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BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

Original Draft Copy


1.1 General Rules………………………………………………………… 4

1. Casing /Uncasing of Colours………………………………… 5-6

2. Basic Positions……………………………………………………… 6-15

3. The Colour Party……………………………………………………15-16

4. Posting and Withdrawing of Colours…………………… 17-18

5. Colours on Church Parade…………………………………… 19-20

6. Colours on Guard of Honour………………………………… 21-22

7. Colours on Brigade event……………………………………… 23

8. Colours on Joint BB/GB Parades……………………………… 23

9. Laying Up of Old Colours/Dedication of New ones…… 24-26


 Introduction ………………………………………………………27

 Sword Drill …………………………………………………………27-34


 DRESS Code ………………………………………………………33

 Procedure …………………………………………………………..33

 Procession…………………………………………………………..34-41

CHAPTER 4: BRIGADE FUNERALS ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 41-48

CHAPTER 5 : GUARD OF HOUNOUR…………………………………………………………………………………………48- 52


CHAPTER 6: CHURCH PARADES ………………………………………………………………………….…………………..54-55

CHAPTER 7: JOINT BB/GB PARADES ……………………………………………………………………………………….56- 58

APPENDIX: BUGLE CALLS & HYMNS ………………………………………………………………………………………….59- 68

BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

Original Draft Copy

BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

Original Draft Copy
This field manual provides guidance for uniformity in the conduct of ceremonial drills in the
Boys Brigade of Zambia.

It includes in depth explanations on various ceremonial drills and is designed for use by Boys,
officers and instructors. However, since exact procedures covering overall situations or
eventualities pertaining to various ceremonial events cannot be foreseen, commanders may
find it necessary to adjust procedures to local conditions.

In order to maintain consistency throughout the Brigade, the procedures prescribed herein
should be adhered to as closely as possible

Some Topics such as Colours have been presented in a two dimensional approach namely
counting the time and judging the time. The first one is meant for the purpose of learning the
sequence of the execution of such movements by using “Numbers” while the latter is meant to
combine the movements learnt and executing them while judging the time

BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

Original Draft Copy
From the earliest times emblems and flags have been used as distinguishing marks for a
formation and as symbols of the spirit and tradition of that formation which were closely allied to
the spirit and tradition of its leaders. Flags which have been consecrated for this purpose are
called „colours‟. There are usually two colours, the battalion or company colour, a distinguishing
emblem; and the Head of state’s colour a symbol of the spirit of the unit and named after the
head of state. Colours should be treated at all times with respect and no company should aspire to
poses them until the officers are satisfied that by reason of numbers and accommodation the
company can conform to the prescribed ceremonial handling. Only on ceremonial occasions
should the colours be paraded.

The figures below shows examples of the two types of colours

Company / Battalion ( Brigade Unit) Colour Head of State‟s



 A Cased Colour is never held at the Carry

 When at the halt ,the Colour is never Sloped

 During inspection the Colour shall be held at the Carry

 When it is desirable as in wet weather or at rehearsals, the colours may be Carried on

parade while Cased.

 Colours will be Cased before being taken into their Place of Custody and will be uncased
when need to use them Arises, Correct procedure must however be followed when
handling the Colours

BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

Original Draft Copy
 When Casing and uncasing the Colour, Staff Sergeants and Officers Present will Salute (
refer to the Manual on Casing and Uncasing of Colours)


Colours will be covered in appropriate Casings to prevent dust and other Particles Collecting on
them. The Procedure for Casing and uncasing the Colours will be as described below;

 Chaplain or Colour officer will remove the Cased Colour from its storage point Saluting
the Colours before picking them up.

 Colour Party will form up four paces from the position of the Colour Officer/Chaplain

 Members of the Colour Party will Salute the Cased Colours and receive them in
succession starting with the Head of states’ Colour followed by the Unit Colour.

 If the Colours are to be Marched while uncased, At the Command “Colour Party
Outwards - March” The two members in the rear will Open Orders(move one pace to the
left and the right respectively) and March to front of the respective Colours, Halt and
Turn about at 3 paces from the position of the Colour bearers. At the same Time the
Officer or Boy in the Middle will March 3 Paces and halt and Turn to the right in
readiness to assist with the Uncasing of the Colours,

 On the Command “Uncase the Colours”. The Colour bearers will lower the Colours
Horizontally holding the Pike under the Armpits with the Pike Perpendicular to the
ground. All the three members of the Colour party in front will Move closer, the one on
the right and the one in the middle will Salute the Colours and assist each Other to
carefully remove the Head of States’ Colour from the Casing. The one in the Middle will
then Turn about and March closer to the Unit Colour and together with the one on the
left, the two will salute the Unit Colour and uncase it accordingly.

 Upon Completion of the Uncasing, the three members will move to their previous
positions in front and wait for the next word of command.

 The Uncased Colours will be Held at the Carry

 Upon Completion of the uncasing, the senior member of the Colour party carrying the
head of states Colour will command “Colour Party –In wards March”. The two
Members will smartly March back to their respective Positions, Halt Close orders and
Turn About while the one in the middle will also march to his original position .Halt and
Turn about together with the other two.

 The senior member of the Colour Party Can now move the Colour Party to the desired
Position as circumstances will demand.

BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

Original Draft Copy

The Similar procedure will be followed when Casing the Colours. Upon reaching the
designated point where Colours are to be cased

 The Colour Party Carrying Uncased Colours at the Carry will halt 4 Paces From
the Colour Officer/ Chaplain

 On the Command” Colour Party – Outwards March” (Members of the Colour

Party acts as in Uncasing Colours above except that the command will be “ Case
the Colours”

 On completion of the Casing, the Cased Colours can either be handed over for
Custody to the Colour officer/ Chaplain or marched on parade depending on the

 Please note that a cased Colour should not be held at the carry. The correct
position in this case at the halt will be the Order. The Cased Colour will be lifted
from the order Position and handed over to the Colour Officer/ Chaplain who will
salute the Colour and position it in its appropriate place of Custody.

 In the event that the Colours have to be Marched while Cased, they will first be
held at the Order at the Halt, and will only be lifted to the Slope Position on the




The position of the order is used when Halted, Stand at ease or Stand Easy
and during the benediction

To assume the position of the ORDER;

 Stand at attention

 Pike is held vertical with right hand at the right side , the
base of the pike on the ground at the right side of the foot in
line with the toe of the shoes

 The pike and colour are held with an all round gasp of the
right right hand , back of the hand outwards, at the point of

BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

Original Draft Copy
the pike where the lowest corner of the colour reaches

 The Colour Shall Hang naturally down the pike and shall not be stretched taut

 The Right Elbow is at the side and;

 The right wrist is directly in the rear of the Pike


On the command Stand at – Ease:

The Colour and Pike Remain in the same Position as at attention


On the Command , Stand – Easy:

A. The Colour and Pike Remain in the same position ;

B. The left arm is kept to the side ;and

C. The body is relaxed.


On the command, Atten – Tion, the left foot is brought to the right and the position of order is


The Position of the Carry is used when: Marching on and off Parrade , during general salute .
inspection , March Past and Going in and out of Church or other
building.National Anthem and Advance in review order

To assume the Position of the carry:

 The Pike is Carried vertically in the socket of the carrier.the

corner of the Colour is held in the right hand which also grasps
the pike opposite the mouth with thev back of the hand to the
front,wrist and fore arm horizontal.head and eyes face the

BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

Original Draft Copy

( counting the time)

On the Command, Carry colour, By Numbers- one Raise the colour with the right hand
to a vertical position with base of pike just clear of the socket

1. Simultaneously, bring the left hand to the socket and guide the pike into socket.

On the Command, – two

1. Bring the left hand to the position of the order ;and

2. On completion of the movement

 The right hand is opposite the mouth

 The right fore arm is parallel to the ground at right angles to the
pike ;

 The wrist of the right arm is straight;

 The back of the hand is outwards ; and

 The head and eyes are facing the front

(Judging the time )

On the Command, Carry – Colour, the two movements above are combined .A standard pause
shall be observed between movements.


(Counting the time)

On the command , Order Colour by Numbers – One

1. With the right hand raise the pike clear of the socket ;and

2. Simultaneously bring the left hand to the socket to steady the carrier

On command, squad – Two:

1. Carry the colour with the right hand to the position of the order;

2. Move the left hand across the body to steady the pike ; and

BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

Original Draft Copy
3. On Completion of the movement

 The back of the left hand shall be outwards,

 The fingers of the left hand extended and pointing to the right ;and

 The left forearm is parallel to the ground.

