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Preventive Veterinary Medicine 175 (2020) 104863

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Sero-prevalence and risk factors of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus T

(type 1) in Meru County, Kenya
Essau Serem Kipyegoa,*, George Gitaua, John Vanleeuwenb, Peter Kimelia,b,
Tequiero Okumu Abuoma, Daniel Gakuyaa, Joan Murayaa,b, Dennis Makaub
University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya
University of Prince Edward Island


Keywords: The aim of the study was to determine the antibody sero-prevalence of Bovine Herpesvirus-1 which cause
Dairy cattle Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) and to identify risk factors associated with BHV-1 antibody seropositivity
Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) among smallholder dairy farms in Meru County, Kenya.
Bovine Herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1) A cross-sectional study was conducted in the Naari area of Meru County, Kenya between September–October
2016 and March–April 2017. The 149 farmers were randomly selected from members of the Naari Dairy Farmers
Risk factors
Cooperative Society who were actively delivering milk to the society at the time of the study. Serum samples
were obtained from 403 female dairy cattle. Farm level management and animal factors were collected through
direct interviews with the owner or someone who was knowledgeable about the animals. All serum samples were
processed with an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (gB ELISA) to determine the presence of anti-
bodies to BHV-1.
The overall farm-level and animal-level sero-prevalences of BHV-1 antibodies were 30.9 % (95 % CI:
23.6%–39.0%) and 17.4 % (95 % CI: 13.8%–21.4%), respectively. In the final multivariable analysis, the factors
significantly associated with BHV-1 antibodies included; age of the dairy cattle (OR = 1.200, p = 0.001), age of
the principal female farmers (OR = 0.182, p = 0.001) and rearing goats in the farm (OR = 26.77, p = 0.000).
There was a significant interaction between rearing goats on the farm and age of the dairy cattle (p < 0.010);
younger cattle seemed to have been exposed to BHV or a cross-reacting caprine herpesvirus when goats were on
the farm.
The results showed that BHV-1 was circulating among the cattle population in the Naari area of Meru County.
Given that there is not BHV-1 vaccination use in this study population, training on the importance of biosecurity
and vaccination for BHV-1 are recommended to reduce the transmission and impacts of BHV-1.

1. Introduction Contact with Infected cattle is the main source of BHV-1 infection to
susceptible animals and herds. These cattle shed the virus through
Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) is a multi-organ disease of various body secretions and excretions (Takiuchi et al., 2005; Constable
significant economic importance worldwide caused by Bovine Herpes et al., 2017). For the respiratory subtype, the virus is transmitted
Virus-1 (BHV-1), and it affects both domestic and wild ruminants through direct transmission of nasal discharges between animals or by
(Bowland and Shewen, 2000; Muylkens et al., 2007). Bovine Herpes indirect transmission of aerosol droplets, and the infectivity duration of
Virus-1 is a virus of the genus Varicellovirus, subfamily Alphaherpesvir- these aerosols is dependent on environmental factors such as humidity
inae and family Herpesviridae, and is a highly contagious and infectious and temperature. Direct contact with non-nasal mucosal discharges,
virus (King et al., 2012; Biswas et al., 2013; Newcomer and Givens, contaminated semen, fetal tissues, and genital fluid can also lead to
2016). Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis in bovine animals is caused by transmission (Mars et al., 1999, 2000; Kahrs, 2001).
BHV-1.1, the respiratory subtypes, while strain BHV-1.2a and BHV-1.2b Cattle of all breeds and ages are equally susceptible, and the disease
are the genital subtypes, and BHV-1.3 is the encephalitic subtype is common in cattle above 6 months of age due to waning of maternal
(Graham, 2013; Muylkens et al., 2007). antibody protection and increased mixing of cattle populations

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (E.S. Kipyego).
Received 7 July 2019; Received in revised form 16 November 2019; Accepted 29 November 2019
0167-5877/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
E.S. Kipyego, et al. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 175 (2020) 104863

