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watts THE SILENT TEACHER vvs THE PRINCE WHO WOULD NOT SPEAK The route to your roots ‘When they look back at their formative years, many Indians nostalgically recall the vital part Amar Chitra Katha picture books have played in their lives. It was ACK - Amar Chitra Katha — that first gave them a glimpse of their glorious heritage. Since they were introduced in 1967, there are now over 400 Amar Chitra Katha titles to choose from. Over 90 million copies have been sold worldwide. Now the Amar Chitra Katha titles are even more widely available in 1000+ bookstores all across India, Log on to to locate a bookstore near you. If you do not have access to a bookstore, you can buy all the titles through our online store We provide quick delivery anywhere in the world. To make it easy for you to locate the titles of your choice from our treasure trove of ftles, the books are now arranged in five categories Epa. siiet Myibedagy Best kreow stow'ge from this. Geiscand the Puranas ‘dentin Staceios, Enchetciiiig xs froin Indie literature Tobieg and tesieor Extrgrens bubiotse lepereit aos tales of wisdom and humour ~” Bravehearts Stirring tales of brave men and women of India Visionaries Inspiring tales of thinkers, social reformers and nation builders Script Wlystrations Editor Subba Rao Souren Roy Anant Pai Amar Chitra Katha Pvt Ltd © Amar Chitra Katha Pvt Lid, 1985, Reprinted June 2012, ISBN 978-81-0482-499-5 Published & Printed by Amar Chitra Katha Pt Lid, Krishna House, 3rd floor, aghuvanshi Mill Compound, S.8.Marg, Lower Parel(W), Mimbai- 400 013. india For Cansumet Complaints Contact Tel +91-22 40497436 imal: THE SILENT TEACHER Alay fe be BER MADAT TA, THE KING OF VARANASI! HAD (il sae BEEN A a HUSBAND. BUT NOW HE FELT EVEN MORE CONCERNED ABQUT HS QUEEN'S HAPPINESS AND WELL-BEING. FOR, AFTER YEARS OF LONGING FOR ONE, THEY WERE AT LAST GOING TO HAVE A CHILD. ae G)/ cure SHALL be THE HEALTHIEST ONE EVER, BORN. 1 HAVE NEVER | FELT HAPPIER OR HEALTHIER. BUT... 1 HAVE uUST GNE LONGING NOT FULFILLED. a ic " ‘i E> VAN ANS HOw 1D Love To : ; Pay Be args FP 2 —— \ di ww ¢ al =, [= vas Ah THAT WIBH TOO THE KiNG SOON FULFILLED. 7 Ss se | cB ET ee ig le a & } \ THE KING, HOWEVER , BEGAN TO TR: PHYSICIANS . ONE AFTER. ANOTHER CAME, MEANWHILE THE QUEEN WAD ENGAGED SCHOLARS TO READ OUT THE BOOKS OF WISDOM TO THE MUTE PRINCE. WHEN THE PRINCE WAS SIXTEEN, A CELEBRATED| PHYSICIAN FROM A FAR-GEF LAND CAME TO VARANASI. 1 HAVE REQUESTED THE LEARNED MAN EVERY PHYSICIAN TRIES TO FIND OUT WHAT OUR SOM CANNOT BO. THEY ARE NOT WHAT CAN ONE WHO \/ HE CAN TALK. HE CANNOT WALK AND | SPEAKS 70 ME... CANNOT TALK Doe J\ WITH HIS EYES... e: 5” * y Ay pM, OLY THE ERECUTIONERS TOOK THE PRINCE BACK 7 re THE FORES' 15 THI THAT OF A DEAD MAN OR A LIVING MAN? THEY TOOK THE PRINCE BACK TO THE KING. WE HATE DOING IT. BUT Meo ie Fon, conn Bie cane = ; x \ YOU HAVE AGREED 7o- T HIS WISH, OWING HAVE | LONGED TO HEA YOU SPEAK ONLY FOR ") THIS @NO!NO ENO! (bet wry pieN'T You THE PRINCE LOOKED AT HS MOTHER. ‘SPEAK ALL HE DID SPEAK ! ONLY THESE YEARS THE. LANGUAGE HE USED WAS SILENCE. SILENCE SOME- TIMES 15 MORE ELOQUENT THAN ALL THE LOUD SPEECHES AND DECLARATIONS ‘OF ORATORS. | | ESPECIALLY IF THE MESSAGE ONE WANTS! TO_SPREAD 15 ONE OF PEACE AND LOVE. AND WHY DIP You NOT WALK & HE DID NOT NEED To GO ANYWHERE.| HE HAD ARRIVED. In 775, a famous Buddhist teacher, Padmasambhava, was invited from India. Under his guidance, the first monastery, Samye, was built and Tibetan monks were ordained. There are several hundreds of Tibetan, books and Buddhist scriptures ~ hand- written as wellas block-printed. One of the treasures is the Buddhist canon written on PEAS E is a treasure-house of Tibetan a Psecated with the monastery are smalland largechortens] [During annual festival, people gather in the Jorcommemorative shrines, similar to the stupas of India. | | courtyards of monasteries, to watch ——_____| | dancers enacting scenes from Buddha’s life. Believing that prayers need not be uttered to be heard, the Tibetans continuously spin the prayer- wheel. The prayer-wheel contains strips of paper on which are waitten the words “OM MANI PADME HUM" whichmean = The jewel s within Jotus ‘According to the Tibetans, Chenrezi, the Buddha of Mercy, took earthly form in the first Dalai Lama and was reincarnated in each subsequent Dalai Lama. The Potala Palace in Lhasais the official residence of the Dalai Lama, Itis the most majestic building in the whole of Asia. Til 1959, when the Chinese took over, Tibet was ruled by the 14th Dalai Lamaand ahierarchy of monks. The Dalai Lama sought asylum in our country and now lives at Dalhousie in Himachal Pradesh: FABLES & HUMOUR THE SILENT TEACHER Can ree TRC a at Cy ON To LT ro 2 LL eo ago the queen to whom her son's silence spoke much more than words UU Ce ee Ce pa et CD CR eae eam ar RR Paired Pe er cA ee eral books written in Sanskrit and Pali were translated into Tibetan by the Pre ip ams AM a Mee elem cleo Cer ee Sts en ogre ee eT Ur re aC OTHER ACK ALSO LOOK FOR: 4 3 VASANTASENA ~) e ‘ Tate Mato Koen NP Rater} BRAVEHEARTS NINN) RaeiaAecusuiss ck ‘Amar Chitra Kathas are ¢ glorious tribute fo India’s rch culural heritage. These books shave been an integral part of my children’s early years, as they have bean for many ‘ther Families across India. Commies are a great wey of reaching oul fo children, inculeat ing reading habits and driving their quesi¥o learn more about our roots." ~ NARAYAN MURTHY, CHIEF MENTOR, INFOSYS

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