On the command, squad – Three. Carry the left hand to the side assuming position of attention.

(Judging the Time)

On the command, Order – colour, the three movements above are combined and a standard
pause shall be observed between the movements.


The let fly position is used during:

The General salute, March-past, while passing the saluting base.

To assume the let fly Position the Corner of the colour held in the right hand( in the carry
position ) is released


On the Command “Let Fly- Colour”- Maintaining Grip on the pike, release the Colour with the
Right Hand


Counting the Time

On the Command “Catch the Colour-by numbers – One”:

 Grasp the Colour with the left hand and bring it into the Pike and;

 Simultaneously ,Grasp the corner of the Colour with the Right hand as in the Position of
the order

On the Command “Squad –Two”, Cut the left hand to the side to the position of attention

Judging the Time:

BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

Original Draft Copy
On the Command “Catch the - Colour” Combine the two movements above with a standard
pause in between the movements.

Depending on the wind direction,the Colour may be grasped with the right hand after securing
the pike in the left hand.If due to the strength of the wind Colour cannot be caught,then the
Colour shall be brought to thePosition of the Order, Colour secured and returned to the Carry


To assume the position of the slope;

 Colour shall be at 45degrees angle on the right shoulder

 The Elbow shall be close to the Body

 The right fore arm shall be parallel to the Ground

 The Clour shall hang over and Cover the right shoulder and
Arm and;

 Pike shall not show between the hand and the shoulder and
shall be covered by the Colour


Counting the Time

On the Command “Slope Colours by Numbers – One”

 With Right hand ,raise the pike Clear of the socket ,and;

 Simultaneosly bring the left hand to the socket to steady the Pike.

On Command “ Squad – Two”

 Lower the Colour with the right hand to the shoulder

 Simultaneously with the left hand grasp the Pike below the right hand with an all-
round grip to steady the pike. And ;

 On completion of the Movement the Position of the Slope will be assumed.


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

Original Draft Copy
On the Command “ Squad – Three”

 Carry the left hand to the side assuming the Position of the order

Judging the Time:

On Command “Slope – Colour” The three Movements above are Combined with a standard
pause in between movements.


When Marching over long distances it may be necessary to Change the Colour from the Right to
the Left and Vice-versa and should that need arise the following sequence shall be followed:

On the command “Change Colour by Numbers – One”

 Grasp the pike with the left hand below the right hand ,in an all-round Grip, back of the
hand to the front and thumb to the rear; and :

 Keep the elbows close to the Body

On the Command “squad – Two”

 Carry the Colour with the Pike perpendicular to a position 4 inches in front of the centre
of the Body;and

 Keep the elbows Close to the Body and both arms parallel to the Ground.

On the Command “Squad – Three”

 Place the Colour on the left shoulder while grip is retained with both hands, in a similar
position as described for the slope on the Right shoulder

On the Command “Squad – Four”

 Cut the right hand to the side

Judging the Time:

On the command “Change – Colour” The four movements are Combined with a standard Pause
in between Movements.

To Change the Colour From the left to the right, the movement is Executed as described above
by substituting left for right and right for left.


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

Original Draft Copy

Counting the Time:

On the Command “Carry Colour By Numbers – One”

 Raise the Colour off the Right shoulder with the right hand to the perpendicular of the
Carry and the from the order; and

 Simultaneously bring the left hand to the Socket to guide the base of the Pike into the

On the Command “Squad – Two” Cut the Left hand to the Side assuming the Carry Position

Judging the Time

On the Command “Carry Colour By Numbers- One” The two movements are combined with a
standard Pause between movements.



BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

Original Draft Copy
Colours can be lowered under the following circumstances;

1. Company or battalion colour only- When Saluting an Admiral of the Royal Air
force or service chiefs.

2. Both colours when Saluting the Head of state of the nation or Royalty

3. When Marching past the Square in Slow- March ( Special Cases Only)

To ssume this position,

 Pikehead Shall be just Clear off the Ground

 The Colour shall be spread on the Ground to the right of the Pike

 The Pike Shall be held under the right armpit, the back of the right hand towards the

 If The Ground is wet ,the Pike head shall be 2 inches above the ground .The Colour shall
be held in the left hand to prevent it from being Soiled.

 If a Strong Wind is blowing from the right , the Pike shall be Carried with the right hand
well to the left , and then lowered with asweeping motion to the Position of the Dip.The
Colour shall be spread to the Left of the Pike .


Counting the Time:

On the Command “Lower Colour By Numbers- One”

 Releasing the Colour from the Pike , raise the pike to the full extent of the arm;and

 Simulteneously bring the left hand across the bodyand grasp the socket to steady the

On the Command “Squad – Two”

 Carry the Pike with the right hand, well out to the right hand, and lower it with a
sweeping motion in front of and in line with the right foot.

 Simultaneously cut the left hand to the side to the position of the order

Judging the Time:

On Command” Lower – Colours” The two movements are combined with a standard pause in
between movements


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

Original Draft Copy

Counting the Time:

On the Comand , “Carry Colour by Numbers- One”

 Raise the Colour off the Ground with the right hand ,to the perpendicular Position of the
Carry ;and

 Simultaneously, bring the left hand to the socket to guide the base of the pike into the

On Command “Squad – Two”;

 Grasp the Colour with the left hand and bring it in to the Pike ;and

 Simultaneously, grasp the corner of the Colour with the right hand as in the Position of
the Order.

On Command “Squad – Three”

 Cut the left hand to the side

Judging the Time

On the Command “Carry- Colour” The three Movements are Combined with a Standard
Pause in between Movements.


On the March , the Colour is Only Lowered when marching in Slow Time

On the Command ,”Eyes- Right “, the Colour Shall be LetFly on the next pace with the left Foot.

On the Folowing pace with the left foot:

 Grasp the socket with the left hand;and

 Raise the Pike Clear of the Socket with the right hand

On the next pace with the left foot:

 Move the Colour to the right and lower the pike to the horizontal with the pike resting
under the armpit;and

 Simultaneously , cut the left hand to the side.

On Completion of the movement:


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

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 The Back of the right hand shall be towards the ground;

 The right elbow Close to the Side

 The Colour Shall hang Straight down

 The Left arm straight at the side and the Head and Eyes shall be Straight


On the Command “Eyes – Front”, On the next pace with the left foot;

 Raise the Colour with the right hand ,to the perpendicular Position of the Carry; and

 Simultaneously, bring the left hand to the Socket to guide the base of the Pike into the

On the Following Pace with the Left foot the Colour shall be Caught with the left hand, and the
corner of the Colour shall be grasped with the right hand .

On the Next pace with the left foot, cut the left hand to the side


Colour parties consist of either one Colour or two Colours i.e. Head of States’ Colour and the
Battalion or company Colour. Where two Colours are carried, the presidents’ Colour will always
be on the right and is carried slightly higher than the Battalion or company Colours.

Colours may be carried by officers, warrant officers, staff sergeants or N.C.Os.

The person carrying the Colour or the presidents Colour if the two Colours are carried is the
senior member of the Colour party and he alone gives commands.

Officers, NCOs or seniors form the other members of the Colour party depending on the desired


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

Original Draft Copy

For special occasions an escort to the Colours may be provided. it will usually consist of senior
representatives from the companies of the Battalion. It should not be confused with the Non
Commissioned officers, who with the officers carrying the Colours form the Colour Party .



The Colour party may turn about or temporarily turn into single file .e.g. when moving in a
narrow aisle in church. Wherever possible, however the Colour party should always remain in
line and changes of direction should therefore be carried out by means of forms as follows;

The Colour party acts as in squad Drill, except that the pivot person
CHANGE does not step forward, but turns and marks Time until the command “
FOR- WARD”, is given . if necessary he steps to the side to conform to
DIRECTION the new alignment of the company.





The Colour Party should always remain in line, and changes of direction are
carried out as indicated above, the N.C.O.’s or Seniors in the rear maintaining their correct
position behind the Colour bearers.

NB When carrying out movements in confined spaces, e.g. in Church, variations may be
made dependent upon local circumstances, but the aim should be for members of the
Colour Party to move in a smart manner to their new positions.