(Radostits et al., 2000; Majumder et al., 2015; Seyfi Abad Shapouri level. The climate in Meru is warm and temperate with volcanic ash
et al., 2016; Constable et al., 2017). The IBR diseases have no inherent soils, and therefore is considered to have high agricultural potential.
seasonal variability, although in temperate countries, during the The average annual temperature in the Meru area ranges from 14 °C to
months of fall and winter, disease occurrence is high due to feedlot 17 °C in the highlands (where Naari is), while in the lowlands it ranges
cattle assembling (Majumder et al., 2015). The managerial and en- from 22 °C to 27 °C. Precipitation in the high altitude Meru areas
vironmental risk factors contributing to the spread of BHV–1 include; average 2200 mm, while low altitude areas average 500 mm. The main
purchasing of infected cattle, participation in agricultural shows, in- agricultural activities in Naari include; lumbering, horticulture, crop
creased herd size and type of production system (Gay and Barnouin, production and dairy production.
2009; Constable et al., 2017). Uncontrolled movement of visitors and The sampling frame for the study consisted of 568 farmers who were
cattle into the farm, and unreliable records of vaccination dates have active members of the Naari Dairy Farmers Cooperative Society
also been associated with the spread of the disease (Boelaert et al., (NDFCS) and delivering milk to the cooperative. The sample size of
2005; González-Garcia et al., 2009). dairy cattle sampled in the study was estimated based on a prevalence
The prevalence and risk factors of BHV-1 infection in Kenya have of BHV-1 infection of 50 % (for a maximum variance), a precision of 5
not been recently researched in predominantly zero-grazing farming % and confidence level of 95 %, giving a required sample size of 385
regions of Kenya. In this cross-sectional study, a random sample of dairy (Dohoo et al., 2009).
cattle was examined to determine the BHV-1 antibody sero-prevalence, The average number of cattle above 6 months of age per farm had
and to identify risk factors associated with BHV-1 antibody ser- been established to be approximately 3, thus 149 farms were randomly
opositivity on smallholder dairy farms using primarily zero-grazing in selected from the 568 smallholder dairy farms from the registry of ac-
Naari area, Meru County, Kenya. tive members using software-based random number generation.
Therefore, the study population of farms represented 26 % of the
farmers who were members of the NDFCS.
2. Materials and methods

2.1. Ethical approval

2.3. Data and sample collection
The study was approved by the Biosafety, Animal use and Ethics
The selected farms were visited between September–October 2016
Committee, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Nairobi
and March–April 2017, and a questionnaire was administered to cap-
ture farm- and animal-level factors of BHV-1. The data collected in-
cluded collection of animal-level information about milking cows and
2.2. Selection of study area and farms heifers on the farm. A systematic scrutiny of written farm records was
also conducted to obtain the age and calving history of the cattle, along
The study area of Naari in Meru County, Kenya (Fig. 1), was pur- with history of respiratory and reproductive diseases, peri-parturient
posively selected since this research formed part of a larger study in- conditions, and mastitis cases. Other farm-level management informa-
volving smallholder dairy farmers. A non-governmental organization tion collected included: feed and mineral supplementation, vaccination
called Farmers Helping Farmers, the University of Prince Edward Island status (including use of IBR vaccine), cattle owner attendances to any
(Canada) and the University of Nairobi had an existing developmental dairy husbandry training, herd size, awareness and monitoring of heat
partnership with the Naari Dairy Farmers Cooperative Society, and this signs, and source of animals with respect to the last 12 months.
formed the basis for the entry point to the community. In addition, 5 ml of whole blood was collected in plain redtop va-
Meru lies at latitude and longitude 0°6′0″ N and 37°34′60″ E, re- cutainer tubes via the tail vein of each dairy animal greater than 6
spectively, and is located in the Mount Kenya region of Kenya, ap- months of age, and stored in an ice box during the day. Each evening,
proximately 270 km North of Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya. The the blood tubes were taken from the ice box and allowed to clot, and
Naari area is situated at an altitude of approximately 2000 m above sea thereafter, the serum was transferred to Eppendorf® vials. The serum

Fig. 1. A map showing Naari Sub-location (middle of county) in Meru County of Kenya.

