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Individual Oral Structure with Support Questions

Examine the ways in which the global issue of your choice is presented through the content and form of two of the texts that you have studied.

Global issue
Intro ● Hook into the topic and introduce the global issue.

(1 min) Literary Work Non-Literary Text

Text Overview Text Overview

● Text Intro: What is the title, who is the writer, when was it ● Text Intro: What is the title, who is the creator, when was it
published? The first text I am going to discuss is... published? The second text I am going to discuss is...
● Overall, what is the literary text about? ● Overall, what is the non-literary text about?
● Background information - What do we know about the ● Poet information - What do we know about the poet? What is
writer? What is important to know for this text? important to know for this poem?
● Context: What background information do we need to know? ● Context: What background information do we need to know?
(allusions, politics, war, social norms etc) Are the contexts similar or different, and is that significant?
(allusions, politics, war, social norms etc)

Purpose and audience Purpose and audience

● What is the purpose of this literary text? The purpose is... ● What is the purpose of this non-literary text? The purpose is...
● Who is the text written for or aimed at? ● Who is the text aimed at?

Links and connections - Thesis statement

● What are the similarities and differences between these two texts in relation to the global issue?

→ Write your thesis statement following a similar pattern to your Paper 1 thesis statements. Make sure to include your Global Issue.
Some questions you might answer to create your thesis statement:

○ How is the Global Issue presented in each work, and what might this reveal?
○ By comparing the texts, what is exposed about the Global Issue?
○ Through a comparison of both texts, what element(s) of the Global Issue do we see being criticized?
○ By comparing the two texts, what do we better understand or see as a big difference within the topic and Global Issue?
Body of IO Literary Text - Mini Thesis (feel free to swap the order of literary / language texts)
How is the Global Issue presented in this text?
Literary Text What points will you discuss in this section?

(4 min) Topic Sentence 1

What is one main idea being communicated in the literary text? How does it relate to the thesis and GI?
Firstly, the text...

Examples Analysis
Identify a range of examples to support your first topic sentence. ● Identify the literary or structural feature within the
● What does the language tell the reader about the text and
the Global Issue?
● Why has the writer used this type of language or
● How does these texts fit in with the writer’s and creator’s
wider body of work?

All analysis should support your argument.

Topic Sentence 2
What is another main idea communicated in the literary text? How does it relate to the thesis and GI?
Additionally, the text...

Examples Analysis
Body of IO Non-Literary Text - Mini Thesis (feel free to swap the order of literary / language texts)
How is the Global Issue presented in this text?
Non-Literary How does this text compare and/or contrast with the literary text? What points will you discuss in this section?
Topic Sentence 1
(4 min) What is one main idea being communicated in the non-literary text? How does it relate back to the thesis?
Firstly, this text...

Examples Analysis
Identify a range of examples to support your first topic sentence. ● Identify the literary, visual or structural feature within the
● What does the language tell the reader about the text and
the Global Issue?
● Why has the creator used this type of language or
● What similarities and differences are important to point
out, particularly with reference to the Global Issue and
● How does these texts fit in with the writer’s and creator’s
wider body of work?

All analysis should support your argument.

Topic Sentence 2
What is another main idea communicated in the non-literary text? How does it relate back to the thesis?
Additionally, the text...

Examples Analysis
Conclusion ● Restate thesis / message / Global Issue
● How does the texts develop the wider ideas that the writers and creators were trying to communicate?
(1 min) ● Why is this topic or Global Issue important or significant? Perhaps relate to the context of what is going on in
the world (synthesize ideas).
● How are the concepts in the texts relevant or lasting to contemporary reader?

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