A(s) Lo) : B.E End Sem Examination May-2008 II

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Total No. ofPagels): 3 Roll No . 4.

FOURTH SEMESTER H.E. IECE/COE/EE/ICE) [a) The amplifier shown in Fig. -4 is biased at I DQ = ImA , and
B.E. END SEM . EXAMINATION, May-2008 has gm = 1m mhos. Find the valu e of Cs that places the
EC/COE/EE/IC-211 : ELECTRONICS - II corresponding pol e at 10Hz. What is the frequ ency of the
Time: 3 :00 Hr s. Max. Marks: 70 transfer function zero introduced by Cs? (7]
Note: Question No.-l is compu lsory. [b) Describe the workin g of a Wien Bridge Oscillato r. Determine
Answer any FOUR ques tions from the remaining qu es tions. the frequency of oscillati ons when different values of
Assume suitable missinq data, if any. resistances a nd capacitances are used in the circ u it. [7)
1. 5.
[a] Draw circuit d iagram of a Darlington Pair . Derive its cu rrent [a) Explain the wor king of a class B com plemen tary symmetry
gain, input impedance, a nd output impedan ce. [3] push-pull a m plifier. For the amplifier, deduce the following:
i) Co nversion efficiency (11)
[b) Derive the input impedance R'F and output impedance ROF
iiI Maximum collec tor dissipation (Pc max)
for a series-series n egative feedback configuration. [4] iii) Maximum power delivered to loa d (P, max)
[e) Plot the asymptotic magnitude and phase response curves for iv) Relation between Pc max and Pc max . [10)
[b) What are the advantages of class B amplifier? [2J
A(s) = 40(1 + silO) (3]
[e) Explain the problem of cros s -over distortion in class-B
amplifiers, and suggest a m ethod for its elimin a tion . [2J
[d) Derive conversi on efficien cy of a cla s s A Power a mplifier [a) What is meant by negative feedback? Calcula te the effect of
II With no transformer negative feed back on
ill Transformer cou pled version. [4] il Overall gain, (All
2. iiI Sensitivity
[a) Fo r the cascaded amplifier shown in Fig.-l , each transistor iii) Noise/Distortion reduction, and
has p = 100, r"t =1.0KQ, r,,2 = r"J = 0.5KQ . Determine iv) Bandwidth. [7]
(h) In the amplifier circuit shown in Fig.-5, the transistors have
the overall gain Av ~ - , ~=150, and lCQ=1.5mA each . Determine
il 13, T, AI, iiI RIF, ROF, R~F [7J
(7) 7.
[b) The di fferential amplifier s hown in Fig.-2 h a s J.l = 200, [a) What special fea tures the Power Regula ti on m ust have?
gm = 4 m mhos, for each FET. Determine RD and Rs s o that Explain, in detail, the working of anyone Power Regulator.
. [7]
IA DM I= 100 and CMRR = 80dE. [7] [b) With the h elp of n eat diagram, explain the working of an RC-
3. phase shift oscillator. Derive the frequency of oscilla tion and
[a] For the two-stage amplifier s h own in Fig.-3 , eval u ate the the m inimum gai n of the amplifier u s ed. [7]
upper 3dB frequency f H by using time-constant method and
a ssum ing dominant pole approximation. Data for Q, and Q, 8. Write short notes on ANY TWO of the following:
as shown. [7J [a] Crystal Oscillator
[b] Derive an expre s sion for the unity short circuit current gain [b) Effect of imperfect coupling and bypass capa citors in an
lIT) ·for a Common-Emitter amplifier. Discuss the physical [e) Miller' theorem and its dual
s ignificance of IT' [7] Downloaded from aglasem.com
[d) IC Fabrication. [2x7J
-----x-- ---

. 21"

1 I!
· R; ~ ~ :,
H9· .I (Q -< (q)) ~

r-r- -.--:....+Ycc ~Jn q , g~

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~/11'Q'), : ~ ti'~, ~q

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Total No. ojPages 2 RoUNo .


