V5 Advantages and Flaws

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Advantages & Flaws

Advantages & Flaws is a catch-all term for Backgrounds, Merits, BLOODLINE: (B) See Children of the Blood pp.101-102, Cults of
and their corresponding Flaws. This document compiles them by the Blood Gods pp.219-227
alphabetical category with exception to Cult-Specific, Domain,
A character can only have one Bloodline. Each advantage is self-
Ghouls and Mortals which are listed subsequently with addition-
contained and does not grant the lower level advantages in
al rules and restrictions.
addition to the one purchased. Loresheets published as
Backgrounds (B) describe resources and relationships that are “Descendant of” may be treated as Bloodlines at Storyteller
available to a character or coterie and can be lost or gained dur- discretion.
ing the course of the story at Storyteller discretion. The same
background can be acquired multiple times and are self-
contained and does not grant the lower level advantages in ad- BONDING: (M) V5 Corebook pp.180-181
dition to the one purchased. Flaw: [••] Bondslave—You are blood bound at the first taste of
Merits (M) describe qualities that are inherent to a character, another vampire’s blood.
not a coterie, which remain fairly constant throughout the story. Flaw: [•] Bond Junkie—Your dice pools have –1 to act against a
blood bond.

ADVERSARY: (B) V5 Corebook pp.192-193 Flaw: [•] Long Bond—Blood bonds need only be reinforced once
See MAWLA every three months (instead of each month).

Advantage: (•) Bond Resistance—Your dice pools have +1 to act

against a blood bond.
ALLY/ENEMY: (B) V5 Corebook pp.184-185
Mortal associates, usually family or friends Advantage: (••) Short Bond—Blood bonds need be reinforced
twice each month (instead of once).
Advantage/Flaw: (•+/•+] Effectiveness:
(•) A weak and likely useless mortal. Advantage: (•••••) Unbondable—You can never be blood
(••) An average mortal or group of weak mortals. bound.
(•••/•] A gifted mortal or group of average mortals.
(••••/••] A deadly mortal, gifted mortal with supernatural
CLAN COTERIE MERITS: (M) V5 Companion pp.30-40
power or a group of well-armed gifted mortals.
Clan Coterie Merits are advantages that can only be taken by a
Advantage/Flaw: (•+/•] Reliability: character of a specific clan, but can benefit that character’s
(•) They will appear 50% of the time. coterie. These are listed alphabetically by clan.
(••) They will appear in about 1-10 hours.
Advantage: (••) Call to Purpose—(Banu Haqim characters only.)
(•••/•] They will appear as soon as possible.
Once per session, you may give a coterie-mate within line of
sight or within range of hearing a temporary Willpower point
ARCHAIC: (M) V5 Corebook p.180 that must be used immediately.

Flaw: [••] Anachronism—Your Technology skill rating is perma- Advantage: (•) Boot and Rally—(Brujah characters only.) Once
nently 0 or –1. per session, you may grant a nearby coterie-mate the ability to
reroll all black dice on a failed Physical Skill test.
Flaw: [•] Living in the Past—You have one or more outdated

Advantages & Flaws


Advantage: (•••) Pack Tactics—(Gangrel characters only.) If in Advantage: (•) All Access—(Toreador characters only.) Once per
combat and alongside a coterie-mate, anyone attacking the session, the coterie can get past a bouncer or security guard
same enemy as you gains an additional die to Brawl or Melee using a connection to the owner or patron of the secured loca-
attacks. Multiple instances of this merit do not add additional tion or event. The storyteller can still block entry, but should
dice beyond the first. then provide the players with a clue instead.

