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J Biosci (2019) 44:38 Ó Indian Academy of Sciences

DOI: 10.1007/s12038-019-9856-8 (0123456789().,-volV)



Restriction enzymes and their use in molecular biology:

An overview


Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie, Sapienza, Università di Roma, Piazzale A. Moro 5, 00185 Roma,
Istituto di Biologia e Patologia Molecolari, CNR, Roma, Piazzale A. Moro 5, 00185 Roma, Italy

*Corresponding author (Email,

MS received 24 October 2018; accepted 3 January 2019; published online 8 April 2019

Restriction enzymes have been identified in the early 1950s of the past century and have quickly become key players in the
molecular biology of DNA. Forty years ago, the scientists whose pioneering work had explored the activity and sequence
specificity of these enzymes, contributing to the definition of their enormous potential as tools for DNA characterization,
mapping and manipulation, were awarded the Nobel Prize. In this short review, we celebrate the history of these enzymes in
the light of their many different uses, as these proteins have accompanied the history of DNA for over 50 years representing
active witnesses of major steps in the field.

Keywords. Cloning; DNA manipulation; history; restriction enzymes

1. Introduction Bertani and Weigle 1953). These works describe the changes
the infectious capacity of the phage undergoes during the
Historia magistra vitae: Cicero’s expression, drawn from his growth cycle, showing that these alterations are not due to de
almost 2000-year-old De Oratore, brilliantly synthesizes how novo mutations or selective processes. Subsequently, it was
the understanding of present reality must value past experience. ascertained that the underlying defense system is based on
This requirement is highly relevant to scientific studies DNA sequence-specific endonucleases, which restrict viral
and is nicely exemplified by the references every scientific action (hence the term restriction enzymes) by digesting
article relies on: new knowledge banks on previous acqui- phage DNA, coupled to a corresponding DNA methyl-
sitions and acknowledges them. In this light, we present an transferase activity, which safeguards the integrity of host
overview on the experimental significance of a specific class DNA by modifying potential cutting sites through the addi-
of proteins, type II restriction enzymes. It has been more tion of methyl groups (reviewed in Wilson and Murray
than half a century since the first studies on these molecules. 1991).
Their fundamental role as tools for the characterization and For their seminal contribution to the discovery and use of
manipulation of DNA quickly made them very well known restriction enzymes, Werner Arber, Dan Nathans and
within the scientific community. Highlighting their relevance Hamilton Smith were awarded the 1978 Nobel Prize for
to DNA studies goes in parallel with the history of the Physiology and Medicine. Arber had hypothesized that these
double helix and may appeal also to those who, while not enzymes were able to bind DNA at sites represented by
working on DNA, are nonetheless interested in the pro- specific DNA sequences (Arber 1965). Smith had verified
gresses made by investigations in this area. Arber’s hypothesis by using purified enzymes and showing
that they were able to cut symmetric and specific nucleotide
sequences (Kelly and Smith 1970; Smith and Wilcox 1970).
2. Restriction and modification Nathans had realized the possible exploitation of these
enzymes, producing the first restriction cutting site maps of
Major observations in microbial genetics revealing the specific DNA fragments (Danna and Nathans 1971). Since
capability of bacteria to resist bacteriophage infections were Arber’s, Smith’s and Nathans’ studies, the characterization
published in the early 1950s (Luria and Human 1952; of restriction enzymes has developed very rapidly and four 1
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different enzyme classes have been identified. The enzymes the entire gel content was then transferred (blotted) onto a
belonging to class II are commonly exploited in manipu- flexible membrane (usually a nitrocellulose filter) so as to
lating and characterizing DNA. They only require Mg2?, make the DNA fragments bind to this support without
and no ATP, to recognize their target DNA sequence and altering the relative positions they had reached in the gel.
cleave it. Many restriction enzymes, originating from a wide The filter was then subjected to molecular hybridization with
range of bacterial species, belong to this class and hundreds specific, radioactively labeled DNA probes. Thus, only the
of recognition/cutting sequences have been identified. Using fragment(s) corresponding to the probe were evidenced.
different combinations of restriction enzymes, many differ- A particularly interesting application of restriction map-
ent ways of characterizing and manipulating DNA have ping is based on the analysis of restriction fragment-length
become possible (Williams 2003). Comparative analyses polymorphisms (RFLP). This technique allows to compare
have shown that type II restriction enzymes are members of DNA samples drawn from different sources (individuals) by
a large superfamily of proteins, called PD-(D/E)XK nucle- evaluating the size variability of specific restriction frag-
ases, characterized by a conserved core fold (a common a/b ments. Fragments from a given DNA region of a single
motif) but lacking significant sequence similarity except for individual are compared with a reference sample or scored
critical residues of their active site (Knizewski et al. 2007). for an individual signature. RFLP analysis has gained wide
This poses interesting and as-yet open questions about the acceptance as a highly accurate tool in prenatal diagnostics.
evolutionary pathways of the many members of this family The use of specific probes against single copy sequences,
(Gupta et al. 2012). capable to distinguish sequence polymorphisms when
Class I, III and IV restriction enzymes are much less hybridized to restriction endonuclease digested DNAs, has
frequently employed in DNA studies because of their lower been proposed for the first time during the 1980s (Botstein
DNA-cutting specificity. Rather than coinciding with their et al. 1980; Weatherall et al. 1985). Later, this approach was
recognition sequences, their cutting sites often localize far also widely adopted by forensic molecular genetics (Sajan-
away and/or are not sequence specific. In addition, their tila and Budowle 1991; Balazs 1992). Nowadays conven-
restriction activity is not always separated from the methy- tional forensic serology has been almost completely replaced
lation activity and their number is not as abundant as that of by DNA-based assays.
class II restriction endonucleases. Finally, the activity of
class I, III and IV restriction enzymes is often ATP-depen-
dent (reviewed in Roberts et al. 2003). 4. Basic use of restriction enzymes: DNA manipulation