E.S. Kipyego, et al. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 175 (2020) 104863

was then frozen at −20 °C and transported on ice to the Hematology of the receiver operating characteristic was used to evaluate the overall
and Biochemistry Laboratory, Department of Clinical Studies, Faculty of model performance.
Veterinary Medicine, University of Nairobi, and then stored at −20 °C
until all samples were collected for testing. 3. Results

2.4. Laboratory analysis 3.1. Farm and animal demographics

The frozen sera were thawed to room temperature (18–26 °C). The A total of 403 cattle and 149 farms were involved in the study. The
IBR test kit used was the IDEXX IBR gB X3 Ab Test (IDEXX, Liebefeld- principal farmer was mostly comprised of men (56.4 %), while women
Bern, Switzerland), comprising of a BHV-1 Antigen Coated Plate and all as principal farmers in this sample population were fewer (28.2 %), and
the reagents, which was also warmed from its storage temperature of 15.4 % of farms had both the male and female considered jointly as the
40C to room temperature. The IDEXX IBR gB X3 Ab Test is an Indirect principal farmer. Most of the principal farmers were married (83.9 %),
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) which has been devel- some had lost their spouse, and a few of them were young people who
oped to detect presence of antibodies against IBR (type 1) in individual were still single but had established themselves as dairy farmers (5.3
bovine plasma, milk and serum samples. Antibody responses induced %). Among the principal farmers, approximately half (50.3 %) were
by vaccines which contain the glycoprotein B (gB) of BHV-1 are de- below 45 years. A large majority of the female farmers had completed
tected as well. This kit has a reported sensitivity of 100 % and speci- primary school (91.2 %) but only 39.4 % had completed secondary
ficity of 95 %. The testing procedure was done following the protocol school, while the proportions of male farmers having completed pri-
described by the manufacturer in Liebefeld-Bern, Switzerland. mary and secondary school were slightly different at 81.5 % and 42.3
The ELISA results were read from a microplate photometer, Mindray %, respectively. The majority (81.2 %) of principal farmers had training
Microplate Reader (MR-96A, Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical on dairy production.
Electronics Company Limited), where optical density (OD) was mea- The mean household size recorded in this study was 3.7 ± 1.54,
sured either at a single wavelength of 450 nm [A (450)] or dual wa- with a minimum of 1 person and a maximum of 11. The mean total land
velength of 450 nm and 650 nm [A (450/650) for enhanced sensitivity]. holdings owned by the respondents was 2.11 ± 2.04 acres. In addition,
The blocking percentage was calculated by using the absorbance ob- some of the farmers also had access to other pieces of land
tained with the test sample and subtracting the absorbance of the ne- (0.51 ± 0.84 acres) through renting, borrowing and government-
gative control containing no BHV-1-specific antibodies and dividing the owned lands leased to them.
result with the negative control containing no BHV-1-specific anti- Holstein-Friesians formed nearly half of the dairy cattle reared in
bodies. Interpretation of the results was determined via comparing the the region, with small proportions of other exotic and indigenous
sample blocking percentages to the expected percentages in accordance breeds (Table 1). The mean herd size among the sampled farms was 5.7
with the manufacturer’s test instructions: blocking % < 45 = negative; with a range of 1–16 cattle. The mean number of milking cows was 1.8
45 ≤ blocking % < 55 = suspect; and blocking % ≥ 55 = positive. with a range of 0 and 8. The mean number of dry cows was 0.3 with a
The suspects were considered as positive in order to obtain a dichot- range of 0–3. Mature cows comprised the majority of animals at 79.7 %
