Dicipline in Social Science Week 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Tabuk City Division

Introduction to Social, Natural Sciences and



Subject Teacher

Name of Students
Mobile Number

What I need to Know

For the facilitator:
As the facilitator of this module, kindly orient the learner on how to go
about in reading and answering this learning material. Please be patient and
encourage the learner to complete this module. The learners should use
separate sheets in answering all of the activities found in this module.
For the learner:
Welcome to this module! The module contains topic on Discipline in
Social Science. The activities in the module have been designed to provide
you with a better learning experience in your own that will help you
understand more on Discipline in Social Science. To be successful in
undertaking these modules you must be patient and industrious in doing the
given activities by following each direction as you go through the module.
Enjoy and happy learning.

The following are the standard symbols (icons) used to represent some
parts of the module: Enjoy and happy learning.


What I need to know This contains the learning objectives which you
need to accomplish
What I know This assesses what you know about the lesson you
are to tackle
What’s In This connects the current lessons with the previous
What’s New This introduces the lesson through an activity

What Is It This contains a brief discussion of the lessons

What’s More These are activities to check your understanding of

the lesson
What I have Learned This summarizes the important ideas presented in
the lesson
This is a real life application of what you have
What I Can Do learned

Assessment This is a post assessment of what you have learned

Additional Activities This is an activity that will strengthen your

knowledge about the lesson

Welcome to Composition I, a fully offline course. This course is

designed to introduce you the brief definition and importance of
Discipline in Social Science. The course will emphasize personal,
reflective, and expository ideas to develop your critical thinking
skills, which will assist your analysis of answering and solving the
problem given in this module.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

 understand what is the meaning of social science in different aspect and
ways through culture and experiences,

 realize the importance of DISCIPLINE of Social Science in local and

global and,

 to answer the given puzzle and activities using the ideas within Social

DIRECTION: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the following questions properly then answer it
carefully, use the box below in writing your answers. (Please avoid erasure)

1. What Discipline of Social Science that defines the source of knowledge that
includes Biology, Earth Science, Physics?
a. Natural Science b. Philosophy c. Human Knowledge d. Humanities

2. Which among the following defines the branch of knowledge that tends to
humanize human as they express themselves in various form?
a. Humanities b. Human Knowledge c. Philosophy d. Natural Science

3. Which of the following that speaks the active realization of truth?

a. Philosophy b. Human Knowledge c. humanities d. Natural Science

4. What type of Social Science includes Metaphysics, Epistemology and

a. Philosophy b. Human Knowledge c. humanities d. Natural Science

5. Which of the following depicts a scientific study of human society and social
a. Social Distancing b. Social Science c. Social d. Science

6. When sphere of knowledge, influence the activity, it exercises_____________?

a. Discipline b. Domain c. Empiricism d. Law

7. Which of the following group of words is the exact sphere of knowledge?

a. Domain, Discipline and Empiricism
b. Domain, Humanities and Discipline
c. Domain, Humanities and Empiricism
d. Knowledge, Discipline and humanities

8. If Epistemology refers to the study of knowledge, theodicy refers to ?

a. Being b. Experience c. God d. Religion

9. What domain pertains to the applied profession that involved practical

application of the theories of knowledge to actual phenomena?

a. Contemporary
b. Contemporary Knowledge
c. Contemporary sources of Knowledge
d. None

10. When people in general thought of living together in organized communities

with shared laws, traditions and values they are regarded as?
a. Social b. Society c. Science d, Social Science

11.Which of the following is the correct definition of society?

I. Living Together
II. Interaction of People
III. Closed related to humans
IV. Same set of norms
a. I and II b. II and III c. IV and II d. All of the above

12.If Science pertains to knowledge about natural world, which of the following
speaks about body of knowledge?
a. Social Science b. Science c, Humanities d. Social

13.Which of the following words describes to the characteristics of Science?

I. Empirical, Humanities and logical
II. Propositional. Empirical and Logical
III. Empirical and Logical
IV. None of the above
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
14.Which of the following is the correct process of scientific method?
a. Topic, Problem, Hypothesis, Data Gathering, Analysis and Conclusion.
b. Topic, Problem, Hypothesis, Analysis and Conclusion.
c. Topic, Problem, Hypothesis, Data Gathering, Conclusion and Analysis.
d. Topic, Problem, Data Gathering, Analysis and Conclusion.

15.The term pure is characterized by which of the following?