The many heuristic and applicative approaches employing

3. Basic use of restriction enzymes: physical DNA restriction enzymes have proved fundamental for physical
mapping DNA mapping. Similarly, recombinant DNA technology,
which has equally strong ties with these extraordinary
Since the first experiments by Danna and Nathans (1971), molecular tools, had a revolutionary impact on molecular
the major use of restriction enzymes was aimed at locating biology as well as on biomedicine and biotechnology.
their cutting sites on selected DNA molecules. In an era Shortly before the identification of the first restriction
where effective nucleotide sequence determination methods enzymes, Lederberg (1952) proposed to use the term ‘plas-
were yet under development, the specificity of the restriction mid’ for any extrachromosomal element determining
cleavage profiles of different DNA regions allowed to easily heredity or sex. A few years later (Hickson et al. 1967) the
compare them, resulting in an unprecedented flow of highly physical and chemical properties of plasmid DNA and its
interesting structural, functional and evolutionary studies on circular nature were extensively characterized and plasmids
many gene systems (Holsinger and Jansen 1993). Compar- were also visualized by electron microscopy. In 1972 Cohen
ing DNAs from organisms belonging to different, even and coworkers inserted an exogenous closed-circular DNA
closely related taxa became as simple as comparing their harboring sequences encoding the resistance against a given
restriction profiles. Indeed, a single nucleotide variation antibiotic into a bacterial strain. They selected the plasmid-
occurring at a given restriction cutting site is sufficient to containing population by screening for the ability to grow in
affect cleavage and result in a different digestion pattern. A the presence of the same antibiotic (Cohen et al. 1972).
breakthrough in physical mapping of DNA by restriction At that time, the capacity of DNA ligase to join two
enzyme digestion came about in 1976 with the introduction adjacent nucleotides aligned on a complementary template
of the Southern blot approach. In essence, the experimental by creating a new phosphodiester bond had been demon-
scenario was standardized by Edwin Southern’s method to strated following experiments with E. coli extracts capable to
analyze specific DNA restriction fragments after sorting join polydeoxynucleotide chains and convert hydrogen
them electrophoretically by size through an agarose gel slab bonded circles from k-phage into a covalently closed-cir-
(Southern 1975). The possibility to analyze only a subset of cular form (Cozzarelli et al. 1967; Gefter et al. 1967; Gellert
fragments was of particular interest: the DNA was denatured 1967; Olivera and Lehman 1967; Weiss and Richardson
within the gel at the end of the electrophoretic separation and 1967). However, at the beginning of the 1970s, a tool for the
Restriction enzymes Page 3 of 8 38
specific fragmentation of DNA was still missing. Stanley function and regulation of genes, and has led to remarkable
Cohen, one of the major personalities in the field, had been biotechnological achievements. It became possible to deeply
experimenting with mechanical DNA fragmentation (Cohen engineer genes in vitro, even human ones, transcribe them
et al. 1967) but the right kind of highly specific ‘molecular and give rise, by subsequent translation, to proteins of
scissors’ became available only through the studies of Arber, medical interest such as globins or insulin. The latter was
Smith and Nathans (Arber 1965; Smith and Wilcox 1970; produced for the first time in 1979 (Goeddel et al. 1979).
Danna and Nathans 1971). Work from Herbert Boyer’s lab Since then, the production of complex, biologically active
represented a landmark by providing an historical restriction molecules by means of recombinant DNA technologies has
enzyme, EcoRI (Yoshimori et al. 1972). It also became clear become common practice (Khan et al. 2016).
that some class II activities produced a staggered cut in the These findings have greatly stimulated the research on
double helix (figure 1), leaving complementary (the so- site-specific manipulation of the genome, with emphasis on
called sticky or cohesive) ends (Hershey et al. 1963; Gellert the development of endonuclease-based tools able to target
1967), which could be bridged, regardless of the origin of and cleave virtually any sequence. This has led to two
the DNA, with DNA ligase (Jensen et al. 1971; Jackson powerful systems: ZFN (zinc-finger nuclease) (Liu et al.
et al. 1972; Lobban and Kaiser 1973). Suddenly, the 1997) and TALEN (transcription activator-like effector
recombinant DNA playground was ready. An excellent nuclease) (Christian et al. 2010; Miller et al. 2011). ZFN
description about the origins and the development of relies on artificial nucleases where the DNA-cleavage
molecular cloning, including an account of the famous domain of Fok I, a type II restriction enzyme, is fused to the
