Table of Tracts NCS

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N Name From Through To Nuclei Function

1 Fasciculus gracilis Spinal cord – Medulla oblongata Position of body in

posterior horn – nuclii gracili space, touch.
2 Fasciculus cuneatus Spinal cord – Medulla oblongata Position of body in
posterior horn – nuclii cuneatus space, touch.
3 Vestibulospinal Medulla oblongata Spinal cord – Balance and
– nuclei vestibularii anterior horns coordination of
4 Reticulospinal Medulla oblongata Spinal cord – Balance and
– reticular anterior horns coordination of
formation movements
5 Olivospinal Medulla oblongata Spinal cord – Olivaris Balance and
– olive. anterior horns coordination of
6 Spinocerebellar anterior Spinal cord – Superior cerebellar Cerebellum – Involuntary
posterior horn peduncles vermis movements
7 Spinocerebellar posterior Spinal cord – Inferior cerebellar Cerebellum – Involuntary
posterior horn peduncles vermis movements
8 Cerbellorubrospinalis Cerebellum – cortex Superior peduncules Spinal cord – Red nucleus, Muscle
Mesencephalon, red anterior horns dentate nucleus, coordination,
nuclei, tractus fastigii, globosus, balance, muscle
rubrospinalis embolformis, tonus, gravity,
olivary nucleus inertia.
9 Olivocerebellaris Medulla oblongata Inferior peduncles Cerebellum – Dentate, Olivary Balance
–Olive Cortex
10 Spinotectal Spinal cord – Mesencephalon -
Posterior horns tectum
11 Rubrospinal Mesencephalon – Medulla oblongata Spinal cord – Involuntary
red nuclei – olivary nucleus anterior horns movements,
Table of tracts of central nerve system

N Name From Through To Nuclei Function

12 Spinothalamic anterior Spinal cord – White comissure of Forebrain – Touch
Posterior horns spinal cord thalamus
13 Spinothalamic lateral Spinal cord – White comissure of Forebrain - Heat. Pain
Posterior horns spinal cord thalamus
14 Thalamicospinalis Forebrain – Spinal cord –
Thalamus anterior horns
15 Bulbothalamic Medulla oblongata Decusatio Forebrain – Pressure, innertion,
– Nuclei gracili et lemniscorum thalamus gravitation. (motor
cuneatum analyzer).
16 Thalamocortical Forebrain – Forebrain – Cortex
17 Corticonuclear Forebrain – cortex Crus cereberi Cranial nerve nuclei Voluntary
Pyramidal system
18 Corticospinal Forebrain – cortex Cranial nerve Spinal cord – Voluntary
nuclei, Decusatio anterior horns. movements.
pyramidum. Crus Pyramidal system
19 Corticopontocerebellar Forebrain – Pons – nuclei Cerebellum - cortex Coordination, body
Cerebral cortex pontis. Middle movement.
peduncles. crus
20 Pontocerebellar Pons – nuclei pontis Middle cerebellar Cerebellum - cortex
21 Frontopontinus Forebrain – Cortex Pons – nuclei pontis
– Frontal part
22 Parietopontinus Forebrain – Cortex Pons – nuclei pontis
– Parietal part
23 Occipitopontinus Forebrain – Cortex Pons – nuclei pontis
– Occipital part
24 Vestibulospinal Cerebellum – Inferior peduncles Spinal cord – Fastigi, lateral Vestibulation.
Cortex anterior horns vestibular
25 Medial longitudinal boundle Fossa rhomboidea Aqueduct Mesencephalon 3rd, 4th, 6th, 9th Conjoint movement
of the eyes.

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