Name: Nnoli Uchechukwu Anne Registration Number: 18/law/110 Level: 300 Level Course Title: Canon Law Course Code

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1. Universal Law :
A law is universal if it states that some conditions, so far as are known, invariably are found together
with certain other conditions. That is, universal law refers as concepts of legal legitimacy actions,
whereby those principles and rules for governing human beings' conduct which are most universal in
their acceptability, their applicability, translation, and philosophical basis, are therefore considered
to be most legitimate. According to the Code of Canon Law, universal ecclesiastical laws are
promulgated by publication in the official commentary "Acta Apostolicae Sedis” unless another manner
of publication has been prescribed in particular cases.
Universal laws bind everywhere all those for whom they were issued.

2. Particular Law :
Generally speaking, particular law is the law governing a portion of a legal community. This term, as
used In law, is almost always opposed to “general,” and means either individual, local, partial,
special, or belonging to a single person, place, or thing.

The concept presupposes a legal community that is inclusive (universal) but subdivided. In the
history of secular law, it is commonly used for the local law in force in different territories against
the background of the common law deriving from Roman law.

In canon law (I, 3), it can refer to the law of particular churches (dioceses) against the background of
the law of the worldwide Catholic Church.

According to the Code of Canon Law, Particular laws are promulgated the manner determined by the
legislator and begin to oblige a month after the day of promulgation, unless the law itself establishes
another time period. Particular laws are not deemed to be personal but

3. Physical Person :
A physical person means an individual in his/her full legal capacity and enabled to act, as according
to the current law.

A physical person also known as a natural person is a term used to refer to any individual or real
person who has rights and obligations to society, just for the simple fact of existing.

Individuals are able to fulfil their obligations which they take when coming of age and are identified
by their name and surname. They also have other attributes to identify themselves, such as
nationality, marital status, and heritage.

4. Juridical Person :
A juridical person is a non-human legal entity, in other words any organization that is not a single
natural person but is authorized by law with duties and rights and is recognized as a legal person and
as having a distinct identity.

This includes any incorporated organizations including corporations, government agencies, and

The Letters of the Law :
The exact words of a law or agreement rather than the intended or general meaning. This can be
defined as the strict and exact force of the language used in a statute, as distinguished from the
spirit, general purpose, and policy of the statute.

The Letters of the Law is what is actually written in the law, rather than the moral principles on
which it is based.

The Spirit of the Law :

A person who follows the ‘spirit’ of the law has found its actual intent, while one who is tied to the
‘Letters’ of the law has missed its true meaning.

This can also be defined as the aim or purpose of a law when it was written.

Therefore, When one obeys the letter of the law but not the spirit, one is obeying the literal
interpretation of the words (the "letter") of the law, but not necessarily the intent of those who
wrote the law.

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