I [a] explain the physical significance of curl of a vector. Calculate VxA if

- Sin ~ _
A(r ,~ , z )=-,- ar 4
[b] State and explain (i) Stoke's theorem
(ii) Divergence theorem 6
[c] Transform the following vector from cartesion to spherical coordinates
_ XQ x + Y O y + Z Qz
A ( x .y .z ) = I 4
"Xl + y 2 +Z 2

2[a] Two concentric spherical shells of radius r = I and r = 2 have charge

distrib ution of 2C/m 2 and 4C/m2• Find (i) flux through r = 105m,
(ii) E at 3.5 m. 4
[b] Find the total electric energy stored in the hemispheric region
r 5, 2m, 0 <8 < IT,
where E = 2r sine . cos~ a,
[c] State and explain Gauss's law in (i) Integral form (ii) Differenti al form.
3[a] State and explain tangential, normal and oblique conditions for electric
fields at an interface separated by two media (P}> &}>uJ and
(p" &, ,u,) 7
[bl Two conducting plates are separated by a distance 'd' and are held at
potentials V = 0 and V = Yo' Find V, E and D between two plates in
the region with e, Hence, find the surface charge density p, on the
conducting plates . Downloaded from aglasem.com 7
4[a] State and explain Biot-S avart 's law for various distributed current
sources . 6
[b] An infinitely long coaxial transmission line carrying a uniformly
distributed current I on inner conductor (r = a) and -Ion the outer
conductor (r = b). Using Ampere's circuital low find magnetic field
intensity H at all points . Hence find the inductance per unit length of
~~ . 8

5[a] Derive continuity equation for time varying field. Explain its
significance. 4
[b] There exists a bounolary between two magnetic materials at z = 0
having /11 = 41lo for region I(z > 0) and /12 = 7/lo. for region 2(z < 0).
The surface current density on the boundary z = 0 is J, = 6ii, . If
Bf = lii, + 3ii y Sii, in region 1, find B, in region 2.
- 6
[c] Point out the significance of magnetic vector potential. 4

6[a] State and explain Maxwell's equations in their general time varying
form in (i) Integral form, and (ii) differential form. 7
[b] Derive wave equation in electric field in its general form. Give its
solution for time harmonically varying fields. Explain its significance
when the medium is (i) conducting (ii) non-conducting. 7

7[a] An electric field vector E of an electromagnetic wave in free space is

given by:
E X = E l = O' E y = 10 cos(wt - f3z)

Find all the components of magnetic field intensity H . 7

[b] For a medium with C5 =5 S / m. J.l = J.l,. 8 =S18,. find attenuation and
phase constants (a. and (3), wave length (t.), phase velocity (vp) and
depth of penetration (8). 7

8[a] Derive Poynting's theorem . Explain significance of each term. 6

[b] A uniform plane wave in air is normally incident on lossless dielectric
with E = 4 Eo and /1 = Ilo· Incident wave have maximum electric field
intensity of 10 VIm. Find, (i) reflection coefficients of E and H
fields. (ii) incident, reflected and transmitted value of E , H, and P.
Downloaded from aglasem.com 8
[b] (i) Consider the following array Total No. ofPages 4 Roll No .
40,55,20,30,50,15, 25
Show the contents of the array after each sort listed below:
(i) Insertion sort (after 4th iteration) END SEM EXAMINATION May-200B
(ii) Bubble sort (after 3nJ iteration)
(iii) Selection sort (after 4th iteration) 3 COE-213 DATA STRUCTURE
(ii) Distinguish between the following
-ofiles and Records Time: 3:00 Hours M ax. M arks : 70
-e-Sequential and Random access Note: Question No. ONE is compulsory.
-e-Text and Binary files 3 Answe r any FOUR questions from the rest.
Assume suitable missina data , if any. "
7 Write short notes on (any TWO)
[a] Heap sort Draw a picture of the directed graph specified below:
[b] Doubly linked list G= (V, E)
[c] Hashing 2x7 V (G) = {I,2,3,4,5,6}
E(G)= {(1 ,2), (2,3), (3,4), (4,5), (5,I ), (5,6), (2,6), (1,6), (3,6), (4,6),
For this digraph obtain the following:
(i) its adjacency matrix
(ii) its adjacency list representation
(iii) its adjacency multi list representation
(iv) the in degree and out degree of each vertex. 4
[b] Let E denote the following algebraic expression:
[a+(b-c)] 0[(d-e)/(f+g-h)]
Draw the tree T which corresponds to the expression E. 3
[c] (i)Show the pre-order, in order and post-order notation of the following
binary tree. A 3