Advantage: (••) Ars Moriendi—(Hecata characters only.) Once Advantage: (••) Multi-Level Lorekeeping—(Tremere characters
per session, you can obscure the qualities of a body killed by only.) Once per session, any member of the coterie can use
any member of the coterie to make it harder to find or harder the Loresheet Advantage that anyone else in the coterie has.
to identify the actual cause of death. Clan-specific Loresheets can be included at Storyteller discre-
Advantage: (••) At Any Cost—(Lasombra characters only.) Once
per session, any member of your coterie can gain two success- Advantage: (••) Old-World Hospitality—(Tzimisce characters
es to any test and it becomes a messy critical. only.) Once at the beginning of a session, each member of the
coterie who stayed overday in your haven restores an addi-
Advantage: (•••) Everything is Connected—(Malkavian charac-
tional Superficial Willpower point.
ters only.) Once per session, a coterie-mate may substitute
one Skill pool for another of their choice on a Skill test to gath- Advantage: (••) Kindred Legacies—(Ventrue characters only.)
er information, you then gain the information based on the Once per session, any member of your coterie may ask the
margin of success. Storyteller for a piece of relevant historic information about a
vampire with whom they’ve come in contact.
Advantage: (•) Discerning—(Ministry characters only.) Once per
session, you may discern something a Storyteller Character
wants if that character has spoken to any member of the cote-
CONTACTS: (B) V5 Corebook pp.185-186
rie during that session and the interaction has been described
The information sources you possess
to you. This want can be superficial or relate to the character’s
Desire or Ambition. Advantage: (•+) Contact—You have one contact with Resources
rating ranging from (•) Destitute to (•••) Wealthy.
Advantage: (••) Contextual Contact—(Nosferatu characters on-
ly.) Once per session, any member of the coterie can add the
highest single Contacts rating of any one else in the coterie in ENEMY: (B) V5 Corebook pp.184-185
a test to recover information. This Contact must participate in See ALLY
some way and can only be used this way once per story.

Advantage: (•••) Cryptolect—(Ravnos characters only.) Mem-

FAME/INFAMY: (B) V5 Corebook pp.186-187
bers of your coterie can communicate using a unique pidgin or
How well-known you are among mortals
code language, this only works face-to-face and normally isn’t
understood by non-coterie members. Leaving the coterie Flaw: [•+] Dark Secret—Less likely to harm you than infamy, but
means the coterie loses this advantage. likely to be more dangerous. Ranging from [•] being a cleaver,
having a debt/boon owed to the wrong people or ties to those
with [••+] Infamous to [••] been blood hunted, a serial Mas-
querade breacher or worse.

Advantages & Flaws

FAME/INFAMY: (cont.) HAVEN: (cont.)

Advantage/Flaw: (•+/•+] Famous/Infamous—You are recognized Advantage: (•+) Shrine—You have a shrine providing a space and
as famous/infamous ranging from (•/•] a subculture to components required to perform ceremonies/rituals ranging
(•••••/•••••] globally. from (•) tabletop-size capable of accommodating Level One
rituals solo to (•••) large capable of accommodating Level
Four rituals with up to 10 assistants and at this level is +1 to
FEEDING: (M) V5 Corebook p.181 resist unauthorized entry if combined with the Security Sys-
Flaw: [••] Vegan—You only feed on animals. Spend 2 Willpower tem Advantage.
to feed on humans. (Ventrue may not take this flaw.) Advantage: (*) Specialization—See V5 Corebook p.189.
Flaw: [••] Organovore—When you feed you must consume your Options include: Hidden Armory, Cell, Watchmen, Laboratory,
victim’s organs. (Only the heart can provide resonance.) Library, Location. Luxury, Postern, Security System, Surgery,
Flaw: [•] Methuselah’s Thirst—Your hunger cannot be reduced
below 1, except by drinking the blood of a supernatural. Advantage: (•) Holy Ground—Your haven is or exists in a place of
significance to a cult making you its custodian, you may call on
Flaw: [•] Prey Exclusion—You refuse to feed on a specific class of
a small group of cultists to defend your haven once per story.

Advantage: (•) Bloodhound—You can smell the resonance of

blood with Resolve + Awareness ≥ 3. HERD: (B) V5 Corebook pp.189-190
The Kine to which you have free and safe access
Advantage: (•••) Iron Gullet—You can feed from cold, rancid
blood and even plasma; none of which provide resonance. Flaw: [••] Obvious Predator—Mortals instinctively fear and mis-
(Ventrue may not take this advantage.) trust you. You cannot maintain a herd. –1 to social tests with
mortals to put them at ease.

