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and ecstasy all the time?

It’s not about avoiding drama and

Um, no.
It is about sex, lots and lots of great sex, if possible, but it
is also about love. Lots and lots of beautiful love. And, con-
trary to what many think, it’s about deeper commitment and
more responsibility. If you think one relationship takes time
and investment and effort, try three. A polyamorous lifestyle
requires considerable amounts of integrity, self-awareness,
courage, patience, and compassion, and the rewards are
Love breeds love.
Desire breeds desire.
In polyamorous relationships, each couple (or triad or quad,
etc.) makes agreements that make sense to them and their
relationship(s), which might be different than what works for
another couple or triad or quad. Still, the foundation beneath
all these agreements is honesty, responsibility, and integrity.
Honesty with yourself and honesty with your partner(s).
Non-monogamy can span anywhere from very casual sex
to deep meaningful relationships, and everything in between.
Every non-monogamous lifestyle, as long as it’s ethical, is per-
fectly fine in that sex-positive way, as long as everyone knows,
everyone is on the same page, and everyone is respecting
themselves and their lovers. This means taking care of your
own heart and taking care of your lovers’ hearts as well.
In the subculture of steampunk, many participants are iden-
tified as polyamorous or some other form of non-monogamy,
like swinging or kinksters in the BDSM community. There is
a lot of crossover between these communities. Steampunk has
a large percentage of non-monogamous individuals, as well as
other alternative lifestyles like BDSM and GLBT, because of
. 133 .

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