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Name: Tang Xuan Khoa

Lecturer: Caesar Apolinar Jr. Ramirez

Course Code: BUSM4188

Course Name: Leadership and Decision Making

Assignment 3: Leadership development

1. Introduction
After taking the Leadership Diagnostic Tools including three tests of self-confident,
team leadership and emotional intelligence. Although this outcome shows the
direction of team leadership style, there are many areas that need improvement.
Moreover, after the second assessment with an observation and interview with Ms
Doan Nguyen from a big company in Vietnam, it is found that there are various
weaknesses that I need to fill in to at least improving myself in professional working
environment and then develop better leadership skills.

Through the interview, it is found that the weaknesses I found are a lack of
confidence when communicating, especially with those who has high position and
class in society. Besides, I found myself lack many traits of a leader when
considering Ms Doan Nguyen as a model of an inspirational leader.

Hence, to overcome these issues and improve myself, this paper is my personal
development plan that helps me to improve specific skills and traits that are
important to help me become a helpful and effective leader in the future as well as to
become more adaptable with the future job market.

2. Leadership traits and skills

Leadership traits are defined as personal qualities which constitute to be an effective
leader (Derue et al. 2011). Effective leaders often lead by example and others follow
because they believe what they do is right. Effective leaders lead by example and
attract others to follow them. Keeping promises is another sign of effective
leadership. They believe in others and always reward and praise others when they
do a good job. Effective leaders acknowledge when they're wrong. As human
beings, we all make mistakes at one time or another. The problem is how to deal
with mistakes, and this is a certain leadership quality. An effective leader admits
when he's wrong and, in doing so, helps people feel comfortable asking them for
help or advice.
Good listening skills are also an important part of effective leadership. People willing
to listen to employee or friend issues and concerns will get more information.
Effective leaders are always ready to commit to work (Riggio & Reichard 2008).
They know that they are not just heads or bosses. Besides, some important traits of
an effective leader include integrity, motivational, ethical, self-confidence, and good
communication skill (Riggo et al. 2003).

By contrast, a leader without confidence will lose their faith in achieving goals for not
only himself but also the whole team and organization as he always holds negative
perspective about him (McCornick 2001). Hence, he could not set the realistic and
suitable goals with his ability and unable to lead a team with his ability. Additionally,
a leader with low self-worth does not believe in those who work with him which also
leads his followers to not believe in him as well.

Trait of self-confidence: 1 June 2021 – 1 January 2022

The aim of this plan is to make me feel confident when talking in front of a lot of
people as well as with those who have significantly higher position in society,
workplace or university than me after six months. The other goal of this plan is to
make me more confident in myself as I could make decisions without asking other
people for their ideas after six months. The evaluation of this plan be assessed via
my family members who witness me to talk and work with people from different
classes in society, my friends and colleges who see me to talk and communicate
with people from different levels including lecturers, headmaster, supervisors or
peers. This can also be measured through my mark for presentation part in
university which displays my confidence when talking in front of a lot of people.

To improve my confidence, firstly, it is important to understand my strengths and

how I could rely on these strengths and abilities for other people to let them see my
abilities. Besides, knowledge is seen as a source of confidence so I need to improve
my knowledge in different aspects of society, culture and my specialization.
Moreover, in terms of power, with more knowledge, the leader could exert the
expertise power to have influence on other followers (Buckach et al. 206). As my
major is business and I have some experiences in working in family business, this is
an opportunity for me to observe and learn more from the workplace. In other words,
the first step for me is to focus on my work as I should have done what I am
assigned to best. In addition, I need to read more books and newspapers about my
major to communicate with others more easily, especially my colleagues in the
university. besides a lack of confidence, partly my poor English communication is the
result leading me to unable to talk confidently in front of many people. to do so, I
need to improve my English skill including writing and speaking skills. I could stand
in front of the mirror and talk to myself for at least 30 minutes per day. This helps me
to notice my problems when talking to each other.

Communication skill: 1 June 2021 – 1 December 2021.

The goal of this development is to allow me to be able to connect and communicate

effectively with people from different levels and those who I met in my life after 12
months of the plan. In order to evaluate whether I have been successful in
implementing plan, The evaluation of this plan be assessed via my family members
who witness me to talk and work with people from different classes in society, my
friends and colleges who see me to talk and communicate with people from different
levels including lecturers, headmaster, supervisors or peers. I will ask for feedback
from these people who can help me to indicate my problems so I can try harder in
the future.