Advantage: (•) 1-3 Mortals—Random resonance, can choose

HAVEN: (B) V5 Corebook pp.188-189, Children of the Blood p.99
resonance once a month with a Manipulation + Insight test
A place to sleep safely by day
(Difficulty 4).
Flaw: [••] Compromised—Your Haven has been raided before.
Advantage: (••) 4-7 Mortals—Half of which have a set resonance
Invaders have +2 dice to gain access.
that you pick at purchase.
Flaw: [•] Creepy—Your Haven looks like the residence of a serial
Advantage: (•••) 7-15 Mortals—Two different resonances of
your choice per week.
Flaw: [•+] Haunted—Your Haven is haunted by some supernatu-
Advantage: (••••) 16-30 Mortals—Two resonances of your
ral manifestation.
choice per week. Herd gets involved in chronicle at times.
Flaw: [•] No Haven
Advantage: (•••••) 31-60 Mortals—Three resonances of your
Advantage: (•+) Base Haven—You have a haven ranging from (•) choice per week. Herd can breach the Masquerade.
small and likely secure to (•••) large, secure and likely private.

INFAMY: (B) V5 Corebook pp.186-187


Advantages & Flaws

INFLUENCE: (B) V5 Corebook pP.187-188 LINGUISTICS: (M) V5 Corebook p.179

Your political power within mortal society
Flaw: [••] Illiterate—You cannot read or write. Your Academics
Flaw: [••] Despised—By a group or region of the city. They ac- and Science skills cannot be raised above 1 or be granted spe-
tively seek to thwart you and your goals. -2 from dice pools in cialties.
social situations with them.
Advantage: (•) Language—You are fluent and literate in an addi-
Flaw: [•] Disliked—By most. -1 from dice pools in social situa- tional language.
tions with all except your contacts, allies, and coterie.

Advantage: (•+) You are well-connected generally enough in

LOOKS: (M) V5 Corebook p.179
mortal society ranging from (•) being ensured a hearing to
(•••••) mortals yearn to be connected to you. Flaw: [••] Repulsive—Relevant Social dice pools have -2.

Flaw: [•] Ugly—Relevant Social dice pools have -1.

INFLUENCE (CHURCH): (B) Children of the Blood p.85 Advantage: (••) Beautiful—Relevant Social dice pools have +1.
Your standing within a religious sect or cult Advantage: (••••) Stunning—Relevant Social dice pools have +2.
Flaw: [••] Condemnation—You are one mistake away from ex-
communication or worse.
LORESHEET: (B) See V5 Corebook pp.382-406, ANARCH pp.190-
Flaw: [•] Out of Favor—Requests for resources/boons dice pools 198, CAMARILLA pp.184-190, Chicago by Night pp.262-287,
are at –2. The Chicago Folios pp.157-169, Children of the Blood pp.103-
Advantage: (•) Devout Following—Your congregation can be 108, Cults of the Blood Gods pp.228-231, Fall of London pp.231
roused to rally or mob. -236, Let the Streets Run Red pp.224-233

Advantage: (••) Charitable Offerings—Grants Haven (••) as a A character can only have one Loresheet at creation. Each ad-
meeting place and each member of the coterie may add a vantage is self-contained and does not grant the lower level
temporary dot of resources once per story. advantages in addition to the one purchased.

Advantage: (•••) Extremist Cell—Mortal or neonates trained as

saboteurs which require funding and may bring consequences. MASK: (B) V5 Corebook pp.190-192

Advantage: (••••) Well-Integrated—Through an influential cult A false identity

member you can call a favor to protect the cult from a mun- Flaw: [••] Known Blankbody—Most (if not all) of your identifying
dane authority or partially protect from the local Camarilla information is part of intelligence databases as a potential
once per story. terrorist. You are an easy target for the Second Inquisition.
Advantage: (•••••) The Next in Line—Seen as successor to the Flaw: [•] Known Corpse—You “died” recently and people will
ruling authority, relevant diplomacy dice pools have +2, but recognize you.
also gain Adversary [•].
Advantage: (•) Fake ID Card—You can get anything from a credit
card to a birth certificate with this card.