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

Original Draft Copy

Formal assemblies such as enrolments, ceremonial Weddings and other special Brigade
gatherings will begin with presentation of colours referred to as POSTING THE COLOURS and

The following instructions outline the procedures for posting and Withdrawing of colours;

Since indoor spaces vary in sizes, configuration and intended purposes, the persons planning for
these activities may need to vary the execution for indoor activities to suit their floor plans


The Colour Party forms outside at the entrance of the Church, Auditorium or meeting hall. The
Congregation / Audience is directed to stand until the colours are posted.

Captain or senior official will request for permission to March in the Colours from the host and
when permission is granted directs the Colour Party to March in the Colours.

Under the command and guidance of the senior most member (the one carrying the Head of
state’s Colour) the Colour Party is Marches –in in slow time and if possible with the Band
Playing a slow march tune.

Colours will be in the carry position.

If two Colours are carried, the Heads of state Colour will be carried by the senior most and will
always be on the right and slightly higher than the company/Battalion Colour.

When the Colour party reaches the pre-designated place, the senior member commands “
COLOUR PARTY HALT” and “SALUTE” ( The Colour bearers Let Fly Colours while the remainder of
the Colour party salutes ) and reports “ THE COLOURS ARE PRESENT”

The Host acknowledges the report and directs “POST THE COLOURS”.

On this command the Host Moves forward an receives the Colours from the bearers Saluting
each of the Colours before picking them up and subsequently hands them to Brigade officials
who in turn will post the Colours in the appropriate Colour stands where the Colours will
remain until the end of the service or activity.

The Company /Battalion Colour should be received first and the head of State’s Colour last.

Care should be taken by the Brigade officials to ensure that colours are saluted when being
received from the host and also upon being posted in their position.


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

Original Draft Copy
The head of State’s Colour should be posted on the Left as seen from the congregations view
(right of the chancery) and the company /Battalion Colour on the right as viewed from the

The senior member the commands the Colour party to fall out.

Members of the Colour party will move one Pace backwards, Salute the host and retire to their
seats. Depending on the Space the Colour party will move by either Changing direction twice or
wheel inwards while marking time in quick time and as soon as they change direction march to
their seats.

The Colours will remain in the posted position until the end of the ceremony.


After the Completion of the service/ Meeting, the Official will request for permission to
withdraw the Colours from the Host.

The audience is directed to stand as the Colours are being retired.

The Colour party will under the command of the senior member March in quick time and halt at
the predisignated place.

The senior member will command “Colour Party Halt” and “SALUTE “(Colour Party salutes) and
reports to the host “SIR PERMISION TO WITHDRAW THE COLOURS”.The Host acknowledges and

The Officials will postion themselves where the colours are posted , salute the colours , pick
them up and hand them over to the Host who in turn will hand them over to the colour bearers
for retirement.

The Head of state’s Colour is handed over first and the Company or Battalion Colour last.

After receiving the Colours, the senior member of the Colour party commands “Colour Party
QUICK- MARCH” The Colour party will change Direction and face the Audience by two changes
of direction if two Colours are carried. The Colour Party will then March out in Slow time to an
appropriate Place in readiness to handover the Colours.

The Colour Party Changes Direction twice and if space doesn’t allow wheels in wards, Switching
positions to ensure that the Head of States Colour is on the Right .

After changing direction, the Colour officer Commands “Colour Party , by the left , Slow


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

Original Draft Copy
The Colours are then marched out to the appropriate place.( Officers and Staff sergeants will
Salute as the Colours Approach their positions until they have past)


The general arrangements for Church Parade are given in Chapter 6

On arrival at the Church, the Company will be halted in line or column and the Colours marched
off. The Colour Party, taking orders from the Senior Officer, will proceed to the vestry or some
other pre-arranged place. There the members of the Colour Party will remove head-dress. (This
procedure should be followed whether the service is held in a Church or some other building.)

It is emphasised that in all arrangements regarding the handling of Colours within the Church,
and the positions which the Colour Party will take in the execution of their duties, there should
be complete co-operation with the Minister and Church Authorities, thus ensuring that all
actions conform to the custom and practice of the Church to which the Company belongs.

It is usual for the Colours to be brought into the Church immediately after the entry of the
Minister and before the service proceeds. The congregation standing, they are carried in slow
time at the Carry to the front. It is appropriate for the Minister to receive them from the
bearers, taking the Company Colour first, and to place them in some prominent position where
they remain during the service. The Colour Party should then move to seats reserved for them.

At Church Parades the Colour bearers should not kneel when handing over the Colours, or
when receiving them at the close of the service. Bearers kneel only at the presentation of new
Colours. Where the Church has a centre aisle, this should be used for entry, the Colour Party
retaining proper formation

Where the Church has two aisles, some difficulty may be experienced in the movements of a
Colour Party consisting of two Colour bearers and three N.C.O.s/Seniors. In such cases the
Colour Party should use both aisles and move in single file, the Head of State’s Colour, followed
by two Non-commissioned Officers, down the aisle on the right, and the Company Colour,
followed by one Non-commissioned Officer, down the aisle on the left. Care should be taken to
ensure that when the Colours are situated in the place which they will occupy during the
service the Head of state’s Colour will maintain its position of the right of the Company Colour,
i.e. on the left from the viewpoint of the congregation facing the Colours.

At the end of the service, usually during or after the singing of the last hymn, the Colour Party
will move to the front and receive the Colours at the Carry. The Head of state’s Colour will be
handed over first. The Party will remain in that position during the National Anthem and then
Colours will be brought to the Order for the Benediction. The congregation should be standing
while the Colours are received and will remain standing while the Colour Party move out in
slow time.


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

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The Colour Party will remain in their appointed place until the Company is re-formed outside
the Church and ready to receive the Colours.


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

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During Guard of Honors, colours should be Marched on after the formation of the Parade but
preferably before the Arival of the dignitory for whom the guard of hounour is mounted.

Procedurally the colour party will form up at an appropriate position away from the intended
parade as shown below;

On the Command Command;



The colour party will march on parade with colours in the Carry position and take up position in
between the Guards facing the same direction as the guards shown below. NOTE: ( when it
time to March ,the colour party will have to be in between the Band and the Guards and so on
the command Parade Right turn, the Colour Party will not turn but March smartly to their
position is between the Guards and the Band)


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

Original Draft Copy
Supernumeries and will salute as the Colours are marched on Parade and terminate their
salutes as soon as the Colour Party is in Position

During inspection the Colours will be held in the Carry Position and will only be Let Fly as the
Inspection Officer approaches the Colour Party. Colours are held back in the Carry Position as
soon as the Inspecting officer has past the Colour Party.

After Inspection and when desire to March Past the Square, the Colour Party will Change
Positions at the Command of the CO as shown below

During the March Past the Colours will be held at the Carry, however , as the Colour Party
approaches the Saluting Dias, Colours will be changed to the Let fly Position on the Command
“Eyes Right” and back to the carry Position on the Command eyes Front. Members of the
Colour the Colour bearers will not be required to turn their heads to the right during this

If Passing the Saluting Diaz in slow time and the Colour party may Change to the lowered
Position only if there is Royalty, the Head of State and service chiefs on the Saluting dais.

After the march past, the Colour part Will take up the position in between the guards and the
shall maintain that position throughout the address until when required to march off the


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

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Colours will be paraded on Official Brigade Events and other Ceremonial activities such as
Brigade Weddings. When such need arises Colours will be March in prior to the commencing of
the event or activity and the procedure for Posting and withdrawing Colours will have to be
followed as prescribed in this Manual.

Colours will remain Posted throughout such Processions and only withdrawn after Benediction


With the passage of time ,the number of occasions demanding for Joint Parades Between the
Boys and Girls Brigades has risen, it is therefore necessary to provide a guide as to how Colours
will be handled when such situation arise .Colours for both Organizations will be Carried as
shown Below:

The Head of States’ Colour will be Carried in the Middle and raised Slightly Higher than the two
Organizational unit Colours,

The Positioning of the Unit Colours will be dependent on which organization has precedence in
that activity

Organisations will however have an option of parade Colours Separately and in that case two
Colour Parties may be present on parade.


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

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It is recommended that when new Colours are presented to a Company, Battalion or District
there should be a Service of Dedication, during which the Colours may be handed over in a
manner worthy of the occasion. The same should apply to the laying up of old Colours.

These details may have to be varied as circumstances and accommodation dictates, but every
effort must be made to ensure that the ceremony is impressive.

All procedure should be approved beforehand by the appropriate Church Authorities.