The correspondence expertise turns out to be critical for pioneers in light of the fact
that with viable correspondence, pioneers could without much of a stretch drive
change among individuals in the group (Gilley, Gilley and McMillan 2009). This is on
the grounds that through successful correspondence, pioneers could listen what
their individuals expect or dread from changes to tackle their issues and pass on the
message of progress to their supporters accurately (Gilley et al. 2009). Also, the
correspondence expertise assists pioneers with spurring and rouse individuals in this
way expanding their degree of fulfillment (Men 2014).

To improve relational abilities, I will recognize the spaces of insufficiency first. To do

as such, I think about input from companions or associates on my correspondence
ability. As far as I might be concerned, my concern is to clarify things unmistakably
for individuals and as referenced, my helpless English talking ability. Subsequently,
other than working on communicating in English consistently, I should practice to
consider cautiously about the issues prior to telling others. In addition, in certain
types of formal discussion like working with instructors, show, to impart well and
ensure others get my message quickly, I will rehearse and get ready substance
cautiously prior to pitching. It is significant for me to plan both my appearance too.
other than conveying through verbal way, non-verbal signals in correspondence are
likewise important to help other comprehend and get our message. I will likewise
practice to introduce commonly before mirror to make myself more certain with my
cautious arrangement too.

3. Improving followership skill

Other than being a leader it is additionally significant for us to turn into a powerful
adherent. A decent supporter will corporate well with their chief to help the group
push ahead with undeniable degree of sympathy and coordinated effort (Agho
2009). Besides, to have a successful pioneer, it is more critical to have compelling
supporters. I have been an adherent in numerous groups that I join in. In any case,
in these groups, I understood that my job was not huge and supporting different
individuals. This was likewise explanations behind me in certain classes to have
helpless cooperation result. Overall, the first thing that is important to do is to help
the other followers to be more confident in themselves and collaborative effectively.

Improving listening skill: 1 June 2021 – 1 August 2021.

The objective is be a good listener as I know when to talk or when to stop and listen
to other people. The exercises that I take to accomplish these are to remain quiet
when there is a contention among pioneer and adherents or between supporters. I
need to think about various gatherings in these issues and tune in to every accounts
to examine the circumstance prior to settling on choice.

Developing self-management: 1 June 2021 – 1 January 2022

The objective of this arrangement is to deal with my time and resources well that assist
me with achieving each different objectives I set in my life before the current year's over.
The action pointers are the quantity of tasks I will have completed, the quantity of
courses I achieve in before the current year's over.

To improve this expertise, I need to distinguish the source, time I have. At that point I
should make my own arrangement to assist me with rescheduling things I need to do in
a day.

Agho, AO 2009, ‘Perspectives of Senior-Level Executives on Effective Followership and

Leadership’. Journal of Leadership and organizational studies, vol.16, no.2, pp.159-166

Appleton, K 2007, ‘Student teachers’ confidence to teach science: is more science

knowledge necessary to improve self‐confidence?’. International Journal of Science
Education, vol.17, no.3, pp.357-369

Bukach, CM, Gauthier, I & Tarr, MJ 2006, Beyond faces and modularity: the power of
an expertise framework. Trends in cognitive science, vol.10, no.4, pp.159-166

Derue, SD, Nahrgang, JD, Wellman, N & Humphrey, SE 2011, ‘Trait and behavioral
theories of leadership: an integration and meta-analytic test of their relative validity’.
Personnel Psychology, vol.64, no.1, pp.7-52

Gilley, A, Gilley, JW & McMillan, HS 2009, ‘Organizational change: Motivation,

communication, and leadership effectiveness’. PIQ, vol.21, no.4, pp.75-94

Riggio, RE & Reichard, RJ 2008, The emotional and social intelligences of effective
leadership: An emotional and social skill approach. Journal of Managerial psychology,
vol.23, no.2, pp.169-185

Riggio, RE, Riggio, HR, Salinas, C, & Cole, EJ 2003. The role of social and emotional
communication skills in leader emergence and effectiveness. Group Dynamics: Theory,
Research, and Practice, vol.7, no.2, pp.83–103

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