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1. What is the abbreviation for CATIA?

2. What is the extension for a CATIA file system?

3. What is the operating system on which CATIA work?

4. CATIA can be used for

a) only 3D modeling
b) only 3D modeling and analysis.
c) 3D modeling analysis, simulation and integrated appliation
d) none of the above.

5. What is the difference between crv and ccv.

6. What is meant by wire frame modeling.

7. What are Boolian operators? Name a four boolian operators.

8. How CATIA is divided into?

9. What is a 2D profile?

10. What is the difference between models and files in CATIA.

11. How do you activate the alphanumeric window in CATIA.

12. What is a primitive ? what are the basic type?

13. What is a surface element?

14. What is the difference between surface modeling and solid modeling.

15. Give the expansion for the following.

16. Difference between surfaces,faces and skin?
17. What is meant by volume element?

18. What are the two working modes in CATIA?

19. Name the basic features which are mostly used in CATIA solid modeling?

20. What is CSG tree and give its expansion?

21. A node in a CSG tree represents___________

22. A terminal branch in a CSG tree represents_____________
23. How to access CSG tree?

24. What does LPFK stands for ? Explain briefly?

25. Give the expansion for :-

#SHD modes
26. What is the max number of layers in CATIA? Which is the default first layer.

27. What are NURBS? Give its expansion?

28. What are the things to be considered before starting a 3D modeling work?

29. What is the hierarchy of making a complex solid design?

30. Give the multi select option for a face, surface, volume and skin.

31. What is a master workspaces? How do you create aditional workspaces?

32. ____________ switch is used to change the current workspaces?

33. Differentiate between dittos and details.

34. What is functional surface?

35. Intersection of two functional surfaces are called____________

36. Differentiate between neutral and parting element in a draft.
37. Differentiate between cliff and rolling edge?

38. What is Dynamic sketcher? Where is it used?

39. Use of compass in DS.

40. Sketcher colours convey a different meaning than the same colours in CATIA,name
the color and explain.

41. Type of dim constraints available in DS?

42. What is the difference between connect and corner under surf1 function?

43. What is planer face? How does it differ from face created from surace?

44. How does surf2 function differ from surf1 function?

45. How does surface element represented in CATIA?

46. What is constraint element in CATIA?

47. What is spline element?

48. Can you isolate a parameterized geometry in CATIA?

49. How will you break a parameterized relationship in CATIA?

50. What is meant bye local parameterization?

51. Explain briefly about the command paramlink?

52. Parameterizing a geomentric element consists of

#Evaluating its cahrectristics
#Adding relationships.
#Modifying the dimensions.
#Both (I)&(ii)
53. What is the purpose of feature based design?

54. Explain briefly about the commands used in FBD?

55. Explain briefly about the various start functions in CATIA?

56. What is local function window? Explain briefly.

57. What are the constraints available in assembly modeling ?

58. How is the window divided in assembly?

59. What are the contextual commands available on constraints?

60. What are the contextual commands available on parts?

61. What is the extension for the assembly file ?

62. Constraints in assy is highlighted in 3 color. explain.

63. What are the parameters that can be defined by a law?

64. What are the different curves required to define a radius law?

65. What are the 4 principal stds available in CATIA for dim

66. Diff. Between CLIP & BREAKOUT in auxview2.

67. What is the use of LOCK in drafting?

68. Difference between TEXT & TEXTD2 (OR) AUXVIEW & ALIXVIEW?

69. Use PACK in ERASE command.

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