The following guide to procedure provides for a full ceremony therefore where Colours are
being presented for the first time please ignore references to surrendering of Old Colours

The Colour Party carrying the old Colours, march to Church and conform to the usual

on arrival. The new Colours (cased) will be taken to the Church prior to the service or carried in
the rear of the last column.

Surrender of Old Colours

The old colours will be carried at the carry to the front in slow time.

The person surrendering the Colours will have moved to the Front and take up position in the
centre facing the Parade. At the conclusion of the slow march the Chaplain will face the
congregation and say:
“We are gathered together in this church to lay-up these Colours of the ..............................
Company / Battalion / District of The Boys’ Brigade. No more fitting place could be found
wherein to deposit these emblems of Duty and Service than the House of God, where praise
and prayer are wont to be made.”

The person surrendering the Colours takes the Company Colour in their LEFT hand and the
Head of state’s Colour in their RIGHT and presents them to the Chaplain saying:
“These consecrated Colours, formerly carried by the .......................... Company / Battalion /
District of The Boys’ Brigade as a sign of their duty to towards our President, our Country, and
the Brigade in the sight of God, I deliver into your hands for safe custody within these walls.”

The Chaplain takes them with the words: “I receive these Colours for safe custody within the

The Colours are then placed in some suitable position on display for the remainder of the
service. The Head of state’s on the right and the Company Colour on the left. The Colour Party
and the person who handed over the Colours will retire to their places.

The Chaplain will then say:


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

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“Let us pray : Almighty God and Lord of Hosts, we now lay-up within this House of Prayer
these emblems of Thy Grace and Blessing ; may all who look upon them be reminded of their
duty to their God, their Queen, their Country, and The Boys’ Brigade for Jesus Christ’s sake.

“The Lord’s Prayer : Our Father . . .”

Dedication and Presentation of New Colours

The new Colours (cased) will be carried by Officers or Staff-Sergeants (who will not wear
carriers or have escorts) at the slope, in quick time, from the rear to the front of the Parade

The one carrying the cased Head of state’s Colour will be on the right and the cased Unit Colour
carried on the left as viewed from the rear of the Parade

On arrival at a table in front of the church, the Colour Party will uncase the Colours. An Officer
will take the company Colour and lay it diagonally across the table. He will then take the head
of state’s (or only) Colour and lay it on top of and across the Company Colour.

The Officer presenting the Colour will address the Chaplain and Say:
“Sir I present these New Colours for the …….Boys Brigade district, battalion, Company for

The congregation will then be seated and the Officer and Colour Party will fall out. The services
will then proceed.

During the singing of a hymn the Bearers [who will be wearing carriers] who are to carry the
new Colours along with their Escorts, and will move to a table in the in front of the Parade and
stand facing it. The person presenting the Colours will move to the chancel and take up position
on a flank. The Chaplain will place himself behind the table and face Congregation.

At the conclusion of the hymn the congregation will remain standing and the Chaplain will
explain this part of the service. Then he will say:

“Forasmuch as men at all times have made for themselves signs and emblems of their
allegiance to their rulers, and of their duty to uphold those laws and institutions which God’s
providence has called them to obey; we, following this natural and pious custom and
remembering that God Himself led His people Israel by a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of
cloud by day, are met together before God to ask His blessing on these new Colours which
are to represent to us our duty towards our Sovereign and our Country. Let us, therefore, pray
Almighty God of His mercy to grant that they may never be unfurled save in the cause of


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justice and righteousness: and that He may make them to be to those who follow them a sign
of His presence with them, and may increase their faith and hope in Him Who is the King of
Kings and Lord of Lords.”

The Chaplain will then lay his hands upon the Colours and say:-

“In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, we do dedicate and set
apart these Colours, that they may be a sign of our duty towards our President, our Country,
and The Boys’ Brigade in the sight of God. Amen.”

The Chaplain will then lead in a prayer of dedication:-

“O God, the help and shield of all who trust in Thee, accept our service at this time and grant
that the ........................ Company / Battalion / District Colours now dedicated may never be
unfurled except for the glory and the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom. May Thy blessing
descend upon those to whom has been committed this new token of Thy love and this new
trust in their work. May Officers and Boys be ever conscious of their high calling and obedient
to the heavenly vision. May they fight only the good fight of faith that they may lay hold upon
eternal life. May they be faithful unto death and receive a crown of life through Him Who
died for us and rose again; unto Whom with Thee, the Father, and the Holy Ghost be Glory
and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.”

At the conclusion of the prayer both Colour Bearers will drop on the right knee; the Chaplain
will take up the Head of states Colour and hand it to the person presenting the Colours, who
will place it in the carrier of the Bearer who is to carry it. The Bearer will rise immediately and
stand with the Colour at the Carry. The Second Colour will then be handed over in similar
manner and the party immediately turned about. The Colours will remain at the Carry during
the National Anthem and will be brought to the Order for the Benediction.

The Chaplain and officers will remain standing still and salute while the Colours are marched
out at the carry in slow time to the vestry or other suitable place.

[The old Colours should be removed to their place of final resting without any further


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The sword may be worn by officers and Warrant officers while participating in Brigade
ceremonies and ceremonial parades. It will be worn on the left side of the body and where
possible be attached to the belt by the scabbard Chain with the guard of the sword facing the
front. Where Belts are not available the Sword while in its scar bard shall be held firmly with the
left hand and carried as such.

For the sake of consistency ,swords shall only be carried by officers on Brigade functions such as
Ceremonial parades, and weddings.

Swords shall not be carried by boys brigade officers on Joint parades with Members of the
defence forces unless under very special considerations.

High standards of drill should be observed when carrying swords and officers should endeavor
to get well acquainted with the relevant sword drills before desiring to use swords.

The figure below shows the sword and its parts;


The following Basic positions will be used when exceuting various sword drills.


This is the first basic position from which all drills will be executed. Officers and is the default
position when swords are not drawn.

To assume the position of attention;

Heels will be together in and in; feet turned out at an angle of thirty degrees; legs
Straight and body erect and square to the front; arms hanging easily and as straight as
the natural bend of the Arm will allow; wrists straight, with the right hand clenched,
knuckles outside; thumbs to the front and close to the forefinger and immediately
behind the seams of the trousers.

The sword will be worn on the left or held on the Left hand side alongside the trousers
seam while in its scarbard


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If a belt/harness is used the left hand will be as the right hand but if no belt is available,
the left hand will grasp the scarbard at an appropriate position ensuring that the
scarbard maintains a perpendicular position to the ground.

Head and eyes should face to the front, eyes looking their own level; the weight of the
body equally balanced on both feet as illustrated in the photos \below.

Attension - Front view

Attension - side view


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

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At the preparatory command DRAW- SWORD, grasp the scabbard with the left hand turning
the scabbard clockwise 180 degrees, tilting it forward to form an angle of 45 degrees with the

Take the sword grip in the right hand and pull the sword about 6 inches from the scabbard. The
right forearm should now be roughly parallel to the ground.

On command of execution” SWORD –DRAWN”, the sword is pulled out of the scabbard
brought a few inches close to the mouth and finally held in the carry position.

The sword should be held with the inner blade- edge riding in a vertical position along the
forward tip of the right shoulder.

The sequence for executing draw sword is shown below

1 3


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The carry sword position is assumed under the following situations;

 To give commands

 To change positions

 By officers when officially addressing (or when officially

addressed by) another officer or superiors if the sword is

 Before returning the sword to the scabbard.

 At preparatory command for and while marching

The illustrations below shows the position of carry sword in practice


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

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This may be executed from the carry position when serving in the capacity of commander of a

On preparatory command of “PRESENT”, the sword is brought to the position (at the rate of
two counts) approximately four inches from the nose.

At the Command” SWORD” the right hand is stretched and lowered steadily (at the rate of
two counts) until the tip of the sword is about 6 Inches from the Marching surface

On the command ORDER - ARMS (when applicable) the sword is returned to the position of
carry sword


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

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This postion is executed from the carry position.

On the execution command PARADE- REST, the left foot is moved about 10 inches to the left (
from the right foot ) and the left hand is placed in the back with fingers extended and palm to
the rear ( if scabbared is secured in belt) or left hand remains holding the scabbard in position (
if scabbard is not secured in belt).

The sword is then brought to rest on the shoulder with the flat of the blade upwards.


This movement is executed from the Carry sword position

At preparatory command RETURN SWORD, sword is brought to a vertical position. The forearm
(wrist) is held parallel to the marching surface about three inches from the body; the guard is
pointed to the left.