omous outcome. A positive control was used on each plate to confirm (321/403), while unbred heifers comprised 12.2 % (49/403). The mean
that the procedures were followed properly. age of the sampled animals was 5.5 years with a range of between 0.5
and 17.0 years. The parities of the cows ranged between 0 and 8, with
2.5. Data entry and statistical analysis multiparous cows forming nearly 60 % of sampled cattle. It was re-
ported that 9.0 % (32/354) of the cows and bred heifers had experi-
Data collected through the questionnaires and the laboratory results enced an abortion in the last one year.
were first entered into MS Excel (Microsoft Inc., Sacramento, California,
USA) and then imported to Stata 15 (StataCorp LLC, College station, 3.2. Farm management practices at the farms
Texas, USA) for analyses. Initially, the data were checked for accuracy,
coded and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Proportions were de- The managerial practices found among the 149 smallholder dairy
termined for categorical variables and presented as a percentage of the farms recruited in the study are summarized in Table 1. The zero-
overall number, along with a 95 % confidence interval, where applic- grazing and semi-zero-grazing systems formed the majority (nearly 80
able. %) of smallholder dairy farms. Other than dairy production, many of
Mixed-effect logistic regression analysis was performed, accounting the recruited farmers also practiced sheep and goat production systems.
for clustering of cattle among herds, to determine associations between The majority of smallholder dairy farms used artificial insemination
the categorical and continuous variables and the dichotomized ser- exclusively at 57.7 % (86/149). More than half of the farmers grazed
opositivity outcome (presence or absence of BHV-1 antibody). In the their cows in community pastures where they could contact other
first step, univariable multi-level mixed models for all the predictor cattle, while less than a quarter of farms disallowed fence-line contact
variables were fitted into separate logistic regression models, em- with other cattle. However, there was insignificant movement of the
ploying the functional logit. In the second step, a multivariable mixed cattle between farms across the region, with less than 10 % of farms
logistic regression analysis was fitted for all the univariable associations borrowing cows, lending cows, and purchasing cows. None of the study
with p ≤ 0.30 in the first step. Correlations between predictor variables farmers used a BHV-1 vaccine in the past.
were identified using pair-wise correlation, and where two or more
variables were highly correlated (correlation coefficient > 0.5), statis- 3.3. Sero-prevalence of Bovine Herpesvirus-1 infection
tical significance and biological plausibility were used to identify which
variable would be offered to the modeling process. The final models The overall apparent animal-level sero-prevalence to BHV-1 was
were built using backward stepwise elimination, leaving those variables 17.4 % (70/403), with a 95 % CI of 13.8%–21.4%. The overall esti-
which had a p-value ≤0.05. Explanatory variables were considered mated true animal-level sero-prevalence to BHV-1, adjusting for the
confounders if their removal from the multivariable model modified the imperfect specificity of the test, was calculated to be 13.0 %, with a 95
coefficients of other significant variables by 30 %. Plausible biological % CI of 9.5%–17.2%. The herd-level sero-prevalence to BHV-1 was 30.9
interactions between significant explanatory variables in final model % (46/149), with a 95 % CI of 23.6%–39.0%. The sero-prevalences of
were also tested and the significant interaction terms were included in the antibodies to the IBR virus in relation to a number of cow and farm
the final models (Dohoo et al., 2009). The area under the curve (AUC) variables are summarized in Table 1.

