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Objective Type Questions 1. The complementary function of (D? - 6DD! + 9D) z= 0. @ f, 0 + 3x) +x f,0 + 3x) (i) FW - 3x) + x f,0 - 3x) (itil) f, 0 + 3x) + x f,0- 3x) @y) KO FD 4x40 +8) 2, The complementary function of (D? - DD’ - 6D’'z=0 @ f,0-3x) + 40-2) (i) JO + 3x) +40 - 2x) (ii) f, & + 3x) 0 - 2x) WW) fF, 0-39) -L- 29) _ Ans. (if) 3. The CF. of r= Cris O 4O-) +h - cx) (i) fy -o) +A + 2”) (iii) f, V+) +40 - ex) () f, 0-8) -f0- ) 4, 4 The C.F GS =0is OLU-D+40-9+4,0-+f0-2) G) L.0 + -L0-D +H 0+ +h i) Gil) f, 0-2) +40 -D +4, 0 + 8) +40 - x) WY) L,0- “LU - 0) +0 + 1) +L - i) Ans, (iv) The C. F. of (BD ~ 6D°D’ +]1DD' - 6D” = = 0 is @ SO -2) +40 + 2x) +f, 0 3x) Gi) HO +2) +L + 2x) +4 & + 3x) Gil) f, 0-2) +L ~ 2x) +f, - 3x) W) F049) +4020) —f W +32) Ans. (ii) 6. Ifthe roots of the A.£, are m, my, m, then the C, F. is @ FO + mx) +xL0 + mx +f, W- mz) (GD) AO-mx)+xL0+ mx) thot mz) Ans. (i) Ans. (iff) * s Scanned with CamScanner (i) OT ADF ALO + mya) +p HILO TMDL O + may ip 4, The solution D': = 0is 4 (jz =f0)**f0)-2 7, 0)-# 55 G) 2=f0)-*f0) +224 0)-2 fy) , (i) 2=A &+Y+LO * 2a) +f, 6) +769 (a) 2-SOFILO) +f 01-26) O~ my © +m,x) 1 : PF, g, The complementary function of <2_3_0_ ar Fray OSO-D+LhO +N +4, + 2x (i) LO-N+L0 + 2x) +f W +x) (iD f+ 2x) +240 + 2x) +fhO+x) () LO - +L + 2x) +2 f & 120) 9 —Lie*” is equal to a TAS eis " D-2D" () (ity bet? (iid) ives (iv) xe™* 10. The rule for finding the PI, of f(D, D’) 2 = F(x, ») is 1 I % —_ L(x ¥) (i) Fo.” (i) 7D.) L. i ! FG, iin) Fon Fo (am) + 1, The rule for finding the P/ of F(D, Dy z=" is enh arty Fam Oe ar + by oe ae) = sin (ax + by) 2 " 2 . The rule for finding the PU of (0? + DO"+ 7”) 0 Teamine™ a" ,ab, (i) — 1 sin (ax +) F(a, — ab, 8") Gin Fan” (ax+ by) (ay ai” (a, =ab,— 511 Ans. (i) Ans. (iif) Ans. (iv) Ans. (iv) Ans. (i) Ans. (ii) Ans, (iv) Scanned with CamScanner 1. PL of (D+ DD ~ 60" ot, Age ( (@) u eh (a) 14, The PL of ("+ 6D’ + D*) z= eis aoe (ae {a e*? ime” Aas (9 IS The PL of (20° - DD’ + 40") z= cone + 3y)is ae | eos (2x-37) (9 yyoest2e-3y) = ‘ hestar+3y ) poses 9) Ams. (3) 3 16. The Pi. of (D? - DD - 61 @ w 2 Ags (9 17, The PL of (?- D2) z=x-ys Ars. () Aas (2) © ==A0)+2 £0)- FAG) @) == AG) h@-F4@) @) ==09+ 7) Aas (0 . a: az) 20. The solution of 22 is at © 2=f+9+f0-» @ 2=AG+9+A0-» @ ==hUtA+ho-v (@) == fG7->) Ans (2) 21. Particular integral of (207 -3DD’ + D™)z=¢'*?? ig ty 1 aeay sn Fay =A . (0 xe* 5 (i ~J¢ () Dery ‘Ans (21) 22, Particular integral of (D? - D)z = cos(x+y)is ( Fose+y) ( xsin(e+y) GD xeos(x+y) (a) Ssingrsy) Ans (0) Scanned with CamScanner 23. The complementary funetion of r— 7s + 6r= aN, (= +£0'- 6x) Git) {LQ + 2x) +A — 2x) Civ) f, Or + 3x) + LQ) = 4x) V4 DLO+N +L 0 + 6 Ans. (ii) , (R.GPV Bhopal, H Semester Feb. 2006) 4 et * TDD) « sac + hy oe uo fact y Aen Stay (0 Fea.) F Ans. (if) joie (ax + by)= 1 Sea Ww) Feuay (ax + by) 1 S(-a*, = os (ax + by) Ans. (iii) —! _yayn FO.D)* ” ~ Lf, on wy Gi) [f0, DIY" (£0, DN" @) FOlry Ans. () I ——F = oa? Jf.c-modr (i) J Flcye+ ms) F(x, mx) de (iv) SB rtsme—ende Ans. (i) Indicate True and false for the follo equation 28. The solution of the partial differential equation (DP + DD’ + 6D") == 0is r=f,@ ther Ans. False 29, The CF of (D? - 3D’ - 4D”) is 2 of Otnthoy-9 Ans, True 30, The solution of (D? ~ 6DD' - 8D”) z= 0 is (+20) +40 + 4) =0 ‘Ans, True 31. The solution of the partial differential equation (D? — SDD’ - 6D) z= 0is + ax) =0 Ans. Tre =f) tho * 2th * : . 32, The solution of the partial differential equation (D' + 2D°D" + 4D") z= is pafgrntahyt 2=° ip +ap'ys=0 Ans, False ; - =0is 33, The sohition of the partial differential equation (D? - 3 e : dF ‘ans. True 2 =f, 0-2 thy +29 tay +29 #22) 201s 34. The’solution af the partial differential equation | 522° 9,’ ‘Ans. False spy rarhy-9~° Scanned with CamScanner 35. The solution of the partial differential equation z = 0 is 2 =f, 0) +0 + 2x) + x40 + 2) Ans. thy 36. The CF of the partial differential equation wos-u= Lis i(y-dx)=2h Ans. Fy ° 2 az) ats _ ast 37. The solution of the linear partial differential equation 5? 5.355 * “Rayd” ayt = is FA=hO-—NtLy tN +sho ter 4+» Ans. Try the blanks Fe 2 4a, Ses 38. The solution of the partial differential equation 5-2 + 53,9) 77 9,; ZT =Ois ... x Ans, fv-29+4(9-3) 4 4 39. The solution of 25r — 40s + 16t = 0 is Ans. fily+ 5x)trhlytsx 40. The solution of (D? - 6D*D! + 12DD? — 8D) 2 = O is... Ans. f, (y+ 2x) + x yy + 2x) +7 f(y + 2) 1 Ans. fz (» +43) + rAlyt 3) 42. The solution of [D? + (a + B) DD’ + of D*) z= Ois...... 41, The solution of 4r - 4s + 1 = 0 is Ans, fi 08) + faly~Bi)+ 2° Scanned with CamScanner

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