At the Command SWORD RETURNED, Simultaneously; the Sword is pivoted downwards

towards the guard


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

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, at the same time grasp the scabbard with the left hand just above the upper brass ring
mounting. Tilt it forward and turn it clockwise 180 degrees. The scabbard should form a 45
degrees angle with the ground ,and the sword bearer turns his head to the left and looks down
to observe the mouth piece of the scabbard( the shoulders remain squared to the front and
level) . As smoothly and as quickly as possible, the sword is inserted to the scabbard and
stopped so that about 12 Inches of the blade is showing; the right forearm (wrist) is horizontal
to the Marching surface and three inches from the Body.

At the command of execution CUT the sword is thrust smartly into the scabbard, the scabbard
is rotated so that its tip is forward and the sword bearer comes to attention as shown in the
photos below;


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While marching, the sword is carried in the carry position. The left hand is used to hold the
scabbard in position. Feet will be moved in succession ( at a normal quick march or slow march
rate) without losing bearing and posture as shown in the Photo below:


The Command eyes, RIGHT are executed while

marching at carry Sword.

The command ready is given as the right foot

strikes the marching surface (no action is taken)

The second time the right foot strikes the

marching surface, the command Eyes is given and
the sword is brought to the position of (count one
position) of present sword. No action is taken the
third time the right foot strikes the marching

The fourth time the foot strikes the Marching

surface, the Command Right is given. As the foot


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

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strikes the Marching surface, the head is turned sharply to the right at a 45 degree angle and
sword is brought down to assume position of eyes right as shown in the photo.


This Chapter contains details of the processions at a ceremonial wedding of a Boys Brigade

Ceremonial wedding ceremonies will be held for officers and Warrant officers who decide to
marry or get married while in active service of the Boys Brigade.


The appropriate dress for the ceremonial wedding for the groom will be a complete ceremonial
Uniform (Black suite with appropriate colour badges and without head dress).

If the Bride is an officer of the Boys Brigade, she may be allowed to wear the traditional
Wedding dress but this should not in any way affect the ceremonial procession prescribed in
this manual.


An officer desiring to marry or get married will notify the Captain and the necessary church
courts about his/ her intentions at least 6 month before the proposed date of the wedding. the
bride or the groom ( in case one of them is not a Boys Brigade member will be required to be
introduced to the etiquette and conduct of the Boys Brigade to enable them understand the
Brigade family & ensure conformity to the Brigade requirements.

After approval & with the consent of the Bride and grooms families, the couple shall undergo
counseling sessions for not less than 3 months. After the counseling, the bride and groom will
be required stand before their respective congregations and declare their intentions public at
least 3 times before the wedding day.

The Unit, to which the officer belongs, shall ensure that preparations and rehearsals for the
ceremonial drill for the wedding ceremony are carried out in time. There should be
coordination between the unit and the Matron /bridal party to ensure consistency in the
execution of the drill.


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The Captain shall appoint a Sword party to perform the drill during the wedding ceremony.

The sword party will consist of officers carrying the swords and executing the ceremonial drills
and should not be confused with the wedding party who in this case is a combination of the
sword party and the Bridal party.

Members of the Bridal party can be either members of the Brigade or non members. In the
event that the bridal party comprises of officers it is desirable that they are all in full ceremonial
attire.( black suites with appropriate ranks with an exception of head dresses.)If members of
the bridal party are none brigade members, they shall wear Black suites with white shirts and
black ties during the church service

The sword party will be according to the rank of the Officer for whom the ceremony is being
conducted .i.e. Warrant officers will render perform the ceremony for a fellow warrant officer
while lieutenants will do the same for a lieutenant. However warrant officers may be allowed
to form the sword party for a lieutenant should there be need but at no time shall lieutenants
render perform ceremonies for a warrant officer.

Please note that the Chaplain is an officer and therefore shall be entitled to the same ceremony
as rendered for a lieutenant.

The sword party shall comprise of 6 or more men / lady officers with good competence in
sword drill.

On the wedding day, the Boys Brigade ceremonial Drills will be focused at the wedding
ceremony and as such proceedings outside the wedding ceremony e.g. the reception will be
outside the jurisdiction of the Boys Brigade. Performance of the Boys Brigade in activities after
the wedding ceremony may be at the discretion of the Couple and should be agreed upon with
the captain.


On the actual day of the wedding , the following procession will take place;


Colours are Marched in and Posted as per Colour drill Regulation (refer to Posting and
withdrawing of Colours in the ceremonial drills manual)

After the Colours have been Marched in and Posted, the bridal party will March – In depending
on their Preparations. (Please note that there are no restrictions as to the Mode of entry for


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

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the Bridal party who are at liberty to either dance a song of their choice or come while the
Band is playing some Music)

When the Bridal party is seated, The Commander will request for permission to March-In – the
Sword Party ( and the Groom Only if the Groom is an Officer)

If the Groom is not an officer, he will be required to enter the Church and seat in the
appropriate set prepared for him while he waits for the entry of the Bride.

If the Best Men are Officers and are in Brigade Uniform, they will be Follow the Groom Behind
and march in with him .

After Permission is Granted, the Commander Marches to the Position where the Sword party is
positioned and Commands them to “Fall-in”. The Sword Party falls in at the Entrance and “Turn
Left and right” .Sword Party Draws swords and on the Command of the Commander, March in
slow March with swords at the carry as shown in the photo below

Sword party will halt along the aisle approximately 10 Paces from the first row of seats.

On command “Left and right turn”, sword party will face each other.

Sword party will “Open Order –March” at the instruction of the commander and remain in that
position with sword at the Carry.

Commander then marches to the entrance and pick the groom ( when groom s an Officer)


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Commander and groom March –in in Slow March ,Passing through the sword party until Groom
is ushered into his seat.

The Congregation will be required to stand as the Commander marches back to the entrance to
march in the Bride.

The Bride will be marched in in slow time while the correct music is played.

The commander In front, the Bride and her Father Behind him and the Matron of honour
Behind the Bride .

After Passing through the Sword party upon reaching the last Pair of swords Men, the
Commander and the Bride will Halt stop the Music and Wait For The Chaplain to ask “ Who is
giving away the Bride”

After the father to the Bride has acknowledged , The Music Continues and the Groom Marches
forward to receive the Bride from the father

Commander Leads the Couple and ushers them to their seats.

Commander order sword party to “Return- Swords” after swords are returned, “ Close Order-
March” , “ Left and Right – Turn”, “ To your seats Fall – out” Sword party Executes the
movements as per command and march to their seats in the front row of the Church

Commander equally falls - out and resumes his seat and wedding ceremony is conducted
according to the order of service prepared by the Chaplain.

On Conclusion of the Service after the benediction, ommander will request for permission from
Chaplain as follows” Chaplain sir, the Wedding Ceremony is over , Permission to March out the
Colours and the wedding party”

With permission Granted, the Colours are withdrawn by the Colour party as per Colour drill
procedure (refer to Posting and withdrawing of Colours)Colour Party Marches to an
appropriate point along the aisle and halts while waiting for the Sword party to fall in.

Commander Falls in the Sword Party in the following manner,”Sword Party Fall- in”,”Left and

Right – Turn”, “Open Order- March” “ Draw – swords” “ Close Order- march” Left and right



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The commander now orders the Wedding Party to March “Wedding Party, By the left, quick-


The Colour party , the Sword Party ( with Swords at the carry)and the Chaplain and the Bridal

party will all march in Slow time in that order led by the Commander who will have the liberty

to Change pace and march to and from the front to the rear


Upon reaching the entrance the Colour Party will Position themselves on either sides in front of

the Sword Party and face each other when Halted.

The Commander will order the sword Party to “halt”. “ Left and Right- Turn”, Open Order-

March”. The Commander will lead the chaplain through to sword Party but the Bride and the

Groom Should Halt and wait for further instructions.

The Commander will then Order the sword party to Form an Arch. On the Command “ Sword

party Present” The Sword party will Stretch their arms to allow the swords to cross without


The Commander will signal the Bride and the Groom to March forward and as they approach

the Arch , he will make the following Announcement” Ladies and gentlemen , we present to

you Mr & Mrs XXXX, Upon them reaching the Arch, he will command “ Arc Swords” .the sword

Party will arc the swords and keep hitting them so that they make a sound while the bride and

the groom passes though the Arch as shown on the next Page . The Couple Should Not be

compelled to Kiss when Passing through the Arch.


