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English test about comparative and superlatives adjectives

1. Jane has four kilos of carrots, and Ann, three.

a. Ann has more carrots than Jane.
b. Jane has more carrots than Ann.
c. Jane has not as many carrots as Ann.
d. Ann has the most carrots.

2. Tim has top marks at school. Tom marks are very poor.
a. Tim is more good than Tom at school.
b. Tim is worse than Tom at school.
c. Tim is as good as Tom at school.
d. Tim is better than Tom at school.

3. Look at the woman over there! I have never seen such a beautiful woman.
a. She is the prettiest woman I have ever seen.
b. She is the most prettiest woman I have never seen.
c. She is the most prettiest woman I have ever seen.
d. She is the prettiest woman I have never seen.

4. John is twenty-five years old, and his sister is thirty.

a. She is younger than he is.

b. He is older than she is.
c. She is older than he is.
d. She is more old than he is.

5. Men and women have the same intelligence.

a. Men are more intelligent than women.
b. Women are more intelligent than men.
c. Men are as intelligent as women.
d. Men are not so intelligent as women.

6. There are a lot of onions, but very few eggs.

a. There are more onions that eggs.
b. There are not as many eggs as onions.
c. There are more eggs that onions.
d. There are fewer eggs that onions.
7. My favourite city is Barcelona. I think ...
a. it is the best city in the world. b. it is the best city of the world.
c. it is the goodest city of the world. d. it is the better city in the world.

8. Mark is very clever, but his four friends aren't.

a. Mark is the more clever in the five.
b. Mark is the cleverer of the five.
c. Mark is the most cleverest of the five.
d. Mark is the cleverest of the five.

9. She loves chillies, but he prefers green peppers.

a. She does not like chillies as much as he does
b. He does not like chillies as much as she does
c. She likes more chillies than him.
d. He does not like the most chillies.

10. A kilogram of lead and a kilogram of straw.

a. A kilogram of lead is heavier.
b. A kilogram of straw is heavier.
c. A kilogram of lead is as heavy as a kilogram of straw.
d. A kilogram of lead is less heavy than a kilogram of straw.

Modal verbs
1.- _________ you help me?
a. may
b. should
c. would
d. can

2. They________ practice more they want to win teh championship.

a. may
b. might
c. shoulld
d. must

3. you __________ not drink and drive

a. must b. might c. would d. may
4. __________ you always be late?
a. would b. might c. must d. may

5.- I ______ like to go to New York someday

a. will b. may c. should d. would

6.- They ________ work less every day

a. ought b. may c. should 7. must

7. it _________ be dangerous to drive if you are tired

a. shall b. can c. ought d. should

8. __________ You help me move?

a. will b. must c. might d. should

9.- __________ you open the door for me?, please.

A. should b. must c. could d. may

10. You ____________ review very good your notes.

a. might b. should c. must d. could

8. You ... be at home before sunset. Today is your father's birthday, and you ... miss it.

may be, can't

must, can't

have to, could not

will, will

used to, would

9. I ... get up very early in the morning every day to go to work. I ... find another job. I hate getting up early.

have to, must

will have to, could

must, must
must not, should

should, must

10. You ... have come. You ... have phoned me instead.

mustn't, can

may, might

must, could

needn't, could

may not, might

11. I think you ... take an aspirin and lie down a bit. You ... go out in the rain.

must, couldn't

needn't, needn't

should, should not

ought to, hadn't to

shall, shall not

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