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of Isis genocide still in dire straits. Children Starving in Lebanon and Syria.
ADFA's Recommendations for Action.

Yesterday, Tuesday July 13 ADFA held a side event at the IRF Summit to remind policy
makers, news outlets, and others of pressing issues concerning Christian refugees,
who led from ISIS and other terrorist organisations, seven years ago. Most of them
who led to neighboring countries like Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey have not yet
found any help. They feel forgotten. With no aid, no medical help, no visas to
other countries, and no work permits in the countries they led to. The situation
worsens every day.

In ADFA’s Beirut of ice, 1,200 families are registered. These people should be priority cases for state
aid organisations like USAID and similar ones in other countries.

We, at ADFA, are also very concerned by the alarming situation and by the Lebanese and Syrian
peoples’ hardships caused by the sanctions against Syria.

We are very happy that, among many others, USAID’s senior adviser, Timothy Lavelle, USCIRF’s chair
Nadine Maenza, ANCA’s Executive director, Aram Hamparian, and his IDC colleague, Rich Ghazal, joined
us at yesterday’s event.

Our panelists included the Archbishop of the Syriac Orthodox Church for the Eastern USA, His
Eminence Dionysios Jean Kawak, the vice president of the Lebanese journalist federation and the chief
editor of al-Joumhuriya, Georges Soulage, Canadian journalist and expert on religious persecution,
ADFA’s own, Nuri Kino, Steve Oshana and Tabeetha Bisso.


Today, Wednesday, July 14, Congressman Chris Smith, in his speech at IRF Summit, both mentioned the
genocide against Christians in the Ottoman Empire and the one in Syria and Iraq in 2014.

One of the leading international voices on religious persecution and religious freedom, Congressman
Frank Wolf, also mentioned ISIS genocide against Christians and Yazidis in Iraq and his trips where he
met survivors.

We are very happy that we have contributed, keeping our issues before policy makers all over the
world, and that they have not forgotten the victims of the recent genocide against Christians, Yazidis
and other indigenous groups.

Of icials from United States Agency for International Development (USAID), United States Commission
on International Freedom (USCIRF), Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) and In Defense
of Christians (IDC) joined us at our side event and press conference for this year’s IRF Summit.

Nobody should ever be a victim of religious or ethnic persecution.

Our panelists agreed that the following steps should be taken by policy makers immediately:

1. Lift the misdirected sanctions against Syria. They are destroying the people of two countries. Every
day tons of trucks loaded with food, medicine and gas are smuggled from Lebanon to Syria. The
Lebanese inancial crisis is the worst in 150 years. Lebanese and Syrians are starving. Both the Syrian
and the Lebanese elite are not affected by the sanctions, its ordinary people.

2. Refugees who led from terrorist groups like ISIS must get immediate aid. Many of them have been
living under the most deplorable conditions for years now, for up to a decade. They can't go back to
their home countries, Iraq and Syria, and they have lost hopes of being protected. They need food,
medicine and housing.

3. Refugees who led genocide and have been in limbo for years should be granted asylum, either via
the UNHCR quota program or by applying for asylum at embassies like the French, German, Canadian,
American and Australian.

4. A donor conference should be organized immediately by the USA, UK, EU and Australia to save
what's left of the Lebanese economy and Lebanese lives. All the donations should go directly to NGO
and others that have been proven to be transparent and free from corruption.

5. The international media must present the story of faith-based persecution in the Middle East as one
of global importance. They must report the story consistently and recognize that if this Christian
cleansing continues, it will mean the end of the Christian presence in the cradle of Christianity.

ADFA’s Washington D.C. representatives and panelists at the IRF Summit

Nuri Kino
ADFA president

NYGATAN 16A, 151 72 SÖDERTÄLJE, SWEDEN • PHONE: +46 20 89 94 6





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