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Design of footings Isolated Footing


Isolated Footing :-
Isolated pad footings are square or rectangular shaped slabs provided
under individual columns. They spread the concentrated column load safely to
the ground and may be axially or eccentrically loaded

Assumption to be used in the design of pad footings are set out in clause
3.11.2 of the code :
1. When the base is axially loaded the load may be assumed to be uniformly
distributed. The actual pressure distribution depends on the soil type .
2. When the base is eccentrically loaded, the reactions may be assumed to vary
linearly across the base. (see figure 6.1)
Gk characteristic dead load from the column (kN)
Qk characteristic imposed load from the column (kN)
W weight of the base (kN)
Lx, Ly base length and breadth (m)
pb safe bearing pressure (kN/m2)
The area required is found from the characteristic loads including the weight
of the base:

The design of the base is made for the ultimate load delivered to the
base by the column, i.e. the design load is 1.4Gk+1.6Qk. The critical sections
in design are set out in clauses and 3.11.3 of the code.

Figure (6.1) Isolated Footing Subjected to Eccentric Load

By eng. Kaid ahmed ali kaid Tel: 733843999

Design of footings Isolated Footing

Design Of Isolated Footing Below Column (A -5)

Total ultimate load = 2655 kN
Ultimate moment about x-axis = 15.3 kN.m.
Ultimate moment about y-axis = 9.1 kN.m.
Soil bearing capacity = 180 kN/m2
Total working load = 2655/ 1.435 = 1850.2 kN.
Working moment about x-axis = 15.3 / 1.435 = 10.66 kN.m.
Working moment about y-axis = 9.1 / 1.435 = 6.34 kN.m.
Area required including wt. of footing = 1850.2*1.08/180 = 11.1 m2
Provide 3.4*3.4 = 11.56 m2

Figure (6.2) Plan of Isolated Footing

By eng. Kaid ahmed ali kaid Tel: 733843999

Design of footings Isolated Footing

Determination of Footing Dimension:

Determination of Required Height:

Effective depth √ √ = 515.27 mm

h = Clear cover + effective height + Ø / 2
= 515.27 + 40 + 18 / 2 = 564.27 mm
Say h = 600 mm.

Check for Area

w.t of footing = 0.6*3.4*3.4*24 =166.46 kN
working soil stress below base =
= 174.45+1.63+ 0.97
= 177.05 kN/ m2 < 180 kN/m2

Design Of Moment and Reinforcement:-

Design Moment about y-y ax is:-
At the ultimate limit state P u =
Pu =
Pu = 233.4 kN/m2
dmax = 600 – 40 –18 / 2 = 551 mm

M y-y =
M y-y
M y-y = 834.23 kN.m.
= , = 0.81 N/mm2

Ast req = 6725 mm2

Ast min =

= 4896 mm2

By eng. Kaid ahmed ali kaid Tel: 733843999

Design of footings Isolated Footing

Ast prov = 6858 mm2 provided (27 Ø18 mm)

Figure (6.3) Moment about y-y

Design Moment about x -x ax is:-

dmin = 600 – 40 – 18 – 18/ 2 = 533 mm
Mx-x =
Mx-x =
Mx-x = 834.23 kN.m.

= , = 0.86 N/mm2

Ast req = 6907 mm2

Ast prov = 7112 mm2 provided (28 Ø18 mm).

By eng. Kaid ahmed ali kaid Tel: 733843999

Design of footings Isolated Footing

Check For The Figure (6.4)Moment about x-x

Distribution Of Bars:-
for y direction:

Ley =
Ley =1700 mm
+ = + = 1614.75 mm
Ley > +
∴ of the required reinforcement is provided in the central portion of the base
along the same direction within the distance of (c +3d) and the remaining ⅓ of
the reinforcement is distributed long both edges.
*6858 = 4572 mm2 provided (18Ø18 mm = 4572 mm2) within distance of
2153 mm.

for x direction:
Lex = 1700 mm
+ = + = 1574.25 mm
Lex > +
∴ of the required reinforcement is provided in the central portion of the base
along the same direction within the distance of (c + 3d) and the remaining ⅓ of
the reinforcement is distributed long both edges.
*7112 = 4741.3 mm2 provided (19 Ø18 mm = 4826 mm2) within distance of
2100 mm.

Check For Vertical Shear :-

Vmax = Pu*b*(l - d) =233.4*3.4*(1.45- 0.551)
Vmax = 713.41 kN
v = V/b*d
v = 713.41*103/3400*551

By eng. Kaid ahmed ali kaid Tel: 733843999

Design of footings Isolated Footing

v = 0.38 N/mm2
( )
( ) ( ) = 0.715 N/mm2 < 3
Vc = 0.45 N/mm2 > v = 0.38 N/mm2
∴Vertical shear is satisfied.

Figure (6.5) Shear Force

Check For The Punching Shear:-

Critical area of punching shear = (500+3d) * (500+3d)
= 2.126 * 2.126
= 4.52 m2
Net punching shear force = 233.4 * ((3.4 * 3.4) -4.52) = 1643.14 kN
Punching shear stress = = 0.356 N/ mm2
Permissible shear stress at 1.5d from column face
( )
= 0.2 N/mm2 < 3

By eng. Kaid ahmed ali kaid Tel: 733843999

Design of footings Isolated Footing

> N/mm2
∴the section is adequate.

Figure (6.6) Area of Punching Shear

By eng. Kaid ahmed ali kaid Tel: 733843999

Design of footings Isolated Footing

Figure (6.7) Details of Reinforcement Distribution of Isolated Footing about (x-x).

By eng. Kaid ahmed ali kaid Tel: 733843999

Design of footings Isolated Footing

Figure (6.8) Details of Reinforcement Distribution of Isolated Footing about (y-y).

By eng. Kaid ahmed ali kaid Tel: 733843999

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