meeting at Waikiki beach (Hawaii), has been published in C-terminal of a zinc-finger DNA binding domain: in the
recent years by Stanley Cohen (Cohen 2013). fusion protein the Fok I nuclease domain is responsible for
By joining DNA fragments from different organisms, the the cutting activity, whereas the zinc-finger domain recog-
generation of the so-called chimeric DNAs became possible. nizes and binds the target sequence. The TALEN system also
The insertion of some X. laevis rDNA fragments into the exploits a fusion protein, constituted by the Fok I cleavage
pSC101 plasmid was one of the first examples (Morrow domain and a transcription activator-like effector DNA-
et al. 1974). These experiments proved that it was possible binding domain (Gaj et al. 2013). Until 2011 ZFN and
to use bacterial plasmids to clone DNA from various sour- TALEN were the most promising systems endowed with
ces; that the junction of DNAs from different organisms high targeting/cutting specificity. However, in terms of time
could take place after cutting them with restriction enzymes and economical requirements both systems have proven
generating the same type of ends; and, last but not least, that rather demanding and a substantial progress occurred with
this procedure did not affect the functionality of the plasmid the introduction of programmable RNA-mediated target-
itself which continued replicating and transcribing the har- ing/cutting systems (Kim and Kim 2014) as RGEN (RNA-
bored genes. guided engineered nucleases), which has been rapidly
Then, another important step followed: the creation of replaced by its more effective, and now widely adopted
gene libraries (reviewed in Durmaz et al. 2015). These successor, CRISPR-Cas9 (see Section 6).
libraries involved genomic DNA fragmentation by digestion
with restriction enzymes cutting with high frequency, i.e.
having short recognition sequences (4–6 bases). The frag- 5. DNA accessibility studies: chromatin, DNA
ments obtained were joined in vitro to a number of plasmid methylation
molecules ensuring statistically sufficient coverage of the
whole genome. Thus, restriction fragments obtained from a The study of chromatin structure has been largely based on
given genome were distributed on different plasmids which nuclease resistance analyses (Hewish and Burgoyne 1973;
collectively represented the whole genome of the organism. Rill and Van Holde 1973; Noll 1974) that led to the basic
These libraries have allowed a systematic study of entire nucleosome model proposed by R. Kornberg (Kornberg
genomes, even those with a remarkably large size (e.g. the 1974). The nuclease approach was followed by another
human one). Overall, the use of restriction enzymes to split methodology (REAA, restriction enzyme accessibility assay)
large DNA chunks into fragments of defined size and with based on the cutting specificity of restriction enzymes to test
specific ends has paved the way not only to recombinant the in vivo accessibility of specific DNA regions (Pfeiffer
DNA technology but also and to the first DNA sequencing et al. 1975; Hörz et al. 1976; Lipchitz and Axel 1976).
efforts (reviewed in Heather and Chain 2016). Successive reports showed that transcribed genes were more
Restriction enzyme-mediated manipulation of DNA has sensitive to restriction enzymes than non-transcribed ones
opened the possibility to introduce targeted deletions of gene (Grummt and Gross 1980). Cutting was hindered when the
or promoter sub-regions, in order to compare the behavior of restriction site mapped within a DNA region associated with
deleted templates with wild-type copies in terms of sub- histones to form a nucleosome. Conversely, if the location of
strates for RNA transcription/processing and translation. The the nucleosome did not encompass the restriction site, cut-
ability to cut and join gene pieces almost at will has provided ting could occur. Thus, it became possible to observe
tremendous momentum to basic knowledge on the nature, nucleosome positioning or chromatin remodeling events
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Figure 1. Diagram showing the general mechanism of action of type II restriction endonucleases and the end products of the reaction. In
the presence of Mg2? ions a type II enzyme catalyzes the cleavage of phosphodiester bonds (solid arrows pointing at the bond between 30 O
and P) at specific locations along the DNA, generating fragments with 50 -phosphoryl/30 -hydroxyl ends. The reaction occurs by nucleophilic
attack at the phosphorus atom, but it is as yet not fully established whether it proceeds by direct hydrolysis or through the formation of a
covalent reaction intermediate (Pingoud et al. 2005). While individual chemical steps of the actual mechanism may exhibit specific
variations for each restriction enzyme, the general scheme reported here is well conserved. The nucleotide sequence shown (GAATTC) is
the recognition/cleavage site for EcoRI, a restriction enzyme which operates a staggered cut leaving 50 -protruding, cohesive ends.