E.S. Kipyego, et al. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 175 (2020) 104863

The sero-prevalence for BHV-1 infection was highest among cattle Table 2
that were older and multiparous, with slightly elevated sero-pre- Univariable logistic mixed models of the outcome variable bovine herpesvirus-1
valences among Ayrshire crosses and animals with a history of abortion. antibody seropositivity, while accounting for clustering of 403 cattle among
At the farm level, farms with goats had a 3 times higher sero-prevalence 149 smallholder dairy farms in Meru County, Kenya in 2017, for variables of
interest with P–Value ≤ 0.3.
for BHV-1 among the cattle versus farms without goats, while farms
with sheep only had a slightly higher BHV-1 sero-prevalence in cattle. Variable Categories OR 95 % CIOR P–value
The cattle sero-prevalence for BHV-1 was also substantially higher on
Animal level variables
farms that lent and/or borrowed cattle to/from other farms, and on
Parity category Parity 0 baseline 0.206a
farms where fence-line contact with neighbour’s cattle was allowed. Parity 1 1.059 0.361–3.103 0.917
Parity 2–8 1.414 0.803–4.428 0.145
Age category Heifer baseline
Cows 2.181 0.913–5.211 0.079
Table 1
Age of the dairy cattle n/a 1.112 1.012–1.222 0.027
Description of categorical variables for animal- and farm-level factors for 403
Dry cow status No baseline
cattle on 149 smallholder dairy farms in Meru County, Kenya in 2017, along Yes 1.446 0.685–3.049 0.249
with bovine herpesvirus-1 infection percentages by category. BVDV ab status positiveb Negative baseline
Positive 2.262 1.129–4.533 0.021
Variable Category Category BHV-1 #
Herd level variables
Frequency (Percent) + by
Fence-line contact with other No baseline
(Percent) Category
cattle Yes 2.850 0.924–8.790 0.068
Animal level factors Grazing on community No baseline
Breed Ayrshire 70 (17.4) 14 (20.0) pasture Yes 2.150 0.918–5.033 0.078
Friesian 190 (47.2) 31 (16.3) Borrowed cows from other No baseline
Guernsey 112 (27.8) 20 (17.9) farms
Zebu 31 (7.7) 5 (16.1) Yes 4.893 1.328–16.031 0.017
Age category Cow 321 (79.7) 60 (18.7) Lent cows to other farms No baseline
Heifer 82 (20.3) 10 (12.2) Yes 2.486 0.697–8.859 0.014
Parity category Parity 0 80 (19.9) 12 (15.0) Rearing goats on the farm No baseline
Parity1 86 (21.3) 11 (12.8) Yes 3.024 1.694–5.396 0.001
Parity > 1 237 (58.8) 47 (19.8) Rearing sheep on the farm No baseline
History of an abortion No history of 322 (79.9) 55 (17.1) Yes 1.076 0.969–1.192 0.173
abortion Use of natural mating No baseline
History of 32 (9.0) 15 (18.5) Yes 1.706 0.769–3.786 0.150
abortion Dichotomized age of the < 45 years baseline
BVDV ab positivea Positive 137 (46.6) 32 (23.4) female principal farmer
Negative 157 (53.4) 20 (12.7) > 45 years 0.230 0.108–0.498 0.001
Showed BVDV signs b
Positive 254 (63.2) 41 (16.1) Dichotomized age of the male < 45 years baseline
Negative 148 (36.8) 29 (19.6) principal farmer
Herd level factors > 45 years 0.394 0.181–0.898 0.019
Type of feeding system Zero– grazing 63 (42.2) 11 (17.5)
Semi-zero- 53 (35.6) 10 (18.9) OR: Odds Ratio.
grazing 95 % CIOR: 95 % Confidence Interval of OR.