I. Control, Exactness, rationality
II. Controlled and variable
III. Predictable
IV. None of the above
a. I b. II c. III, IV d. I,II,III

Social Science, any discipline or branch of science that deals with

human behavior in its social and cultural aspects. The social sciences
include cultural (or social) Anthropology, Sociology, Social Psychology,
Political Science, and Economics.
What is your knowledge about Social
 The scientific study of human society and social relationships.
 A major category of academic disciplines, concerned with
society and the relationships among individuals within a society.

The Emergence of Social Science

 Science (also known as pure, natural, or Physical science) and
Social Science are two types of Science that deal with the same
scientific model and the components of their own respective general
 Natural Science is more concerned with studying nature, while
Social Science is concerned with human behavior and societies.
 Pure Science is characterized by control, exactness, rationality,
controlled variables and predictability, while social science is the
opposite—it is spontaneous, with unpredictable or uncontrollable
variables, and it deals with human emotions and behaviors.
 The basis of Natural Science is experimental data, while Social
Sciences rely on experiential data.
 The usual method of Science (with respect to experimental data) is
doing repetitive and conventional experiments in a laboratory, while
Social Science, utilizing experiential data, usually involves alternative
methods of observation and interaction with people within a
 Natural or Physical sciences work within a closed system, while
Social Sciences work within an open system.

The Human Knowledge

In our contemporary times, the human knowledge has so many
points of view to use in order to see things.
There exist several classifications of the human knowledge that has
broad categories such as Social Science, Natural Science and

Natural Science
In this source of knowledge this includes Biology, Chemistry, Earth
Sciences, physics
Natural science actually explains and attempt to predict
various phenomena in nature such cellular composition,
atomic particles, weather conditions and earthquake patterns.

Social Science is a broad subject where students now a days

have a linear understanding about it. In order for you to
understand this term let us exercise our mind through this activity.

Instruction: Construct your own definition about SOCIAL

SCIENCE through the use of the pictures.

Science Social



How would
you define
Social Science
using the
How would
you define
Social Science
using the
picture letter
Make a
essay on your
between letter
A and Letter B

Social science
Social science is an academic discipline concerned with society
and the relationships among individuals within a society, which often
rely primarily on empirical approaches. It includes Anthropology,
Economics, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology. In a wider
sense, it may often include some fields in the humanities such as
Archaeology, History, Law, and Linguistics. In modern academic
practice, researchers are often eclectic, using multiple methodologies
(for instance, by combining the quantitative and qualitative techniques).
The term social research has also acquired a degree of autonomy as
practitioners from various disciplines share in its aims and methods.

What is the Discipline in Social

 It is easier to do rather than to define (Fr. Roque Ferriols)
 It is an Active realization of truth (Indian Philosophy)
 This includes Metaphysics, Epistemology, Theodicy,
 In every branch, it studies everything through everything at the
same time
 Metaphysics: Being
 Epistemology: Knowledge
 Theodicy: God
 Phenomenology: Experience and

 It is a branch of knowledge that tends to humanize human as they
express themselves in various forms
 This includes art and art history; literature, and
music among others

Important Terms in Social Science

 Domain: a sphere of knowledge, influence or activity.
 Discipline: a particular branch of learning or body of knowledge,
such as physics, sociology and history.
 Empiricism: the view that all rationally acceptable beliefs or
propositions are justifiable or knowable only through experience
or senses – Empirical knowledge.

Contemporary Sources of Knowledge

 These are the domains pertain to the applied professions that
involves practical application of the theories of knowledge to a
actual or situational phenomena which is applicable for a
 Examples: Business Administration, Communications,
Technology Criminal Justice, Education, Engineering, Law,
Social Work, Nursing and Medicine.
 Social Sciences and Natural Sciences which are based on
empirical knowledge – evident phenomena and can be tested
for its accuracy.

 Defined as “people in general thought of living together in
organized communities with shared laws, traditions and values”
 A group of people may be regulated by the same set of norms
with shared values and tradition.
 Interaction of people they may gain benefits which are impossible
when they work individually.
 The term ‘Social’ is closely related to human society as it refers to
the interaction of individuals and groups as well as the welfare of
humans as members of the society.

 Pertains to “knowledge about or study of the natural world based
on facts learned through experiments and observation” in the
strict sense – a body of knowledge
 Refers to the different methods or modes of inquiry utilized in
order t obtain knowledge
 Often times the scientific study related with matter, rocks,
plants, constellations, motion that in cam be utilized
systematically to study intricacies of human experience, such as
attitudes, behavior, opinions, feeling, and ideologies among

What is the importance of SCIENCE?

