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Question Paper


Paper Code : MJ – 202 CC

Roll No :..................................
Examination : MARCH 2021
2nd Semester
Media Law & Ethics and Case Study
Time : 1 Hours ] [ Max. Marks : 60

Instructions :-
Attempt All Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Fill the 'Bubble' available in OMR Sheet to mark your Answer.
Only one option is correct out of all available option.
There is 1 mark for correct answer.
There is No Negative marking for incorrect answer.

1. Ethical issues in public relations would not include which of the following?
(A) Lying by omission or giving a misleading impression.
(B) Protecting the privacy rights of clients.
(C) Hiring an assassin to silence opponents.
(D) All of the above
2. Which year did the official Secrets Act was passed
(A) 1899
(B) 1857
(C) 1922
(D) 1932
3. Press council of India is specially for
(A) Media
(B) Printing Industry
(C) Advertising Agency
(D) All of the Above
4. The American Advertising Federation Code of Ethics includes which of the following?
(A) To tell the truth
(B) Reveal significant facts.
(C) To not mislead the public
(D) All of the above
5. Right to Information act Came in to force in __________
(A) 12th October 2005
(B) 22nd October 2005
(C) 12-Jun-06
(D) 22nd October 2006
6. Working Journalist Means
(A) Person works in the News agency
(B) Person working as a journalist in media organization
(C) A and B Both
(D) None of these
7. Press Council of India is a statutory body consists of
(A) 29 members
(B) 27 members
(C) 31 members
(D) 28 members
8. Meaning of Defamation is

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(A) Destroying someone"s image

(B) Framing the image of celebrity
(C) Focous on ones image
(D) All of the above
9. India is a
(A) Communist country
(B) Capitalist country
(C) Secular country
(D) None of these
10. Ethical issues in entertainment media would not include which of the following
(A) Actors portraying characters in stereotypical roles in TV shows or movies.
(B) Gratuitous depictions of sex or violence in TV shows or movies.
(C) Product placements in children"s programs on TV.
(D) All of the above
11. The Motto of All India Radio
(A) Bahuguna Hitaya Bahuguna Sukhaya
(B) Bahujana Hitaya Bahujana Sukhaya
(C) Bhartiya Hiit Bhartiya Sukh
(D) Bharat Harsh Bharat Sukh
12. What type of cyber-crime, its laws and punishments does section 66 of the Indian IT Act holds?
(A) Cracking or illegally hack into any system
(B) Putting antivirus into the victim
(C) Stealing data
(D) Stealing hardware components
13. First Citizen of India
(A) Prime Minister
(B) Chief Justice if India
(C) Chief Election Commissioner
(D) None of these
14. In defamation speaking or writing something damaging or diminishing the status or personality or
prestige of a person or an Organization is called
(A) Libel/Slander
(B) Audio/Visual
(C) A and B Both
(D) None of these
15. When was indecent representation of women(Prohibition) Act enacted
(A) 1983
(B) 1984
(C) 1986
(D) 1985
16. Who cannot award death sentence
(A) Supreme Court
(B) High Court
(C) Sessions Court
(D) Chief Metropolitian Magistrate
17. Protection of President and Governors and Rajpramukhs comes under

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(A) Article 370

(B) Article 361
(C) Article 201
(D) Article 21
18. The Press and Registration of Books Act enacted in the year
(A) 1857
(B) 1867
(C) 1877
(D) 1897
19. Which Law was passed during emergency to gag press freedom
(A) Prevention of publication of objectionable Matters Act
(B) Vernacular Press Act
(C) The Press and Registration of Books Act
(D) Gagging Act
20. When was freedom of Information Act was passed
(A) 1972
(B) 1982
(C) 1992
(D) 2002
21. Yellow journalism is all about
(A) exaggerations of news incidents
(B) scandal-mongering
(C) sensationalism of news stories
(D) All of the above
22. which category of Law does marriage related offence, come under
(A) Private
(B) Criminal
(C) Civil
(D) Tort
23. Section 27 of the Press Council Act 1978 entrusted the function of
(A) Press Law
(B) Press and Registration appellate Board
(C) Working Journalist
(D) None of these
24. Major Complaints that PCI deals with
(A) Publication of unverified and abusive language
(B) Printing of obscene pictures
(C) Malicious reporting and writing
(D) All of the above
25. Nominated member
(A) a member nominated by board
(B) No member of board
(C) all member of the board
(D) all of the above
26. The objective of the Press and Registration of book Act
(A) To regulate printing press and newspapers.
(B) To preserve and register copies of every book and newspaper printed in India
(C) To prevent publication of anonymous literature.
(D) All of the above

