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Top stories NCAA Tournament in Sports

Japan pumps
radioactive water
from nuke plant
Tsunami survivors band
Nuclear plant worker recalls
escape: 'It went crazy'

'Our goal is to free this city

and all of Libya from tyranny'
NBC's Richard Engel reports
on rebels battling
f or Ajdabiyah, a city still partially
held by Gadhafi forces.

Dozens feared de ad as Syria Chris Trotman / Getty Images

violence sw ells
Kentucky knocks out Ohio State, tournament's top seed
Sleeping controller spurs policy shift

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Video Police : Suspect in Ga. office r's death s urrenders
Shortcuts Wis. union law published de spite court order

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HBT: Dice-K donates $1M to Japanese re lie f fund

Knick s lose 5th straight | Ce ltics stumble
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Bret M ichaels sues Tonys for brain he morrhage
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Marketplace VCU finis hes off Florida St. in OT, e yes m ighty KU
Kentucky KO's
Dating tourney's top Kansas s tom ps Richmond, breezes into Elite Eight
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U.S. & world Show 0 5 10 15 stories Move box

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Dozens feare d dead as Syria viole nce sw ells

Cops: 1 middle V ide o WikiLeaks

schooler shot, 1 Mega Millions jackpot clim bs to $312 m illion Tattered flag marks
divide d Libyan city
in custody Japan tries to pump radioactive w ater from
Nightly News
A 15-year-old boy w ho w as nuke plant Behind the
expelled this w eek opened V ide o Wall
Nuke plant w orker recalls narrow escape
fire at his central Indiana
Ne w generation Field Notes
middle school bef ore classes
Obama to address nation on Libya; talk s ope n tak es control of
began Friday, shooting
airw ays World Blog
another teen student in the Police : Suspect in Ga. office r's death
stomach, police said. surrenders Nightly News Wonderf ul
Man guilty in m achete killing, m aiming

Politics Show 0 5 10 15 stories Move box

Top headlines Multimedia BLTWY

Week Ahead: Latino population boom w ill have 2012 ele ction echoes V ide o New s
Grading Obama’s
Libya in focus, Obama to spe ak w ith Hill leaders on Libya
Libya crisis

but shutdown Analysis: Obam a's Libya w ar gives GOP an ope ning strate gy Video
looms First Thoughts: The handoff on Libya
When Congress returns next
w eek, its focus w ill be Libya, In Ga., Gingrich may find it hard to go hom e again
but the threat of a government
Barbour: Obam a not providing leade rship on Libya 10 Latino politicians
shutdow n is still very real.
to w atch
Wis. union law published despite court orde r

Business Show 0 5 10 15 stories Move box

Top headlines Multimedia & features T opics

Sw eet! Ame rica's top 10 brands of soda

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By John W. Schoen.

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Sports Show 0 5 10 15 stories Move box

Top headlines Multimedia & features T opics

VCU finishe s off Florida St. in OT, eyes mighty V ide o

Kentucky KO's KU
Some s urpris ing
tourney's top te ams pow er into
Arc: Kansas lives up to title-contender status
seed Ohio State Elite 8 Photos
Brandon Knight Arc: UNC's big me n thrive against Marque tte NBC Sports
knocked dow n a jumper w ith Scores
5 seconds remaining as the Lakers hold off Clippe rs for 6th straight w in
Sl ide show Odds
fourth-seeded Wildcats
Wade, LeBron too m uch for 76e rs | Bulls w in It's Madnes s tim e!
stunned top-seeded Ohio Matchups
State 62-60 on Friday in the Knicks lose 5th straight | Ce ltics stumble
East regional semifinals. 2/4
3/24/2011 Breaking News, Weather, Business, Healt…
PGT: Tiger's back in Bay Hill picture | Spik egate?

Entertainment Show 0 5 10 15 stories Move box

Top headlines Multimedia T opics

'Wimpy Kid' 'Sucker Punch' feels lik e one The Scoop

sequel falls Bre t Michaels sues Tonys for brain hem orrhage Sl ide show The Clicker

victim to hostile Nam e dropper? Lindsay ditching the Lohan Celebrity sightings
story Jam es De an mole station kept secret by Taylor
more photos
Unfortunately, this time the
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name. age give her
Watch 'Idol' shockers: Wonder, Hulk , m ore

Health Show 0 5 10 15 stories Move box

Top headlines Multimedia and features T opics

Praise the lard? Study links church to obesity

Teen author V ide o Health
shares her Judge allow s child visitation for paralyzed m om FDA approves new
sk in cancer therapy Women's
struggle with Opinion: Injured m om s hould get perm anent visitation
Nightly News health
epilepsy FDA to w eigh if food dyes m ake kids hyper Kids and
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8 w ays to calm kids' jitte rs in a scary w orld
publishing a novel that reveals Aging
her battle w ith the condition.'s Dara Brow n Diet and
has her story. nutrition

Tech & science Show 0 5 10 15 stories Move box

Top headlines Multimedia T opics

Control your ow n alie n 'Sw arm' V ide o

It's a death Space
Ne w generation
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Sk ype, robocalls being used by crooks for scam s
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Travel Show 0 5 10 15 stories Move box

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