mediated, for instance, by environmental changes. REAA exploiting differential methylation sensitivity to restriction
has been used for a long time to evaluate changes in chro- enzymes and represents the origin of molecular epigenetics,
matin structure. which subsequently gained enormous impulse with the
In 1978 Edwin Southern and Adrian Bird developed a advent of high yield DNA sequencing (Lin 2018).
mapping strategy involving the DNA methylation status
(Bird and Southern 1978). In Xenopus laevis, ribosomal
DNA from erythrocytes (somatic rDNA) showed higher 6. CRISPR-Cas9: new frontiers in DNA editing
resistance to the action of specific restriction enzymes as
compared to the same substrate abundantly present in The ability of restriction endonucleases to distinguish
oocytes as amplified rDNA. The difference turned out to between methylated and non-methylated DNA substrates, is
depend on the differential methylation status of the rDNA in essential in safeguarding the bacterial genome against bac-
the two tissues rather than on different nucleotide sequences. teriophage invasion. Restriction enzymes are regarded as a
This approach gave rise to a number of comparisons pivotal component of an innate defense system developed by
Restriction enzymes Page 5 of 8 38
bacteria during evolution. An additional defense mechanism
exploited by bacteria has recently stirred great interest. It is
based on CRISPR elements (clustered regularly interspected
short palindromic repeats) and on their associated proteins,
Cas. At each phage infection, fragments from the phage
genome are integrated into the bacterial genome at CRISPR
loci (Barrangou et al. 2007). These loci are then transcribed
and small RNAs originating from the integrated phage DNA
fragments recognize the exogenous sequences. These RNAs
are used as a guide by a specific Cas protein, Cas9 (CRISPR
associated protein 9), an endonuclease encoded by a gene
located near the CRISPR loci. When the RNA-guide pairs
with the phage DNA sequence, Cas9 is activated and
degrades phage DNA.
Both defense mechanisms, restriction/modification and
CRISPR-Cas9, exploit endonucleolytic activities. The
effectiveness of the first mechanism relies on the ability of
the restriction endonuclease to distinguish and selectively
inactivate phage DNA, while preserving host DNA, on the
basis of the methylation status. The second mechanism
Figure 2. Simplified diagram of CRISPR–Cas9 as an RNA- (figure 2) takes advantage of the RNA guide forming a
driven DNA targeting/cleavage system. A synthetic small, single- RNA/DNA duplex with phage DNA, and thus inducing the
guide RNA (sgRNA) carries a short sequence (usually 20 Cas9-mediated cleavage of the targeted sequence (this can
nucleotides; gray dotted line) able to match with a target DNA occur even later, during a subsequent infection by the same
site (black dotted line). Target recognition is facilitated by the
presence of a short sequence (50 -NGG), the protospacer-adjacent
motif (PAM). Upon complementary base paring and R-loop
Similarly to restriction enzymes, albeit at a much quicker
formation the Cas9 endonuclease is activated and scission (arrows) pace, also the CRISPR-Cas9 system has undergone exten-
of both DNA strands occurs (see Jiang and Doudna 2017 for a sive studies to clarify the underlying molecular mechanisms
recent in-depth review). and appropriately engineer them to manipulate DNA

