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Capital University of Science and Technology

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Power Plants: ME-4173, Spring 2021

Assignment 2a; s

Date of Submission: 6 April 2020

Assignment 2
Question 1- Answer Questions 8 to 13 from the following Problem set

Question 2 – Solve Numerical, 2.2, 2.3, 2.7, 2.16, 2.20 from the Problem set.

Q-1 What is irreversibility in a power plant, what are types of irreversibility?
Q-2 What is a pinch point? What is its effect on the size and efficiency of the steam generator?
Q-3 What is the mean temperature of heat addition? What is its effect on cycle efficiency?
Explain the different methods by which the mean temperature of heat addition can be
Q-4 How is the maximum and minimum pressure of a steam cycle is decided – How can we
address the limitations imposed by maximum and minimum pressures in Rankine Cycle?
Q-5 Why is the ideal regenerative cycle not practicable? Explain the effect of regeneration on
steam cycle output and efficiency.
Q-6 The use of regenerative feed water heating increases the capital cost but reduces the operating
cost of a steam power plant. Explain.
Q-7 Explain the optimum degree of regeneration. How is it arrived at?
Q-8 Explain the function of the deaerator. Why is deaerator installed at a large height from the
Q-9 What do you understand by cogeneration of power and process heat? Explain its
thermodynamic advantages. How, the efficiency of cogeneration plant is estimated?
Q-10 What is the common unit size of a steam power plant? What parameters are considered while
determining the size and type of a power plant?
Q-11 What is heat rate of a power plant? How it can be related with the efficiency?
Q-12 What is back pressure and passout turbines
Q-13 How will you calculate cogeneration plant efficiency?

Problems 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.10, , 2.12, 2.13, 2.16, 2.17, 2.20, 2.22

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