Unit Exercise With Answer Key

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6/29/2021 Mesopotamia: the Invention of Writing | Print - Quizizz


Mesopotamia: the Invention of Writing
9 Questions

1. 1. Which of these is NOT a place where writing

independently developed?

a) Mesopotamia b) China
c) Rome d) Mesoamerica

2. 2. What were some ways ancient people recorded ideas

and events BEFORE writing was invented?

a) newspapers & telegraphs b) cave art & counting tokens

c) diaries & journals d) letters & words

3. 3. Why did the first agricultural societies need to write?

a) to keep track of tax payments & other b) to write newspapers

c) to create textbooks d) to write peace treaties with other

4. 4. What was the name of the tool that Mesopotamians used

to write in clay?

a) sticks b) knife
c) pen d) stylus

5. 4a. What was a stylus made of?

a) reeds that grew by rivers b) metal

c) sticks from evergreen trees d) no one knows

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6. 5. What was the writing system of Mesopotamia called?

a) hieroglyphics b) cuneiform
c) Meso-writing d) Latin

7. 6. How much did the pictogram you chose for question 6

change over time? (There's no right or wrong answer for

this question!)

a) My pictogram changed a lot. b) My pictogram changed a little.

c) My pictogram did not change.

8. 7. What was a cylinder seal used for?

a) It was a stamp used to create a person's b) It was a way to seal an envelope.


c) It was just a decoration. d) It was used to create cylinders of all sizes.

9. 8. Which of the following was NOT a type of literature

written by Mesopotamians?

a) myths b) poems

c) songs d) mystery novels

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Answer Key
1. c 4. d 7. n/a
2. b 5. a 8. a
3. a 6. b 9. d

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