Major Life Event Stressor Values and What It Means For Individuals

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Major Life Event Stressor Values and What it means for Individuals

 Death of Spouse 100

 Divorce 73 Add up the stressor values of all of
 Marital separation 65 the events you have experienced
 Jail term 63 within the last year. If the total is
 Death of family member 63 more than 150 points of
 Major injury/ illness 53 stressfulness, you have better than
 Marriage 50 fifty percent chance of suffering a
 Fired from work 47 serious physical disorder during
 Marital reconciliation 45 the following year. If your score is
 Retirement 45 greater than 300 for the past year,
 Major change in family member’s health 44 your chance of serious illness
 Pregnancy 40 increases to eighty percent.
 Gain of new family member 39
 Business readjustment 39
 Change in financial state 38
 Death of close friend 37
 Change line of work 36
 Change in # of arguments w/ spouse 35
 Mortgage or major loan purchase 31
 Mortgage or loan foreclosure 30
 Change in work responsibilities 29
 Son/daughter leaving home 29
 Trouble w/ in-laws 29
 Outstanding personal achievement 28
 Spouse begins/ stops working 26
 Begin/ end school 26
 Change in living conditions 25
 Revision of personal habits 24
 Trouble with boss 23
 Change in work hours/ conditions 20
 Change in residence 20
 Change in school 20
 Change in recreation 19
 Change in religious activities 19
 Change in social activities 18
 Mortgage or loan for smaller purchase 17
 Change in sleeping habits 16
 Change in number of family get-togethers 15
 Change in eating habits 15
 Vacation 13
 Christmas 12
 Minor violations of the law 11
Group Effective Checklist

Effective groups are characterized by the qualities below. As you continue your academic
programs and careers, pay attention to areas where there are deficiencies, so you can address them
and enjoy a more effective group atmosphere.

1. The atmosphere is comfortable and relaxed

2. Group discussion is frequent and usually pertinent to the task at hand
3. Group members understand what they are trying to accomplish.
4. People listen to each other’s suggestions and ideas
5. Disagreements are tolerated and an attempt is made to resolve them
6. There is general agreement on most courses of action taken
7. The group welcomes frank criticism from inside and outside sources
8. When the group takes action, clear assignments are made and accepted
9. There is a high degree of trust and confidence among the leader and subordinates
10. There is well-established, relaxed working relationship among the members
11. The group members strive to help the group achieve its goal
12. Suggestions and criticisms are offered and received with a helpful spirit
13. There is a cooperative rather than a competitive relationship among the members
14. The group’s goals are set high but no so high as to create anxieties or fear of failure
15. Creativity is stimulated
16. there is ample communication
17. Group members feel confident in making decisions
18. People are kept busy but not overloaded

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