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After Couple has past the last pair, the Commander will command “Carry swords” and the

swords will bring swords to the Carry Position.

The rest of the Bridal party will halt and wait until the arch is broken and swords and brought to

the Carry and then they will march through the sword Party in Pairs.

At the Conclusion of the ceremony, the Sword Party may be fallen in along the sides of the

Vehicle Carrying the bride and the Groom and escort them for as short distance should

circumstances allow. As shown below


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Please note that the ceremonial part of the Wedding does not extend to the Photo session and

th reception service unless under special request from the Bride and the Groom and in which

case the Roles of the Boys brigade should have been well defined and agreed upon in advance.


Members of the Brigade (both officers and Boys) are entitled to ceremonial Brigade funeral
Processions and as such as soon as the massage of the funeral is received ,officers should meet
and Plan for the Funeral. The following should be appointed :

 Adjutant/ Funeral Cordinator

 Funeral Director/Master of ceremonies

 The Carrying Party ( Comprising the Commander, 6 Pall bearers ,

2 officers to carry Head dresses)

The duties of these officers will be as follows;


To coordinate activities of the funeral between the Boys Brigade, the family , the Church and all
other Concerned parties and cordinate all logistics relating to the funeral such as programs,
transport, flowers. etc


To direct the funeral procession and be Master of Ceremonies. The Chaplain May act as funeral
director or may appoint another officer to take up this Role


To Prepare the Body for burial where necessary, Receive and Carry the remains from the
Mortuary upto the graveyard until the body is put to rest.

It is important that the Carrying Party and the Escorts should undergo rehearsals before the day
of burial.


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1. The Deceased officer should be carried by his rank Mates

2. A Deceased Boy should be carried by Officers

3. The Casket should be draped in Colour with a bouquet of flowers

on top.

4. Head dress and Metal Badges should not be worn by the

Deceased and should be put on Top of the Casket and afterwards
handed over to the Next of keen as a souvenir

5. The Last Post Shall be Sounded (as the Coffin is being lowered), a
Minute of silence observed with a Verse from the Hymn “Abide with
Me” when the casket touches the ground, and then Followed by the
Reveille at the Grave side.

6. Drums will be Covered with Black Cloth and Cymbals will not be
used by the Band when Playing during Funeral.

7. Colours Draped on the Casket shall be removed before the Casket

is lowered in the Grave

8. The Drum Major will not perform any Mace swing and the Band
will ensure Correct Music is played during funeral

9. Officers and Boys will throw dust as part of the committal for the
deceased and wreaths will be laid according to protocol and in
consultation with the family and other concerned Parties.

10. Deceased Members of the Brigade who are members of the

Defence Forces will be entitled to their military Honors even though
the Boys Brigade in consultation with the Military Units and family
members may be given roles as Fraternal partners .if such a case
should arise the adjutant will need to coordinate properly with the
military unit to ensure there is no conflict between processions.

11. The Casket will be Marched with the Head first at the Church( as
per Christian tradition) and escorted Feet first at the graveyard

12. Other officers will Form up behind the Carrying Party and Escort
the Casket while Marching in slow Time


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13. The Last Post and reveille will be Played at the Grave Side, The
Last Post First followed by a Verse from the Hymn Abide with me (to
observe a minute of silence for all the departed Boys Brigade
members) and the reveille Last.

The are two Types of Funerals:

1. Church service followed by March to the Grave site with

prescribed Escort

2. Grave side Service Only: where circumstances for a church

service do not permit, it is possible to hold the Service at the
grave yard and as such all activities to be undertaken at
church will be done at the grave site



 The Carrying party assembles at the mortuary and ensures

that the Body is prepared and dressing in appropriate

 After Prayer, The Commander commands the carrying Party to

Fall In

 Carrying Party falls- In as ahown Below:

 Upon Falling in Pall bearers Salute


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 On the Command “ Cover the Casket”,The Colour is unfolded
and Casket Draped and the Head Dress put on Top of the
Casket at the head side

 On the Command “ Flowers On”, The Bouquet is put on the


 On The Command “caps - Off” The pall Bearers Remove their

Head dresses and pass them to the two officers detailed to
carry head dresses.

 On the Command “ Prepare to Lift”,The Pall Bearers bend and

prepare to lift the Casket.

 On the Command “All – Lift” The pall bearers Lift the casket
and put it in the Hearse

 Once the Casket is in the Hearse,the Pall Bearers are given

their headdresses and;

 On Command “ Caps- On” They put on the headdress and

after 3 paces in quick time Salute and fall out to get into the
vehicle carrying them.

 The procession the moves to the Church


 Upon arrival at the Church ,the Company Forms two parallel

lines facing in wards to welcome the Casket and the Carrying
Party for Church service

 The Band is formed up in front of the Hearse in the Direction

of the Church

 The Pall bearers Fall- in and remove the Casket from the
Hearse under the Command of the the commander (same
commands and same complements)

 Other Officers Form Up behind the pall bearers in 3 and;


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 On Command “Carrying Party , By the left , Slow- Much” the
Carrying party and the Escorts while being Led by the Band
March with the Casket March to the Entrance of the Church
where the Chaplain will be waiting for the Remains.(at the
guidance of the Commander )

 The Standard drill is Marching In and Out( at the command-

In, the party will shoot the inner legs- left and right
respectively and on the command out, they will shoot the
outer legs without losing bearing)

 The rest of the members formed up take turns to salute as the

Casket approaches and terminate Salutes once it has passed.

 As the Casket approaches the Entrance ,the Band reduces the

volume on the Music to allow the Chaplain perform his task as
he Marches in front of the Casket, carried Head First.

 Upon reaching the Point where the Casket is to be laid during

the service, the Commander instructs the Carrying party to

 On Command “Carrying Party Prepare to lower “The Carrying

Party Positions itself in preparation to lower the Casket.

 On Command “Lower the Casket”, the casket is lowered on to

the Trolley

 Head dresses are past on and on Command “Caps- On”

headdresses are worn, The Carrying Party Salutes and a falls
out to their seats.

 The Church Service will proceed as prepared by the Chaplain

and at the End of the service, before the Benediction,
Members of the Brigade will Fall – In and Surround the Casket
and Sing together the verse Munensu we waya from the Hymn
“ Abafwa bashuka” or sing the Song “will your anchor Hold
in the storms of life”

 Carrying Party falls –In, as per procedure and Carry the Casket
to the Position where the Body Viewing will be conducted. It is


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

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the responsibility of the commander to ensure that good
standards of Drill are maintained throughout the procession

 After Body Viewing the procession will now shift to the Grave

 In the event that Body Viewing is to be conducted at the

Cemetery, the procession will be Carried to the cemetery
where Body viewing may be conducted if circumstances


 The Carrying Party will remove the remains from the Hearse
and March to the grave side Feet First with the Band in Front
and followed by Officers who will form up as shown below


Officers Chaplain

Carrying Party

The Company will form two ranks facing inwards upto the grave side and will pay complements
as at church


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 Upon reaching the Grave side the ,the carrying party will lower
the Casket and put it by the Grave side under the command of
the commander who will hand over to the Chaplain

 The Chaplain will dedicate the Grave

 On the Command “ Flowers – Off”, the flowers will be

removed from the Casket

 On the Command “ Uncover the Casket” the Colour will be

removed from the Casket ,Folded and handed over together
with the Headdress to the Adjutant who will hand it over to
the next of keen

 As the Casket is being Lowered , at the Command “Last Post

Sound - Off “the Bugler will Play the Last Post and officers,
Staff Sergeants and all the Boys in full Uniform will salute on
the first note and terminate their salutes when on the Last
note of the reveille.

 When the Casket Touches the Ground, The band will Play a
Stanza of the Song “Abide with Me” ( observing a minute of
silence for all Past Boys Brigade Members)and upon finishing
the Song, the Bugler will go ahead and Sound the Reveille .The
master of ceremonies will hand over to the Chaplain for

 After Committal of the Body by the Chaplain, Members of the

Boys Brigade will file Past in order of seniority and throw dust
in the grave followed by the Family members who will
conclude the committal process by throwing dust into the
grave as well.

 Burial will then take place and the rest of the program
undertaken as planned with family and church

 Brigade Members will lay wreaths in order of seniority


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 On conclusion of the burial program the Brigade members will
then gather by the grave and after singing the vesper, the
Chaplain will give the Benediction and dismiss every one.