Important Characteristics of Science

 Empirical – a phenomenon should be observable using the different
 Propositional – things are explained in the form of statements of
 Logical – employs the rules of logic in order to validate inferences.
 Public – ideas are communicated from one scientist to another.
 Problem-solving – presents rational explanations about unexplained
 Continuous – knowledge is built upon by previous and future research
on the subject.

How can I make my own research


The Scientific Method

A.Topic - the researcher selects a particular subject matter depending on
his or her interest
B.Problem – the researcher defines the nature of the problem where a
theory can be developing along the way; this is the most important
phase of inquiry
C. Hypothesis – the researcher formulates a general statement of the
problem that could give him or her idea on what data to gather or
omit. An idea or theory that is not proven but that leads to further
D. Methods of Inquiry or Data Gathering – this is the stage of
empirical research involving the use of senses and/or precision
instruments; phenomenon must be carefully and accurately
described and recorded
E.Analysis – the researcher may find patterns and relationships
that could help in the analysis of gathered data; this the stage of
classifying and organizing data
F. Conclusion – the researcher formulates a scientific theory after a
thorough analysis of data; a theory can be changed or revised
depending on the result of future research projects.
The Importance of Social Sciences
 The social sciences may help us to figure out the complexities
of human behavior and relations as it attempts to solve the
aforementioned societal problems
 Social science is significant in the society as it may help
researchers solve the complexities of human behavior in order
to help alleviate problems and improve human condition.

The main similarities between science and social sciences

include the following:
Both sciences employ the same scientific model in
order to obtain information. Some branches of each
science even employ both natural and social science
components. Examples of natural sciences include
biology and ecology, while economics and psychology
are examples of social sciences. Both have general
laws that have numerous applications. Both use
empirical and measured data that is observable by
the senses. Additionally, theories in both sciences can
be tested to produce theoretical statements and
general propositions.

Activity #1
INSTRUCTION: Let’s Work out! Arrange the JUMBLED letters related to
the disciplines of Social Science according to your instinct. Use the box
below as your answer sheet. Write the correct words in ARRANGE box

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Assessment 1

Assessment 1.
Fill out the blanks with the words being describes. Select
your answers from arranged box above
a. Land Formations: ________________
b. Monetary Movements: _______________
c. Bibliography:________________
d. Rules and Regulations: ________________
e. Exclusive Economic Zone: _______________

Activity #2
Instruction: if you get the correct words from activity no.1 you can finish this
next challenge. Name the following pictures related to DISCIPLINES OF
SCIENCES, write your answer on the space provide.

Assessment 2

Assessment 2. Through the use of the photos define the

following Discipline of Social Science in 2-5 words only.

1. Anthropology:
2. Sociology:
3. Demography:
4. Political Science
5. Economics:

Activity #3
DIRECTIONS: Using the Venn Diagram Compare and Contrast
Natural Science between Social Science

Assessment 3:

INSTRUCTION: Theology is the study of the nature of God and

religious belief, what do you think this branch of science belong
between the two? Explain?

Direction: Write PAK if the statement is correct and GANERN if the

statement is false. Write you answer in Column B.
Column A Column
The Kalayaan Group of Island or also known as Spratly
Island in under the Philippine Exclusive Economic Zone.
The scientific method is just one of the options in making
research output.
Anthropology is the study of human biological and
physiological characteristics and their evolution.
Economics is the study of the development, structure, and
functioning of human society.
Both sciences employ the same scientific model in order to
obtain information. Some branches of each science even
employ both natural and social science components.
Economics, Political Science and geography still a part of
discipline in social sciences.
Examples of natural sciences include biology and ecology,
while economics and psychology are examples of social
Making of cupcakes and bread is very important in this
Conclusion is the last and final step in making research
In Social Science both use empirical and measured data
that is observable by the senses.
Gathering data is not much important in making research
project despite it is an optional method.
The three important terms in social science are domain,
discipline and actions.

After the stunning victory of the Philippines against China for the
rights for Spratly Island. The UNCLOS (United Nations Convention for
the Law of the Sea) court decided that our country has the right to
exploit its natural resources, the PROC (People's Republic of China),
as expected, took several actions to maintain whatever alleged rights
they had over the islands that were subject of the judgment in their
Explain and expound how Philippines claim that rights for Spratly
Island. Relate your explanation to, Geography, Political Science
and Economics?