Advantage: (••) Fake Identity—You can pass an in-depth back-

ground check. *With this advantage you can purchase the
following two advantages at (•) each:

Advantages & Flaws

MASK: (cont.) RESOURCES: (cont.)

Advantage: (*) Zeroed—Your real identity has been erased. Advantage: (•+) You have money or income ranging from (•) you
live paycheck to paycheck to (•••••) you have access to any-
Advantage: (*) Cobbler—You can make or source Masks. Making
thing money can buy.
a Mask takes three days per (•) and possibly exposes you
online. Sourcing a Mask takes one day per (•) and can cost.

RETAINER: (B) V5 Corebook pp.194

Followers, guards, and servants
MAWLA/ADVERSARY: (B) V5 Corebook pp.192-193
A Kindred who advises and supports you: a mentor, patron, or Flaw: [•] Stalkers—Occasionally people tend to become irration-
confederate ally interested in you.

Advantage/Flaw: (•+/•+] You have a mawla/adversary ranging Advantage: (•+) Retainer—You have a retainer ranging from (•)
from (•/•] a Neonate to (•••••/•••••] a Prince/Baron. a weak mortal to (•••) a gifted ghoul.

Advantage: (•+) Minor Boon—You are owed a one-off minor

boon from a Kindred ranging from (•) a Neonate or Ancilla to
STATUS: (B) V5 Corebook pp.194
(•••) a Prince/Baron.
Your standing in undead society

Flaw: [••] Shunned—Sect enemy.

MENTOR: (B) V5 Corebook pp.192-193
Flaw: [•] Suspect—Not in good standing with a sect. -2 to all
Social tests with that sect. (Caitiff)

Advantage: (•+) You are recognized in your local Kindred Society

MYTHICAL: (M) V5 Corebook p.182 ranging from (•) You have been introduced as a potential
piece or player (Neonate) to (•••••) you sit in a position of
Flaw: [••] Stake Bait—If you are ever staked through the heart,
power (Primogen/Baron).
you meet Final Death.

Flaw: [•] Folkloric Bane—Identify a traditional anti-vampire ob-

ject; it causes Aggravated Damage to you on touch. SUBSTANCE USE: (M) V5 Corebook pp.179-180

Flaw: [•] Folkloric Block—Identify a traditional anti-vampire Flaw: [••] Hopeless Addiction—Your dice pools have -2 if your
ward; you must shrink away from it or spend a Willpower. last feeding did not include your drug of choice.

Flaw [•] Stigmata—At Hunger 4 you begin to bleed from specific Flaw: [•] Addiction—Your dice pools have -1 if your last feeding
parts of your body. did not include your drug of choice.

Advantage: (••) Eat Food—You can consume food and maybe Advantage: (•) High-functioning Addict—Your dice pools from
enjoy it, but you must expel it before being able to rest. one attribute category (either Mental, Physical, or Social) is at
+1 if your last feeding included your drug of choice.

RESOURCES: (B) V5 Corebook p.193

Wealth, belongings, and income

Flaw: [•] Destitute—You have no money and no home.

Advantages & Flaws

THIN-BLOODED: (M) V5 Corebook pp.182-184 THIN-BLOODED: (cont.)

(Thin-Blooded characters only.)
Advantage: (*) Lifelike—You have a heartbeat, can eat food, and
**These advantages and flaws have no point values, but for
each thin-blooded advantage you must take a thin-blooded
flaw and vice versa. Advantage: (*) Thin-blood Alchemist—Gain (•) and one formula
in Thin-blood Alchemy.
Flaw: [*] Baby Teeth—You have no fangs or useless fangs.
Advantage: (*) Vampiric Resilience—You suffer damage as a reg-
Flaw: [*] Bestial Temper—You frenzy like a regular vampire.
ular vampire.
Flaw: [*] Branded by the Camarilla—You have received a magical
brand that marks you as a Thin-blood.

Flaw: [*] Clan Curse—You suffer from a clan Bane with a severity
rating of 1. The Brujah and Gangrel Banes can only be selected
if you also have the Bestial Temper Flaw. The Tremere Bane
can only be selected if you also have the Catenating Blood

Flaw: [*] Dead Flesh—You are slowly decaying. You cannot take
the (*) Lifelike Advantage.

