March 2010 Newsletter

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Judah’s Roar!

March 2010

Matthew 6:19-21 [NIV]

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth
and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for
yourselves treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys
and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure
is, your heart will be also.”

I thank God that he has given me supporters like you who are by
faith supporting me and laying up treasures in heaven. I hope that
you are all blessed and encouraged by this letter. Please write, email
or call me with any prayer requests you have. I am praying for
Your brother in Christ

Judah Kent
Judah Kent
Soccer Prize Money Builds a Church.
From start to finish, the goal at every another tournament, playing against
one of Gospel for Asia's 67 Bible col- eight other teams.
leges is to prepare each student to share
the love of Jesus with the most un- They won that tournament as well.
reached. Through six-month and sum- Next they were given the opportunity to
mer outreach programs, many of these participate with seven teams in a com-
missionaries-in-training have estab- munity competition—and won again.
lished churches even before they gradu-
ate. "We praise God for allowing us to play
20 games without losing a single
A group of GFA Bible college students match!" commented the coach excitedly. For Asian congregations, the existence
in Myanmar (Burma) recently found of a church building is a special bless-
a unique way to combine their deep The students gave away the prize ing that establishes a community pres-
passion to share Jesus with something money they received in each tourna- ence, enhances the exposure and wit-
ment to provide for various needs on the ness of the local church, and helps shel-
mission field. Some of the money ter congregations from anti-Christian
went to help the labors of GFA– attack and harsh climate conditions.
supported missionaries in Myanmar. Many congregations meet in people's
Another tournament's winnings homes or rented facilities. Young,
funded a baptismal tank in an area of growing congregations of the Asian
Myanmar where water is scarce. Church long and pray for a place of
their own. In fact, even in their pov-
erty, new believers will often eagerly
donate whatever land or construction
materials they can for a church build-
they enjoy—playing soccer, or ing.
"football" as it is known around the
world. For this congregation in Myanmar
that recently has been blessed with a
"We never thought we would be able to facility of its own, the contribution of
raise money for our mission field the Bible college soccer team is no doubt
through doing what we Burmese love so a source of much rejoicing. And these
much, and that is playing football," young men, who love the sport but
expressed a Gospel for Asia Myanmar With the rest of their prize money, the whose passion is to reach their own peo-
leader, speaking for the team he students blessed a church in Myanmar ple with the Gospel, are just as de-
coached. with construction materials for their lighted.
own building.
His student team first competed "The whole team was so excited for the
against teams from 13 other Bible col- "All the players were so happy that they opportunity to use their talents for
leges around the country. When they could have a part in helping construct God's glory and for building His
won, they were invited to take part in this new church building," wrote a field Church," shared their coach and leader.

Please Contact me. I would love to here from you!

Address: Cell phone and Email:
Judah Kent 916.256.9557
1800 Golden Trail Court
Carrollton, TX 75010
Work at the office.
My main role as Production Manager This has made shipping much more
Assistant is to ASSIST my boss cost effective and efficient.
Kevin, who is our Production Man-
ager. When I am not helping Kevin with
fulfilling orders or making delivers
We serve the staff here at Gospel for through out the building. I am respon-
Asia, by fulfilling literature and sible for entering returns (sent back to
material orders and shipping them to GFA from Church meetings, confer-
where they need go. ences, volunteers etc.) into inventory. The Fulfillment crew : )
First I sign for a package then I un-
The Lord has blessed our ministry pack the box and count the material We have fun as we work to reach the
with a computer program called Mal- and separate each item on to a cart. I lost in South Asia. There are three
vern. Malvern is a rate shopping pro- count out each piece of literature and parts to our department: production,
gram that gives us the best prices by then Kevin recounts them to make mailing, and printing. Together we
comparing the rates of different carri- sure we are as accurate as possible. make up the fulfillment department.
ers such as UPS and FEDEX.

Me at my desk! Signing for packages Packages ready to be Unpacking packages Returns ready to be
sent via. UPS. opened and return back at the return table and counted by Kevin
into inventory. putting them on a cart.

How to do
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Life in Carrollton:
I live with three guys that are a part of my program: Rueben, Tim
and Steve. We rent out a three bedroom house about a mile from the
GFA office. It’s pretty comfortable and the Lord is really growing
us through this experience. When the weather permits it, I like to
walk or ride my bike to the office. For lunch Betty and Mary Lou
cook some of the best food ever!!! It is really good. People here in the
office are really great and fun to be around. The School of Disciple-
ship does one weekend activity each month. For the month of March
we are doing evangelism. I am looking forward to sharing about
my experiences with you in my next newsletter.

These are a few pictures of friends, roommates, coworkers and lunch time..

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