Security Awareness Training: Security Is Everyone's Responsibility

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Security Awareness Training

Security is everyone’s Responsibility

Bsc CS, CompTIA Network+, Security+
Choosing good passwords
Safe Web browsing
Email Security
Agenda Mobile Devices
Physical Security
Social Engineering

 The behavior of employees and contractors with access to data affects information
systems and assets
 The human factor (what employees do or don’t do) is the biggest threat to
information systems and assets.
Use Strong Passwords

1. Use unique passwords for all of your accounts

2. Lengthy
At lest 8, more is better.

3. Complex
Mix upper, lower, numbers, and symbols

4. Do not use common or predictable passwords

Examples of bad passwords: your own birthday, people's names, your phone number

5. Change passwords periodically (90 days)

6. Keep your passwords secret
Do not share with others or write them down.
Strategies for Creating Strong Passwords

 Avoiding common passwords

Word combinations rather than single word
Incorporating Acronyms or non-English language words
Full sentence phrases
 Substitute letters with numbers or symbols
Example: purp!3ClothingDiscOunt
Example: P4sswords@reg00d!
Safe Web Browsing

 Before logging into or entering sensitive information into a website, look for the security padlock
symbol in the URL bar.

 Double clicking the icon will display the certificate information for the page you are viewing to
guarantee that you re as a safe, secure website
 The “https” is another indication that the page you are viewing is secure.
 Pay attention to the web address – if it has changed or doesn’t seem right it may be a fraudulent site.
Safe Web Browsing
Safe Web Browsing

Safe Web Browsing

 How to safely close Scareware Popups

Hold the Alt+F4 key
 NOTE: Never click on any of these buttons
Email Security Best Practices

Don’t use your personal email account for work purposes

Do not open attachment is unfamiliar emails
Do not click on suspicious links.
Use secure email encryption whenever sending any
restricted or sensitive information.
Carefully Inspect Emails
Carefully Inspect Emails
Mobile Devices

 Protect your devices with a password/PIN (6 Digit recommended

 Device encryption, Remote wipe, GPS location, physical security
 Do not download apps from unknown sources.
 Read what others are saying about the app in the review section.
 Avoid using public Wi-Fi hotspots, especially when access any password-
protected sites or where you will enter any personal or confidential
Physical Security

Question all Strangers. Alert security guards and/or

management to suspicious individuals.
Be sure authorized visitors/contractors have properly checked
Make sure individuals use their own key fobs/card keys when
entering secure areas.
Physical Security

Piggy-backing or Tail-gating
 Following employees into non-public areas while pretending to be a
vendor, employee, or customer
Physical Security

 Always lock your computer screen whenever leaving your computer

 Secure sensitive paper documents when leaving work areas unattended
and at the end of the day. Understand and comply with your
organization’s end-of-day closing procedures.
 Use secure shred bins for disposing of sensitive paper documents and
electronic media
Social Engineer

Email Phishing
Example: A social engineer sends an email that appears to come
from a fellow employee asking the recipient to download an
attachment or click on link.
Social Engineer
Social Engineer

 Pretext Phone Calls

 Example: A social engineer calls and pretends to be a fellow employee or
a trusted outside authority (such s law enforcement, vendor, or an
 Physical Social Engineering
 Example: piggy-backing/Tail-gaiting - Can you hold the door for me? I
don’t have my access card on me.
7 Security Tips

1. Follow a clean desk policy

2. Be aware when creating or disposing paper documents.
3. Consider carefully what information you put out there.
4. Prevent unauthorized people accessing your company.
5. Just because they know you, doesn’t mean you know them!
6. Phishing scams: Don’t bite.
7. Prevent damage from malware.
You are the key to effective security!


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