Flaw: [*] Mortal Frailty—You cannot Rouse the Blood to mend.

You cannot take the Advantage (*) Vampiric Resilience.

Flaw: [*] Shunned by the Anarchs—Sect enemy of the Anarchs.

You cannot take the Advantage (*) Anarch Comrades. Equiva-
lent to the [••] Shunned Flaw.

Flaw: [*] Vitae Dependency—You need to drink vampire blood

to use any Discipline.

Advantage: (*) Anarch Comrades—An Anarch coterie treats you

like a pet acting as a (•) Mawla.

Advantage: (*) Camarilla Contact—A Camarilla recruiter treats

you like garbage acting as a (•) Mawla.

Advantage: (*) Catenating Blood—You can create Blood Bonds

and Embrace.

Advantage: (*) Day Drinker—Sunlight only halves your health

rounded up and prevents you from using Disciplines. Take no
other damage from Sunlight.

Advantage: (*) Discipline Affinity—You have a permanent dot in

one Discipline. You still cannot have more than one dot in this

Advantages & Flaws

CULT-SPECIFIC ADVANTAGES & FLAWS: ASHFINDERS: (M) Children of the Blood pp.96-97
Children of the Blood pp.95-100 Flaw: [••] Ashe Addiction—In addition to the Ashe Addiction
Cult-Specific Advantages and Flaws are typically geared toward a rules outlined in Cults of the Blood Gods p.46, after failing a
specific cult, but can be applied to any character or cult at Story- Thin-Blood Alchemy roll dice pools for all actions are at -2 for
teller discretion. the rest of the chapter.
There are some Cult-Specific Advantages & Flaws that are addi- Advantage: (••) Influencer—You have hundreds of thousands of
tions to the Haven, Influence, and Domain backgrounds; they followers on your social media accounts, willing to try anything
have been listed under those headings. you suggest once per story. Should you break the Masquerade
with this Merit you will gain Adversary [••] (the vampire sent
to silence you) and Enemy [••] (Hunter or Second Inquisition
CULT: (M) Children of the Blood pp.95-96
These Advantages and Flaws are not specific to one particular
cult, but can apply generally. Advantage: (••) Memories of the Fallen—(Thin-Blooded charac-
ters only.) You are more receptive to the empowering effects
Flaw: [••+] Excommunicated—You are a former cultist, stripped
of Ashe; on Thin-Blood Alchemy rolls related to Ashe 9s count
of its privileges and powers, at [••] all dice pools dealing with
as 10s.
the cult are at -2 and at [•••••] the cultists actively seek you
out to undermine your finances or reputation, and may
attempt to destroy you at the slightest hint of trespass. BAHARI: (M) Children of the Blood p.97
Flaw: [••] Faithless—You have committed to a cult, not because Advantage: (••) Dark Mother’s Song—Your words echo convinc-
you believe in its tenets, but for some other reason or conven- ingly when seeking to convince others to worship Lilith; rele-
ience; dice pools associated with acting for the cult are at -2 vant Manipulation dice pools are at +3.
and cannot gain Loresheets, Powers, or Rituals associated with
Advantage: (•+) Gardner—A variation on the Herd and Influence
this cult higher than Level 2.
advantages, mortal adherents feed you willingly if you actively
Flaw: [•] Apocryphal Texts—Your possession of these texts sug- teach and guide them and you gain a corresponding Garden as
gests you somehow approve of their dangerous sacrilegious follows:
content; in social combat involving the writings Willpower
At (•) Small Garden—1-5 mortals, the garden is only a few
damage dealt to you is increased by 1
potted plants in a small, private space.
Advantage: (•) Apocryphal Texts—Your possession of these texts
At (••) Growing Garden—5-10 mortals, 1-2 other Kindred, locat-
means you posses specialized knowledge; relevant Intelligence
ed in a slightly bigger private space such as a rooftop.
dice pools are at +2.
At (•••) Community Garden—10-30 mortals, 3-5 other Kindred,
Advantage: (••) Travelling Preacher—You have established
consists of about an acre such as a local park or green.
stumping routes, when travelling on them the difficulty to
avoid the Second Inquisition or Hunters is decreased by 1. At (••••) Sprawling Garden—30-50 m mortals, 6-12 other Kin-
dred, reaches across a large swath of land such as a city park
Advantage: (•••) Inspired Artist—Any art you craft with your
or country orchard.
cult’s symbolism or messaging has a similar effect as Awe: on-
lookers can resist with Composure + Intelligence vs 3. At (•••••) Major Garden—50+ mortals, 13+ other Kindred, ad-
herents may oversee Rituals and start Gardens elsewhere, it
covers a whole city or several rural towns.