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(ii) What is wrong with the following function? 2 [b] A recursive definition of multiplication is an follows :
Int wrong (NODEPTR : List) "{ u ifb=l
{ if ( list! = nu ll) u+b =
u+(b - l)+u if b > !
return (1 + wrong (list--7 next ));
How many times this recursive multiplication will be called for
multiplying 9+4? Show the position of stack . 6
return (wrong (list));
[e] In searching a list of n items, how many comparisons of keys are done ,
4[a] Consider the following tree:
on an average and in the worst case by
--7 Sequential search
--7 Binary search. 2
2[a] What are the advanta ges of circul ar list over singly linked list?
Perform the following operations on the circular list.
(i) Insert an element in the circular linked list.
(ii) Count the number of elements
(iii) Delete first element from the circular linked list. 8
[b] A linked queue Q and an AVAIL list maintained as a linked stack are
shown in the following figure . Tra ce the contents of the memory after
the execution of the following operations on the linked queue Q.
(i) Insert 567 and
(ii) delete the same
23 56 NULL (i) Write an algorit hm for
24 08 29 - Inserting an element in this tree
25 12 34 - Deleting an element
26 5 NULL (ii) Show how the tree will look after we insert node 4, 54 and 60
27 76 30 show how the tree will look after we delete 8, 23 and 50. Start with the
28 123 31 original tree. 10
29 09 33 [b] Define AVL tree. Give a suitable example of AVL tree and non AVL
30 .45 23 tree. What are poss ible balancing factors for any node of AVL tree?
31 23 26 4
32 56 25
33 78 28 5[a] Write a 'C' routine or an algorithm for insertin and deletion of an
34 123 21 elemen t from a B-tree. What are the appli cations ofB-tree? 8
[b] Wha t are the various techniques for traversing a graph, exhibit steps of
AVAIL : 32 Linked queue Q : Front : 27, Rear : 23 these techniques with exampl es. 6
3[a] Convert the following infix expression to postfix expression explaining 6[a] Des cribe the behaviour of the quick sort algorithm when the input is

ster ~a~ [isso~ c C + D) E:) IF);es,

already sorted? How would this be different if instead of the first
the E d -I: eleme nt, we selected the midpoint as the pivot value. 8
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Total No. ofPages 2 Roll No .


Time : 3:00 Hours Max. Marks : 70

1[a] Identify the prime and essential prime implicants for the following
S=f(a,b,c,d)=Im(l ,5,7,8,9,10,11,13,15) 2
[b] .Simplify using K-map
I=f(d,e,f,g,h) = Il M(5,7,8,21,23,26,30) + Il D(IO, 14,24,28) 4
[c] Design a combinational logic circuit to find the 9's complement of a
BCD number and implement the circuit using NOR gates only. 8

2[a] Design a transistorized (using npn transistor) monostable multivibrator

to generate a pulse of Oil uscc. 7
[b] Explain the principle of the EPROM and EEPROM. ' State the
difference between the two. 7

3[a] Using the Quine-McClusky (Tabulation) method, minimize the

function given below having don 't care tenus.
F(x,y,z) = nM (0,2,3,4,5,12,13) +don't care (8,10) 9
[b] Design a three input, one output minimal two level gate combinational
network that has a logic-l output when the majority of its inputs are
logic-l and has a logic-O output when majority of its inputs are logic-O .
4[a] Using OR gates and lor NOR gates along with a 3-to-8 line decoder
with true outputs realize the given functions.
f(x,y,z)= Il M(i,2,5), g(x,y,z)= Il M(O,4,5,6,7)
The gates should be selected so as to minimize their' total number of
input tenuinals. Downloaded from aglasem.com 6
[b] Explain the operation of Schmitt Trigger using BIT with the help of
appropriate circuit diagram. 8

5[a] Design a combinational circuit that accepts a 3-bit number as input and
generates an output binary number equal to square of input numbe r
using ROM . 7
[b] Explain a 4-bit R-2R ladder type D/A converter in detail. Describe the
various specifications of DI A converter. 7

