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Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois, United States

flywheels have been used as mechanical batteries to

1. Introduction store energy for electrical applications. If a motor/
2. Rotor generator (M/G) is attached to a flywheel, rotational
3. Bearings kinetic energy may be transformed easily and
4. Power Input and Output efficiently into electrical energy and vice versa.
5. Containment
6. Applications

The essential components of the flywheel are the

rotor, bearings, power conversion, and containment.
flywheel Rotating object, such as a wheel, often used for The rotor is the rotating mass in which the energy is
opposing and moderating by its inertia any fluctuation stored. The bearings connect the rotating part of the
in speed in the machinery with which it revolves; also flywheel to a nonrotating platform. Conversion of
capable of storing mechanical energy.
the stored energy to mechanical power may be
high-temperature superconductor (HTS) A superconduc-
accomplished with a mechanical linkage such as a
tor with a critical temperature above the boiling point
of nitrogen. transmission gear. When the flywheel is used as a
motor/generator (M/G) Combined motor and generator mechanical battery, a motor/generator (M/G) con-
used to convert between the mechanical energy of the verts energy between rotating kinetic and electrical.
flywheel and electrical energy. Flywheels are capable of attaining high specific
rotational kinetic energy Energy in the form of rotational energy, and tip speeds of high-performance flywheels
motion given by the quantity KE ¼ 1/2 Io2, where KE is are several times the speed of sound in air. Such
the kinetic energy (units of joules), I is the moment of flywheels are contained in a vacuum vessel, and an
inertia (units of kgm2, and o is the rotational speed additional safety-related structure often surrounds
(units of rad/s). the flywheel to contain possible debris in case of
specific energy Energy stored divided by mass of object
(units of m2/s2).
The kinetic energy E of a rotating rigid body is
E ¼ 1=2 Io2 ;
The flywheel, often in the form of a spinning disk where I is the moment of inertia of the body about
or cylinder, stores rotational kinetic energy. As an the axis of rotation and o is the angular frequency of
integral part of the spindle whorl and the potter’s rotation. The flywheel increases its rotational speed
wheel, the flywheel is among the most ancient as energy is accumulated. The flywheel slows when it
mechanical devices known to humans. The use of discharges energy for use.
the wheel for storing energy seems to be older than A distinctive feature of all flywheel energy storage
its use as a means of supporting vehicles. The (FES) systems is their very high power density. They
flywheel is a fundamental element of many machines, can be charged at very high rates and deliver very
opposing and moderating by its inertia any fluctua- high powers, with the only limit being the rating of
tion of speed in the machinery with which it revolves. the transmission system and the torque the flywheel
The flywheel principle is also used in several toys itself can withstand. Power densities greater than
such as the top and the yo-yo. More recently, 500 W/kg are commonplace. The specific energy of a

Encyclopedia of Energy, Volume 2. r 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 695

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