Advantages & Flaws

CHURCH OF CAINE: (M) Children of the Blood p.97 CULT OF SHALIM: (cont.)

Flaw: [•] Schism—(Lasombra characters only.) Centuries ago a Advantage: (••) Insidious Whispers—You are familiar with the
predecessor of your Sire participated in the Night Clan’s sys- frailty that lies below ideals and the perilousness of the vam-
tematic purging of the Church of Caine; you are viewed with piric condition; Social rolls relevant to undermining a charac-
suspicion for this relation and your Social dice pools with ter’s Convictions 10s count as immediate critical successes
members of your cult are at -2. without needing to roll two.

Advantage: (•) Fire Resistant—After participating in the Sacra-

ment of Firewalking (Cults of the Blood Gods p.64) several
MITHRAIC MYSTERIES: (M) Children of the Blood p.98
times, your body can withstand exposure to flames generally;
convert Aggravated Damage from fire to Superficial Damage Flaw: [••] Failed Initiate—Although you may have failed in one
up to your blood potency. or more of the Seven Steps, you have been assigned a Mawla
who, rather than directly helping you, will scrutinize, criticize,
and challenge you at your inconvenience.
CHURCH OF SET: (M) Children of the Blood pp.97-98
Advantage: (•) Bargainer—Similar to Mithras, the god of mer-
Flaw: [••] False Alarms—A history of persecution has taught the chants, you are readily capable of assessing the costs and ben-
Church of Set to be alert to the possibility of attack; all failed efits of transactions; the difficulty of relevant rolls are at -1.
Awareness rolls count as total failures and the Storyteller may
Advantage: (•••) Bull-Slayer—Similar to Mithras, the Bull-Slayer,
name up to three people or objects you are now convinced are
you are tenacious; in each extended test you can reroll one die
watching you.
or two dice if your relevant Attribute is rated at least 2.
Advantage: (•) Go to Ground—You keep the means to make a
quick getaway; dice pools to evade pursuit are at +2.
NEPHILIM: (M) Children of the Blood pp.98-99
Advantage: (••) Fixer—As procurer of illicit goods and services
you can blackmail a former client once per story to your ad- Flaw: [•••] Yearning—You and your master have been separat-
vantage, but they are no longer accessible to you again. ed, whatever the reason, should you act in conflict with the
plans your master laid out you must spend two points of Will-
Advantage: (••) Vigilant—A history of persecution has taught
power or one point on each extended test; if you have no fur-
the Church of Set to be alert to the possibility of attack; a suc-
ther Willpower to spend your next action must be to fulfill
cess on a Wits + Awareness roll against an SPC surveilling you
your master’s plans.
or is about to ambush means you detect them and a failure
means you still possess the feeling of being watched. Advantage: (••) Archangel’s Grace—You are well trained in the
physical arts in the as taught by fellow Nephilim; you may use
your Performance Skill in lieu of Athletics and vice-versa on
CULT OF SHALIM: (M) Children of the Blood p.98 cardio-heavy actions.

Flaw: [•••] Empty—While it is admirable in the Cult of Shalim to

become hollow in emotion and in ambition, your emptiness is
disturbing to the uninitiated; your relevant Social dice pools
are at -2.

Advantage: (•) Gematria—The Cult of Shalim uses a coded ci-

pher in their written messages which you understand and use.