Grazing 33 (22.2) 4 (12.1) Overall P-values for categorical variables with > 2 categories.
Rearing goats on the farm Yes 23 (15.4) 9 (39.1) b
Bovine Viral Diarrhea Disease Virus antibody positive cattle.
No 126 (84.6) 17 (13.5)
Rearing sheep on the farm Yes 57 (38.3) 11 (19.3)
No 92 (61.7) 15 (16.3)
grazed on community pasture, lent cows to other farms, borrowed cows
Use of natural mating Yes 63 (42.3) 12 (19.0)
No 86 (57.7) 14 (16.3) from other farms, reared goats on the farm, reared sheep on the farm,
Fence-line contact with Yes 120 (80.5) 23 (19.2) used natural breeding, age of the male principal farmer, and age of the
other cattle No 29 (19.5) 3 (10.3) female principal farmer (Table 2).
Grazing on community Yes 98 (65.8) 19 (19.4) Pair-wise correlation was carried out and age, parity and age cate-
pasture No 51 (34.2) 7 (13.7)
Borrowed cows from other Yes 10 (6.7) 5 (50.0)
gory of the cattle were found to be highly correlated (r > 0.5). Fence-
farms line contact with other cattle and grazing on community pasture were
No 139 (93.3) 21 (15.1) also found to be highly correlated. Therefore, age of the animal and
Lent cows to other farms Yes 12 (8.1) 4 (33.3) fence-line contact were offered to the final multivariable model because
No 137 (91.9) 22 (16.1)
they had lower P-Values than their correlates.
Cattle bought into the farm Yes 13 (8.7) 3 (23.1)
No 136 (91.3) 23 (16.9) The factors associated with sero-positivity to BHV-1 infection in the
Dichotomized age of the ≤45 years 74 (49.7) 14 (23.9) final multivariable analysis included (Table 3): dichotomized age of the
female principal > 45 years 75 (50.3) 4 (5.3) principal female farmers, age of the dairy cattle reared on the farm, and
farmers rearing goats on the farm. In this final model, controlling for con-
Dichotomized age of the ≤45 years 76 (51.0) 12 (15.8)
male principal farmers > 45 years 73 (49.0) 6 (8.2)
founding of variables in the model, the odds of older dairy cattle to
have BHV-1 antibody positivity were 1.200 times higher with each
Bovine Viral Diarrhea Disease Virus antibodies-positive cattle. additional year of age. Cattle on farms that were rearing goats had
Bovine Viral Diarrhea disease. 26.77 times the odds to have BHV-1 antibodies compared to cattle on
farms not rearing goats. In addition, when the age of the female prin-
3.4. Factors associated with Bovine Herpesvirus-1 sero-positivity cipal farmer was over 45 years, the odds of cattle on the farm to have
BHV-1 antibodies were lower by 0.182 times compared with cattle
The following animal-level variables met the P–value cut-off cri- reared by younger women principal farmers under or equal to 45 years
terion (P-value < 0.3) for univariable regression analysis with BHV-1 (Table 3). The area under the ROC curve for this final model was 0.86,
antibody status: parity category, age category, dry cow status, and indicating a good overall goodness-of–fit of the observed data (Fig. 2).
BVDV antibody status. Farm-level variables meeting the cut-off cri- The 95 % CI for 1` year and 6 years do not overlap, showing that the
terion included: the farm allowed fence-line contact with other cattle, interaction is significant (p < 0. 0.010). The relationship between

