¿What Is A Dilemma?: Dilemmas

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A secretary

discovers that her boss

has been laundering
money, and she must
decide whether or not
Open or solution to hand it over.
dilemma: A doctor refuses to give
Complete The dilemmas posed as a terminally ill patient
dilemmas: These are all open or solution are all morphine, but the nurse
those dilemmas in which those dilemmas in which a can see that the patient is
the person to whom they situation arises and the in agony.
are raised is informed of circumstances that
the consequences of each surround it.
Incomplete dilemmas: of the options that can
In these dilemmas, the be taken.
consequences of the While responding to a
decisions made by the domestic violence call, a
protagonist are not made
police officer discovers that the
explicit, depending largely on
assailant is the brother of the
the subject's ability to imagine Real dilemma: police chief, and the police
advantages and In this case, the
disadvantages. chief tells the officer to "make
dilemma raised is about an him disappear."
issue or situation that is close
to the person to whom it is
Hypothetical dilemma: raised, either because it refers TYPES OF
These are dilemmas that to an event that they have DILEMMA
place the person being asked experienced or to something
in a position where they find that can occur relatively DILEMMAS
themselves confronting a easily in their day-to-day
situation that is highly unlikely life.
to happen in real life.

A dilemma, therefore, is an
¿HOW TO ¿WHAT IS A argument that is made up of two
SOLVE A DILEMMA? opposing and disjunctive

Closed dilemma or
This type of dilemma is Step1:Identify
one in which the situation the problem.
has already been solved in
one way or another, having
made a decision and Step 5: Design
carried out a series of Step 4: Goal of solutions.
specific behaviors. Step 2: setting.
Quantify and
clarify the
Step 3: Root
cause analysis.
Step 6:
Implementation of
solutions and
Step 7: evaluation of
guarantee results.

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