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Explain one argument in favor of the divine command theory of ethics and one

argument against that theory. Is it true that if there were no God, then everything would be


The divine command theory of ethics claims that everything is entirely dependent on God's will

and choices. Something is right or wrong only because it is deemed to be so by God's command.

An argument against it can be raised in a sense that what exactly is God's command and how it

can become known to people. Where is the proof of God's existence and therefore, his will?

Lastly, every religion differs in some aspects, which makes God's universality even more


On the other hand, God is considered to be superior compared to human beings that created this

world and everything in it, and as a result, he knows better what choices should be considered

right and what must be considered wrong.

No, even societies that are not very religious, have high moral and ethical standards, and law-

abidance centered rules.

2. Please explain. Do the gods have different conceptions about what is good and evil,

just and unjust? Why does this pose a problem for Euthyphro’s account?

Euthyphro Dilemma raises a question: do gods love something because it is good, or that thing is

considered to be good because it is loved by gods. Different religions have different views on

good and bad, so according to that the gods can have and do have different conceptions about

what is good and evil, just and unjust. Therefore, it poses a problem to this philosophical theory

because it raises a matter of subjectivity about what can be claimed good or bad, depending on

what god that person believes in.

3. Describe the challenge of developing a global ethical perspective in light of religious

and national differences.

The world we live in is extremely diverse and unique. Those religious and national distinctions

are what make it beautiful but at the same time ungovernable in the aspect of global ethics. The

challenge of developing a global ethical perspective embodies the point that our multi-national

world has a tremendous number of different cultures and traditions that mold people's believes

and views on a particular ethical question. Some countries or nationalities can view certain

actions are as bad when others find nothing wrong with that. Therefore, it is absolutely doubting

that a global ethical perspective can be developed due to the diverse world population and the

differences between our perception of ethics and moral values.

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