E.S. Kipyego, et al. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 175 (2020) 104863

Table 3
Final multivariable logistic mixed model for variables associated with bovine herpesvirus-1 infection antibody sero-positivity for 403 cattle on 149
smallholder dairy farms in Meru County, Kenya in 2017.
Variable OR 95 % CIOR P–value

Rearing goats on the farm 26.77 5.328 – 134.5 < 0.001

Age of the dairy cattle 1.200 1.079 – 1.335 0.001
Rearing goats on the farm * Age of the dairy cattle 0.744 0.593 – 0.933 0.010
Dichotomized age of female principal farmer 0.182 0.087 – 0.382 0.001

OR: Odd Ratio.

95 % CIOR: 95 % Confidence Interval of OR.

study was estimated at 17.4 %, which was slightly lower compared to

studies in other parts of Kenya of 20.9 % in the western Kenya (Callaby
et al., 2016) and 28.0 % in the former Malindi District of the Coastal
Region (Kenyanjui et al., 2007). This slightly lower sero-prevalence
could have been due to the different livestock production systems stu-
died, for example, 42 % of our study farms used only zero-grazing, and
open grazing is a known risk factor for BHV–1 infection (Snowder et al.,
2006; Callaby et al., 2016).
The observed sero-prevalence to BHV-1 of 17.4 % from this study
was within the range of 16 %–54 % that was observed by McDermott
et al. (1997) in former Districts across Kenya in 1991–1992. However,
in this study, the suspects were considered as positive in order to obtain
a dichotomous outcome, and this interpretation might have led to
higher magnitudes and direction of estimates of the sero-prevalence
(Friesen et al., 2007 and Dohoo et al., 2009). Conversely, the sero-
Fig. 2. Area-under-the-curve graph showing goodness-of-fit of the final model prevalence observed in Naari area of Meru County was clearly lower
in a study on risk factors for infection with Bovine Herpesvirus-1 for 403 cattle than that estimated in traditionally managed herds (i.e. open grazing)
on 149 smallholder dairy farms in Meru County, Kenya in 2017. in Zambia, which ranged from 42 %–76 % (Straub, 1990; Ghirotti et al.,
1991), and in Egypt which ranged from 63 %–86 % (Mahmoud et al.,
The observed differences in antibody sero-prevalence in different
regions and countries could be explained by factors such as production
systems, differences in herd sizes, type of breeding methods, differences
in disease-control measures, and age of the cattle (Mainar-Jaime et al.,
2001; Ackermann and Engels, 2006). It has been observed that higher
BHV-1 prevalences recorded in larger herd sizes and intensively farmed
cattle could be associated with a high level of contact between in-
dividual animals within a herd (Snowder et al., 2006). For extensively
managed farms with median herd size of 5 animals, the risk of contact
between a susceptible individual with an infected or persistently in-
fected animal is lower (Callaby et al., 2016). The studies reported above
involved animals of various ages, such as 51 weeks old (Callaby et al.,
2016), 3 months to adults (Ghirotti et al., 1991), and zebu adults
(Kenyanjui et al., 2007), while our study involved heifer and adult dairy
Fig. 3. Interaction plot of the marginal predicted probability and 95 % con- cows. Therefore, the age differences among the animals studied may
fidence interval bars of BHV test positivity for age of dairy cattle by goats on also have explained some of the variations in the sero-prevalence.
(circle) and off (square) the farms, based on the final model on 403 cattle on Ghirotti et al. (1991) and Kenyanjui et al. (2007) employed virus
149 smallholder dairy farms in Meru County, Kenya in 2017. neutralization tests (VNT) compared to ELISA tests used in our study,
and the differences in test specificity and sensitivity may also have also
cattle age and BHV antibodies depends on whether there are goats or contributed to observed differences in prevalence (Graham et al.,
not, with there being a significant positive association when the cattle 1998). In the studies done by Saravanajayam et al. (2015) it was re-
are young (< 6 years) but no association when the cattle are older than ported that the ELISA had a higher specificity and sensitivity compared
6 years. Similarly, the relationship between goats on the farm and BHV to VNT, thus ELISA is considered a rapid, reliable and technically su-
antibodies depends on the cattle age, with there being a positive as- perior test for detection of BHV-1 antibodies. Callaby et al. (2016) also
sociation between BHV antibodies and the presence of goats, but only employed an indirect ELISA test, and thus may have contributed a si-
when cattle age is < 6 years (Fig. 3). milar prevalence to our study.
The results of the final model of this study revealed that a number of
risk factors were associated with sero-prevalence of BHV-1 antibody,
4. Discussion such as age of the cattle, rearing goats in the farms, and cows that had
antibodies against BVDV. Several serological studies carried out
The results of this study confirmed the presence of IBR infection worldwide identified similar risk factors associated with BHV–1 sero-
through sero-prevalence of BHV-1 antibodies among the smallholder positivity (Mars et al., 2001; Muylkens et al., 2007; Callaby et al., 2016;
dairy cattle reared in primarily zero-grazing units in Naari area of Meru Constable et al., 2017). The current study also agrees with other studies
County. The observed sero-prevalence for BHV-1 antibodies from this which reported a number of risk factors in their studies, such as large

