Psychological Therapy Evaluation Report Date: 12-07-2021 Name: Noah Age: 4 Years, Male Progress Report Bilateral Coordination With Eye Coordination

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Date: 12- 07-2021

Name: Noah
Age: 4 years, male
Progress report
Bilateral coordination with eye coordination:

 Drawing with wrist in neutral: is able to draw but need to be commanded and
prompted tp keep the wrist down. Tried to color within the given area. Accuracy is
50% and consistency is 40%
 Reach out from midline to crossing the midline: is able to perform the exercises or the
activities which requires midline crossing without help. Accuracy is 70% and
consistency is 60%
 Tracing the drawn box or circle with her toe in sitting: is able draw with help. Without
help he will start scribbling. Accuracy is 40% and consistency is 60%
 Sticking the given figure in correct shape in a provided space: is able to fix the puzzle
piece on its place. But if it is a worksheet unable to fix the pieces according to the
given picture. Accuracy is 50% and consistency is 40%
 Cutting the drawing with scissors: unable to cut on the lines. Need help to perform
can just hold the scissor and perform open and close but couldn’t able to cut with it.
Accuracy is 30% and consistency is 60%
 Zipping, buttoning, lacing- is able to open and the bag which has zip. Needs help for
buttoning and lacing. Accuracy is 60% and consistency is 40% for zipping and
Accuracy is 30% and consistency is 60% for buttoning or lacing.
 Focus on horizontal and vertical movement: is able to transfer grains/beads from one
bowl to another using a spoon. But will not hold the spoon properly. Accuracy is 60%
and consistency is 40%
 Grip- spherical, cylindrical, standard pinch: is able to perform spherical grip with
balls, cylinder grip with roller. Unable to have standard pinch. Accuracy is 60% and
consistency is 50%
 Making patterns; able to imitate the simple patterns but need to be commanded and
consistency in response is not achieved.
Tip-toe walking:

 Is able to perform - Heel drop stretch, balancing on one leg, picking up objects with
toes, balancing objects on feet, Roll the objects using heel for the count of 30 with
minimal help.
 Unable to perform heel walking
*only during exercises or activity he will keep his legs properly for 50% with repeted
command but without activity or command he won’t keep or walk properly by
keeping heel down
Cognitive skills:
 Visual discrimination – concept of different: unable to identify the different.
 Attention activity: beads, lacing, matching, coloring: is able to perform attention activity
for 10min but sometimes distracted and need to be commanded.
 Concepts- directional and positional command: is able to perform position (on, under and
inside) commands with prompts. Accuracy is 60% and consistency is 50% Unable to
perform directional command.
 Identify the actions and perform: is able to identify the actions and needed prompt to
carry out the action. Accuracy is 60% and consistency is 60%
 Compliance related activities: is able to follow certain rules during activity but
consistency was not seen. Single step rule( to walk and get the objects/ to pick/ to place)
follows easily.
Sensory perception

 Identification – stereognosis – match shapes and various objects using magic bag
activity: is able to match the objects with minimal help
 Graphesthesia- matching of traced figures and alphabets: is able to match. Accuracy
is 50% and consistency is 40%
 Kinesthesia- reciprocates touch by touch the body part in return: unable to
 Sensory activities on sand play: is able to play with the sand, find hidden objects but
distracted with the sand so repeated command has to be given to sort
 Sensory activities with a bowl filled with minimal water and beads or any big objects:
is able to sort the beads from the water but consistency was not seen.
 Sensory play using eatables with various textures: is able to peel the banana smash the
potato, squeeze orange but shows rejection at the beginning not ready to touch but if
repeated given command and given strong reinforcement will try to follow the activity
with minimal help.
 Ball pool – child is able to sort the balls by colors, find hidden objects in ball pool
with commands easy distracted with the balls.
 Craft and art: is able to perform the simple art and craft activities with help. Shows
only interest in sticking things but shows less interest in folding papers, rolling,
cutting etc.

Conclusion: the child has shown better progress in attention and compliance where he can
pay attention to what is been asked, focus on the activity, carry out the activity without help,
express his needs etc. but his response is not consistent. He will be more excited to perform
the sensory activities and very easily distracted.

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