Direction: Read and analyze the following questions carefully
then answer it briefly using the space provided.

1. What do you call a word that covers Art, Language, Culture,

Short story, Song and History.
a.Social Science b. History c. Humanities d. Social

_____2. Which of the following statements defines the correct

definition of Social Science?

a. Social Science is the scientific study of human society and

social relationships.
b. Social Science covers the all subjects in different aspect.
c. Social Science creates way to understand the community in
diverse way
d. All of the above

3. When person conduct research about different behavior of

learners in every year level, he/she is applying, what type of

a. Natural Science b. Pure Science

c. Social Science d. Science

4.Why is History is essential in understanding Social Science?

a. History can open up debate and give us a say in shaping our
collective future.
b. History developed as a field of study during the nineteenth
c. History helped people understand the consequences and
application of the new technologies of the age, such as steam
d. All of the above

_5. Natural Science is more concerned with studying nature,

while social science is concerned with __________________?
a. Human behavior and Societies
b. Community and development
c. Environment
d. Ecosystem

_6. How many methods are there in Scientific Method?

a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8

_7. When Jerowes select a particular subject matter

depending on his interest, which of the following scientific method
he is applying?
a. Gather Data b. Topic c. Hypothesis d. None of the

_8. Which of the following is an example of natural sciences?

I. Biology and Ecology
II. Biology, Physics and Ecology
III. Ecology, Anthropology and Physics
IV. Anthropology
a. I and II b. I, II and III c. I and IV d. IV

_9. Which of the following is the contrast of Pure Science

between Natural Science?
a. Natural Science and Pure Science are both observing specific phenomena.
b. Natural Science and Pure Science doesn`t have similarities at all.
c. Natural Science and Pure Science are both studying Science.
d. None of the above.

_10. What are the two main branches of Natural Science?
a. Life Science and Physical Science.
b. Life Science and Mental Science
c. Mental Science and Psychological Science
d. Earth Science and Social Science

_______11. Which of the following entails the correct definition of

I. A group of people may be regulated by the same set of
norms with shared values and tradition.
II. Interaction of people they may gain benefits which are
impossible when they work individually.
III. The term ‘Social’ is closely related to human society as it
refers to the interaction of individuals and groups as well
as the welfare of humans as members of the society.
IV. Social pertains to existence of human being inside the

a. I only b. I,II and III c. I and III d. All of the above

________12. Which of the following group of words is the exact

sphere of knowledge?
a. Domain, Discipline and Empiricism
b. Domain, Humanities and Discipline
c. Domain, Humanities and Empiricism
d. Knowledge, Discipline and humanities

________13. Which of the following is the advantage of using

questionnaire during research?
a. Can address a large number of issues and questions of
concern in a relatively efficient way, with the possibility of a
high response rate.
b. It may be difficult to obtain a good response rate. Often there
is no strong motivation for respondents to respond.
c. Quality of data is probably not as high as with alternative

methods of data collection, such as personal interviewing.
d. They are complex instruments and, if badly designed, can be

________14. Which of the following is the dis-advantage of using

questionnaire during research?
a. It may be difficult to obtain a good response rate. Often there
is no strong motivation for respondents to respond.
b. Quality of data is probably not as high as with alternative
methods of data collection, such as personal interviewing.
c. They are complex instruments and, if badly designed, can be
d. All of the above

________15. What are the important terms in Social Science that

takes place in this lesson?
a. Domain
b. Discipline
c. Empiricism
d. All of the above

Direction: Read and solve the puzzle about Farmer, Goat, Wolf
and Cabbage. Apply the concept of social science in this puzzle.
Use the box below to write your answer.

There is a farmer who wishes to cross a river but he is not

alone. He also has a goat, a wolf, and a cabbage along with him.
There is only one boat available which can support the farmer and
either of the goat, wolf or the cabbage. So, at a time, the boat can
have only two objects (farmer and one other).
But the problem is, if the goat and wolf are left alone (either in
the boat or onshore), the wolf will eat the goat. Similarly, if the
Goat and cabbage are left alone, then goat will eat the cabbage.

The farmer wants to cross the river with all three of his
belongings: goat, wolf, and cabbage. What strategy should
he use to do so?

How will you relate the puzzle in the concept of economics?


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