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27. If not complying with the PRB Act , the editor and the printer of the paper are punishable with a
(A) Fine
(B) Imprisonment
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of these
28. Advisory Panel
(A) helping the board for efficient decision
(B) working independently
(C) defame a person
(D) None of these
29. Appeals under section 5 C
(A) a person applying for the certificate
(B) Person having a certificate
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of these
30. Role of advertisement in business world
(A) Social development
(B) Economical Development
(C) Cultural change
(D) All of the above
31. The preventive Detention Act curtailed the
(A) Right to Freedom
(B) Right to Equality.
(C) Right to Constitutional Remedies.
(D) Right to Freedom of Religion
32. Which one of the following Fundamentals Rights has been the subject of maximum litigation and
(A) Right to Freedom of Religion
(B) Right to Equality
(C) Right to Property
(D) Right to Freedom.
33. Which one of the following features has been wrongly listed as a feature of Right to Equality?
(A) It ensures equality in the matter of appointment to offices under the State
(B) It abolishes all titles, other than academic and military
(C) It abolishes untouchability
(D) It prohibits special treatment of any section of society including the women and children, etc.
34. Right against exploitation seeks to protect the weaker sections of society by
(A) Prohibiting traffic in human beings and begar
(B) Prescribing minimum wages for the workers
(C) Placing a ban on introduction of compulsory service by the state on the plea of public interest.
(D) None of the above
35. To which of the following rights the foreigners are entitled under the Indian Constitution
(A) Right against exploitation.
(B) Right to equality before law
(C) Right to life and Personal Liberty.
(D) All of the above
36. What is the sanction behind the Fundamental Rights granted by the Indian Constitution
(A) Public opinion
(B) Parliament
(C) Independent judiciary

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(D) The Constitution

37. The title of a newspaper is notprotected by the law of
(A) Trademark
(B) Evidence
(C) Contract
(D) Copyright
38. Ownership of copyright cannot be claimed except as provided by
(A) Authority
(B) Popular Verdicts
(C) Law
(D) Publication
39. Media literacy does not consist of
(A) Strategies for analysing and discussing media messages.
(B) Heightened expectations from media
(C) Respect for the power of media messages.
(D) Knowledge of genre conventions and the recognition of their mixing.
40. Journalism that depends upon computer-assisted analysis of existing information is known as
(A) Database journalism
(B) Offline journalis
(C) CAA journalism
(D) Technical journalism
41. Under Article 14 of the Copyright Act 1957
(A) To reproduce the work in any material form
(B) To perform the work in public
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of these
42. Which act keep track of cable operators, it has mandate a compulsory registration for cable operators
(A) Cable Television Networks Act
(B) Cablr Television Network Association
(C) City Television Networks Act
(D) None of these
43. Media comes from a _______ word medium.
(A) Greek
(B) Latin
(C) French
(D) Spanish
44. Ethisc in advertisement
(A) avoid misleading to the consumer
(B) not to be indecent
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of these
45. Fourth estate refers to
(A) Internet
(B) Press
(C) Whistle Blowers
(D) Private Media
46. Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI)
(A) helping the enemy state can be in the form of communicating a sketch, plan
(B) any citizen of India may request information from a "public authority"

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(C) impact of television and newspaper coverage on a person"s reputation

(D) All of the above
47. Broadcasting Means
(A) distribution of audio or video content
(B) Casting in board
(C) A and B Both
(D) None of these
48. What is the name of the IT law that India is having in the Indian legislature?
(A) India’s Technology (IT) Act, 2000
(B) India’s Digital Information Technology (DIT) Act, 2000
(C) India’s Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000
(D) The Technology Act, 2008
49. What is Public opinion
(A) collective opinion of the people of a society
(B) desires, wants and thinking of the majority of the people
(C) aggregate of the individual views, attitudes, and beliefs about a particular topic,
(D) All of the above
50. Which is the oldest Feature agency operating in India
(A) Indian News & Feature Alliance
(B) Gemini Features
(C) Compass Features
(D) Indian Press Agency
51. In which year was the Commercial Boardcasting Services of AIR was introduced
(A) 1966
(B) 1967
(C) 1965
(D) 1966
52. Under section 20 of the Cable Television Network Act
(A) May prohibit the operation of cable television network for public interest
(B) May extend the operation of cable television network on public demand
(C) May extend the operation of cable television network under decency and morality
(D) None of these
53. Making a false document is a cyber crime under section
(A) 466
(B) 464
(C) 204
(D) 192
54. What is TRAI
(A) Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
(B) Television Regulatory Association of India
(C) Tele Regulation Authority of India
(D) Telecom Regulatory Academy of India
55. Manifestoes is
(A) declaration of principles
(B) declaration of policies
(C) declaration on intentions
(D) All of these
56. Which of the following is not a type of cyber crime?

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(A) Unauthorized account access

(B) Mass attack using Trojans as botnets
(C) Email spoofing and spamming
(D) Report vulnerability in any system
57. Boardcastion councilestablished under section
(A) Sec 17
(B) Sec19
(C) Sec14
(D) Sec10
58. DAVP is
(A) Directorate of advertising and visual publicity
(B) Directorate of audio and visual publicity
(C) Directorate of audio and visual promotion
(D) None of the above
59. IPRA is
(A) Indian Public Relation Association
(B) International Public Relation Association
(C) International Public Relation Activity
(D) None of the above
60. WAPC is
(A) World Activity of Press Council
(B) world Association of Press Council
(C) Working Association of Press Council
(D) None of the above

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