (Errors affecting the trial
balance and Suspense account adjustments) 4 Accounting procedures 4.4 Irrecoverable
debts and provision for doubtful debts / Bad debts Recovery. 4.5 Valuation of inventory 4.6
Other Payables/ Receivables (Accruals/Prepaid) 5 Preparation of financial statements
5.1 Sole trader final accounts with adjustments. 5 Preparation of financial statements 5.2
Manufacturing accounts 6 Analysis and interpretation 6.1 Calculation and understanding
of accounting ratios 6.2 Interpretation of accounting ratios 7 Accounting principles and
policies 7.1 Accounting principles 7.2 Accounting policies Revision: Accounting for
Accounting depreciation and disposal of non-current assets
1. Marketing, competition and customer 2. Market research 3. Marketing mix 4.
Technology and the marketing mix 5. Marketing strategy 6. Production of goods and
services 7. Costs, scale of production and break-even analysis 8. Business finance: needs
and sources 9. Cashflow forecasting and working capital 10. Income statement 11.
Business Studies Statement of financial position 12. Analysis of accounts
Macroeconomic aims, Fiscal policy, Monetary policy, supply side policy, Economic growth,
Economics Employment and unemployment, Inflation and deflation
1. Simultaneous Equations
2. Quadratics
3. Indices and Surds
4. Factors and Polynomials
5. Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
6. Linear Law
7. Coordinate Geometry
8. Circular Measure
9. Trigonometry
10. Binomial Expansion
Additional 11. Arithmetic and Geometric Progression
Mathematics 12. Differentiation
1. Theory & Research
2. Culture, Identify & Socialization
3. Social Inequality
4. Family
5. Education
Sociology 6. Deviance, Crimes & Social Control
Environemnetal Chapter 2: Energy and Environment, Chapter 3: Agriculture, Chapter 4: Water and its
Management Management, Chapter 5: Ocean and Fisheries.
Art & Design Art students will receive a detailed note from their teacher.
STORIES 1. Dr Heideggar’s experiment 2. Thank you maam 3. Furnished room 4. And
women must weep 5. The tower 6. Sharmaji POEMS 1. Rising five 2. Farmhand 3.
Literature in Little boy crying 4. She dwelt among the untrodden ways 5. The three fates 6. Amends 7.
English Mid-term break by
Commerce -7100 1. Advertising 2. Communication 3. Transport 4. Warehousing 5. Finance

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