The Band is fallen in at the Rear of the Intended Parade.

The Parade will be formed up prior to the arrival of the dignitary about 30 Paces from the
Saluting Dias.

The Colours will be marched on as prescribed in this manual (Colours on guard of Honour)
maintaining the Position as shown below:

Upon arrival of the Dignitary, The all units will stand still and the National Anthem will be
played. Guard commanders, Supernumeries and Officers and Staff sergeants not in the guards
will salute during the National Anthem. Colours will be Held at the Carry and Let Fly during the


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national anthem. However if the Head of State and the service chiefs are present the Colours
will be lowered during the National anthem.

On the Command “ Open Order- March” ,The rear rank and rear supernumeries Move two
paces backwards, the Guard commanders and front rank Moves two paces forward and
dressing is corrected automatically.

On the Command “Parade Stand- Still”, the parade will stand still in readiness for the General

On the Command “General Salute” The Bugler will sound the General Salute and Officers,
Warrant Officers, Staff sergeants (not in the Squads), Guard Commanders and Supernumeraries

Will Salute on the First note and terminate their salutes on the last note of the Music.

(The inspecting officer if in uniform also salutes but the officer serving as his ADC does not

If there is no Band on Parade , on the command “General – Salute”, All Officers, Warrant
Officers , Staff sergeants (not in the squads), guard commanders and supernumeries and Boys
not in squads but in full uniform will Salute, the position being held equal to five paces in quick
time with the following count:

1 2 3 4 5

UP . . . DOWN

The Commander will command “Parade, Stand at- Ease”

On the Command “Ready for Inspection” the Parade will check themselves and ensure they are
ready for inspection.

Parade Commander will now Command “Parade, Aten-shun”,

On Command” Stand - Still”, Commander will March Smartly to the Saluting dais ,halt at an
appropriate distance and greet the Inspecting Officer as follows “ Sir Guard of
Honour/Inspection Parade(whichever applicable) Mounted by the Boys Brigade, all present
and ready for inspection –Sir”.

The Parade commander will Move one Pace backwards, Salute, turnabout and accompany the
inspecting officer


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On approaching the Colour Party, the Inspecting officer and the Parade commander will Halt,
Turn to the left Salute the Colours before proceeding with the inspection.

Upon completion of the inspection, the Parade Commander will salute the inspecting officer.

After the Inspecting officer has reusmed his position, the Parade Commander will Command
“Close order- March” and on this command the rear rank and supernumeries will move two
paces forward while the front rank and the guard commanders will move one pace backwards.

On the Command “Stand – Still” the commander will March to the Saluting dais, Salute the
Inspecting officer and if this was just an inspecting Parade address him as follows: “Sir the
inspection is over, the parade is ready for your address”. When the inspecting officer is ready
to address the Parade, the Parade commander will bring the Parade to “Stand at Ease” and this
position that will be assumed until the address is concluded

In case of the Guard of Honour the Parade commander will after inspection march to the
Saluting dais and request for permission to march past as follows: “ Sir, the inspection is Over
Permission to March Past the Square – Sir”.

With permission granted the Parade commander will instruct the Parade to turn to the right

Guard Commanders will turn to the right while supernumeries will turn to the left. The Guard
commanders will take up position in front of their respective guards, while Supernumaries will
take up position in the rear. Parade Commander will march and take up position in between the
Colour party and the Guard Commander for the first guard.

The Band will march and take up their new Position in front of the first guard while the Colour
Party will not turn to the right but instead March to their new position in between the Band
and the First Guard as Shown below:

On the Command “ Parade will march Past the Square, by the Left quick - March”, after two
Rolls form the Band the Parade will March enroute to pass the Saluting dais.


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As the band approaches the Saluting dais, the drum Major and the band Master will execute
eyes right and Salute until they have past the Saluting dais.

The Guard commanders will Command” By the-Right” about 12 Paces from the Saluting dais to
prepare the Guard for the Salute. On approaching the dais about 5 Paces away, the
Commander will execute Eyes right and Salute while respective Guard Commanders will upon
reaching this Point follow suite command “Eyes – Right “ and Salute accordingly

On the Command “eyes- Right” The entire guard will continue swinging arms. Those on the
directing Flank (Right) will look forward as they march on, while those in the center will turn
their heads half right (at 45 degrees).

Those on the Outer Flank will turn their heads fully right and continue marching without losing
bearing and dressing.

Guard Commanders and supernumeries will terminate their Salutes after passing the dais upon
the Supernumeries Commanding “Eyes- Front”

On the Command “Eyes- Front” the entire guard will look forward and continue with normal

Note : under certain special occasions, the Parade may march past in Slow time and in such a
cases all the movements will be as described above . Care should be taken to ensure that
adequate rehearsals are conducted .

After marching past the square, the parade will march to their original position in readiness for

The Band will at an appropriate point Counter March followed by the Colour Party who will
eventually Change direction facing about and taking up position in the Centre of the Parade as
the parade Halts.( See diagram below)


BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

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Parade commander will then command “Parade Halt” and then “Parade Turn to the Left, Left-

Parade will turn to the left and face the saluting dais and upon turning Guard commanders and
supernumeries will turn left and right and take up their new positions in front and at the rear
respectively. Colour party will halt and not change direction on this command

On the Command “ Parade will march in review order, by the Left quick- March” the Parade
will march Closer to the Saluting dais in readiness for the speeches and halt about 10 paces
from the inspecting officer. The standard count is 14 paces in front but there can be a variation
depending on the distance and space available.( the idea is to smartly march closer to the
inspecting officer in readiness for the speech)

After review order, the Parade commander commands the Parade to “Stand still “and Marches
to the Saluting dais.

The parade Commander will the Report as follows: “Sir, the Parade is ready for your address”

Commander will the Resume his position and Command the parade to “Stand at- Ease” Parade
will remain in this position until speeches are concluded.

On conclusion of speeches, the Commander will command “Parade Aten- shun”, “Stand Still”
and march to the Saluting dais.

Commander the gets permission as follows: “Sir, the Speech is over , Permission to March of
the square”.

Parade commander resumes his position and commands” Parade Move to the right, right -
Turn” All turn to the right and take up positions as in Marching past the square above.

When in postion, the Parade Commander commands “Parade will march off the Square, By the
left, Quick- March” and after rolls from the band, the parade will March off the square
executing “Eyes right” as they approach the saluting dais in succession as when marching past
the square except that this time around the Parade will march to a point where they will be
dismissed from after receiving details from their various units.


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In special cases such as Graduations and award presentation Ceremonies the Following
Procedure may be followed:

 The parade is formed up according to the guideline given for

guard of Honour above.

 Awards / Certificate will be presented to deserving members

followed by the Address by the guest of Honour

 After the address by the Guest of Honour, a toast to the Guest of

Honour may be executed by the Commander commanding “Give the
Commander a Toast” and on this Command ,the Graduands will
while judging the time execute the toast as follows: after a pause
equal to 3 paces in quick time Execute “Caps off” and hold the caps
with both hands by the Chest, after another pause equal to 3 paces in
quicktime, raise the head dresses in the air with the right hand in
succession 3 times, shouting “Cheers” on each toast.

 The Graduands will replace the head dresses after the third toast
and automatically correct their dressing.

 The commander then will request for permission to March off the
square and the Parade will march of as prescribed in the procedure
for guard of Honour above


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The Band, if any, is fallen-in by the Band Officer, on the right of the intended parade, and the
Colour Party takes up position at a convenient point from the parade.
The remainder of the Company is then fallen-in, using the procedure described on page 9.1 and

The Officer or Staff-Sergeant who has fallen-In the Company then hands over to the Company
Captain, and joins the other Officers and Staff-Sergeants.

The Officers come to attention, salute and march to their position in line at the rear of the
Company, as shown below.




The senior member of the Colour Party moves it into position (as shown below) and halts it.
Officers, Warrant Officers and Staff-Sergeants salute as the Colour Party approaches the
and lower their hands when the Colour Party halts, taking their time from the Captain,


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The senior member marches the Colour Party off parade. Taking their time from the Captain,
Officers, Warrant Officers and Staff-Sergeants salute as the Colour Party commences
Marching, and lower their hands when the Colour Party is clear of the parade.

At the end of the service, if the Company is marching off, a similar procedure is followed,
except that after the marker is posted, the Boys fall in three ranks in the same positions as they
were in during the parade to Church.

