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Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University

Trishal, Mymensingh

Assignment: 2 (Mid 1)

What do you mean by the term ‘Stretegic Planning?’ What will be the
areas in formulating a strategic planning for Public Universities in
Bangladesh? Analyze Critically.

Course Name: project management: Theories and Practice

Course Code: PA-313

Submitted to

md. Harunur rashid

assistant Professor

Dept. of Public Administration and Governance Studies

Submitted by

Al muzahid emu

Roll: 18123119

Session: 2017-18

Dept. of Public Administration and Governance Studies

Submission Date: 15/06/2021

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning is a tool for organizing the present based

on the projection of the desired future. That is a strategic
plan is a road map to load an organization from where it is
now to where it is now to where it would like to be in five or
ten years.
The purpose of strategic planning is to transform the
organization. Strategic planning help leaders to:-
 Create their own organization’s future
 Provide a framework and a focus for improvement
 Optimize organizational efforts.
 Provide guidelines for day to day decisions.
 Provide a learning opportunity for the top leaders
 Build a critical mass
 Provide a means for assessing progress.
The plan must be:
 Simple
 Little
 Clear
 Based on the real current situation
 Have enough time allowed to give it a time to settle
 It should not be rushed, Rushing the plan will ease

General Structure for the Strategic Plan:

There are 5 basic steps in strategic planning:


Mission Statement

Strategic Goals


Key Performance Indicators


The Impirational Statement of organizations desired future state.

Mission Statement
Summarize the organizations core purpose and its contribution to society or to a
large organizational unit.

Strategic Goals

Major goals alignment with the organization’s primary responsibilities.


Defined achievement’s desired by the end of the plan period.

Performance Indicator

Miserable targets that desirable process or result associated with an objective and
specified by a timeline indicating intended achievement.

To make a plan successful

Few important things need to be examined and thoroughly recived to find out how
for and how much suitable if will be for the given organization.
Strategic Analysis

SWOT Analysis

Settting Strategic Direction

Action Plan

Fixing Up Clear-Cut Responsibilities


Strategic Planning: A threat bare-soon receive and analysis of the organizations

prevailing otonospare are vitally important. Plan must commemorate with the
ground relation of the organization.

SWOT Analysis: It is also important to do a SWOT analysis of the organization.

Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threat only it comprehensive thoughtful
and well placed strategic planning may be adopted and implemented.

Setting Strategic Direction: The Strategic goals must be well advanced, Frist
organization mission, vision, and values have to be fixed. This may be called
mission statement of the organization. It’s to be three types: Short Mid- Term and
Long term, Strategies.

Action Plan: For each goals there must be specific plan.

Fixing up clear out Responsibilities: Fixed the clear out responsibilities for
everyone and timelines action plan.
Budgeting: Budgeting is also a vital component of strategic planning. Budget must
be settle on how much money will be need for what, how the money will be spent
and how other related things will be utilized.

The key areas in formulating a strategic planning for a Public

University in Bangladesh:
Universities typically initiate strategic planning in response to financial changes,
government regulations, changes in the student market, competition from other
universities, emerging technologies.

If we want to formulate strategic planning in a public university of Bangladesh at

first we have to select the specific system or model or strategic planning which the
organization will follow.

There are different types of models of Strategic Planning from which public
universities can use anyone. These models are:

 Basic Strategic Planning

 Goal Based Planning
 Alignment Model
 Scenario Model
 Organic Planning

From these above models ‘goal based strategic planning’ is more effective for a
public university in Bangladesh.
Goal Based Model’s Step:

Identification of SWOT

Prioritization of goals

Settting Strategic

Setting Mission. Vision and Values

Establishing Action Plan


Key Areas
Manage Environment: Many Public Universities try to change their environment
due to change role of the country. They develop strategic planning to manage in
both internal and external environment. They evaluate the SWOT Analysis, give
priorities the goals and goes through the all steps of strategic planning.

Financial Change: Universities typically initiate strategic planning in response to

financial change .

Developed the study/Education System: This is the main point of an university

to focus. The main purpose of an university is to provide best quality of education.
University Infrastructure Development: University Infrastructure is one of the
main part of an university. Universities administration make strategic planning for
University Infrastructure development.

Develop Technology: In an Public University they evaluate various types of


Including the key areas The Universities can make development by implementing
Strategic Planning.

Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University

Trishal, Mymensingh
Assignment: 2 (Mid 1)

Among the various models of Performance Management, which one is

the best fit for a private bank in the context of Bangladesh? Justify
your opinion.