6[a] Exp lain with the help of circuit diagram the operatio n of a TTL-3 input
NAND gate with tristate logic and the totempole output stage. 10
[b] Explain the following characteristics of the logic families
(i) Propagati on delay (ii) Noise Margin
(iii) Power dissipation (iv) Fan Out. 4

7[a] Design a synchro nous mod-IO counter whose counting sequ ence
correspond to 8, 4, -2, -I code using pos itive edge triggered T flip-flop .
[b] Th e following serial data are applied to flip-flop as shown in Fig. 1
What will be resu lting serial data that will appear on the Q output of
the flip-flop.
Assume initially Q=O and there is one clock pulse for each bit time.
J, = 101101 ; h =OIIIO IO; h=1111000
K,=OOOI I 10; K 2 110 1100; K 3= 1010101 3

J3 0-
Fl''}, i
[c] What do you understand by un iversal shift regis ter? Explain its
working with appropriate circuit and timing diagrams. 5

8 Write short notes on:

(i) Static RAM and Dynamic RAM
(ii) Dual slope AID conv erter and its app lication as V-F con verter.
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Total No. oj Pagers): 3 Roll No .
B. E . END SEM . EXAM I NATION, M ay-2008
Time; 3 ;00 Hrs. Max. Marks; 7 0

I Note: There are total 7 questions. Do any FIVE questions .

[aI 32 Voice com m u n ication channels are uniformly sam pled
a nd time d ivisi on m u lt iplexed. As sumin g that th e samp ling
t ech n ique is fla t to p sampling of pulses of 2 ~ second
d uration. If each pulse is being encoded by 8 -b it code find
i) The spacing between pulses.
ii) The transmis sion rate. [7)
lbl Consider a ra n dom proce s s x(t) given by
x(t) = Acos(wt + 0). where wand 0 are constants and A is a
random variable be tw een uniformly di strib u ted between 0
and 1. Find t he m ean and a uto-correlation func tion and
commen t wheth er the proces s is WSS or n ot. [7)
[al Find the d is tributi on function of a random variable y = g(x),
in term of th e distribution function of x. The d ens ity fu nct ion
of g(x) is shown in Fig. -1. 171
'd Ci-)
x- Co


lbl The mileage w h ich car owners ge t with a certain kind of

radial t ire is a random variable h aving an exponential
di stribution with m ean 40000 km. Find the probabilities
that one of these tires will la st
i) at least 2 0 0 0 0 km.
Downloaded from aglasem.com
iiI at m ost 3 0 0 0 0 km . [7J
3. Evaluate the performance of AM system with receiver using 6.
. envelope demodulator in the pres ence of white Gaussian Nois e . [a) Th e values of primary constant s of an open wire line per loop
[14] Ian are R=IOn, L=3.5mH , C=0 .008!lF and G=0.7 !l mho, for
4. si gnal frequ ency of 1000Hz. Calculate the following:
[a) A signal m(t) =2co s(200Jrt) + 4cos400Jrt is sa m pled with the i) Characteris tic Impedance.
s am pling frequency 8 00 samples/second . If the sampled ii) Ph a se Constant.
signal is pas sed through ideal LPF with cu t-off frequency of iii) Attenuation Constant.
600 Hz. What frequency com pon ent will appear at . the iv) Ph a s e Velocity. [7]
ou tput [7] [h) An open -wite transm ission lin e ha vin g 2 0 = 650L:-12° Q is
[h] Let x and y be independent random varia ble with densi ty
functions: terminate d by characteristic im pe dance at th e receiving en d .
If this line is connected to a source of in ternal r es is tance of
x <:O 300n, calcula te the reflection fa ctor a n d the reflection loss of
x <O the sending end terminal. 17J
and 7. Write short notes on the following:
3Y [a) MSK.
f (y) = {3e- ; y<:O [5 J
[h) Matched Filter. [5J
Y O ; y< O ' {c) PCM. [41
Find the density fu n ction z =x + y . [7]
5. -----x -----
[a) Find the optimum threshold a n d the probability of error , for
detecting equ ally likely signal s S, (t) = ~2E/T cos wi and

S2 (t) =~~E/T COS(WJ+") in AWGN u sing a correla tor

receiver. [7]
[h) Find the ba si s fu nctions u s in g Gram. Schmidt procedure for
th e s ign a ls sh own in Fig .-2 . [7] ,.


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