At the conclusion of the parade, the Captain falls out the Officers, and dismisses the Company
as per standard drill practice


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There are a number of occasions when both organisations parade together and this is occurring
and more frequently. Consequently, some guidance would be helpful in arranging such parades
and the following procedures are meant for this purpose.

There are could be some minor changes suggested in the procedure normally followed by both

It is stressed that whatever procedures are adopted, Officers of both organisations should be
completely clear as to what is to happen and what is expected of them. Ideally written
instructions should be issued to the Officers well prior to the day but irrespective, time should
be allocated before the parade commences
where the Officers can be properly briefed.

1. The first situation is where each organisation parade as separate entities and probably with
separate Colour Parties. The respective units of each organisation will fall in using their own
procedures and under control of their own Officers. Their position on the parade ground will
need to be clearly identified prior to the parade. It may then be appropriate for the two
organisations to come under command of a parade CO who would be appointed by the joint
planning committee. The CO will take over command from the Officers commanding each
organisation who will already have posted the Officers and marched on the Colours. At the
conclusion of the proceedings, the parade CO will hand back to the organisation OCs and they
will then follow their normal procedures.

2. The second situation is where it is planned to have an integrated parade with a single
(combined) Colour Party. Precedence on such parade will depend on which organisation is
dominant on the particular parade, e.g. on BB Founder’s Day, BB would have precedence. There
should always be a joint planning committee who will appoint staff for the specific parade and
agree on the actual procedures to be followed.

A parade CO and Adjutant should be appointed by mutual consent beforehand. The Adjutant
will ensure the individual units know where they are to fall in and then each fall in using their
own procedures and under the command of their own Officers. When all the individual units
have completed their fall in on the designated points, the unit OCs will report to the Adjutant
and then return to their units. The Adjutant will call the parade to attention and hand over to
the parade CO. If there is a Colour Party, the CO will then command ‘March on the Colours’.


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At the end of the service if a parade is to be held or the parade is to march off to a dismissal
point, a similar procedure will normally be followed. At the conclusion of the parade the
Colours should be marched of and the parade dismissed by the CO.


The Colour Party will march off under the command of the Colour Officer (carrier of Head of
Staes’ Colour ) clear of the parade ground and will then fall out. Taking their time from the CO,
Officers, Warrant Officers and Staff Sergeants will salute as the Party moves off and until it Is
clear of the parade.


Officers and Warrant Officers will turn to the right, salute, pause for a count of 3 paces
and then march clear of the parade ground.

The parade will turn to the right, salute, pause for a count of 3 paces and break off. The
CO will return the salute.

Colour Drill
Changing Direction
Colour Parties will change direction by means of a Left or Right Form .
Upon arrival at destination (Church or other venue) the Colours should be marched off prior
to entry by the unit into the building.

The Colour Party will slow march both on entry and leaving. It may be necessary to split the
Party if the aisle(s) are too narrow.

National Anthem
When the National Anthem is played or sung, the Colour Party should face the Congregation
(by two Changes of Direction if formed as a combined Colour Party) and the Colours let fly.

Handing over and reception of Colours.

When handing over the Colour at the start of a Service or receiving the Colour at the close,
the Colour Bearer remains in position in the Colour Party at attention and does not kneel or
bend the knees.

The Head of States’s Colour is handed over after the Unit Colours and is received back before
Unit Colours.

Dismissal of Company/Unit.
When the Company/Unit is formed for dismissal, the Colours should be marched off parade


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prior to such dismissal.

Detail is as follows:
Command: March Off the Colours
Parade: At Attention

Officers: Officers, Warrant Officers and Staff Sergeants Salute as Colour Party
steps off. Remain at salute until Colour Party is well clear of Parade, taking time from OC

Colour Party: Colours at the carry. Colour Officer orders ‘Colour Party, by the right, Quick (or
Slow) March’, and move from the Parade. When sufficiently clear of the Parade, Halt and Fall
Out Colour Party.


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Bugle calls have been used in the military since armies have been formed as a
useful tool for sending communications over a long distance, they were also
important in everyday military life. Today most calls are used in ceremonial
settings and at times designated by commanders. Although heir use has been
varied over time,the sound of bugles reamin an essential part of our heritage.

Bugle calls are classified into three categories-Warning Calls, Formation Calls,
and Service Calls. Sounding bugle calls is an important duty. Every effort should
be made to sound perfect calls in keeping with the occasion of a ceremony.
Calls should be sounded with conviction and played musically with good
intonation.They should be sounded in place.

The following calls are listed and are sounded sounded during the day. Calls
requiring a and salute should always be noted

The calls are printed along with a brief explanation of their origin and use. Bugle
calls can be sounded on trumpets or cornets when a bugle is not available.

FIRST CALL (Warning Call)-

Sounded as signal for those who are to participate in a formation or ceremony to
get ready. It also is used as a signal for all buglers to assemble.
This call dates from the French cavalry- “Pour la Reunion des Trompettes”-1804
by David Buhl.


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REVEILLE (Service Call)-
Sounded as a signal to awaken and form for morning roll call.
This call dates from the Crusades.


I can’t get ’em up; I can’t get ’em up,

I can’tget ’em up in the morning.
I can’t get ’em up, I can’t get ’em up,
I can’t get ’em up at all
The corpral’s worse than privates;
The sergeant's worse than corp'rals;
Lieutenant's worse than sergeants;
An the captain's worst of all!

ADJUTANT‟S CALL (Formation Call)-Sounded to indicated that the Adjutant is

about to form the Parade. This call is sounded at a signal from the Adjutant in
order for companies or details to assemble on the parade ground. It is followed
immediately by a march which the band plays until the last company is halted on
the line. It is based on the fife and drum call played during the Civil War and
was used for the same purpose.


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RETREAT (Service Call)-Sounded to mark the end of an official day based on
French bugle call La Retraite written by David Buhl in 1829. The call can be
sounded by buglers in unison or in three parts.

Retreat is followed by The Star-Spangled Banner and the flag is lowered as the
anthem plays. If there is no band or recording of the The Star-Spangled Banner, the
flag is lowered during

To The Color. members will stand at parade rest and face the flag or music.

TO THE COLOR (Service or Formation Call)-Sounded as a salute to the Colors.

The call can be sounded in unison by assembled buglers or by one. When a band is
not present, To TheColor is sounded in place of The Star-Spangled Banner.
Members will render a hand salute and face the flag or music.


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TATTOO (Service Call)- Sounded in the evening. No formation is required but it
is a signal that Lights Out will follow. This type of call dates from 17th century
and was used to summon troops back to their garrison for the night roll call.

CALL TO QUARTERS (Service Call)-This call is sounded for everyone

not on duty to be in their quarters preparing for the extinguishing of lights.


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CHURCH CALL (Service Call)-Signal that Divine service is about to be held.
The call may also be used to announce the formation of a funeral escort. This call
is the same as the French call taken from the “Sonnerries de Chasseur’


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Though the Last Post has come to represent so much in the history of militaries, nations, peoples,
it is a tune that did not originate with such lofty goals. Over centuries, the simple bugler’s call,
the sound that signified the end of a soldier’s day, took on so much meaning.

Typically, soldiers’ days began with buglers playing Reveille, the daily wakeup call, and ended
with the sounds of the Last Post. When played in camp, the Last Post signaled that the duty
officers had completed their sentry-post inspection around the encampment’s perimeter. So, the
Last Post earned its name simply because it was sounded to signal that the last of these posts had
been inspected. For a number of decades, the end of such a security check was the only time
during which the bugle call would be heard. It was simply the sound that let soldiers know their
days were completed, and their location was secure.

Since its inception in the late 1700s, it has been incorporated into the funeral, and military
services of all who give their lives for their countries symbolizes that their duty on Earth has
come to an end. With the notes of the Last Post, a Brigade member is able to rest in peace, to
move beyond the physical world. Yet in its many years of service to both military members and
civilians, the Last Post has not changed at all in its song.

It was not until the mid-1800s that the Last Post changed in its use and significance.

when it is played at a funeral or memorial, the Last Post is ended with a moment of silent prayer,
then followed by the notes of Reveille, a Brigade members ’s call to begin the new day.

Although the Brigade Members who have served and passed on cannot begin another day on
Earth, they are sent into their eternal lives with the symbolism and sound of the Last Post and
their very first bugle call.


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BBZ CEREMONIAL DRILLS MANUAL- Written by Aaron Kambikambi. LT © BBZ 2016

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