Advantages & Flaws

COTERIE ADVANTAGES & FLAWS: DOMAIN—(•+) LIEN: The ease of interaction between the do-
V5 Corebook pp.195-197, Children of the Blood p.100 main’s mortals with the coterie ranging from (•) +1 to die
Coterie Advantages and Flaws are generally shared among the pools on these tests to (•••••) +5. Does not apply to hunting.
coterie even if one member . Coteries can have the following Advantage: (•) Community Outreach—Earning goodwill from a
Backgrounds: community through donations or local improvements, you are
ADVERSARY, ALLY, CONTACTS, ENEMY, HAVEN, HERD, INFLU- recognized as part of the in-group; add one die to rolls when
ENCE, MASK, MAWLA, RESOURCES, RETAINERS, and STATUS. working with mortals in your domain.

DOMAIN: The area where you and your coterie can hunt DOMAIN—(•+) PORTILLON: The security of the domain against
intrusion and interruption ranging from (•) -1 to die pools on
Flaw: [•] No Domain—You must either poach from other do-
surveillance and infiltration tests to (•••••) -5. Does not apply
mains or receive a letter of passage from a Prince or other
to havens.
high official to reside peacefully in foreign domains.
Flaw: [•] Shared Vulnerabilities—A cult or other group within
your domain are lax in their security precautions which also
DOMAIN—(•+) CHASSE: The value of the domain as hunting impacts you, attempts to intrude on your domain are at +2.
ground ranging from (•) a city block to (•••••) three neigh-
Advantage: (•) Networked—You benefit from a resident cult or
borhoods or a large group of features.
other group’s security precautions, including guards and cam-
Flaw: [••] Disputed Domain—Somehow your domain has anoth- eras; you can access this security once per story.
er claim on it by a rival cult or other group and this is a cause
of deep angst; whenever you encounter this rival organization
you must roll to resist frenzy, subtracting one die for each sub-
sequent encounter until the end of the story.

Flaw: [••] Visibility—Your domain is or contains a space that is

the center of significant public attention or controversy, diffi-
culty on rolls to hunt is increased by 2.

Advantage: (•) Built-in-Flock—A cult or other group maintains a

front that attracts Kine to your domain such as a self-help cen-
ter or sponsored retreats locale, coterie members may visit
this establishment to feed once a week.

Advantage: (••) Mithraeum—Your domain contains a local

Mithraeum or other cult center and your coterie acts as en-
forcers for the cult’s protection racket in exchange for access
or resources; difficulty on rolls to hunt is decreased by 1.

Advantages & Flaws

GHOULS & MORTALS: Ghouls may not have the following Advantages or Flaws:
V5 Companion pp.46,54,59-60 DOMAIN, FEEDING, MYTHIC, or STATUS.
Mortals and Ghouls are restricted from gaining some Ad-
vantages and Flaws, though some are available only to these
characters. At storyteller discretion Mortals and Ghouls can ob- Mortals may not have the following Advantages or Flaws:
tain some Kindred-exclusive Loresheet Advantages even if they
do not provide any mechanical benefits. Also, certain circum-
stances may further negate the validity of certain Merits and
Flaws, such as by becoming a ghoul or receiving the Embrace.

GHOUL: (Ghoul characters only)

Flaw: [•••] Crone’s Curse—You aged suddenly by at least a dec-

ade when you first drank your domitor’s blood. You have one
less box on your Health tracker. This flaw may be negated up-
on an Embrace at Storyteller’s discretion.

Flaw: [••] Distressing Fangs—You have sharpened teeth which

look rather fang-like. Social pools involving mortals have -1.

Flaw: [•+] Baneful Blood—You experience the bane of your first

domitor’s clan from [•] Bane Severity 1 to [•••] Bane Severity

Advantage: (••) Blood Empathy—You can feel the emotional

and psychological state of your domitor if you are at or within
a mile distance. This does not allow for direct telepathic com-
munication. A blood bond is not required, but the effect feels
stronger with one.

Advantage: (••) Unseemly Aura—Your aura reads like you are a



Flaw: [•••] Weak-Willed—You cannot resist attempts to sway

you that use vampiric disciplines (such as Dominate or Pres-

Flaw: [••] Living on the Edge—If you have been confronted with
an opportunity to do something risky that you haven’t done
before, until you partake or the scene ends your Skill pools
have -2.


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