E.S. Kipyego, et al. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 175 (2020) 104863

herd size, intensive production systems, housing, and management study did not have enough variation and power to identify herd size as a
practices, like animal age and sex (males are more frequently positive risk factor for seropositivity. Other studies suggested that at herd level,
than females), and direct animal contact through cattle shows and herd size is the main important risk factor for BHV-1 infection (Snowder
purchasing of cattle (van Schaik, 2001; van Schaik et al., 2002; Solis- et al., 2006; Segura-Correa et al., 2016). Our herd sizes were small,
Calderon et al., 2003; Vonk-Noordegraaf et al., 2004; Boelaert et al., making it less likely for our herds to be aggregates of animals from
2005). other farms.
Age of the cattle is a frequent risk factor reported in BHV-1 ser- A limitation to this study is that it is a cross-sectional design, which
opositive cattle, where findings from Solis-Calderon et al. (2003), has limited ability to confirm temporality of the risk factors for BHV-1
Carbonero et al.2011, Romero-Salas et al. (2013), Saravanajayam et al. infection. Furthermore, the study used a BHV-1-specific antibody ELISA
(2015) and Segura-Correa et al. (2016) showed that older animals had a testing kit, thus this test cannot establish whether the test-positive an-
higher sero-prevalence compared to young animals. Since infected imal is due to the virus retention, or due to adaptive immunity from
cattle remain infected for life, it is not surprising that proportions of previous exposure to the infection. In the future, a study is needed to
infected cattle increase with age. establish if clinical IBR occurs in smallholder dairy farmers in the Meru
Cattle on farms with older female principal farmers had a lower area of Kenya in order to determine the long-term effects of BHV-1
odds of infection compared to cattle on farms with younger female infection in cattle production that would justify formulation of pre-
principal farmers. It is unclear why this variable remained significant in vention and control measures, such as vaccination.
our final model, but it may be that older farmers are more knowl-
edgeable of the importance of biosecurity and disease control measures. 5. Conclusions and recommendations
Further research would help to clarify this finding.
Based on past epidemiological studies, this study showed that IBR Overall, BHV-1 was found to be naturally circulating among the
and BVD viruses are closely associated in the univariable analyses, and cattle population in Meru County. There was a positive association
infection for one disease has predisposed to the other disease elsewhere between BHV-1 infection and cattle age, rearing of goats in the farm
(Callaby et al., 2016). The study also showed that BVDV sero-pre- together with cattle, and younger women principal farmers. Given that
valence was significantly associated with BHV-1 at the farm level. This there is not BHV-1 vaccination use in this study population, training on
finding agrees with those reported earlier (Fulton et al., 2000; Callaby the importance of biosecurity and vaccination for BHV-1 are re-
et al., 2016). A positive correlation has also been demonstrated be- commended to reduce the transmission and impacts of BHV-1.
tween infections with the viruses causing IBR and PI (Callaby et al.,
2016). Declaration of Competing Interest
The present study revealed that rearing of goats in the farm was
associated with BHV-1 sero-prevalence in the cattle. Mixed rearing of None.
sheep, goats and cattle was not uncommon in our study population,
allowing this variable to become part of the risk factors in the final Acknowledgements
model. Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis has the potential for cross-
reaction with four other herpesviruses from other animals including We are grateful to the primary funding program for this research,
goats and buffaloes (Handel et al., 2011; Callaby et al., 2016). There- the Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships which
fore, this risk factor may be attributed to the potential ability of viral are managed through a unique partnership of universities Canada, the
cross-infection with related herpesvirus (Yesilbag et al., 2003; Keuser Rideau Hall Foundation, Community Foundations of Canada and
et al., 2004; Biswas et al., 2013). Further research is needed to clarify Canadian universities. This program is made possible with financial
this potential cross-reaction. support from the Government of Canada, provincial governments and
The present study showed that introduction of new animals into the the private sector. We also acknowledge the large contribution made by
herd was significantly associated sero-positivity of BHV-1 in univariable University of Nairobi, volunteers and staff of Farmers Helping Farmers,
analyses but did not remain significant in the final model. Other past a non-governmental organization – their existing relationships and
studies by Solis-Calderon et al. (2003) and Segura-Correa et al. (2016) agricultural efforts and inputs provided a strong foundation for the
reported that introduction of an animal into the herd was not sig- work and the entry point to the Naari community. As well, the support
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