Figure 3. Restriction enzymes: active witnesses of DNA history.

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Figure 4. Timeline showing major milestones in the history of restriction enzymes.

templates. In essence, the CRISPR-Cas9 system has quickly molecular tool able to generate specific DNA fragments has
turned into a novel and very powerful biotechnological tool, been a turning point in the history of DNA. The involvement
making genome editing virtually possible in any cell. This is of restriction enzymes in a wide variety of sophisticated
exemplified by the possibility to introduce genetic mutations procedures makes these proteins active ‘molecular wit-
at specific locations by simply identifying an appropriate/ nesses’ of the progresses in the analysis, manipulation and
unique target DNA sequence and adopting the correspond- exploitation of the double helix (figure 3). What was initially
ing RNA guide to bring the Cas9 endonuclease in position a discovery driven by the interests and principles of basic
(Jinek et al. 2012). Such a high specificity would not be research has rapidly become a powerful tool for applied
achievable with restriction endonucleases as their recogni- science and translational approaches (figure 4). Interestingly,
tion/cutting sites are dispersed all over the genome. Cutting the CRISP/Cas system is currently following a closely
sites of type II restriction enzymes are ‘hard wired’ into the similar path. Overall, these observations constitute an
structure of the protein, i.e. changing the recognition/cutting excellent exemplification of how basic, non-oriented
specificity requires a new protein. Conversely, the Cas9 research represents a very valuable reservoir of new dis-
endonuclease relies on a small guide RNA to pair with its coveries with a strong applicative potential.
complementary DNA target and a new guide RNA is suffi-
cient to change the cutting specificity, without the need to
modify the protein.

7. Concluding remarks
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Corresponding editor: SUDHA BHATTACHARYA

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