Course Name: project management: Theories and Practice

Course Code: PA-313

Submitted to

md. Harunur rashid

assistant Professor

Dept. of Public Administration and Governance Studies

Submitted by

Al muzahid emu

Roll: 18123119

Session: 2017-18

Dept. of Public Administration and Governance Studies

Submission Date: 15/06/2021

Performance management is a corporate management tool that helps managers
monitor and evaluate employees' work. Performance management's goal is to
create an environment where people can perform to the best of their abilities to
produce the highest-quality work most efficiently and effectively.
Models of Performance Management
To management the performance of an organization they follows different models
of performance management methodology, There are 3 Models of Performance
Management. Those Are:

Management by Objective (MBO)

MBO is a systematic and organized approach that allows management to focus on
achievable goals and to attain the best possible results from available resources.
MBO aims to increase organizational performance by aligning the subordinate
objectives throughout the organization with the overall goals that management has
set. Ideally, employees get strong input to identify their objectives, time lines for
completion, and so on. MBO includes ongoing tracking and feedback in the
process to reach objectives.

MBO was first outlined by Peter Drucker in 1954 in The Practice of Management.
One of Drucker’s core ideas in MBO was where managers should focus their time
and energy. According to Drucker, effective MBO managers focus on the result,
not the activity. They delegate tasks by “negotiating a contract of objectives” with
their subordinates and by refraining from dictating a detailed road map for
implementation. MBO is about setting goals and then breaking these down into
more specific objectives or key results. MBO involves (1) setting company-wide
goals derived from corporate strategy, (2) determining team- and department-level
goals, (3) collaboratively setting individual-level goals that are aligned with
corporate strategy, (4) developing an action plan, and (5) periodically reviewing
performance and revising goals.Greenwood, R. G. (1981). Management by
objectives: As developed by Peter Drucker, assisted by Harold Smiddy.  A review
of the literature shows that 68 out of the 70 studies conducted on this topic showed
performance gains as a result of MBO implementation. It also seems that top
management commitment to the process is the key to successful implementation of
MBO programs.

The broader principle behind MBO is to make sure that everybody within the
organization has a clear understanding of the organization’s goals, as well as
awareness of their own roles and responsibilities in achieving objectives that will
help to attain those goals. The complete MBO system aims to get managers and
empowered employees acting to implement and achieve their plans, which
automatically achieves the organization’s goals.
The Balanced Scorecard
Developed by Robert Kaplan and David Norton in 1992, the Balanced Scorecard
approach to management has gained popularity worldwide since the 1996 release
of their text, The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action. In 2001,
the Gartner Group estimated that at least 40% of all Fortune 1000 companies were
using Balanced Scorecard; however, it can be complex to implement, so it is likely
that the format of its usage varies widely across firms.

The Balanced Scorecard is a framework designed to translate an organization’s

mission and vision statements and overall business strategy into specific,
quantifiable goals and objectives and to monitor the organization’s performance in
terms of achieving these goals. Among other criticisms of MBO, one was that it
seemed disconnected from a firm’s strategy, and one of Balanced Scorecard’s
innovations is explicit attention to vision and strategy in setting goals and
objectives. Stemming from the idea that assessing performance through financial
returns only provides information about how well the organization did prior to the
assessment, the Balanced Scorecard is a comprehensive approach that analyzes an
organization’s overall performance in four ways, so that future performance can be
predicted and proper actions taken to create the desired future.

Logic Models
A logic model is a graphic depiction (road map) that presents the
shared relationships among the resources, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impact
for your program. It depicts the relationship between your program’s activities and
its intended effects.

Which Model is the best fit for a Private Bank

Among the three models, Balance Scorecard Model is best fit for a bank. Every
day, there are millions of cash transactions taking place around us. The entities that
allow for these cash transactions to be conducted in secure conditions are
commercial banks. The reason that banks can provide this security is not that they
are blessed with the necessary infrastructure to do so, but because we, as people,
gradually discovered the need for such an infrastructure.
When we think of commercial banks, we envision money-making machines, and
some people use this expression figuratively. This may arise from the popular
misconception that banks outlive entire systems because they print out money
whenever they feel close to bankruptcy.
The fact of the matter is, banks do not create money. They manage it. And while
the concept of managing money may seem extremely profitable, it is not. At least
not without a strategic plan to ensure performance. In circumstances of intense
competition, performance management has rendered its advantages in all
industries, no less the banking business.
Moreover, while it seemed natural for banks to rely on financial indicators to
report on performance, this strategy proved inadequate in measuring all-around
bank performance. Therefore, a shift towards the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) has
been gradually acknowledged within the banking industry. The Balanced
Scorecard expanded the view on bank performance by aggregating both financial
and non-financial indicators.

There are both strength and weakness in a model but according to various
justification we can say that Balance Score Card Model is fit for a private Bank.

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